Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

606 Zhang Qing: The Church Will Be Mine From Now On, Of Course The Cross Must Be Smashed!

"Is this the home of the mission target!? But why don't I feel the breath of a living person!?"

Because it was broad daylight, the two fallen angel ladies also folded their wings and followed Linali, crossing the streets and alleys. After walking for a while, they finally stopped in front of a passable small villa.

It's out of the way enough that no one seems to be around.

The sassy and serious royal sister Caravana crossed her arms and felt the situation in the room, then raised her eyebrows and said directly.

The petite and lovely blond double-tailed loli Mitilt looked at the house, and asked, "Now, let's talk about the purpose of calling us here! Is it possible that the majestic Lina Li can't handle it alone? A human boy!?"

"It's impossible that the other party is a crook. Then it's useless for you to ask us to come. Donasik should not have been allowed to go before. Maybe the other party likes this kind of uncle!"

Lina Li snorted coldly, "Go in first, and explain to you later, don't worry about calling you over, it must be because you are useful."

With that said, he opened the door and walked into the house.

Caravana and Mitilt glanced at each other, and followed after seeing this. After all, this may be a task assigned by the top leader of the organization. Because Linali was only given the "two thirty" before, their hearts Some are somewhat envious and jealous. Now that they have the opportunity to participate, they may be able to get into the eyes of that adult. Naturally, it is impossible to retreat, even if Lina Li looks a little bit wrong.

A fallen angel who can't share with others is simply not like a fallen angel.

"Put this on."

After the two women entered the room, they saw that Lina Li who came in first threw over two sets of maid outfits of the same style as hers, and both of them were taken aback after receiving them.

"What the fuck, give us this. By the way, I wanted to say it before. Why are you wearing a maid outfit? Did you become a maid for that human!?"

Mytilt was furious, Linali would become a riddle if she didn't see her for one night, and she did things weirdly.

Caravana also looked at the sullen Linali with doubts.

Lina Li's face turned black, "Put it on, otherwise how can I get close to that guy? If normal seduction is useful, do you think I will do this!? The other party seems to want to recruit a few more maids now. I'm worried about other people or demons Entering the game messed up the task, so you are called here, you just say you don’t do it, if you don’t do it, you can turn around and leave now.”

Mitilte and Caravana were taken aback when they heard the words. It turned out that this was the reason why Linali called them to help. Indeed, there are a lot of female demons in this town. If the other party joins in to make trouble, it may be a little bit Difficult.

The two girls, who thought they understood Linali's purpose, did not continue to resist.

"We'll just replace it, but is the mission target the kind of maid fanatic? It's really perverted. One is not enough, and I plan to ask for more. It's greedy enough." Mitilt thought in bits and pieces.

Then the two of them didn't have any shyness or scruples, and changed into maid costumes on the spot.

Lina Li saw that the two were easy to be fooled, and she was full of ridicule in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface. After all, these two guys still have the power of fallen angels, unlike her, who is an ordinary person unless she encounters a life-and-death crisis. Human girl.

That damn bastard.

When she thought that she actually obediently followed the other party's orders and even harmed her companion, Lina Li felt both resentful and a little elated at the same time.

After all, the Three Views of Fallen Angels cannot be discussed by normal people.

After school, Zhang Qing didn't continue to be a magic stick. After all, it hasn't been long since Hyoudou Issei's sex change incident. The school or some people who have heard the rumors may be looking for him, a master who can realize wishes for others!

Of course Zhang Qing wouldn't be rushing to play a monkey show at this time.

In addition, there was an unbecoming fallen angel waiting for him at home, so Zhang Qing simply went home directly.

"Master, welcome back!" x3

Somewhat unexpectedly, Lina Li, who was obviously reluctant before leaving, actually kidnapped two female fallen angels back, and made them both wear maid outfits. I have to say that her ability to handle affairs is still good .

Seeing the three maids in front of Yu Jie, a combination of girls and Lolita, leaning forward and putting their hands on their stomachs, shouting to welcome the master home, Zhang Qing was a little dazed, after all, Lina couldn't take the initiative to use the fallen angel's weapon powerful.

Under such circumstances, he was able to abduct two companions, and let the other party obediently put on a maid outfit. It seemed that he had undergone some maid training before he came back.

Zhang Qing had to look at Linali differently. If it wasn't for the fact that these two female fallen angels were idiots, then Linali was very good at deceiving people, and she was the kind of super talent who worked as a pyramid scheme.

It was really too dangerous, so it had to be sealed.

Zhang Qing was even more sure of the idea of ​​sealing this gang of fallen angels. Thinking of this, he did the same. He put his hands on the heads of the two new maids and rubbed them gently.

"Welcome, both of you!"

Lina Li looked at this scene, her eyes were filled with excitement, and her face was flushed.

I think this is the master's concern for the new maid, and he must have taken the opportunity to manipulate those two idiots, just like her back then.

Mitilt and Caravana did not evade or resist, and let Zhang Qing rub their little heads. After all, they are currently playing maids and cannot show resistance to their master.

However, he lowered his head, thinking that the two of them performed very well, and secretly laughed at Zhang Qing for being an idiot, who was so easily confused by their beauty, and at the same time secretly laughed at Lina Li for not being able to do this well. It's because she looks too ugly.

The two self-satisfied fools didn't see the malicious gaze on Lina Li's face who raised her head earlier.

Of course, Lina Li knows what these two guys are thinking. If she has been together for so long and doesn't know the psychology of the two little bitches, she will be living in vain, so naturally she doesn't have much to do to these two guys. The psychology of resistance, and even a sense of superiority in the other party's IQ.

Without keeping his hands on the heads of the two for too long, Zhang Qing withdrew them. He stretched his waist and walked over the three of them into the room.

"But there are only three female fallen angels in the church!? That's too few."

"Don't be dissatisfied, let's not talk about fallen angels, even the angels have fewer women." Lina Li rolled her eyes and followed up.

The two women who were left in place looked at their backs, a little dazed.

"Did he just talk about fallen angels or something!?" Mitilt suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked Karavana, who was also dumbfounded.

Why would the mission target know this kind of thing, it's ridiculous!?

Caravana also felt her hands and feet were cold at this moment. She was naturally not an idiot. From the mocking eyes that Linali looked at them when she turned around just now, Caravana also realized that the two of them seemed to have been tricked.. 0

The most embarrassing thing is that my two idiots jumped into the pit willingly.


Caravana gritted her teeth and called out the name of that nasty female fallen angel, but soon she turned pale and was stunned on the spot.

Mitilt's eyes were also red, but when he saw that Caravana suddenly stopped the attack, he stood there in a daze, and asked a little puzzled, "What's wrong with you, Caravana!?"

"It's gone, it's gone... The power of the fallen angel in my body is gone, how could this happen!?"

"What's gone, wait! Mine is gone too!" Mitilt also sensed what's going on in her body when she heard the words, and her small face suddenly turned completely white. No one knows better than them about the loss of strength. Afterwards, what will become of the fallen angels.

Fear, panic, despair...  

"Don't you seem to know why I have been wearing a maid outfit and appearing as a human being!? Hee hee, now you know, you two idiots!"

At this moment, Lina Li, who had left, suddenly returned, with a mockery on her face that she didn't even bother to hide.

"Damn it, you bad woman, do you know what you have done!?"

Mitilt and Caravana woke up from despair immediately, and glared at this hateful woman, she was too scumbag, no wonder the lord was able to take a fancy to her among thousands of fallen angels, it really wasn't unreasonable.

"Hmph! Whatever you say, it's just the barking of a defeated dog." Lina Li was completely unmoved. Isn't betrayal something a matter of course for fallen angels!?

"Okay, the master is waiting for you to go in now, you two homeless people!"

After speaking, Lina Li walked inside without looking back.

The two who were left behind couldn't help but clenched their fists, but after a long time, they let go of 5.0, and walked in with dejected faces. People had to bow their heads under the eaves, even they were no exception.

"But Lina Li, today's enmity won't just be calculated like this."

Zhang Qing was sitting at the dining table, and when he saw the three women had arrived, he motioned for the three to sit down, then looked at Lina Li and asked, "Does that mean there are no female fallen angels in the abandoned church now!?"

Although Lina Li didn't know why the other party asked such a question, she ordered it anyway.

"Oh, in that case, I will give you a task to drive away all the fallen angels, and the church will belong to me in the future." Zhang Qing directly made a decision.

Lina Li's third daughter was stunned when she heard the words, "Wait, us!? But..."

Zhang Qing interrupted what the three of them wanted to say, and said, "Don't worry, you are much stronger now than before, come, feel your new strength!"

As they spoke, they snapped their fingers, and there seemed to be the sound of chains breaking and breaking in the three women's bodies, and then a terrifying force emerged directly from the deepest part.


What an intoxicating power, powerful and profound, incomparable.

[The author has something to say: the second is later, there is something to do!].

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