In a small town in Yunhai Prefecture, Tianjian Prefecture.

A little girl about twelve or thirteen dragged a big snakeskin bag and pushed open a crooked wooden door. As she walked, there was a messy sound between the bag rubbing against the ground.

The girl dragged the bag, which was almost the size of her body, to the courtyard and put it down, then wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, but it was because she was a little dirty at the moment

With this wipe, the entire small face instantly turned into a little cat face, as if it had been scribbled on the face with paint.

In the corner of the yard, there are several big, bulging bags.

Seeing so many piled up, the girl couldn't help but sweep away the tiredness on her face, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

In the next room, in a broken window, a boy about seventeen years old was reading a book in a daze. The window glass was full of cracks. Qing people, not to mention a hole was pierced in one place, and it was pasted with paste and newspaper.

The little girl glanced in the direction of the room and saw that her brother was studying at ease, so she didn't dare to make too much noise for fear of disturbing him.

After all, after failing in the awakening ceremony two days ago, most senior high school students "seven five three" can only prepare for the college entrance examination.

The little girl's brother is no exception.

To survive in this world, all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters follow. The little girl and her brother became orphans because of this, but they are better than those who were born orphans. They at least get along with their biological parents. However, after the unexpected death of their parents, there is still a home that can provide for the two siblings to live in.

As for why the parents passed away!?

There are many, some are suddenly encountered in bad weather, some are in a car accident while walking, some are many people who met the fallen and became victims, and some are just.

The little girl's parents are just one of them. Fortunately, they don't have any enemies, but unfortunately, they were killed during the earthquake. If the two brothers and sisters should have a target of resentment, it can only be this world Itself or God.

There are too many people who die every year due to various accidents, and how many orphans are newly added every year in the entire Dragon Kingdom!? If they have to be given enough allowances for food and clothing, the annual cost will be an astronomical figure, enough to depress The entire Dragon Kingdom was destroyed, so the social security provided by the government was very low, and even children may not be able to eat enough every day.

Not everyone's parents will leave a legacy, or buy accident insurance before their death.

When you think you are miserable enough, there are always people in this world who are more miserable than you.

Fortunately, because of the appearance of dye beasts, the connection between countries in the world has become less close, and the circulation of resources has become very difficult. This has also caused the major countries that still exist in the world to basically try their best to form a closed loop. That is to say, resource reuse.

This has also led to the emergence of scavengers who pick up garbage to make a fortune. Metal, wood or other materials can be reused. You just need to pull them down without fear of embarrassment, so at least you won't starve to death.

The little girl and her elder brother are such scavengers, but compared to those adults, they only have time after school, so naturally their lives are miserable.

The elder brother in the room saw his younger sister turned around and walked towards the kitchen. He seemed to be planning to cook, so he immediately put down the book in his hand and looked at the sky outside with hollow eyes. He couldn't see anything clearly.

He can't read the book either.

Not becoming an awakened person was a big blow to him, and he couldn't just let it go if he wanted to. You must know that for a family like his, becoming an awakened person is probably the easiest and fairest way out.

The college entrance examination is really difficult. Tens of millions of students compete for several universities, and there is only one in ten million or even less chance of becoming one of the lucky ones. This is difficult for those students whose families enjoy more resources. What's more, his family relies on scavenging to get enough to eat!?

After waiting for so many years, I always hoped that I could change my fate at the awakening ceremony, but fate still did not favor him. His life was like the awakening stone tablet, without even a spark.


The pressure of the college entrance examination, looking at his sister's unfit and worn clothes, he suddenly wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry, he was afraid, he was afraid of being heard and seen by his sister.

"It's very desperate. Look at yourself, look at other people outside, those guys who have successfully awakened must be having a big feast at this moment, singing and dancing..."

"Damn, their laughter is so harsh."

"Why do I have to struggle at the bottom as a human being, and the more I struggle, the more I get stuck in it, and I can't see any hope!?"

"Shut up those laughing guys and go..."

The young man's consciousness suddenly became a little trance, he seemed to hear someone's voice coming from his ear, the other party seemed very kind, he felt his body seemed to be light at this moment, and the burden on his body and heart was lifted. The child seems to have disappeared.

Following the description of that voice, the young man seemed to have seen the scene of his classmates who had successfully awakened at the moment. They were all smiling happily, surrounded by many people congratulating them, their eyes seemed to have lights, and the whole person It also radiates light.

It's different, it's really different, people are different, compared with them, I don't even deserve to be called "human".

Just being alive feels exhausting.

"Look at this little guy. When he was in school, he was the kind of guy who got by and didn't make progress. Every time he took the exam, he was a scumbag. He ate, drank and had fun all day long. You envy him, but you despise him very much. You think he is like this. If you don't work hard and don't want to study, you will definitely regret it in the future, but you, who worked hard and desperately, became a loser, he...

"He is a master with B-level talent. You despise the other party, but the other party has never seen you in his eyes. Your existence and your efforts are too ridiculous for him. 17

..." The young man couldn't help showing resentment, the rich second generation who ate, drank and played all day long, and slept on the desk when he was in class, he must not remember him as a classmate at all, right? Even if someone asks about it many years later, they will still say, "Is there such a thing, sorry, maybe his sense of existence is too weak, I can't remember it. "

The top few top students in the class, in exchange for an evaluation with a low sense of existence..0

It seemed that the other party had never really taken him seriously.

"Why!?" Because he is poor!? Because he has no father, no mother, no support!?

"Ah, why on earth!? Jie Jie Jie...Because, some people are pre-determined from the beginning, you don't think that awakening is really random and depends on luck, ha ha ha, if it is true If so, why the other party has never been nervous, you must know that in the other party's situation, they will never pass the college entrance examination."

"He, he knew from the very beginning that he would definitely become an awakened person. This is known to the top leaders of the Dragon Kingdom. He just deceived the people at the bottom. Everyone has a chance. It turned out to be just a scam. It was a trick to stabilize the hearts of the people. The scam made the people willingly pay to maintain order.”

"The evidence is that the high-level people in the country have never come from the bottom-level people. I think you have also discovered it."

Yes, I found out. I have never heard of anyone from a poor family. It turned out that everything was a scam. Damn it, I was deceived. I foolishly hoped that one day I could change my destiny, but I turned out to be just a clown.

These people are damned.

However, he couldn't do anything except get angry.

"You can, compared to those hypocritical human beings, God has always loved everyone fairly, as long as you let go of your heart and call on the name of God, you can also have the power to change your pathetic destiny that is destined to become mud , those who laughed at you, looked down on you, and fooled you, will pay the price, come on..."

"Become a champion of the gods."

"God's name is........." The young man asked, as if the flames had been rekindled in his eyes at this moment, they were no longer like a pool of stagnant water.

The little girl, who didn't know that her brother was undergoing a huge change at the moment, came to the kitchen, washed her hands first, and then took out radishes and other ingredients, ready to make lunch.

Suddenly remembering that her elder brother must have exhausted his energy by studying so hard, the little girl couldn't help but stop, turned around and picked a big egg in the basket [planning to make up for her brother.

You must know that they are not willing to eat eggs that are 2.5 or so, and they usually sell them after collecting a certain amount.

Looking at the sugar bowl, the little girl planned to make a bowl of egg paste.

She knew that her brother was in a bad mood. After all, he failed to awaken, and everyone would feel bad, but the little girl didn't know how to comfort him. All she could do was to tell her brother not to pick up waste, and to study and prepare for the exam with peace of mind. And cook him a delicious meal.

Thinking that her brother would be able to eat the sweet egg paste later, the little girl couldn't help but feel a lot better, and hummed happily.

Suddenly a shadow blocked the light, dimming the light in the kitchen. The little girl blinked and turned her head to look in the direction of the door in doubt.


At some point, a tall and thin boy was standing at the door of the kitchen, blocking the light from outside.

[The author has something to say: I had a fever yesterday, my writing was a bit messy, and I had diarrhea all the time, I was not feeling well, and I was admitted to the hospital with food poisoning. I hope everyone will forgive me, and I hope everyone will not eat indiscriminately. 】.

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