"It's so pitiful, I heard that the murderer is still her brother..."

"Now she is undergoing limb regeneration surgery. I don't know if she can survive it. This is not an anesthesia. I heard that it is very painful. Many adults can't hold on.

"Damn the fallen, a good little girl has been ruined, these murderers, why don't the awakened adults sweep them all out of the Dragon Kingdom!?"

"It's difficult, those people are too good at hiding, and as long as it is not a special detection instrument, it is impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye. It is impossible to install detection devices everywhere!?"

"Stop calling those guys human, they don't deserve it!"

Listening to the voices of the nurses from the hospital, Zhang Qing, Ni Yuehua and Zhuge Gou all walked towards the operating room without saying a word.

Yinyin followed behind in a daze, curious about everything in the hospital, and looked around from time to time.

After all, as an autonomous robot, she doesn't need to go to the hospital, at most, she can only go to the repair shop for repairs. However, since Kelin Company closed down and all the autonomous robots it produced have become out of print and obsolete products, Yinyin has come a long way. There is no master in the repair shop who can repair it for him.

It will only be exchanged for a suggestion such as "It's better to change to a new one earlier!"

The reason why Zhang Qing learns how to repair the autonomous robot by himself is not because he is reluctant to pay, but can only rely on himself, unless he really decides to discard Yinyin 20 and leave it in the utility room.

And because the technology in this world is very advanced, there is no need to go to the hospital for some minor ailments, you only need to go to the pharmacy to buy some special medicines, so the number of times Zhang Qing has come to the hospital can be counted on one hand Come here, um, everyone basically gets it once or twice, once at birth and once at death.

In the rest of the cases, basically only serious illnesses have the opportunity to come here.

The reason Zhang Qing and the others came here was of course not to ask the victim about the situation. It is still unknown whether the other party will survive. It's all a problem, let alone conscious.

The reason for coming here is because the detective in charge of this matter also came to the hospital with the little girl and was waiting outside the operating room.

Detectives are in charge of dealing with various disputes and crimes in ordinary people's society.

Zhang Qing and the others came here for this, although the appearance of the mission at the beginning was not due to this incident.

Sitting outside the operation book is a middle-aged man in the uniform of a detective, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a face with Chinese characters. He is looking at the operating room with the yellow light on, looking very nervous at the moment. .

"You are...!" Seeing Zhang Qing, the three of them, and a little girl robot approaching, he was taken aback for a moment, then resolutely remembered something and stood up.

They didn't despise or doubt Zhang Qing and the others because they were young and strange. After all, at his age, he should have had contact with the students who come out of the school every year to practice or do tasks.

Basically, young people will take their tasks to deal with special events. If an old guy really came, I'm afraid they are probably already trembling. It proves that this matter is serious, and it is likely to affect the lives of everyone in the government.

Zhang Qing directly took out the student ID card of Tianjian Academy, which is forged from special materials and has undergone multiple special treatments, so it is absolutely impossible to forge.

This is enough to prove your identity.

"We want to know more about the specific situation. This should be the third incident..." Zhuge Gou, who was dressed in red, looked away from the operating room with the yellow light on, and said to the middle-aged detective with a cold tone. .

She was angry, very angry.

The middle-aged detective took half a step back in fright, only to see this petite girl who looks like a primary school student. After noticing the color of her hair and eyes, he couldn't help but take a half step back again, feeling a little nervous He replied, "Of course, of course there is no problem. We also hope to arrest the other party as soon as possible, otherwise more and more people will be victimized...

Zhuge Gou's aura let out, and seeing the opponent take a step back, he felt a little helpless, she is really not a dangerous person, why are one or two so worried about her!? And just take a step back, are you serious! ?

Zhang Qing didn't pay attention to Zhuge Gou's small emotions. He first signaled to the detective that he could sit down and chat together, and then turned his head to look at Ni Yuehua, who had been silent all this time. Seeing that the other party shook his head and sighed, he felt a little uncomfortable great.

Ni Yuehua's innate ability is [One Hundred Years at a Glance], the most notable of which is Future Sight. Just now she was using her ability to check the victim's future, and the result of the other party's current appearance already shows that it is not optimistic.

Not dead, but sometimes worse than dead.

After hesitating for a while, the middle-aged detective sat next to Zhang Qing. It seemed that he was more at ease separated from the big boy Zhang Qing, even though this big boy had a pair of very thick and pure panda eyes, and seemed to be about to die suddenly at any time, indulge in lust. Excessively unlucky, but it's better than sitting next to the little red devil so that he won't be too disturbed.

Zhuge Gou clenched his fists.

Zhang Qing coughed, indicating that the middle-aged detective could elaborate.

To be honest, if he hadn't been cheating, he wouldn't have dared to sit so close to the owner of the [Vajra Body], he understood the psychology of other people very well, the reason why none of those people in the school chose to follow the three newcomers Wang, it is precisely because the three of them live together that those students are afraid of Zhuge Gou or the [King Kong Body].

Especially in the rookie contest, after meeting those contestants from other universities who were almost beaten to the point of being unable to take care of themselves, many people have a clearer understanding of [King Kong Body], and it really hurts the root if you encounter it The terrible physical body with broken bones, getting too close is really life-threatening.

To follow this kind of leader, one must be prepared to be buried in the ground at any time. May I ask how many students have such great determination!?

The uncle, who didn't know that his actions had hurt the heart of a young girl, put away the uneasiness on his face, and told Zhang Qing and the three of them about the recent incidents in Yunhai Mansion that were suspected to be caused by fallen people.

"Suspected!?" Zhang Qing asked with a frown.

The middle-aged detective nodded and said, "Yes, because no one has ever seen a fallen person or a suspicious person suspected of being a fallen person. Taking this incident as an example, the victim's brother had no contact with strangers at all, but I was suddenly bewitched and wanted to sacrifice her to the evil god, and in a very cruel way..."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged detective paused for a while, as if he was sorting out his words, and seemed to be controlling his emotions. After a while, he continued, "Later, the neighbors heard the movement and the victim barely survived, and almost died at all. saved...…………"

Zhang Qing flipped through the case records handed over by the detectives before, not only this one incident, but also the previous two, which were very far apart and almost spanned the entire Yunhai Mansion. The area of ​​a certain red chicken map country is so large.

The reason why the detectives linked the three cases so far apart was because they all had three things in common: First, the bewitched had never had contact with outsiders beforehand, and they had even been locked in the room before and never went out.

The second is that they are all students who failed the awakening ceremony and are about to take the college entrance examination.

The third is that they will turn into bats and leave later.

The reason why it is said that it is "suspected to be the work of a fallen person" is precisely because of these three points. In the past, if a fallen person wants to lure others to fall, they need to use contact. The country has long banned the use of these technological products.

The second common point is that it is not a big problem to target the high school students who have just failed to awaken, because only people in this period are most likely to lose their minds, allowing those who have fallen to take advantage of it.

If you want people to degenerate, you need to plant a dirty spiritual seed in the depths of your heart. Generally, this kind of seed has some connection with a certain evil (610 evil weapon), because evil is opposite to the divine map of the awakened person. The target exists, so if you want to become a fallen person, you must also have viciousness.

It is precisely because of this situation that many people also feel that the fallen person is no longer the original self. He is a person whose body is occupied by evil, which is why it is called "evil."

Not because of evil weapons.

In fact, when it came to the second point, it was already certain that it was the work of the fallen, but the third point happened.

Both the fallen and the awakened have a variety of powers, the awakened depends on the divine map, the fallen depends on the ferocity, of course there are people who have the same innate ability but the divine map is different, such as Zhuge Gou, she The innate ability of a certain deputy palace master is [King Kong Body], but the divine map is different.

So the natural abilities may be similar, but there is absolutely no second copy of Shentu in the world, they can only be as similar as possible, just like twins.

This also shows that evil itself can only be possessed by a fallen person.

But so far, three students have fallen and turned into bats, which means that there are at least three people who share one evil, or several similar evils.

This is the most abnormal, because so far no examples of shared ownership have been found, and the ferocity is the same. It is also unique, so the ability it bestows is also unique, even more extreme than the awakened ones. Maybe someone in the awakened ones can Awakening has the same natural ability, but the ability bestowed by evil cannot be the same, and its ability is more singular.

Unless the evil with this ability dies out, it is impossible for the second evil with the same ability to be born in the world. This is why not all evils will be destroyed after the awakened, regardless of the academy or other institutions, kill the fallen, and some will be destroyed. The reason for the sealing process.

In fact, it will be much easier to understand if it is regarded as a devil fruit. The awakened person is a cultivator, and the fallen person is a devil fruit capable person, which is almost the same. .

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