"Ala Ala, so Rias, you have been chatting awkwardly with each other, and then arranged the other party in the kitten's class!?"

Himejima Akeno was also a little surprised, this development was a bit too magical, "The other party is the family of Lesa Phoenix, right? Is it really okay to let her stay in the academy so hastily!?"

Will it be misunderstood by others that they are sending a signal that they agree with the marriage of the two families very much, and now the two families are equal to one family!? Otherwise, it would be too unreasonable for people from a third party to stay on their own territory up.

Rias put her hands on her forehead and sighed, "It's like this anyway."

She couldn't figure it out and chatted, and it suddenly became like this, and she was also a little confused. The little girl didn't talk about the engagement from the beginning to the end, which made all the preparations for Rias in vain. Otherwise, he wouldn't be completely led by the other party's nose, and finally agreed to such a ridiculous request.

Serious demons, especially aristocratic demons, why do they need to go to a human school!? That is, she and Chitori Sona need a clear identity, and as students, it is easier to contact other students, and they don’t have as many troubles as social people. .

Of course, they can also choose to appear on the stage as teachers, but it is not necessary, because after becoming teachers, their spare time will be occupied by official duties, which is not conducive to their real work. How can they be students?

"By the way, Zhu Nai, please say sorry to Zhang Qing and me, and tell him not to come to the old school building recently. I'm worried that the Phoenix family will make trouble for him."

Rias said with a little irritability, Rebelle must be watching her to find something when she stays in Juwang Academy, Rias doesn't want to involve Zhang Qing because of herself, even though Zhang Qing doesn't look simple, but the Phoenix family But one of the 72 pillars, the strength should not be underestimated.

"Alaala, since it's your request from Rias, I will of course fulfill it, don't worry!"

Seeing Akeno Himejima, whose face was full of distress and reluctance, but whose eyes were full of excitement, Rias hardened her fist, "Don't take this opportunity to do something strange, you know! ?"

"Alaala, I don't quite understand what you mean, what's so strange!?" Himejima Akeno was not frightened by Rias's appearance, but instead asked innocently and didn't understand.

Lias is very angry, you still don't know, take a mirror and see the expression of the cat on the face at the moment, let's talk!

If it wasn't for Kitten and the others, they would be even more worried, and Rias didn't want to leave it to Junai, as she always felt that the other party was capable of causing trouble.

"I remember you clearly said that you hate men, Zhu Nai..."

"Hmm... It seems that I did say something like that, but Rias seems to have said the same thing. It's really disgusting. My memory is a bit bad. I don't know if I remember it wrong!?"

"That must be your memory, I just don't like too much contact with strange men, I don't have misogyny!" Rias nodded affirmatively, expressing that Zhu Nai's memory was wrong.

Akeno Himejima didn't get too entangled in this matter, she turned around and said, "Rias, what do you think of President Kurana's proposal, do you want to agree!? Or are you planning to give up this opportunity? Give it to the other party!?"

Rias also cooperated to change the topic, and stopped talking about that sensitive topic. In fact, the cross has not yet been written, and Rias has not figured out whether she really likes Zhang Qing, or whether it is just the other party who is the key Appearing at all times has become a pillar to support myself to move on, and I mistake the sense of peace of mind for liking.

She shook her head and put the mess behind her and said, "Cangna and I are both friends and competitors, so naturally we won't give in. Later, you can stop by the student union and talk to the other party, just talk about me. Agreed, as for how to play, just use normal sports, such as basketball, football or tennis..."

"I see, I will tell the other party about your proposal, and I think President Cangna will accept it."

"Well, let's do it this way, by the way, I don't know why there are a lot of stray demons in Juwang Town recently, I will inform other people later, let's go hunting stray demons tonight." Lias suddenly thought of something , called Himejima Akeno who was about to leave.

Akeno Himejima frowned when she heard Rias's words, "Rias, you really should investigate carefully, this situation is very abnormal, there is no reason why so many outlier demons would choose to come to this place, One or two can still be called a coincidence, but now there are too many, and they all affect our normal completion of the summoned contract."

What is a stray demon? It is a group of demons who leave, hurt or kill their masters for various reasons. Simply put, they are evil servants who betray their masters.

In terms of the human world, it is equivalent to a gang of traitor-level criminals. Now these traitors from various countries have suddenly gathered in Juwang Town. It does not seem like a coincidence. Juwang Town is not the country of rain. The outlier demons didn't join any Akatsuki organization, so it's worth looking into.

The only good news is that the gang of depraved guys in the abandoned church left Juwang Town, otherwise, who knows if these guys will get together and make ten super heavens!?

"When Gurefia came, I already told her, she told me not to worry, and the Leviathan demon king will come to the human world soon... well, and tell me this beforehand Don't tell Cang Na that Lord Leviathan is going to give her a surprise."

Himejima Akeno twitched the corner of her mouth, was she frightened!?

"Sir Leviathan was able to come over. It seems that something interesting happened in the underworld!? Rias, do you really not know at all!?"

Lias rolled her eyes, "I'm not a know-it-all or an inquisitor, how can I know so much, and my brother never told me, anyway, you just need to know that there is such a thing, we don't have the strength to do anything else Participate."


"Hey, long time no see Xiao Qingqing, do you miss me!?"

As soon as Zhang Qing and Asia walked out of the school gate, a soft and fragrant creature suddenly appeared on his back, hanging on him with a smile.

Mo Li and Asia were a little caught off guard and were taken aback.

The corner of Mo Li's mouth twitched, this girl with twin ponytails dressed in a pink magic girl outfit, couldn't be that one!?

Asia is like the jar of jealousy being overturned, stepping forward and pulling the opponent down.

"Seraflu!?" Zhang Qing was also a little surprised that the other party would appear here. After all, the other party is one of the four demon kings who maintain the order of the underworld, and the underworld is about the same size as the entire Blue Star, or even larger. The four demon kings are here to maintain the connection, and the other party should be very busy.

0 for flowers...

The current Zhang Qing is no longer that Xiaobai at the beginning. Through Chiryuutei, Rias, the others, and Mo Li, the traverser, Zhang Qing already has a certain degree of understanding of this world.

So Serafru Leviathan may have sneaked out to buy comics back then, but it was definitely not the real reason, because the other party is a demon king, such trivial matters are enough for his subordinates, there is no need to come here in person , and the other party didn't go to see her baby sister immediately, which doesn't match the personality of a super girl.

Perhaps the encounter between the other party and himself is not a coincidence.

Zhang Qing guessed that it was because of the Divine Destroyer [Chiryuutei's Cage Hand]. If it is an ordinary artifact, there is no reason why the Fallen Angel Governor Asachel would pay so much attention to it. You must know that the owner of the artifact in Kuo Town is not only Hyoudou One person, Shiro Sajimoto, who is currently the secretary of the student union, is also the host of the artifact, but did any fallen angel come to the door!? No.

Therefore, Zhang Qing estimated that some big figures from various forces basically guessed that the artifact on Hyoudou Issei's body was one of the god-killing tools. Maybe they have some special way to roughly perceive it.

This also explained why Serafulu came to him suddenly.

"That's right! It's me, accident or not!? Surprise or not!?"

Seraph put out her scissors hands and said with a smile on her face.

Seeing that many people had already looked over, Zhang Qing hurriedly led them away, and when they arrived at a place where there were no people, Zhang Qing motioned for the other party to come down, and asked, "What's the matter this time!? Or sneaking away?" come out!?"

As he said that, Zhang Qing turned over a piece of silver.

"Hey hey, it seems that Xiao Qingqing guessed it, sorry, you made too much trouble, so last time I was sent to check, for the sake of everyone being a magical girl chef, please forgive me!"

Serafulu also fell to the ground obediently, she folded her hands together and apologized sincerely.

"Then what's the matter this time!? I shouldn't have done anything!?" Zhang Qing didn't understand what he meant by coming here again. Recently, he really didn't make troubles anymore, mainly because no one showed up to trouble him opportunity.

The days went on like this, a little boring.

Serafulu put her hands behind her back and said with a smile, "What's the matter, can't I come to you Xiaoqingqing if I have nothing to do, we both took away each other's first kiss "It's so sad!"

Asia suddenly felt that her head was a little heavy, and her blond hair suddenly became panic-stricken.

"First...first kiss!?"

"Aisia, are you okay!?" Mo Li asked, supporting Aisia who almost fell to the ground.

"Woo...I'm fine, it's just my first kiss, woo...but I'm still so sad, Mo Li..." Asia cried loudly, everyone in the school was like a wolf and a tiger Forget it, at least she didn't do too much, and she is still close to the water, so she should have the advantage anyway.

As a result, now that she is told that a strange woman took away her first kiss from the person she likes, Asia suddenly feels that the sunlight on her head seems to be green too.

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