"The will of the world in this world is a bit interesting..."

When those three strange creatures met the giant rat, Zhang Qing also noticed the situation on their side. To be honest, since the public beta of "Dawn", this other world seems to have undergone some changes.

The most obvious thing is that those monsters seem to have become more powerful.

Even many Warcraft or animals have undergone mutations.

It stands to reason that most of the time the will of the world is in a dormant state, and all internal operations are executed by a set of rigid procedures, even if Luo Tianyi lives in the world of National Games.

The will of the world sensed the crisis, but it didn't show up directly, it just used the emergency mechanism.

In fact, the will of the world can be regarded as the artificial intelligence in a computer, but generally she is sleeping and growing silently, and the computer can run as it should. If there is a bug or poisoning, then turn on the anti-virus software in the emergency mechanism and the like to solve.

Obviously, perhaps due to the sudden appearance of a large number of outsiders, some backhands in this world have been activated, but it seems that because the real reason has not been found, currently for players, these mutated monsters do not have Very aggressive aggressiveness.

It may be nothing to the players, after all, they don't know what it is like!? Even if an NPC tells them that this is not normal, they will only think that this is the setting of the game.

It's just that the aborigines of this world are in bad luck. Because they can't find the real source of the virus, these mutated monsters regard all creatures as enemies and are very aggressive.

"Hmm... these three guys are quite unlucky, they encountered mutant monsters so soon." After observing for a while gloating, Zhang Qing simply threw away a hidden mission past book, which can be regarded as a reward or a reward .

[Ding—280——! The mutated giant rat in the field, the player village head, the player sledgehammer, and the player hunk trigger the hidden mission "The Truth About Warcraft Mutations", please accept it!? 1

[Note: This task is a unique task, once rejected, it cannot be accepted again. 】

The three brothers in the dormitory who were fighting with the giant rat were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect to be able to trigger a hidden mission, but of course the three of them would not choose to refuse as players, so they clicked to accept it immediately.

Then, while guarding against the giant rat, he checked the content of the mission.

"It's mutated, so it's like this. I said why the church would harm us for no reason. I'm afraid they didn't expect that this mouse can mutate!?"

"If you mutate, what should you eat, or come into contact with something incredible!? This is the setting in most stories, maybe we can refer to it." After the explosive head spit out blood, he wiped it with his sleeve. Willingly said.

"Don't talk about this, if you don't deal with the beast in front of you now, you will have nothing!?" The third elf reminded angrily, these two guys dared to distract themselves

"Haha, there's no way, the pain level of this game can't be canceled, if you don't distract your attention, it's really painful." Said the boss of the afro.

"Third brother, have you thought of a way, the boss and I can't last long, this big rat is too powerful." The second dwarf asked out of breath.

"This dead mouse keeps chasing and beating me for some reason, shit!"

The third elf looked at the giant rat with squinted eyes, and said calmly, "Not yet, you can try to greet it again, but I can't find a strategy that can specifically target its weaknesses."

The afro boss looked at his long sword with a gap, and smiled wryly, "I want to try flames, but the three of us are physics professionals, and the only mage, the fourth guy is not a birth point, alas. ..."

"Second, watch out for your tail!"

Hearing this, the dwarf's second child jumped up, just avoiding the other party's long tail whipping, "What the hell, is this mouse Pikachu, who can also use a steel tail!? It hurts to be whipped

"There's a river over there, let's try to lure it there, by the way, you two should be able to swim, right?" The elf's eyes lit up at this moment, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard the sound of running water not far away. happiness.

The other two were also very pleasantly surprised when they heard this.

"Hahaha, I used to be the little prince of butterfly swimming. Do you think I can swim!?" The afro boss also had a bright eye. When he got into the water, the mouse must be affected. Although the mouse should know how to swim, but It's not a fish, but in the water, it can't be so flexible.

"Let me give it a try, this beast seems to have hatred on me all the time." The dwarf's second child also understood what to do, and ran towards the direction of the sound of running water.

Sure enough, the big mouse also chased after it, and the boss and the third child also followed after seeing it.

"Plop!" Two sounds sounded, and the dwarf's second child and the giant mouse fell into the river one after another. To the surprise of the three, it didn't seem shallow, at least the mouse couldn't stand up.

"A beast is a beast." The dwarf's second child looked at the squeaking rat with a big mouth and laughed, then took a deep breath and dived.

The two people on the shore looked at each other, the one who shot sniper arrows, the one who picked up stones and the one who threw them picked up stones.

For a while, the big mouse could only grin at the two in impotent rage, but whenever it wanted to swim to the shore, the little dwarf would pull its tail and prevent it from moving forward.

Its flexible tail seemed to be soft in the water.

"This still won't work. Maybe the third child's physical strength will be exhausted first. Find a rope and ask the third child to tie the guy's tail, and then tie a big stone to the other end, and wait for death to push the stone down." Elf Elf San stopped the action of shooting arrows and suggested.

"Rope?!" The afro boss was stunned for a moment, then looked at the cloth strip on the third child, (caef) seemed to think of some terrible picture, felt that he shook his head and threw it out of his head, and finally took off his pants with a bitter face Belt, that's all I have..."

The third elf rolled his eyes, "Hurry up! I don't have many arrows left."

Just when three players were dealing with the mutant giant rat in a panic, the monastery of the country of the lake welcomed a guest, this is a strong old man with white hair.

A nun with blond hair, a braid, and freckles on her face froze for a moment when she saw the person walking into the monastery, and shouted in disbelief, "Master!?"

"Long time no see, Qin!" The strong old man eyed the blond woman in a nun's attire realistically, and then restrained the wretched expression on his face and said seriously.

The nun rolled her eyes, "You still haven't changed at all, by the way! Have you found the brave guy!? I don't believe he would die so easily, and it's very suspicious that he and the devil are both wounded and his whereabouts are unknown. "

As a female knight in the brave team, the nun is very aware of the strength of this contemporary brave. Even if he is seriously injured, the other party has mastered the teleportation magic, and it is easy to escape and recover from his injuries.

The old man looked seriously at the expecting female knight or the nun at the moment, shook his head, and sighed, "There is still no news about him for the time being, but you don't have to worry too much. It is best to have no news at this time." The good news is that the church actually issued a mission to find the brave man, those guys probably have no good intentions.

The female knight Qin nodded, "After the hero disappeared, the church and the nations ordered us to come back, and withdrew our power, and the hero team was forced to disband. At this time, suddenly looking for the hero, I'm afraid it's true. As you said, I feel uneasy and kind, and now I don't know whether to be happy that the brave man has no news, or feel sad that he has no news.

"By the way, did the female magician give her any news!?"

The old man still shook his head, "I haven't found her whereabouts in the Demon Realm, but she probably didn't fall into the hands of the Demon Race. It's very strange. I tracked her traces, but when I got to a certain place, I lost her trace. It's like Suddenly, it's as if the world has evaporated..."

"Have you noticed that there seem to be a lot of people on the mainland recently, and they dress up very strangely!?"

The female knight nodded, "There are a lot of people, I don't know why, suddenly there are many people, and they seem to have immortal bodies. After killing them, they will be resurrected after a while. From a human perspective, it seems that these people are a special kind of puppet, but to distinguish them requires very advanced magical strength.

"Golem!? The works of magicians and alchemists!?" The old man frowned when he heard the words, and couldn't imagine that the master was doing the trouble.

The female knight didn't care too much about those players, "Don't worry too much, those puppet people don't seem to hurt people casually at present, they usually only shoot at some heinous guys. Is there any special way for them to See if a person has done something bad."

"Well, that's really interesting, I'm afraid those guys are very angry and have a headache, no wonder we need to find the brave man at this time." The old man stroked the goatee and looked like this.

"Don't gloat, now the human nations and the Magic Association almost went to war, they suspect that someone from the Magic Association wrote it." The female knight rolled her eyes and said.

"By the way, you came to see me for something, right!?"

The old man smiled and said, "Can't I visit you if I have nothing to do!? Really, I really care about my teammates, especially my female companions."

"Okay, okay, take back the sword, really, you can't even make a joke, the old man came this time to tell you, be careful of His Majesty the Pope, I found some terrible things in the Demon Realm, I don't think you should be too It is better to trust the church."

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