Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

590 The Beast, The Fallen And The Evil!

After reaching the second grade, the students of Tianjian Academy can be regarded as truly stepping into the cruel world of awakeners.

Come out of the greenhouse and experience this unhappy world.

Although the country keeps most of the dangers out of the country, it does not mean that there will be no dangers in the country, otherwise so many people would not die every year.

As the greatest enemy of human beings——Yan Beast, in fact, human beings don’t know much about it. They only know that the other party suddenly appeared one day, and then brought endless suffering to the world, and also caused the conflict between human countries. Connections become less intimate.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to travel between countries in a safe and sound way, and electromagnetic signals, etc. are disturbed, and cross-border communication is very long. If there is no scientific and technological foundation, and the emergence of awakened people, I am afraid that the entire world of human beings will return to the wild. era.

What is a dye beast!?

Many people have basically only heard of the other party's name. As for the text description, especially the appearance, etc., they don't have it. Only after becoming an awakened person and entering the universities in various states, will someone tell you what the dyed beast is like exist.

It can't be seen or heard. Ordinary people will go crazy and have a nervous breakdown the first time they see it. If they survive undead, they will be polluted by the pheromones on the opponent's body and become a part of the opponent, that is, GR or degenerate. The most notable feature is that it drips like ink into the water cup and turns the clean and transparent water turbid, so it is named "Dyeing Beast".

The fallen ones not only refer to the victims who were polluted and assimilated by the infected beasts, but also those human traitors who took the initiative to seek refuge. This is the most difficult thing to guard against within the human being, and it also hurts the human being the most.

Similarly, the pollution ability of the dyed beast is not only aimed at intelligent creatures. If some dead objects are in the opponent's breath for a long time, they may also give birth to evil spirits and become vicious. Yes, it is not a demon or a monster, but a kind of It is more like the existence of the magic weapon in Xiuxian novels, except that the magic weapon has a spirit - it is replaced by a weapon spirit.

To put it simply, the beast is the god, the fallen is the believer, and the evil is the creation of the gods.

Because the fallen do not have a divine map, evil can actually be said to be a divine creation that exists to make up for the lack of a divine map between them and the awakened. Therefore, the appearance of the fallen will often carry one or two vicious things. The fierce fit, the stronger it is.

As a student of the academy, even if it is a rookie king of each class, the training tasks in the academy cannot have the kind of tasks that go abroad, and basically only deal with those fallen people in the country.

Of course, being able to accept tasks of that level also depends on the strength of the individual or the team.

"Didn't sleep well!?" Zhuge Gou looked strangely at Ni Yuehua who was yawning next to him.

At this moment, the suspension car that the three of them were riding was heading towards the mission location at a subsonic speed. Outside the car window, there was no way for people to enjoy the passing scenery [it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ni Yuehua nodded, "Well, I talked with my parents for a long time last night..."

Zhuge Gou raised his eyebrows, seeing that Ni Yuehua didn't want to say more and didn't continue to ask, "Then you should sleep for a while, even if it is a suspension car, it will take a time or two to travel.

Ni Yuehua smiled apologetically and did not refuse, she leaned on the cushion and closed her eyes.

She is indeed a little tired at the moment, of course it is not because she is tired after talking with her parents for too long, as an awakened person, her energy is far beyond comparison, even if it is the first awakened human realm awakened person, it is not a problem if she does not sleep for three days and three nights Yes, let alone Ni Yuehua, who is already in the military, it is estimated that he will be fine if he does not sleep for half a year.

I have to say that Ni Yuehua deserves to be an S-level talent awakener. When most of her peers are still in the second-level soldier level, or the third-level general level, she has already arrived at the fourth level.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with other schools' emphasis on talent level, because people with high talent level do have a much smoother journey than those with low level talent, which can be described as rapid progress.

The reason why Ni Yuehua feels so tired now is actually very simple. After communicating with her parents last night, she learned that her younger brother Ni Hao has also become an S-level talent awakener. As a talent awakener, even if one of Ni Hao's talents is only the lowest level D, it still cannot erase the fact that he has an advantage over others.

Naturally, Ni Yuehua will not be jealous or see her brother's good thoughts. She is also happy for her brother Ni Hao, but at the same time she is extremely worried. During the one year of studying at Tianjian Academy, she has long been interested in the world of awakened people. He is no longer a novice, and the danger inside is very clear.

The tree attracts the wind, too good talent is not necessarily a good thing.

With a talent comparable to the top SS level, I am afraid that not everyone wants him to live.

Not to mention those fallen people lurking in the country, even those awakened people in other countries may not necessarily hope that there will be another emperor or emperor in the Dragon Kingdom.

Yes, even at S rank she can only guarantee the potential to become a strong king, but the legendary SS rank has the potential to break the king and become the emperor. If it is said that the probability of A-level becoming the king is 20%, then S-level is 50%, and SS-level is 90%.

If you want to go one step further to become the emperor, then the S rank only has a 20% chance, and the SS rank has a 50% chance.

It is conceivable how many people are unwilling to see the birth of a future pillar of the Dragon Kingdom who is bound to become a king and has a half chance of becoming an emperor.

After Ni Yuehua was overjoyed, she was just worried, so she activated her [One Hundred Years at a Glance] innate ability to see if her family was still safe in the future.

To her relief, her parents are still alive and well, just like the last time they saw them.

But Ni Yuehua still couldn't see the future of her younger brother Ni Hao. Even if she kept squeezing the energy in her body, she still couldn't get a picture of the future. When she finally regained her senses, it was already dawn.

Although he didn't understand why this happened, when looking at the future, seeing that his parents didn't feel the pain of losing their children in the future, Ni Yuehua could only comfort himself that maybe it was because of his lack of ability.

Zhang Qing, who was sitting in the front row, looked angrily at the little idiot Yinyin who kept stuffing food into her mouth, and suddenly regretted adding a simulated digestive system and taste system to her new body. Yinyin, who lives on electricity, seems to be in love with human food now, which makes Zhang Qing, who is not rich in the first place, feel a little heartbroken for his wallet.

Naturally, there was no time to worry about the two female teammates sitting in the back row.

●Ask for flowers 0

At this moment, he was already thinking whether he should take the opportunity to stay outside for a while and think about how to make money, otherwise he might not be able to survive the day of graduation.

After the three of Zhang Qing left Tianjian Academy, the senior management of Tianjian Academy couldn't help sighing when they learned that the three of them formed a team to take on the task and went out together.

There is no way these three guys are too out of gregarious.

The class they were in became the only class that didn't build their own king power. Yes, the detached villa where the newcomer king lived, in fact, there is another name called "The Palace of the King". It can be said that everyone lives here The rookie king will eventually become the king.

And the team he formed, naturally also rose with the tide, and won the honor.

Because the king will not be inferior to others, it is rare for other kings to get along well together. The reason why the senior officials of the school arranged the three of them to live together was to let them fight, but the result was that the three formed a A squad, which was not expected.

There is actually no loss for the school, but for the students in the same class as them, this is not the case. It means that they have lost a chance to hug their thighs for nothing.


The three of Zhang Qing received a C-level mission. Of course, because it was a mission from a school, the mission location would generally not leave Wujian State.

Task levels are divided into: S-level A-level, B-level C-level, D-level and E-level.

S-level corresponds to tasks that can only be handled by kings, A-level corresponds to spiritual-level tasks, and C-level corresponds to military-level tasks, which means that Ni Yuehua can theoretically complete them alone.

But theory is theory. In fact, students who lack combat experience and other aspects should often regard their level as the first level.

Overconfidence is often the main cause of death.

Every year after the Awakening Ceremony, it is the most active time for those who have fallen. After all, those who failed to awaken, there are always some people who are not willing to be ordinary. For many people, the world of the awakened is beautiful.

So at this time, these losers are at a time when they are very easy to be led astray.

The authorities know but there is nothing they can do about it. They can’t restrict the freedom of those people, and there are not so many people who monitor one-on-one. The number of awakened people is too rare compared to ordinary people. Ordinary students who fail to awaken every year occupy 90% of the total number of students, given the huge population of Longguo, one can imagine how many there are.

It is okay to send ordinary people to monitor these losers, but once they encounter those corrupt lobbyists, ordinary people basically have only a dead end.

Fortunately, the fallen ones did not dare to go too far, challenging the majesty of the Dragon Kingdom, and there are not many people who can make up their minds to become fallen ones. After all, once they choose this path, it means giving up everything. easy job.

Everyone shouts and beats the fallen, and they can't see the light. To become such a street rat for the sake of strength, this choice itself is painful.

If there is no trouble, the authorities will not be able to find you, but once there is trouble, then someone will naturally take care of it. The same is true for the tasks of the school.

【The author has something to say: I can't do it anymore, my head is a little dizzy, and I always feel that my brain is not working well when I write. ten】.

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