
After the players and the guards of the wintering village swept across the surrounding small territories, they marched towards the earldom.

In fact, the human kingdoms practice the enfeoffment system of nobles, that is, the king is nominally the largest ruler and owner of the territory, and the marquis goes down layer by layer. The marquis divides the four major regions of the kingdom, and then the earls in the four major regions The first earl owns a piece of territory, and those with lower titles are divided again.

The smallest territory in name is a baron, who owns a village. This is how Zhang Qing, the lord of Overwinter Village, thinks he is a baron. His territory is also managed by Earl Lando in name, and he needs to pay taxes every year.

The private soldiers of the small nobles along the way were not vulnerable at all, but the army of players was brave and fearless, and it could be said that the whole journey was overwhelming. Within a few days, all the territories of the lords around the winter village were defeated.

But soon they encountered resistance, and the flood stopped them.

Yes, even though the coalition forces of the human nations are fighting against the demon army on the front line, there are still very powerful warriors or magicians among the personal soldiers of the great human nobles

It can be said that the players and the guards of the overwintering collar only saw spellcasters when they reached the earldom. There is no way for magicians to be a profession that values ​​talent very much. Many, ordinary nobles can't afford to support them, let alone mid-level and high-level magicians.

Compared with straight-forward swordsmen, wooden warehouse soldiers, archers, etc., magicians are too hard to defend against, and the power of various magics is very strange, which makes players suffer a lot, even if they can be revived infinitely, But it was also unable to defeat the earl's private army on the opposite side for a while.

There is no way, there are only 100 players in the first test, and they only played for a month longer than other players. Magic patterns or equipment require a long period of glory points, so in general, the overall level and strength of players in this world is still relatively poor, and the highest can barely reach the middle class.

If the ceiling combat power of this world is defined as level 100, then the brave is undoubtedly close to level 100. For players, the current highest level is only level 30, and because the combat experience is not as good as that of the aborigines in this world That's why, if you compete at the same level, if you don't play tricks, you will be beaten by Shifang.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why "Dawn" can overwhelm other VR games. It is the realism of fighting. Unlike other games, players only need to click the skill button. The combat system of "Dawn" is not controlled by the system. , is completely the same as in reality, and because of the existence of the magic pattern system, players can play many tricks that cannot be realized in reality, just like the characters in TV dramas and movies with special effects added.

This fighting mode has also made the martial arts style popular in Xia Kingdom in the real world. In order to be able to kill the Quartet in the game, many people even sign up to learn in many martial arts gyms. Even in the park in the morning, you can see many young people and The old man did Tai Chi together.

In the news, from time to time, you can see news about young people or old men bravely capturing thieves. To be honest, the wrong idea of ​​the people in Waiguo that everyone in Xiaguo knows kung fu seems to have been unintentionally realized.

However, some underage children are very complaining, because they want to enter "Dawn" to kill the Quartet, they seem to have several years of hard work, and those games used to be able to register with their grandparents' ID cards, but "Dawn" even attracts the elderly. These retired elderly people are swept away in the game. The frailty of the real world is exhausted, and they all seem to return to their youth. It can be said that these elderly people are actually the most enthusiastic about this game. people.

The degree of addiction is not comparable to that of young people. There is no way that young people have to go to school and work. They are different. They have nothing to do and can spend a lot of time in games. These elderly players are actually more naughty than those young people. Tian Zu's old urchin.

Take that [angel] as an example, he thought he was a 70-year-old retired old man, a highly respected old professor at the Agricultural University, but look at his absurdity, who would have thought that this old man who is serious and serious in reality!?

Just when the army of players was being beaten back steadily, a young man wearing a mask defeated all the strong men of the Earl. The process was very fast, and almost none of the strong men that made the players helpless Being able to make the opponent make a second move, they were all taken away by a wave.

Seeing the opponent's flowing swordsmanship, many players grew their mouths.

Of course, these players know this young man who is supposed to be the bodyguard of the Red Bachelor. In fact, not only Marlene guessed that he actually eloped with the red-haired lady and fled to Overwinter Village, but also many gossiping players. It was guessed, and they even called the two "Romeo and Juliet" behind their backs, filling their brains with a bloody love story.

It's just that now seeing the opponent's great power, the players were all surprised. They never thought that this little boy was actually a strong man, and he was also a super strong man, so he was even more curious about his identity. The identity of the red-haired female scholar also became curious.

No one would guess that he is a brave man, as long as it is a red-haired female devil, she does not look like a devil at all. Although many works in the real world have female devils, in fact, the image of the devil in most people's minds is an ugly male, while female The devil king is really beautiful, and his figure is very foul, and he also has the image of a weak woman with no strength to fight. If you can associate her with the devil king, how crazy is it!?

The brave didn't kill these people, he just knocked them out, and then asked the players to tie them up and lock them up, but he was still a little angry inside

It's not for the players who whispered about his true identity, but for the great nobles of these human kingdoms.

He had been able to deceive himself before, thinking that the Demon King might have exaggerated the high levels of the human kingdoms, but in this remote area, even far away from the battlefield between the two races, a small earl still has this level of strength. It really made the face of the brave man look very bad under the mask.

You must know that the frontline army has lost countless low-level soldiers who have gone forward because there are not many strong people. If these strong people can join, then there may not be so many people dying in many places.

Although the brave man was persuaded by the demon king, and now he hopes that the two races can let go of the war and coexist peacefully, but the brave man who used to be the sharpest knife to kill the demon race before, still feels sad for those dead human race compatriots in his heart. So without waiting for his companions, he went to the devil's castle alone, just to end the war as soon as possible, so that more innocent people can live a stable life again.

0 Seeking flowers……………

However, he never thought that many people on the human side did not want to end the war, and maybe even the several victories of the demon army were intentional, just to create a kind of back and forth between the two sides, or A very strong and terrifying sign of the demon army.

The brave man who couldn't bear the nobles being tortured and killed by the players at first, now has no such compassion. Even if those nobles appeared in front of him now, he might put away the knife and grab the player's head.

"Devil King, you are always right..." the brave put away his long sword, looked up at the sky, and murmured with a long sigh

"The script of Romeo and Juliet is wrong. I think they should be the story of the Juggernaut abducting the church saint."

"No, no, your guess is wrong. There is no rumor of the saint's disappearance at all. I think the groom's son should have abducted the princess."

"You are even more outrageous. Why is it impossible for a saint? It's a scandal that the saint was kidnapped. It's not surprising that the church blocked the news. When you come here, it's the groom's son. Whose groom's son is?" Juggernaut!?"


He was lamenting the brave man, and when he heard the louder and louder arguments from those players, he couldn't help but draw a few black lines on his forehead. The more these guys guessed, the lower his identity became.

And in every story, it seems that he just saw the lust and abducted the beautiful and noble demon king.

But obviously the truth is that the devil abducted them, aren't these people a bit too patriarchal!?

The most outrageous one even guessed that he was actually a woman disguised as a man. If you are blind, you don't need the eyes, and he doesn't mind doing it for you.

Also, he is not a good-for-nothing for the earl's daughter to resign, nor has he ever called out bullshit such as "Thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river, don't bully the young and poor!"? He wears a mask, not at all because he is afraid of being recognized by his former in-laws , similarly, it wasn't because they didn't work hard before, but now they do it because they are eager for revenge.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but want to kill these out-of-the-ordinary golems.

"Not at all, I'm just a simple guard." The brave man was angry at the player who was so bold as to come and ask him himself if he was what they had guessed.

"Not the son of a groom, nor the son of a prostitute, nor a female magician disguised as a man! I don't have any special identity..."

In the end, the brave man gritted his teeth and spit out the words word by word.

After driving away these boring players, I was a little tired. I went to the logistics manager to see if there was any need for help. After all, I had captured so many sites at once, and the outstanding graduates from the Yuedong Village School were not enough. Yes, he has been educated anyway, although he has always said that he looks like an idiot compared to the devil and the lord Zhang Qing, but the brave is not really illiterate and incomprehensible. If so, of course he will not be swayed by the devil's words.

It is precisely because he can understand that he can be persuaded. .

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