"Annie, Annie, come out quickly, something happened to your father."

"Dad—!" A skinny girl who was doing housework in the small and dilapidated log cabin threw down the dirty rag and ran out in a hurry. Her pale golden hair was like weeds, and she seemed to be fine. Glossy look.

The little face that was wet with sweat looked even more embarrassed and uneasy at this moment.

Seeing a tall man in black with bright red blood running down his trouser legs, the dark face of the other party was still snow-white, the girl couldn't help crying.

"Dad! Uncle Jie'an, what happened to my dad!?"

Seeing the girl crying, Jie'an shook his head, "Go and boil some hot water first, and bring the ashes and cloth strips, and I will carry your father back to the house first."

Jiean wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

He sighed, passed the malnourished girl, and walked into the dilapidated wooden house. There was very little furniture inside, even a table with a missing leg supported by stones, a wooden pier chair, and a thatch-backed table. Coming out of the "bed", Jiean carefully placed the weak man on the thatched bed.

After Annie brought all the things the other party ordered, he first sprinkled straw ash on the wound on the man's leg, and then wrapped it with a cloth strip. As for the hot water, it was for the man to wipe his body later.

"That's the only way to go. Whether Tom can live or not depends on what the Lord of Radiance wants.

This world is not without doctors, but doctors are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Especially in this era, the boundaries between common people and serfs are very blurred. Generally speaking, common people on the territory refer to those who will not be bound in one place and have People with autonomy, of course, encounter ruthless lords and nobles [Personal health is not personal.

Therefore, most of the common people are either merchants or some small nobles or knights and other gentry. No matter what the others are, they may become serfs in the end, allowing the local lords to squeeze blood.

This is an extremely dark society and era, some people are born superior to others, and some people are born inferior to pigs and dogs.

"How could it be!?" The girl covered her face and cried. Tom is the only man in the family. If Tom died, she couldn't imagine what would happen in the future. Of course, she was also very worried about her father's situation, but the future was even more frustrating. Just fear.

Jie'an sighed, he didn't know how to comfort the girl, thinking that he was also a serf.

Seeing the girl crying sadly, Jie An bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, "Annie, if Tom can't make it through tonight, you can run away in the dark. If you do this, at least you still have a chance." …”

A girl like Annie, who falls into the hands of those people alone, cannot get a jump in class just because of her beauty, and live a life of a superior person. After those nobles get tired of playing, if they have a good life, they will reward their subordinates and continue. As someone's plaything, if the fate is not good, maybe life is worse than death. I heard that some perverted nobles like to eat the flesh of young girls.


There were teardrops on Annie's face, she didn't wipe them off with her hands, but looked at Uncle Jie'an in surprise, her heart was in a mess.

If they could escape, someone would have escaped long ago, but in this era, where can they escape to!? The human army and the demon army are fighting outside, and there are man-eating beasts or monsters in the wild, not to mention that it is the same everywhere in this era. It's just another master who exploits himself!

Jie'an knew why the girl hesitated, why she felt uneasy, he smiled wryly and said, "At least outside, your life and death are up to you, you don't have time to hesitate Anne, those people will come tomorrow... ..."

"What happened, father, why was he injured!?" Annie shuddered when she heard that those people would come tomorrow, and then hurriedly asked.

"The lord wants to recruit strong men by force, but you also know the situation of your family. If your father is recruited, you will not be able to survive at all, so Tom went to discuss with the recruiter, even if you pay a little more food. The result..." Jie An sighed, it was impossible for those people to be willing to listen to what a serf said.

"After they beat Tom up, they heard that there was another daughter in Tom's family, so they ordered Tom to send you here, but Tom refused, and was stabbed in the leg by the other party with a sword, and if he refused to give you, he would die , They will still come to take you away tomorrow, Annie, you go away..."

"How could this happen!? Didn't you forcefully conscript a young man before? Brother Jerry has already left, so why do you want him again now!?" Annie murmured to herself in disbelief.

Jie'an shook his head, "I don't know, but I heard that the battle with the Allied Forces is not going well. I heard that the brave man has disappeared. Anyway, pack your bags quickly.

If Tom can live, I will take care of it, you better run. "


She looked at her father, whose lips were white on the thatched bed, who was murmuring unconsciously, and then at Uncle Jie'an, who dared not look at her, and nodded with difficulty after a long time, "I know


When it was dark, the village was completely silent and there was no light, except for the stars and the moon in the sky, there was only a relatively bright light in the lord's castle in the distance.

A thin figure walked in the shadows, moving little by little towards the outside of the village. She walked very slowly and carefully, because people in this age are more or less night-blind, and at night, it is no different from being blind.

This disease can also be called "the disease of poverty", because the poorer the people who can't eat enough, the more they will get this disease. Of course, some picky eaters will also get it.

Hearing some small sounds suddenly, the black figure squatted down in fright, trembling in the corner of the wall.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, it was the private soldiers of the two lords.

"Really, the vigil is too boring. I don't know what those adults think. They want us to guard the entrance and exit tonight. What else can happen!?"

"Be careful! It's not good to be heard."

"What are you afraid of!? Those big men have already slept with women in their arms at this time, how can they have time to eavesdrop!? Tsk, I don't know if we can get one this time, it's been a long time since I tasted a woman.

"Don't think about it, even if there is, it will only be a corpse. There is no one who comes out of there alive. The last time I took a breath is already a very incredible thing."

"Hahaha, corpses are fine too."


In the shadow of the corner where Anne was, she gritted her teeth and listened to the foul language of the two guards, with anger in her eyes, because her mother was also taken away by the lord, and she never came back after that, If she hadn't been young at that time, maybe she wouldn't have been able to stay.

Annie even wanted to rush out to tear these two bastards apart, but she knew that if she rushed out, she would be unable to do anything and would only get humiliated and tortured, so she endured it

Want to wait for these two guys to leave.

Just when Annie was trying to hide, two guards who were still talking and laughing suddenly suddenly shouted loudly, which startled her, thinking that she had been discovered, her body went limp, and her mind went blank for an instant .

"What, who!? Your uncle is Panda Man! You two are rushing to the street, and you can't find a good place to release the water. Didn't you see your uncle panda sleeping here!? I'm going to crush your balls!"

A giant panda stood up from the grass, the hair on its body was wet, and there was a foul smell. The other party was full of anger at the moment, and a pair of panda eyes stared directly at the small Flammulina velutipes carried by the two guards, showing disdainful small eyes.

"What is this!?" The two guards who didn't see the panda were stunned by the way. Because of the opponent's size and sudden appearance, Flammulina velutipes couldn't help but soften, and the dew dripping from it made their pants wet.

"Your uncle is nothing!!!"

The angry panda pounced on it, and its two big and thick bear claws directly attacked the lower body of the two people who had taken off their pants, focusing on the lower road.

The two guards are just ordinary people, and they usually bully those poor people who can't resist if they don't have enough to eat. How can they have any 143 combat experience, let alone such strange talking creatures? Come on, those who can speak human words can basically only be monsters, and they are still very advanced ones.

At this moment, the two guards who were extremely frightened didn't even know how to lift their pants, let alone run away or fight.

When he reacted, there was a sharp pain coming from below, as if something was shattered.

"Tell you to stay up in the middle of the night to pee, tell you to pee on Uncle Xiong, die!"

Seeing the two people screaming and covering their crotch and falling to the ground, the giant panda still seemed to feel puzzled that it was just two feet, and it was not busy cursing.

Think of him as a landscape party, who came to "Dawn" just to enjoy life, and specially made a panda shape, why is this!? Of course it is to blend in with nature.

As for the upgrade of monsters, or doing tasks, Uncle Xiong has no interest at all.

As a result, he just felt a little tired, so he found a place to lie down and squint for a while, and was urinated all over by these two stinky NPCs. He smelled the urine smell left on his body, and Uncle Xiong was furious, covering the two of them with his hands. Where is the crotch, and there are two more feet.

After finishing the fight, I felt instantly refreshed. I didn’t expect that the current technology is really so powerful. Thinking about him, he is already 70 years old. I didn’t expect that in this game, he could beat two strong boys to tears Father and mother, this Taijiquan is really not in vain.

Because she couldn't see clearly at night, Annie shrank even more when she heard the movement and screams over there. She seemed to see some tall black shadow appearing indistinctly.

"The demons..." Annie thought in despair, thanks to the propaganda of the church and the nobles of various countries, even the serfs were very afraid of the demons, thinking that they were cruel, cannibalistic monsters.

This has also caused that even if the guards are lazy and do not guard at night, no one dares to escape from the territory, because the army of the demon world outside is raging, and it is impossible to survive if they go out. .

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