Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

605 Linali: Let Me Think About It, What Is The Second Half Of The Sentence Of Blessed To Enjoy Toget

"Eh!? It's rare that Zhang Qing can bring a bento!?"

"Is Kiryu-san okay!?"

Zhang Qing looked at Kiryu Lanhua who came over suddenly, and was somewhat surprised. After all, the other party likes to talk about erotic topics. If he is not a woman, he might be treated like a trio of gentlemen by Houdou Issei, and everyone shouts and beats him. , This classmate still caused troubles to many people, and was criticized and educated several times by the disciplinary committee member, namely Zhang Qing.

So it stands to reason that even if the other party doesn't hide from him, he shouldn't approach him with a smile on his face~.

"Don't be like this, Mr. Zhang Qing, we are old acquaintances anyway, just call me Lazy. By the way, the omelet looks pretty good, don't mind letting me-taste it!"

Tongsheng Lanhua sat down at Zhang Qing's front table very familiarly, looked at the situation inside Zhang Qing's bento box, and then pointed to the good-looking, golden-fried egg ring meat and asked.

Zhang Qing doesn't know what this guy is hiding in the fox's tail, but for the other party's request...

As a "good guy" who considers himself a good guy, Zhang Qing will certainly satisfy the other party.

"Okay, easy."

By the way, he also passed the chopsticks over.

"Then I won't be polite." Kiryu Lanhua didn't expect Zhang Qing to be so easy-going, but she didn't shirk after she achieved her goal. I'm sorry or something, I'm sorry that this word doesn't exist in her dictionary.

She didn't even wipe Zhang Qing's used chopsticks with a paper towel, and directly picked up an omelet and put it in her mouth. The moment the omelet entered, the pupils of her eyes trembled violently behind her pink glasses , and then cover your mouth.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

After a long time, she handed back the chopsticks to Zhang Qing, and left straight away.

Zhang Qing took the chopsticks, raised his glasses with one hand, and said in a gentle voice, "You're welcome, if Lan Hua wants to try something else, I won't refuse.

"No, no, quit!"

Seeing Lanhua Kiryu disappearing quickly with her tail between her legs as if fleeing, Zhang Qing smiled lightly. Sure enough, Miss Fallen Angel doesn't seem to be completely tamed yet, and she has to continue to train and train her.

On the other side, Kiryu Lanhua, who was afraid that Zhang Qing wanted her to continue eating bento, was stopped by several girls after leaving the classroom door.

"How, how!? Is there a girl who made lunch for Mr. Zhang Qing? Damn it, that stealing cat is too much, and it's a fair competition."

If Zhang Qing appears here, you can find that there are not only the girls in the class, but also other members of the discipline department. These guys seem to have secretly established a private organization of Zhang Qing's support group.

Kiryu Lanhua bought a bottle of mineral water and poured it into his mouth for a few swigs before he said, "Don't worry, I'm sure it wasn't made for him by other girls. If there is such a girl, I'll take my head off It’s terrible for you to kick the ball, it’s full of resentment, it’s a cursed bento with strong unwillingness and killing intent from the maker.”

"what are you saying!?"

"It's simply impossible for a girl who loves Zhang Qing to make such an unpalatable bento!" Kiryu Lanhua probably didn't want to eat omelette for a long time recently, it's too sweet and sour The strong impact of bitterness and hotness on her tongue at one time made her almost unable to hold the image and spit it out.

It's hard for Zhang Qing to eat it without changing his face. Kiryu Lanhua really admires it.

"Great, we are really afraid that some foreign wild cat will attack Mr. Zhang Qing!"

"That's right, even other people in the academy are fine, but outsiders are definitely not allowed!"

Not far away, the trio of gentlemen who happened to pass by with their ears pricked up and heard what the girls were talking about all showed a very envious expression.

"I'm so happy, if I'm the one who is admired by so many lovely girls, even if there's only one!?"

Yuan Bin, who also wears glasses, wished that he was the classmate Zhang Qing that those girls said.

"There is also Prince Charming Yuto Kiba in the next class. I feel that all the girls in the academy have been separated by the two, and the meaning of me entering this academy is gone." Matsuda, who was almost bald, said with tears.

Hara Hyoudou Issei, who was taken by his parents to change his name to Hyoudou Makoto, bit the long bread and looked at the girls over there who were also very envious, of course not envious that they liked Zhang Qing, even if they became girls , It is impossible for her to fall in love with a man suddenly.

Her obsession with forward swing has never changed.

"Ah...too wasteful, if it were me, alas..."

"Chengzi, forget it, you, a guy who can go to various places full of women's secrets with other girls in a fair manner, is also enviable!" Motohama and Matsuda suddenly turned their heads to Hyoudou Makoto Zi looked up angrily.

Hyoudou Makoto took half a step back, "Even if you say so, I can only go there by myself every time, and I don't see anything at all."

Hyoudou Makoto also felt very wronged, obviously she is already a real girl, but it seems that other girls still don't fully regard her as a part of it.

Yuan Bin and Matsuda looked at each other, and then pretended to be serious and said, "Ahem, this is your problem, Makoto. In fact, it is very simple to want other girls to treat you as a girl."

"Yes, very simple.

Before Makoto Hyoudeng asked what the solution was, she saw the two people making dragon claws in front of her, and the serious and serious expressions on their faces gradually became obscene. She didn't know what the two guys were planning.

"Get out! Impossible!" Hyoudou Makoto put his hands in front of his chest and said firmly.

"We want to help you integrate into the girl group, don't do this, what are you running, stop Makoto!"

"The devil will stop, you two bastards, if you think so, go find that master too!"

"We've been there, but we didn't find the person you mentioned!"

"Wow! You two guys really went to look for it, get out, don't come here! I'm ashamed to be with you!"

"Ala, ala, you're really full of energy. Akeno Himejima, a third grader who has Yamato Nadeko's temperament and looks very erotic, looked at the very lively scene on the second floor and covered his face in trouble, but his face was With a smile, it is obvious that the mouth is wrong.

Standing with her in the stairwell leading to the third floor was a petite girl with short white hair.

"Sister Zhu Nai, President Rias is still waiting for us!" Tacheng Baiyin reminded, but the eyes of the three chasing people below were full of disgust.

"Don't be like this, it won't matter if you waste a little time, the kitten should not have a serious face all day long, or it will grow old very quickly!" Himejima Akeno pinched the expressionless tower Cheng Baiyin said with a smile on his face.

"Besides, she was someone who was very likely to be our companion before. Now that such an interesting thing happened to her, it doesn't matter if I take a closer look. Maybe she still has a chance! After all, people who have been boarded by the artifact are also It can be said that he is a person favored by "God", and any miracle can happen to him.

0 looking for flowers......

Tacheng Baiyin avoided Himejima Juno's mischievous hand, and said with a cold face, "God who would favor such a person is too bad, I hate it!"

Akeno Himejima couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling when she heard that, "Okay, although we are demons, it's not good to just say God's words like this.

"Understood." Tacheng Baiyin said with a small mouth.

Akeno Himejima looked away from the kitten, sniffed his nose, his eyes became a little sharper, and said, "It's strange, I seem to smell the smell of fallen angels, are those guys so daring enough to break into here? !?"

Tacheng Baiyin saw that Akeno Himejima still had no intention of leaving, raised his head in surprise and asked, "What's wrong, Sister Akeno!?"

"'s nothing..." Maybe he felt wrong, Himejima Akeno who suddenly lost the trace of that breath was stunned and then said nonchalantly. work

"Let's go, or Rias will get angry!"


At the same time, the abandoned church in Juwang Town.

A loli with blond hair and double ponytails flapped a pair of black wings and fell from a high place, but she didn't land completely. She stopped at a height of two meters above the ground, and looked at Lina, who was wearing a maid outfit, or a human costume. Li covered her mouth with a light smile, "Isn't this Lina Li's lord!? How come you fell in love with the human costume after not seeing her for a while!?"

"By the way, I heard that you went to seduce a human teenager, what's wrong!? Didn't you succeed yet!?"

The blond double-tailed loli didn't see Linali's terrifying expression at all, and she laughed unscrupulously.

At this time, another tall and slender sister Yu with a great figure also flew down. She looked at Lina Li who hadn't returned all night, and asked, "What happened!?"

At the same time, an uncle fallen angel wearing a thick coat and a bowler hat also fell to the ground, and looked at Linali who had not spread the wings of the fallen angel, and seemed to be a little curious as well.

Linali resisted the urge to run away, and said to the fallen angel with a cold face, "Donasik, you go away first, I have something to ask them to help."

Donasik frowned and glanced at Linali, but didn't say much, turned around and spread his wings and left.

In fact, although Lina Li didn't say it clearly, everyone is not stupid. They all know that she was summoned by a certain adult to carry out a certain task. Look!

Sure enough, boys are not good, Donasik sighed in his heart.

After Donasik left, the blond double-tailed loli and the black-haired Yujie looked at each other, both a little surprised and pleasantly surprised, looking at Linali with full expectation.

Even if she spoke badly before, the blond loli who appeared eccentric as soon as she appeared fell to the ground at this moment, with a smile on her face and said, "Oh, isn't this Lina Li, lord sister, welcome back, my sister was just joking just now, she always Everyone respects and loves Daisy Lina Li very much."

The black-haired sister said directly, "If there is a need, we will never shirk it!"

Lina Li didn't intend to split the two people's minds, she smiled and said, "Of course, both of them are my good sisters, I will not forget you, we are blessed to enjoy it together... ..Ten thousand".

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