Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

627 Rebelle: Brother, I Think I Might Be In Love!

Early in the morning, Ju Wang Academy was boiling.

The reason is: one of the two popular idols of the college, the two elder sisters of the third-year students, the president of the student union Shito Sona and the president of the supernatural research club Rias Gremory are going to fight.

Although I don't know why!?

But it is rare to have a lively viewing, and to be able to tell the difference by the way, which instantly attracted the enthusiasm of countless students.

Even if you skip class, you have to come and watch!

On the court, wearing miniskirts and holding a racket are the four members of the student union and the head and vice president of the mysterious society, all of whom are third graders.

Of course, for those boys who skipped class and went to watch with binoculars and other things, the discipline committee members had to act again, which was really annoying, both sides.

The twins Yu Quanguang and Yu Quanyao from the Ministry of Discipline, chasing after the perverted trio, their eyes are already on fire, if it wasn't for the bright sun, as newborn demons would feel uncomfortable and suppressed, they would have caught up with two or three guys long ago up.

"How can there be such a person!?" As the younger sister, Yu Quanguang was also a little speechless. If it was from the outside, they wouldn't be so relentless, but these three idiots, taking advantage of Lias The four of them were competing, sneaking into the locker room and stealing the clothes, shoes and socks that others had replaced.

This is also the reason why Hyoudou Issei has become Hyoudou Makoto, she is already a girl, but everyone still does not let her go near the locker room and other places, the guy who can continue to be with the two gentlemen in the class has surpassed gender up.

Yu Quanyao is also gnashing his teeth, can't these summer boys learn from Chairman Zhang Qing!?"

Because all the boys in the classes of all grades have run out of 20, so naturally there is no way to go to class, so the student union simply notified that classes will be suspended in the morning for free activities. They were very happy. They wanted to watch it at first, but because they had to attend classes, they just held back their mood.

Speaking of which, thanks to the self-sacrifice of those stinky boys!

Of course the girls won't be grateful, after all, it's not like they don't know what these boys want to do.

However, because of the suspension of the school, the Department of Discipline and Discipline cannot punish those students who skipped classes.

Except for a few who went too far and were closely pursued, most of the disciplinary committee members stayed outside the fence of the tennis court to prevent bad incidents from happening again.

Of course Zhang Qing is also here, he looked at the four people playing killer tennis inside, the corners of his mouth twitched, what about normal sports!?

I have used magic power, I am afraid that a normal person will have to be admitted to the ICU!

Sitting on the high seat in the middle was the head of the tennis department, An Pei Qingya, with a whistle in her mouth. As a referee, her face became more and more bewildered.

Because of the high-speed flying tennis ball, just looking at it already made her tremble with fear.

Not to mention Ampere Qingya, Himejima Akeno and Shinra Tsubaki also stopped their hands at the same time, looking helplessly at the two bosses who had completely forgotten that they were doubles.

"Is this the sport in the human world!?" Standing next to Tacheng Kitten and watching the game, Rebelle Phoenix was also shocked.

The kitten glanced at the two people who were venting their magic power wantonly, and said indifferently, "No, they are just on top.


While watching it engrossed, Rebelle was suddenly pushed back by the audience who were also excited by the excitement of the competition, but to her surprise, she did not fall to the ground, but was supported by others Hold on.

"Many, thank you..." Rebelle said after she calmed down her heartbeat after standing still.

Tacheng Baiyin, on the other hand, retracted the hand that was outstretched to hold Rebelle in surprise, looked at Zhang Qing who suddenly appeared, and said, "Senior Zhang Qing!?"

Zhang Qing nodded to the kitten, and then said to the two, "Be careful, there are a lot of people here, and it's easy to trample on the world."

After exhorting, he left.

Rebelle stared blankly at the back of the other party, "Okay, so handsome, and so gentle..."

"Senior Zhang Qing is a devil..." Tacheng Baiyin corrected in a low voice. She had already retracted her previous evaluation that the other party was a "good guy". After the training, the person who creates such a virtual space will still feel that the person is a good person.

As an extremely realistic virtual space, the NPCs and monsters inside are also extremely realistic. The kitten has not forgotten how he was killed by the NPC showing off his IQ, cheating money and sex.

In it, they not only need to crusade against various monsters, but also beware of guys who are NPCs. These NPCs will suddenly change from green names to red names. After completing a task to help the other party get revenge or something, it is also common for him to suddenly turn around and stab himself.

Having been tricked a lot, Kitty and the others are naturally full of complaints about Zhang Qing, the game designer who plays with human nature.

Although their abilities in all aspects have indeed improved now, especially their vigilance, Xiaomao feels that she just can't appreciate each other, and always feels that whenever she and others get frustrated inside, the other party laughs happily.

However, Rebelle, who was already intoxicated by male sex, didn't hear the kitten's words at all, and she was still fascinated in the direction where Zhang Qing left just now [obviously in a state of being hit by an arrow in the heart of the bed bit.

Suddenly, Rebelle felt that it was not a difficult thing for her to come here to go to school for her brother's sacrifice.

Ampere Qingya had already put down her whistle, because she felt that this competition was meaningless.

From the moment when the main generals on both sides suddenly came up, there was no need for referees anymore. After all, it was clearly a 2VS2 doubles, but it suddenly became a singles. It was obviously a foul. Is it necessary to continue!?

In addition, considering the physical fitness of the opponent's two superior demons, if this kind of competition still follows the rules of normal humans, it is impossible to tell the winner. After all, which rules are applicable to normal people, not this little superman of.

The final result was indeed as Ampere Qingya had guessed. When Rias and Chitori Sona were exhausted, the outcome between them was still inconclusive.

What's more, the noise was a bit too much. Just look at the stunned expressions of the students who watched, and you will know that if you don't use magic to dilute what they saw today, it won't be long before the whole country or the world Everyone knows that there are two girls who can surpass top athletes.

Himejima Akeno and Shinara Tsubaki looked at each other, and they couldn't help but sighed. Naturally, this matter was left to the two of them.

On the other side, Lesa Phoenix, who was being held in confinement in Phoenix's mansion in the underworld, was a little depressed. After all, he couldn't escape punishment for what he said, whether it was for the relationship between the two families or for other reasons.

Now being locked up by his parents and not letting him go out during this period of time is actually for his own good.

Laisa naturally understood that the reason for his depression was partly because he couldn't even use the familiar to spy on the woman he loved, and he was suffering from lovesickness.

On the other hand, the progress of baby sister Rebelle is still moving since she went to the human world.

In fact, it's not that Rebelle doesn't work hard, but that she doesn't know what to do. She can't just ask Rias what she thinks about the marriage contract with her brother!? This is too straightforward, no matter what Rias's attitude is , there will be no good results.

I wanted to boil the frog in warm water, but I first made a good relationship with Rias, and then came bit by bit.

As a result, because the idiot brother let out the wind and said that he wanted to get married early, now Rebelle couldn't slow down at all, otherwise everyone would know that there was a problem.

"Why haven't you heard from me yet!?" Lesa waited and waited, but she didn't wait for her sister's call today, and 357 was a little bit crazy.

But he didn't say he couldn't go out, and he was restricted from actively contacting outsiders, which made Lesa useless no matter how eager he was.

In fact, the reason why she was put in confinement was not only to prevent leaks, but another reason was that Laisa's family wanted to use this to change her mind. Maybe after a long time of confinement, her mind would become normal and she would understand Rias's feelings. alright.

In fact, the members of the Phoenix family do not know that the four demon kings above have already known about the fact that Lesa suddenly wanted to break off the engagement. After all, as the four demon kings in charge of the entire underworld, if they don’t even have eyes and ears, it’s too unreasonable , Even the emperors of the mere human dynasties knew about the establishment of Jinyiwei, let alone the devil king.

To be honest, as one of the demon kings, Sazex Lucifer doesn't know his sister's resistance to this marriage contract, but as a demon king, he can't bend the law for personal gain, and if he does what he likes, how can he convince the public!?

Even if Serafulu loves Chichi Sona so much, she didn't directly break the engagement with Cangna, and she also knows that the position of Demon King is actually a kind of bondage.

Originally, Suzeks was a little helpless about this, but he didn't expect things to change suddenly. He suddenly became the family member of the victim from the debtor, which caught him off guard, and he almost couldn't help but tell the good news. Rias is gone.

But in the end, I held back. After all, Rias didn’t know that she was the victim. If she knew it in advance, it would change her taste. This was the second time when Gurefia looked for Rias, she had such a strange expression on her face. reason.

To be honest, like in the original book, the ranking game bets a lot, and then helps Hyoudou Issei to fight the engagement banquet. Even if Suzeks is the devil, the people below will be dissatisfied. This is the convincing power of the ranking game The blow, I am afraid that the incident of the blood of the first generation of the old school demon king and the group of disasters laid the root of the disaster, and it is also based on this incident.

After all, Suzeks showed signs of being a fool. .

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