Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

61 Luo Tianyi: If You Don't Know Where To Go, Just Go To The Playground!

After Huang Yuan's reminder, everyone has reacted.

Especially the charter woman, she said why did she just give herself the "Tathagata God's Palm"!? Is it because it is used to deal with ghosts!? But can this kind of martial arts really be able to deal with invisible ghosts!?

The charter woman had a big question mark in her heart.

Feng Baobao, on the other hand, showed a look of sudden realization, hammering the palm of the other hand with one hand, "I don't understand the system's melon, it should be hit..."

Only Huang Yuan touched the magic light stick in his pocket, ah, Di Jia...

Does he have to transform into a giant of light-human to step on ghosts!?

This picture is a bit beautiful!? And there are only three minutes, are you sure it’s not a ghost who will come back and kill him by then!?

Now Huang Yuan can only hope that his own shiny fruit ability and domineering will be useful.

Luo Tianyi did not deny their speculation, because Tiantian can indeed make people attack ghosts, and it can not only be used as a musical instrument, but also can be transformed back into a pet form to assist in battle as a summoned beast.

It can be regarded as a very powerful thing that has been reformed by Bimo.

And it doesn't belong to the series of roads. I think it belongs to Luo Tianyi's own ability. How can you say that Luo Tianyi is so sure, because the other Zhang Qing already has a Tiantian. If this is a prop, he can enjoy it!?

Even this spirit of music cannot be used by everyone, it must be possessed by those who are favored by music.

Even if ordinary people get it, it will have no effect at all. The current Tiantian is even a bit like the non-anime elf in "Divine Comedy".

It's just this white mysterious creature with one wing. Its appearance has no intimidating power at all, and it's small in size. I don't know how powerful it can be!?

A question is answered, and then a new question arises.

After taking a sip of the porridge, Le Zhengling put down the spoon again, and after she swallowed the porridge in her mouth, she asked, why are ghosts still afraid of the sun!?"

As she spoke, she also pointedly looked outside, and there were almost only red streets.

With the thick dark clouds and the weird red moon, is it really daytime!?

But at this time, none of the ghosts were seen. Obviously there is no sunlight outside at this time, so it is impossible for the ghosts to clock in for work, right!? Go home and sleep during the daytime!?

"Indeed, it's very weird." Huang Yuan also knew what Le Zhengling really wanted to ask. After he knew that there was indeed a ghost in such a secret place, he kept thinking about this question.

The newsman, the ghost that appeared suddenly, and the dark clouds and red moon in the sky...

There are too many questions here.

What caused the end of 2012!?

The more they search, the more puzzles and questions they find. What's worse, the last question has not been answered, and a new question is ushered in.

The urgency of time, and the sudden silence of the system made people feel a little uneasy.

At this point in time, Luo Tianyi had already drank five big bowls. Seeing that everyone looked like a thinker, she couldn't help knocking on the bowls, "You guys, what do you want to do if you don't fill your stomach!? This kind of thing goes away Just look at it step by step, and it’s useless to think about it here.”

Really, it's rare to cook for these country bumpkins by myself, and it turns out that everyone is so shameless, what ah.

"That's... well, it's true to say that..."

Several people also realized that they were being stupid again, and couldn't help showing helpless wry smiles, just like what Luo Tianyi said, even if they thought of something here, there was no way to confirm whether it was correct, so it was better to do it personally Find more clues yet.

After letting go of those messy thoughts, several people began to dig up the porridge and put it into their mouths.

"This this…………………"

It was as if there was fairy music coming from my ears, there were fairies flying in the air, a comfortable and warm feeling spread from the bottom of my heart, and soon spread all over my body, I suddenly felt a sense of euphoria


The porridge water in the mouth is like nectar from poplar branches, and the lips and tongue are fragrant.

After swallowing their throats, several people looked at Luo Tianyi in disbelief. This girl's cooking skills are so good!? Oh my god, what kind of fairy cooking skills is this!?

After sighing, several people have accelerated the speed of eating.

Even the mood can't help but improve a lot, the depressive feeling of exhaustion has also been reduced a lot, and there is an indescribable relief.

Luo Tianyi was also very happy to see everyone looking like a hungry ghost reincarnated, especially when he saw Le Zhengling eating deliciously, he was even more happy.

It's just a pity that I still have met myself in the world of eating halberds, otherwise I would have been able to prescribe the medicine. At that time, Ah Ling must have been more charming. Just thinking about Luo Tianyi can't help drooling.

Food sex too!

I was so happy, I cooked another five big bowls, if it wasn't for this big pot, I am afraid that other people would not be able to eat it to the full, because there are gluttons in the team.

"Hiss! It's so supportive!" Huang Yuan sighed a little while touching his belly.

The others are similar, except for Luo Tianyi who hasn't eaten enough, they all look full.

"Where do you think we are going to wait!? Waiting is not an option."

Luo Tianyi raised his hand when he heard the words, "I want to go to the playground!"

Huang Yuan raised a question mark, looked at Luo Tianyi, and realized that the girl was really not joking, the corner of his mouth twitched, "May I ask Miss Luo Tianyi, is there any reason for your proposal!?"

"No!" Luo Tianyi said confidently with his arms crossed, "But I checked yesterday that there is a well-known amusement park here in the whole country. Come here, we can take a look.

Huang Yuan covered his face, which means he wants to play!?

"Don't make trouble, Tianyi!" Le Zhengling hurriedly grabbed this "good friend", God knows if letting her talk like this, there will be conflicts in the team.

Thinking of this, Le Zhengling looked at her remaining three teammates cautiously, for fear that they would get angry, because Tianyi's proposal was really unreliable and messy.

Huang Yuan originally wanted to veto it, but when he saw Luo Tianyi's appearance, suddenly the girlish heart of a damned father fan popped up again, touched his chin, and said, "I have no objection, what about you guys?" !?"

As he spoke, he looked at the charter woman and Sister Baoer.

The charter woman took a puff of a cigarette, "I haven't been to an amusement park in my life, and it's the first time I gave it to you. I'm really upset..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Huang Yuan's old and wretched monkey face, and sighed again and again.

Sister Baoer said that it doesn't matter, it's the same wherever she goes.

"Yeah!" Seeing this, Luo Tianyi hugged Le Zhengling and cheered. Does this count as a date with Ah Ling!? So excited!

Le Zhengling sighed, and glanced at the other three, her eyes were full of condemnation, you just pet her, there is no principle at all.

But Le Zhengling, who was hugged by Luo Tianyi, didn't say anything against her.

"Well, you can take a Ferris wheel to see the city, and maybe you can find something..."

0 for flowers...

She also found a high-sounding excuse.

Instead, the group decided to go to the largest "Flying Dragon Playground" here.

This kind of confusing behavior is naturally missed by all normal players in other countries. Normal people will never go to places like playgrounds. Even if they go to public toilets to find clues, it is more reliable than going to playgrounds.

So going all the way, I didn't really meet anyone else.

Well, don’t ask, why do they have cars!? There are so many cars on this street, and people are gone anyway, what’s wrong with borrowing them!?

On the contrary, those who really plan to rely on two legs are a bit stupid, aren't they!?

"Who did you learn this skill from!?" Huang Yuan only now realized that there are a lot of talents in his team, and Feng Baobao is really a treasure girl.

Feng Baobao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced at the rearview mirror and replied, "I need it for work!"

This is a six-seater van, Wuling Hongguang. It can accommodate so many people, and there is still room for luggage. However, there is no car key. Feng Baobao inserted a wire into it and twisted it, and the car was started. , not only looked at Huang Yuan and the others with surprise.

Even the eyeballs of many people in the industry who are engaged in related professions in the live broadcast room are almost popping out. This is simply a hell, how did you do it!?

It can be seen that the country wants to investigate the company Feng Baobao works for, no matter how you look at it, it is not a serious company!?

But thinking about it, it is not easy to have a company with talents like Feng Baobao, as long as it is not treasonous, it can be tolerated, but the country can get in touch with it, and it would be better if they can cooperate.

However, the country is sensible, but there are still many well-known people who have jumped out to criticize Feng Baobao again, saying that there are all kinds of ugly things, and it is possible to nail him to the list of some morally corrupt pests. By the way, he also condemned Huang Yuan, the policeman. Inaction, and the silence of others, stand at the highest moral peak.

No, the Chinese government has banned them again and brought these people back to drink tea.

I don't know how to catch a batch and another batch will come out. Is it really so good to be the dog of a foreign ghost!? Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as Luo Tianyi and the others don't die, Xia Guo will definitely rise. At that time, Xia Guo may one day become the hegemon of the world again, but these people can't help at all, and want to make Xia Guo mess up.

Xia Guo officials were very angry at this time, so they dealt with all of them severely.

After such a big move, the officials of the Xia Kingdom unexpectedly discovered a disaster by chance. A group of passengers from the Bald Eagle Kingdom were found to be carrying a new type of rbq weapon.

A large area was blocked in an instant, and it was still checking to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net. At the same time, it was still researching ways to treat headaches, because many citizens were already happy about it.

At the same time, a nationwide inspection had to be carried out further, which made the officials of the Xia Kingdom angry and helpless. Although they said before that they wanted to fight, it was obvious that Chongguo didn't really want to go to war now.

We can only condemn the other party internationally again and ask the other party to give an explanation.

But what I didn't expect was that this was beaten up by the Bald Eagle Country, saying that Xia Guo's research and development rbq blamed people in their country, and asked Xia Guo to give me an explanation, otherwise what, and there is still a A bunch of people from other western countries jumped out.

What makes Xia people even more angry is that there are actually foreign students from their own country who speak for the Bald Eagle Country. Now that they have received a green card, they don't recognize themselves as Xia people. .

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