Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

599 Hyoudou Makoto: Wait, This Is Not The Girlfriend I Want!

That night.

Zhang Qing returned home before nightfall as usual. Due to the confidentiality of the nature of work, Zhang Qing is not living in any apartment at present, but a single-family house. Please use the identity.

After making a simple dinner, Zhang Qing heated up another glass of milk, sat down at the dining table, and then took out a certain piece of jasper gemstone with a red lizard lodged in it from Hyoudou Issei's body, and put it on the table.

While enjoying the pleasure brought by the food, he played with this fist-sized gemstone with great interest. What is amazing is that this gemstone has been hidden on Hyoudou Issei's left wrist before.

It seemed that some kind of seal seemed to be loosening, and the emerald gemstones were emitting light, as if they were breathing, with a certain rhythm.

"how did you do that!?"

The light on the gem suddenly stabilized and continued to shine, illuminating the room in a lush green.

"That's how it was done." Gemstone suddenly made a sound and spoke, but Zhang Qing was not frightened, and saw this handsome young man who was as gentle as jade, eating his meal leisurely.

After being silent for a while, the existence in the gem continued, "It's fine if you don't want to say it, although I don't know how you took me out of that boy's body without letting him die, and even detained me, but ..."

"You've undoubtedly gotten into trouble, whether angels, fallen angels or demons will come after you, as well as that white guy."

Zhang Qing paused when he heard the movement of his hands, but he didn't feel scared, "That's really troublesome, it seems that I have to get rid of you."

Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig:......

"Wait, boy! Didn't you take me away to become the new host of Sekiryuutei's cage hand 503!?"

Zhang Qing shrugged: "Why do you have such a strange idea, I don't have the habit of putting an unknown object with self-awareness in my body, and it's a male creature, it's disgusting."

Chiryuutei Draig felt like vomiting blood. The former host Hyoudou Issei was already weird enough, which made him look down on him a bit, so he never showed his strength, and even thought about transferring after the other party died of old age. Find a qualified host again, and then fight the white guy again to show off.

It's all ready to wait.

However, fate made a little joke. It was taken away from the body of this host by a mysterious human teenager. However, the Red Dragon Emperor Draig was not angry. The perverted Hyoudou Issei, whose head is full of yellow waste, is too strong in every aspect of this boy, and he can even be said to be the most qualified human being he has ever encountered in history.

If the opponent becomes its partner, then it will definitely be able to use its strength better to defeat the white guy.

But Chilongdi Draig never thought that, as a god-killing tool, he would be despised by others one day.

What is even more embarrassing is that there is another reason because I am a male. What happened to the human beings now!? It was obviously not like this before!?

As if he didn't feel the autism of Chiryuutei, one of the two celestial dragons, Zhang Qing put all the food on the table into his stomach, and then took the dishes to the kitchen to clean up.

The next day, 7:15 am.

"Get up quickly, if you don't get up, people will be angry."

A virtual two-dimensional character on the alarm clock was repeating the above sentence non-stop. When she was about to repeat (cabd) the third time, a plain hand pressed the button on the alarm clock, and the room returned to tranquility instantly. .


A girl with long brown hair stretched her waist and sat up, stretching her arms and doing stretching exercises, but the fat pajamas on her body slipped off because of her excessive movements, revealing the clouds and golden mountains, and suddenly the spring was full of flowers, It made the morning sun seem a little brighter.

The girl rubbed her sleepy eyes, turned around and was about to get out of bed, her feet were looking for indoor slippers under the bed, and she was still yawning.

"Last night I was so excited and looking forward to it, now I'm so sleepy...but my girlfriend should be in the account today, I don't know how the other party will show up!?"

The girl suddenly had a foolish smile on her face, she smiled, and suddenly muttered strangely, "It's strange, was my bed so high before!?"

The girl was a little puzzled that she was sitting on the edge of the wide wood, her feet couldn't touch the floor. You must know that she would have landed directly if she moved a little further.

"Hey, this dreamy color, the familiar Mona Lisa-like smile in the haze, the perfect angle of the corners of the lips, and the moist texture... and the ten thousand

He couldn't control his hands and directly held the spoon. The pudding in the cup was shaking and exuding a tempting fragrance. When he inhaled brown in his nostrils, he couldn't help but look slightly drunk, and then the whole person was drunk.

It's really delicious in the world, a dish that glows,

"What's going on here... what's going on!?"

Miki Hyouto, who was laying out breakfast in the dining room downstairs, couldn't help but be taken aback when she heard the girl screaming from above, and then looked at her husband Goro Hyouto, who was sitting in front of the dining table, who was also stunned with a newspaper spread out. Weakly asked, "I seem to have heard a girl's voice just now, the child's father..."

"I heard it too, it seems to be coming from Ise's room..." Hyoudou Goro said dully, ignoring the glasses slipping off his face.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and the head of the family, Houtou Goro, was the first to calm down, but he could still see that his hands holding the newspaper were trembling, and he said: "Call the police, before Issei doesn't Before we make a big mistake, let's kill our relatives righteously..."

Apparently, he has figured out that his son, because he finally couldn't suppress his bestial nature, committed the crime of kidnapping and imprisoning a girl.

Hyoudou Sanxi still didn't want her only son to spend the rest of her life singing behind bars, she shook her head, stopped her husband from taking out his cell phone, and said, "I'll go up and persuade him, maybe there's still a phone installed, As long as the other party forgives Ise..."

Halfway through the conversation, Hyoudou Sanxi couldn't continue, as long as she was a woman, she knew that when encountering such a thing, it was impossible for any normal woman to forgive the criminal just like that.

The time came to 7:40, and the location was in front of the gate of the Jukai Academy.

There are still two disciplinary committee members, one male and one female, standing guard, checking the attire of every student who enters the academy.

It's just that the male is still Zhang Qing as the chairman of the committee, and the female is a girl with short brown hair. It doesn't match the other person's personality.

"Who is that girl, why haven't I seen it before!?"

"But it's so cute..."

Just when Zhang Qing and Zhang Qing were doing their duty faithfully, suddenly there was a commotion at the school gate. Many students stopped and stared sideways at a dejected cute girl with ten long brown hairs.

The main reason is that the other party has a temperament that is different from ordinary women, people can't help but look twice more, and the face is indeed cute.

Zhang Qing pushed his glasses, looked at Issei Hyoudou (female) walking into the campus, and then looked away.

On the contrary, the little Daisy next to her was staring at Makoto Hyoudou in a daze, and she was still muttering, "I don't have any impression at all, is it a transfer student!?"

"Don't get distracted," Zhang Qing reminded.

"Ah, ah! Yes! Senior!" As a first-year student, Daisy Kawakami came back to her senses, bowed and apologized to Zhang Qing in a panic, and then picked up the pen again to record the attendance.

On the other side, in class A of the second grade.

Motohama and Matsuda, one of the gentlemen (perverts) trio, are talking about some colorful topics like no one else, and many girls in the class show disgusted and disgusted expressions

But the two just didn't care.

"Hey, since that guy became the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, our good days are gone forever. What is that guy trying to do!?"

"That's right, he is simply a public enemy of men, he is so popular with girls himself, he doesn't understand the feelings of us poor worms who haven't even touched a girl's hand, we didn't do anything, just admired the beauty. "

"That's right, I also patched up the hole outside the changing room of the Kendo Department, because it's disgusting!"

"There are also sensors installed on the doors and windows, is this guy a devil!?"

The two were chatting, and suddenly they became bitter, and they didn't even want to mention the name of a certain classmate.

Suddenly I heard the chair on the side of my friend Issei Hyoudou being pulled away, and then someone sat down, the two of them didn't look back, they just continued the topic just now, "Poor our best friend, who also received the bamboo sword set meal from Katase and Murayama A meal, do you think it is a..."

...Wait, beauty, who are you!?"

The four-eyed boy Yuan Bin turned his head and planned to tease Hyoudou Issei who was caught and taught a lesson for running too slowly yesterday, but when he turned his head, he was stunned, staring blankly at the long-haired girl in front of him. A beautiful girl, a bit out of her mind.

Matsuda, who wore a crop top, stared at the girl sitting on the seat of Hyoudou Issei with half of her body lying on the desk, and her brain was also down.

Hyoudou Issei's long eyelashes trembled, he raised his eyes to look at the two buddies, and sighed, "It's me, Issei, Hyoudou Issei."

"Ah, beauty, so your name is Ise, what a beautiful name, can I, Motohama (Matsuda), make friends!?"

Yuan Bin and Matsuda apparently hadn't turned their heads, and they used clumsy strike-up methods to get close to each other, with wretched smiles on their faces, and the hala was still flowing.

Hyoudou Issei rolled his eyes, "It's me, Hyoudou Issei! Are you two idiots!?"

"Ahhhhh, I'm about to die, and I'll die without regret after being scolded by a beautiful girl...Wait, Hyoudou Issei, where did I hear this name before!?"

The two perverts who were laughing idiotically a moment ago were suddenly stunned, as if they still had brains in their heads.

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