"Wait, you're really Yicheng!? Why didn't we find out that you are so NICE when you put on a wig and women's clothes!?"

"Yes, yes, first class!"

Facing the compliments from his two good friends, Hyoudou Issei rolled his eyes again while lying on the table, "I didn't change clothes, I really turned into a girl this morning."

Fearing that the two good friends won't believe it, Issei Hyouto will meet that mysterious master who claims to be able to fulfill all wishes yesterday, and after making a wish to him for a cute girlfriend, he will hand over the other's gift to her. Stuff it under the pillow, sleep and wake up, and become a girl.

And after she opened the kit, she also found a set of women's school uniforms from Juwang Academy.

How sweet!

But the girlfriend she wants is not to become a girlfriend herself, the other party must have made a mistake! Hyoudou Issei wailed in his heart.

Although I had a good time this morning, no matter how hard I rubbed the girl's forward swing, no one would blame and stop me, but...but...

Think it looks pretty good.

Hyoudou Issei suddenly showed a rippling smile of satisfaction, and then shook his head: No, no, I can't just be corrupted like this, I have to find that master and let him correct his wishes.

Yuan Bin and Matsuda looked at each other, although they still didn't quite believe it, they nodded cooperatively, "If you want us to believe it, then let us check it out, hehe..."

"When we verify that you are behind, you will still be our good brother, hehehe..."

Hyoudou Issei crossed his arms and stared at the two perverts defensively, "Forget it, I think our friendship can end here."

"No, no! Please, Master Yicheng, this little one has just one wish, let's make it right..."


At this time, Kiryu Lanhua from the class came over, punched the two idiots who didn't care about the situation, pushed their glasses, looked at Makoto Hyoudou, and said

"Although it's unbelievable, judging by the appearance, it's really somewhat similar to Hyoudou Issei, which is unscientific."

The other girls in the class also nodded in agreement, obviously hearing the conversation between the three of Hyoudou Issei before.

"Are you sure you're not Hyoudou Issei's cousin or sister!?" Kiryu Lanhua still asked in disbelief.

Hyoudou Issei shook his head, "I want to have it too..."

"Very good, it's really what that pervert and idiot would say." Kiryu Lanhua confirmed.

When Issei Hyoudou caused a commotion, the students were amazed, shocked, gossip and sighed.

The old school building of Kuoh Academy, which is the main activity room on the second floor of the activity building exclusively occupied by the supernatural research department founded by the current academy idol Rias Gremory.

Rias rubbed her brows, looked at Tacheng Baiyin or the kitten who reported to her, and asked, "Are you sure Hyoudou Issei not only turned into a girl, but also suddenly lost the aura of the divine weapon!? "

"Sorry kitten, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that this is too unbelievable."

The petite and cute Tacheng kitten with short white hair is not angry because of being questioned. In fact, she is a little confused at the moment. Although the president, that is, Rias, ordered her to keep an eye on Houdou Issei, she didn't have to do it. To the point of being followed 24 hours a day, after all, they are demons, and at night, they still need to complete the work of the demon summoning contract.

For Hyoudou Issei, a human with a divine weapon, it is not important enough to take it too seriously.

Tacheng Baiyin, who is Maoyou, has aptitude and potential that are not comparable to ordinary artifact owners. It is unwise to waste the opponent's time. Of course, Rias is not so prodigal and brain-dead.

So it is said that it is left to the kitten to follow, in fact, it is a tacit agreement to let the kitten hand over the task to her familiar.

It is inevitable that some places cannot be taken care of, but it is enough to ensure that no other people such as fallen angels come into contact with Issei Hyoudou, and there is no real need to monitor Issei Hyoudou's every move or even what he said.

But today, something happened that was enough to shock the Tacheng kitten's cat demon. Yijue woke up and found that the target he was following had turned into a girl, and all the aura of the divine weapon on his body had dissipated. It was like hell .

After being silent for a long time, Tacheng Kitty asked, "President... Is there an artifact in this world that only works once, changes the gender of the host, and reincarnates on other people again!?"

To be honest, Tacheng Kitty felt a little happy when Hyoudou Issei lost his artifact, because she really didn't like this kind of guy whose mind was full of yellow waste. When she thought that this kind of person would become her companion, she felt a little bit happy. Feeling irritable, but also knowing that Rias desperately needs more capable dependents, so despite her reluctance, she accepted the task of monitoring and incidentally protecting Hyoudou Issei.

The kitten was a little ashamed that he felt secretly happy at this moment.

Rias sighed, "I don't know, maybe there is..."

As long as the artifacts need to be made by gods, there are still artificial artifacts in this world, just like Asachel, the governor of a certain fallen angel central organization Grigori (God Son Monitor), made many artificial artifacts.

And because Hyoudou Issei didn't liberate the divine weapon in his body before, Rias and the others could only perceive the aura of the divine weapon on Hyoudou Issei's body, but it was unknown what kind of divine weapon it was.

As for what mysterious master Hyoudou Issei met yesterday, neither Tacheng Kitten nor Rias knew about it. There is no way that cats sometimes doze off, so it is the same with familiars, not to mention that they cannot follow too well. Let others find out that they are eyeing Hyoudou Issei, otherwise the fallen angels in the church will not be indifferent.

The fallen angels are very happy to be able to screw up what the devil wants to do.

"Forget it, since you lost the artifact, then remove Issei Hyoudou from the list, let Akeno perform hypnotic magic on the people of Kuo Town later, and suppress the commotion caused by the strange things about Issei Hyoudou …”

Rias said in a depressed mood, of course she knows what kind of person Hyoudou Issei is, anyone who is not blind can tell, and Hyoudou Issei has no intention of hiding it, as a purebred demon Rias is still very I appreciate the other party's frankness.

After all, demons cannot be saints, and having desires is also a good thing. Like Hyoudou Issei, it is very easy to control. This kind of dependents who can be easily subdued is what she needs most at present, because her time is running out , she didn't have much time left to accumulate strength.

0 looking for flowers......

It's not that it's impossible to choose some obviously better children, but it's not so difficult to subdue such a person, and wanting the other party to surrender to her wholeheartedly, Lias has a headache thinking about it.

It is precisely because Hyoudou Kazu is honest that he discovered that the student council president Shitori Sona, who had the artifact, did not act and let Rias take action.

In fact, this has something to do with Shitori Sona, the president of the student union. A guy like Issei Hyoudou with a big stain on his reputation would never be able to enter the student union. I'm afraid that if Shitori Sona insists on going her own way, her prestige as the president of the student union will be lost. It will also plummet, and may even have to step down.

Although she can also invite a club to play by herself like Rias, but without the status of the student council president, even if they are demons, it will cause a lot of trouble, just like a club activity room as big as the Supernatural Research Department, If it is changed to a student council president, can it be approved!?


Even if Lias is the daughter of the school director on the surface, not everyone is trying to sell her face. Is it time to hypnotize the mind control one by one!? I am afraid that the angels will have a reason to take action. Now the three major The power is in a delicate balance, even a little spark may break out into another big war, how dare Rias and the others be so unscrupulous!?

"Ahhhh...where can I find another one!?"

Rias said frantically.

On the other end, the Fallen Angel Governor Asachel, who looks like the grown-up Hikari Shinto, was also a little surprised when he heard the report from his subordinate Fallen Angel Linali, but he disappeared quickly, looking down and knelt on one knee Lina Li, who was under her command, ordered.

"Then change the objective of the mission. I'm just interested in that artifact. As for who and where it is, it doesn't matter."

"Yes!" Linali was very happy, because Master Asachel, whom she admired, did not blame her for giving up her because of this small mistake. She felt that she was reused, otherwise why did she choose her!?

After waving his hand to let Linali leave, Asachel let out a light smile.

"God loves human beings, but it is a pity that divine weapons cannot be controlled by human beings. Divine weapons will only bring misfortune to human beings and disasters around them.

Regarding the fact that someone snatched the artifact in Hyoudou Issei's body, Asachel just once again felt ridiculous at the ignorance and greed of human beings.

Of course, if the other party really has the ability to control the power of the artifact, he won't say anything.

Sending Linali to keep an eye on it, he just wanted to bring back the artifact that hadn't been transferred in time when the artifact ran away and died, and had no intention of taking it immediately.

"However, it's really interesting to turn a boy into a girl, hahaha..."

Regarding what happened to Issei Hyoudou, Asachel couldn't help laughing. It's been a long time since he had encountered such an interesting thing. He also knew what Issei Hyoudou was like. Thinking about a guy whose mind is full of girls, Suddenly turning into a girl is very dramatic no matter how you look at it.

"I really want to see it in person, but it's not the time for me to be exposed to the public, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome... a loss."

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