"what happened!?"

At the Central Continent Conference, the representatives of the alliance countries were in a commotion, because they had fought back and forth with the Demon Realm Army in the past month, maintaining a balance in tacit understanding with each other, but suddenly there were continuous reports of The news of the defeat changed the faces of these high-ranking elders who were enjoying the war dividends.

"Those damned demons really want to take the opportunity to enter the country in a big way!?"

"Impossible. If there is a real war, the demons will not be able to persist. The military expenditure is too much, and they will not be able to bear it."

"But that's what they're doing now!?"


Some people were outraged by the sudden change of the Demon Race and broke the unspoken rules. It was agreed that everyone would maintain the war between the two races together, resolve the conflicts within their respective races, and let some of them enjoy more resources and offerings.

As a result, the demons now seem to be breaking the unspoken rules and really exerting their strength to capture the human continent. These old men who are content with enjoying themselves are really shocked and angry.

Of course, there are some people who are thinking calmly, because this matter is very strange. The information from the front line and other places only says that it is suspected of being a demon clan, and it seems that there are some traitors in it, leading the way and wreaking havoc everywhere.

The strangest thing is that the number is a little scary.

It's hard for these people to believe that the demons can send so many people. You must know that even if the demons are hiding, they can clear so many people from the barren demon world.

In fact, not only the elders of the Alliance of Human Nations are confused, but also the commanders of the demon world. The reason why this war between humans and demons has continued for so many years is precisely because the two The increasingly obvious contradictions within the party have shaken the interests of some people, thus turning internal contradictions into external contradictions.

The continuous need of the war will also consume resources, but it will also consume the population that is too large. Yes, the cause of all the problems of humans and demons at present is actually that in the previous peaceful environment, the population of the crazy growth is still not enough allocated resources.

If things go on like this, the future will definitely split, even the human continent, which itself has large and small kingdoms. The result of splitting again is to return to the primitive society, and the feudal dynasty is gone forever, because the nobles who hold the most resources are destined to be killed To share resources.

In the face of great death, the awe of nobles is really worthless.

Don't think that these fat pigs must be stupid. In fact, many people have already encountered such a future, but it is impossible for them to make changes and allocate part of their resources to civilians, so instead of Trying hard to find a way to make everyone rich and live together, these powerful people came up with a way to solve the problem if they can't solve the problem.

They are not very interested in invading the demon world, because the demon world is not as fertile and rich as the human world, and the environment is very harsh. Except for the demons who are born and bred there, it is difficult for human beings to survive on it, so even if It's useless to really occupy it.

The reason why they want to start a war is just to consume too many people.

Yes, in fact, the beginning of the war between the two races was initiated by the human side. Although it is unbelievable, in many people, it is another version, that is, one day the demons turned their attention to the human world, and were attracted by the wealth and wealth here. The comfortable environment was shocked, and then they were greedy and sent troops, bound to take the human world as their own.

But in fact, this is not the case. The demon world and the human world are actually different. They are indeed very barren for humans, but they can feed so many demons, and naturally they have their own set of ecology. Humans cannot survive because of themselves. It's just too weak by nature.

Moreover, the demon world does not have kingdoms to divide the continent like humans do. They are all ruled by the highest demon king, although this demon king is not the other demon king, and later let the weak chicken with no strength become the demon king, just like the queen of a certain country mascot, but generally speaking, the Demon Realm is relatively unified.

The reason why they also acquiesced in the stalemate between the two races of human beings is only because the high-level demons want to change the status quo, because there is not a race in the demon world. In fact, the demon world still maintains the law of the jungle. Struggles will be launched from time to time, and the population can be maintained at a stable number.

But because of the stability, the entire Demon Realm has stagnated for a long time, and there will be no further progress, which means that it is likely to perish in the future, and human beings suddenly sneak into the Demon Realm's attack

It ignited this worry.

That's right, when human beings develop further, it won't be far away for the demons to perish.

Without a better solution, they could only passively choose to maintain the war. Of course, in the process, they also discovered the reason why the human nations did this, and after understanding it, they readily agreed to maintain this balance. From the perspective of those high-level officials, doing so will slow down the pace of human beings, making it impossible for human beings to surpass the demons.

In fact, it's not that I didn't think about fighting directly, and taking the human world into my own. After all, the human world is indeed rich and the environment is much better than the demon world. This is a fact.

But, in fact, it can’t be done. Fighting with the human alliance consumes too much resources, and if we really fight, the population of the demons, which hasn’t grown for many years, will only become smaller. In the end, the demons are likely to lose. Therefore, the top leaders of the Demon Race simply cannot bear this consequence, so they acquiesced to the claims of the human nations.

At this point, a certain female demon king actually only sees the third floor. Everything she does is actually tantamount to subsidizing the local area. The peace she gets is likely to be the demise of the demons many years later, which she doesn't know.

Because she has never been in touch with this aspect before, so she can only see the relationship between resources and economy. She also studies this aspect, so she can't see it comprehensively. The reason for not liking her.

She can't save the demons.

Peaceful coexistence between humans and demons is wonderful, but the demon world is too barren, which means that the demons rely on the human world to support them. This kind of coexistence will definitely become a hidden danger in the future

Therefore, there are only two paths for the demons, one is to launch a real war and take down the human world. The second is to maintain the current balance, no one will take a step forward or take a step back, and both will die there.

As for the brave man, on the day he kills the demon king, when he returns to the human race and becomes a hero, it will be his death date, and then the human nations will spread the news of the brave man killed by the demon king, they need to avenge the brave man, and then the war will continue.

So this is also the reason why she chose a female devil queen who has no strength, because she dies when she dies, and she is just a consumable for this war like a brave man.

"Brave man, where did the brave man go!" [?" An angry king hurriedly asked when he saw the Pope of the church coming.

The old pope frowned, looked at the king of a certain country who was stopped by the people he brought, and said indifferently, "In fact, we have also lost news about the brave, since he left the brave team alone and said he was going to After killing the Demon King alone, we have no more news about him, and even the female magician who went to look for him is also missing.

The only good news is that the devil seems to be missing too. "

"What good news is that? Who doesn't know that the demon king of the demon clan is the mascot, as many as you want!?" The king of a certain country shouted angrily.

"Shut up! Can such words be said out loud!?" The faces of other kings or nobles changed drastically.

Only they know that the devil king of the demon world is a mascot, and absolutely no one else should know, otherwise it will be difficult for them to coax out a brave thug in the future, and the people may also realize the problem. The rule maintained by the war was quite unfavorable.

So in the original book, the news that both the brave and the demon king suffered a loss, in fact, neither the high-level officials of the demon army nor the high-level leaders of the human countries believed it, but the disappearance of the brave is indeed good news, because the strength of the brave has exceeded their expectations. It is really possible to rely on ten people to defeat the signs of the devil.

At that time, it really ushered in a comprehensive victory, which is not a good thing.

In fact, if the brave man hadn't left suddenly, the human kingdoms would have tried to poison or assassinate this generation of brave men, so a certain brave brother had actually escaped without knowing it.

The Demon King did save his life.

"I...I, but what should we do now? If we continue like this, we will still lose money!" The king of a certain country, who knew he was lying, stopped talking about the devil, and asked instead The issue of greatest concern at present is uncle.

The Pope paused while stroking his beard, then looked at other people and said, "The news from my side is that those people are not from the Demon Realm. It seems that the same situation happened to us in the Demon Realm. Maybe there is a third party involved. ."

"How is it possible, are there other worlds besides the Demon Realm!?"

It is said that the world is actually just a continent separated by the sea. Because it is too far away, it can only be traveled by means of teleportation arrays. Of course, you can also take a boat, but the sea in this world is very dangerous, even if it is Blue Star Modern warships cannot guarantee safety either.

In the eyes of demons and humans, the sea is mysterious and dangerous, and they even named it "the endless sea".

It is said that the Sea Clan lives in it, but of course no one has seen it so far.

"Could it be the Sea Clan, but isn't that a legend!? And those people can still act normally on land, which is different from what the legend describes!?" Soon someone speculated, but he was immediately rejected by himself up.

"It's not impossible, the endless sea is too mysterious, maybe we can send people to catch some people back, maybe we can get more information."

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