At around 6 o'clock the next morning, Luo Tianyi and the others woke up.

There is a hazy scarlet color outside the window, not the gray feeling when I first arrived in this secret realm yesterday.

The five of them came to the window and looked out, only then did they know the origin of the red color.

"Red moon!?" Le Zhengling looked at the red moon in the sky in disbelief.

Then, he signaled Luo Tianyi to take out the mobile phone Feng Baobao found yesterday.

"Sure enough, it's 6:20 in the morning..."

"Why shouldn't there be a moon in the morning!?" Huang Yuan felt that this was unbelievable. "Besides, there are dark clouds behind and the sun can't shine in. How can I see A!?"

"This is not right!"

Of course something is wrong, aside from the fact that the moon can be seen early in the morning, the weird and coquettish color is enough to make people feel uneasy and doubtful.

Something is wrong with this secret realm, very wrong.

Although there were many doubts in their hearts, it was obvious that it was useless to think about it on their own. The five of them temporarily put away their doubts, and after a simple wash, they went outside to look for food again.

Although they have collected a lot of materials in the space ring and the back, these things are used for the secret realm later, so most of them are vacuum-packed or food with a relatively long shelf life, which must not be wasted now.

Moreover, the ingredients and most of the food outside, because of the lack of human beings, may soon be broken due to power outages and water outages. Now they don’t eat it, which is actually a waste, and they can eat hot food , who would eat compressed biscuits!?

Not to mention that Luo Tianyi seems to have a pretty good handicraft, but he is indeed a natural foodie, and his skills related to eating are full.

"I did some research on the Internet just now, and I found reports about Hongyue. The latest 550 seems to be three months ago, and ten years ago. Before that, it is not very accurate. It is all some It is related to the legend of ghosts and ghosts, borrowed by those who fabricate horror stories, but it also proves that there was a saying or concept about the red moon a long time ago..."

Sitting down in a certain restaurant, the four of Le Zhengling sat around a round table, and while waiting for Luo Tianyi to cook, they discussed their discovery about the abnormality of this accident.

Feng Baobao looked at the red-lit world outside, wondering what he was thinking, but everyone had long been used to the girl being in a daze from time to time, so they didn't know what opinions she would express.

The charter woman has changed into a flowered coat, more like an aunt, but she is indeed an aunt, it is this red and green outfit, which makes people feel very uncomfortable, especially she also pinned a big red flower on her head flower.

At this time, she crossed her arms and said, "I didn't expect this kind of change to happen. We didn't notice it last night, so we don't know when it happened. It seems that if we can meet players from other countries in the future, we might as well Based on this news, not everyone would choose to go to bed at that time.

The smell of the black elder sister is really full. Fortunately, she is not smoking a cigarette and shaking her feet at this time, otherwise her eyes will be a little hot.

"Actually, I think those people who ran at night last night were very weird..." Huang Yuan touched his chin, which had begun to have some stubble.

It stands to reason that most people will choose to rest when they first enter the new map. After all, the desert map before is really challenging. Under the circumstances of hunger, lack of water and double load of physical strength and mental strength, some people will really stay in the middle of the night. Go for a run and exercise!?

During the day, I could not let myself rest because I suddenly came to a new environment, so I forced myself to understand and explore. Of course, I would also eat like crazy. After all, there are monsters and cruel nature in the desert. , I am afraid that if I suddenly return to the modern city, there will be a kind of unreality and madness.

It's like some people in the last days suddenly wake up and return to the world before the last days. I'm afraid they will open the refrigerator immediately and take out the food and stuff it into their mouths. This is normal.

But after solving the problem of food and clothing, I will feel sleepy, and basically I will find a place where I think it is safe to rest. The body is satisfied, but the spirit is still exhausted.

But there are people who are running at night, and it looks more like running for their lives, how can it not make people feel weird!?

"So what's weird, we didn't find anything last night..." The charter woman poured cold water on her. Although they were resting last night, they were still waiting for the possible existence to come to them. It was quiet, but I had a good night's sleep.

At this moment, the five of them received another official message from the Xia Kingdom, and it was still very short and clear, with only one word "ghost"!

After reading it, Le Zhengling frowned, "Does the country mean that players from other countries have encountered 'ghosts'!?"

"Why didn't we... er..." 1

Le Zhengling had only spoken halfway, when she suddenly put her hands on her head, "We met..."

Yes, they met, but they didn't take it seriously, and each of them thought that they really had hallucinations. They didn't know what happened, and each of them pretended that they didn't see the dirty things at all.

What is the reason!?

Is it because of sand sculptures!?

Le Zhengling couldn't help but put on a mask of pain. It turned out that it wasn't that they didn't find anything, but that they were all blind.

I have a go!

Huang Yuan didn't know what to say, so he just said, how could he be the one who got the trick last night!? Lan Ran couldn't just stare at him alone and use a mirror to make a fool of himself. ?

The eyes of Feng Baobao and the charter woman could not help but drift aside. Last night, she was the only one who looked the most alike. It turned out that she was playing "Emperor's New Clothes". Sorry, I didn't go to elementary school.

Just when the four of them wanted to cover their faces and think about why they were so sculpted, Luo Tianyi brought out a big pot, smelling the porridge aroma in the air, and knew that it was a big pot.

At the same time, there is a plate of fried dough sticks.

Huang Yuan smelled the preserved egg smell in the porridge, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Your preserved egg lean meat porridge (caci) is served with fried dough sticks!?

How do you feel weird!?

Only then did everyone realize that the reason why they reacted that way last night was all because of this innocent and harmless little girl in front of them.

Le Zhengling sat down next to Luo Tianyi who had divided the bowls, chopsticks and spoons, and asked, "Tianyi, did you really see cockroaches last night, and not something strange!?"

The other three people also turned their attention to this innocent little girl who looked a little natural.

Luo Tianyi blinked, "Yeah, what's wrong!?"

"There are so many things popping up, it makes me sick to think about it, this hotel is so unhygienic, if it's not that there are no people now, I must complain about it."

As he spoke, he clenched his small fists and looked very angry.

Huang Yuan and the others didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with Luo Tianyi, and he didn't seem to be lying. The four of them couldn't help but look at each other. The feeling was not that there was something wrong with their eyes, but that there was something wrong with the girl's eyes!?

That's right, aren't there often ghosts in those horror movies that don't directly attack humans at first, but use illusions to hypnotize humans to confuse humans first!?

It's just that I didn't expect that the little human girl nowadays is not afraid to see so many cockroaches popping out, and she even smashes them with a metal bat.

What happened to the sudden sympathy!?

But aren’t you a ghost!? Why can physical attacks work on you!?

A few people are a little more confused, no matter how much they think about it, they can't understand whether this ghost can be dealt with by physical means!? Why don't you say more about the country? There is too little information!? Several people are complaining stand up.

In fact, let's not talk about them, Xia Guo's official side is also a little confused, the conventional methods of other countries really did not work, otherwise the team from Ah San Guo would not have run at night last night.

However, some abilities from the previous secret realm, such as fireball and lightning, or the ability to make bows and arrows shine like that of the witch in the foot pot chicken country, can slightly achieve the ten-point wish.

But on their side, Luo Tianyi's messy meal was very confusing.

The experts on Xia Guo's side continued to analyze and discuss, but the reason why it has not been implemented until now. You can't just meet a scumbag who hasn't received ghost training!?

And there seemed to be more than one last night, why did they play cards so unreasonably!?

No one doubted Luo Tianyi, because she was so harmless, and she had no problems in her past experience. She was just an ordinary girl who had just entered high school.

What could be wrong!?

Huang Yuan thought for a long time before he patted his thigh and said, "Could it be the reward for clearing the last secret realm!?"

Only this can make sense, otherwise it would be impossible because of the slime summoning technique!?

If that thing can be useful, shit.

As soon as this remark came out, not only did other people agree, but even the audience on Blue Star outside had a feeling of enlightenment. Indeed, they had already discovered that players from all countries more or less came to the new map. , There are more abilities or props other than intelligence.

It turned out to be the reward from the previous level!?

However, it was obvious that the players from their country worked hard to clear the level. "People from other countries also get rewards! Many viewers from Che Country feel a little uncomfortable.

However, under the analysis of some people who are still reasonable or have played many games, they also understand that since the players from their country have contributed the most, the rewards must also be the highest level, and immediately the little dissatisfaction dissipated a lot up.

At the same time, I am also very curious about what reward Luo Tianyi and the others got!?

Regarding this point, Huang Yuan and the others are not stupid, of course they will not say their rewards carelessly now, even they themselves don't know what their companions got, just to prevent some house thieves who are guarded in the live broadcast room Or foreign friends learned about it.

If the blue stars are not unified, there will be no true brotherhood between countries. Who knows what people in these countries will do when their cards are revealed!? And only the unknown can play the greatest deterrent effect.

Le Zhengling knew a little bit, because she and Luo Tianyi slept together, so she naturally saw Luo Tianyi's extra microphone, and it felt the same as her electric guitar.

The spirit of sound, there is still this effect!?

Le Zhengling couldn't help reaching out to touch her electric guitar, feeling the joy it conveyed. .

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