Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

626 Seraflu: Anyone Who Likes Magical Girls Can't Be A Bad Person!

Serafulu followed Zhang Qing back home, and when she saw Linali's three fallen angel maids, she just smiled and didn't say anything about it.

There is no aversion to seeing people in hostile forces.

Lina Li's three daughters also glanced at each other indifferently and did not say anything more, doing housework on their own. After a while, the three daughters have gotten used to this kind of life, but the memory of the previous life has faded .

There is no way to do this. If you want to say that the previous life is impressive, it is only that it was expelled by various forces, and it is basically unpopular everywhere. Then they go to make trouble, like the bad life in the Sakura Kingdom It's interesting, but it's not that interesting. The only advantage is that you can vent your negative emotions wantonly and make other people in this world feel pain.

And the lower-level fallen angels like Linali and the others are either cannon fodder or free-range pawns. If the number of fallen angels had not decreased sharply after the last three-clan war, no one would be able to think of them, let alone reuse them. Otherwise, Linali wouldn't have been so excited when she was summoned by Asachel.

In fact, it's as if ordinary people were suddenly summoned by the head of the country, saying that there is a very important task for you.

That's how Lina Li felt at the time.

However, judging from the fact that Asachel has not contacted her for such a "five-three-three" for a long time, and has not given her a way to contact him, it is likely that she has given up on Linali after handing over the task.

It is impossible for Asachel not to know that a fallen angel like Linari can only choose the time-saving plan and directly kill Hyoudou Issei, and the result of killing Hyoudou Issei is to confront Lias, the younger sister of the demon king. On top of that, without his help, Lina Li would definitely not be able to survive.

Well, I can't say that, after all, Rias should be unlikely to take the initiative to kill Linali, unless she is also the kind of right-winger who desperately hopes that the war will come again.

But not killing doesn't mean that Lina Li will be let go without incident.

Therefore, it is certain that Asachel gave Linali a job that would never end well.

In the comparison of the two, it is understandable that Linali and the three daughters directly jumped ship and surrendered to Zhang Qing's command with peace of mind, after all, Zhang Qing gave too much.

"Thank you!" Serafulu took the teacup from Linali, took a sip, and said, "Ah, I'm really thirsty!"

She had waited for a long time at the entrance of Juwang Academy, and she hadn't even drank.

It's not that she hasn't thought about going in, but non-teachers and students, if she wants to go in, basically she can only wait for the next open day or the parent meeting, otherwise, even if she can sneak in without anyone noticing, Zhi Chicang will be angry. As a good older sister who dotes on her younger sister very much, of course Seraph will not make her younger sister angry.

And if the surprise is delivered too early, the sense of anticipation will be insufficient.

Zhang Qing looked at the two women occupying both sides of him, sighed, and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter!?"

Sarafulu glanced at Asia, who was holding Zhang Qing's arm on the other side and puffing her cheeks, smiled, and then smiled close to Zhang Qing, "I just want to discuss some hobbies with you.

Zhang Qing: "Sure, it's just that you're wasting your time, and I don't care."

Although she has a high affection for this same magical girl chef, Zhang Qing is also a very sensible person, and she will not influence her judgment just because of her personal preferences.

Seraph gave Zhang Qing an angry look, "You, has anyone ever told you that acting too rational and smart is annoying!?"

"Isn't this an advantage!?" Zhang Qing shrugged.

Serafulu didn't play around anymore, she let go of Zhang Qing's arm, and said, "I'm here for something serious, but I can't tell you the specific reason, as long as you know that I didn't intend to harm you It’s okay, I want to stay with you for a while.”

"By the way, you have helped that girl Lias a lot, but don't forget my sister, Cang Nachan is also very cute, no, it should be said that she is the cutest girl in the world, can't you Treat one more than another, in terms of relationship, Ming Cang Nachan is closer."

Zhang Qing really wanted to ask the other party, why did he match up with that president!?

The first kiss that I mentioned before was completely nonsense. The last time it was obviously a surprise attack by the other party, and it was just a kiss on my cheek. There was a fart first kiss.

"President Cangna will not accept my help."

Zhang Qing didn't bother to talk to the other party about what was there and what wasn't. He pointed out the problem directly.

If it was easy for Zhizhi Cangna, there is no need for him to choose Rias in the end. One is the rational president of the student union, and the other is the president of the club who seems cold but is easy to be affected by emotions. I know where to start.

From a certain point of view, Shitori Sona is really not like Serafulu's sister, and her personality is too different.

Serafulu put away the smile on her face when she heard the words, and sighed, "That's right, Xiao Cang doesn't need my sister's help now..."

She showed a very lonely expression, but it was only for a moment, and soon she put on a smile again, "I don't care about that, Xiaocang is my sister, you have to take care of her, I am secretly watching After a while, Lias's family members now have the appearance of experienced veterans, which is something that many ranking game teams don't have, and I didn't expect Xiao Cangna to be hit at that time."

Serafulu started to be unreasonable, and she hugged Zhang Qing's arm again to play coquettishly.

Asia was not to be outdone, and said coquettishly, "Mr. Zhang Qing doesn't have so much time! He still has to teach me homework, right!?"

"Ah!? What is there to teach about that kind of thing, isn't it easy to understand after reading it once!?" Serafulu showed a very puzzled expression.

This is an extraordinary race. If you are proficient in eight languages, you can do more. Some knowledge that humans find difficult, in their hands, is similar to the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of elementary school students. Of course, this does not mean that they can do it. They are really smart, but they have the ability of photographic memory.

At the same time, he is also an extraordinary person, and his brain development is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Hearing the quarrel between the two, Zhang blushed a little, and hurriedly said, "It's fine to stay here, but you have to pay the rent!"

Serafulu smiled and said, "No problem, can you pay for the meat!?"

Zhang Qing wanted to beat him up, this guy seemed to be really eyeing him, sure enough, boys should be more careful when they go out, "Otherwise, there might be wild women planning to use strong Qiu.

Asia was furious, it was too stinky and shameless.

"Then I will pay for it too!"

Zhang Qing knocked the little idiot on the head, rolled his eyes and said, "Why are you joining in the fun, who made you pay for it, you have a good idea!"

Seeing Asia's pain, Zhang Qing turned to Serafulu and said, "You are also thinking about peaches..0"

"Hey!? I even thought of a name for our future daughter, and I also prepared a lot of magical girl clothes for her to wear!?" Serafulu said with some disappointment

Zhang Qing is too lazy to talk to the other party anymore, "In short, if you want to live, you have to pay. I support so many people here at once, and the financial pressure is a bit big."

Linali, or the lower level of the fallen angels, does not have their own property, nor will they have any wages.

Not to mention Asia, she was born as an orphan, and when she grew up, she worked as a white worker for the church for several years because of the artifact. She was the one who contributed, but apart from a little praise, there was no real remuneration.

Most of the luggage I brought before was old clothes given by others, so you can tell how poor she is.

In the end, it was Mo Li. This girl was rich, but she couldn't use it for the time being, so she was helped by Zhang Qing.

In addition to some daily expenses, Zhang Qing is also under some pressure.

Anyway, he is a public official, and he can't make money through very formal means. Although Zhang Qing can guarantee that no one will notice, but he has a lot of money on him, and the people above him are not fools. How could they not know that there is a problem! ?

Of course, Seraph will not be troubled by some small money, "This is no problem, but actually you can think about that, mine will be yours in the future, I am very rich, don't you really plan to think about it?" !?"

"Forget it!" Zhang Qing refused without even thinking about it. The other party is a demon king. There is no such thing as marriage. It can only be someone else's marriage. Zhang Qing doesn't say that he doesn't like the other party now, even if he likes him in the future. will agree.


"But I won't give up."

"Whatever you want."

On the other side, Shitori Sona, who received Rias's intention, also showed such an expression, she was not angry, after all, they are indeed competitors, if Rias really intends to give in, she will not 4.6 would agree.

It doesn't matter what happens in private, but on the surface they not only represent the individual, but also the interests of the dependents and the family behind them. It is irresponsible and insulting to back down, and it is impossible for Rias not to understand.

"Then let's have a tennis match tomorrow morning. Since the number of players is not equal, let Rias and I play one-on-one. No problem!?"

Akeno Himejima nodded, "Yes, Rias has said everything before I came here, you can make up your own mind, she said she believes in you!"

Shitori Sona also smiled when he heard that, "Then go back and tell Rias that I am very grateful for her trust.

"Then I'm going back."

"Huh! Huh!? What's the matter, suddenly looking at Yi!?"


After Himejima Akeno left, Shitori Sona touched his face, and muttered, "Is there something dirty on my face, why does it feel weird when the other party looks at me, as if holding back a smile! ?"

Zhenluo Chunji, the vice president at the side, shook her head and said, "Not at all! Probably because they have a chance to win. I heard that they have been doing special training recently, and it must have achieved remarkable results!?"

"That's really worth looking forward to!" Chitori Sona said with a smile. .

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