"Actually, this is not surprising. Although our three major forces have ceased fighting, it is because we have seen the end of continuing to fight, but not everyone takes the battle damage to heart. Even in our underworld, there are still many Keep your voice down, those who want to start another war, some of them are fanatics who are passionate about war, and some are family members whose relatives died in the last war..."

It was rare for Sarafulu to lose her usual hippie smile. She seemed to have expected this kind of thing, but her mood still inevitably became a little bad.

Perhaps it was a demon who also came from that era. She knew the cruelty of war. In fact, the current four demon kings are also like this, so they reached a high degree of agreement.

Lina Li is not as sentimental as Serafulu, she said to Zhang Qing, "Kabile, one of the cadres of the fallen angel central organization Grigori (God Son Monitor), is the hawk faction among the fallen angels, he will send It is actually not surprising that people come here, after all, there are two sisters of the devil kings gathered here, there is no powder keg that is easier to get and cause a bigger sensation than this."

Mitilt echoed, "Yes, yes, master! You don't know, although we also like to make troubles, but Kabil's side is full of lunatics, doing things unscrupulously

Serafulu also looked at Zhang Qing at this time, and said softly, "I heard Lias talk about her 'knight', if there is anything that can make him unable to calm down, it can only be Regarding that matter, it seems that Kabile not only wants to detonate the war between fallen angels and demons, but also wants to drag angels into the water. "That guy can indeed be described as "crazy."

You must know that compared with the two major forces that have reincarnation technology and can reincarnate other races into demons and angels, the fallen angels have not developed the same technology for some reason. They seem to have to wait for the angels to fall into their part of.

So in the years when the war stopped, the demons and angels have actually recovered some vitality. Although they still can't compare with the most prosperous period, at least they have escaped the crisis of subjugation and extinction. The only shortcomings are pure demons and angels. Still rare.

Demons can solve this problem by marrying, but angels can't reproduce each other, because having this kind of thinking means the beginning of falling into heaven, so pure angels will only become fewer and fewer. In the end, it is very likely that all of them will become reincarnated angels.

As for the fallen angels, as mentioned above, they do not have an advantage in numbers, so Serafulu really doesn't know where the "lunatic" got the confidence to start the tribal war.

Seeing Serafulu looking at her, Lina Li didn't want to pay attention, they just surrendered to the "god" Zhang Qing, not this demon, but guessed that this shameless demon might really become her in the future Lina Li, one of the mistresses, gritted her teeth, and still answered the other party's unspoken question, "At least when I was there, I didn't hear any news of alliances with other forces. Fallen angels are very proud. Yes, forming an alliance means that you are indeed weak, and it is absolutely unacceptable with a character like Kekabil's."

"Even if Kabile really chooses this way, other fallen angels will definitely not support it, unless the fallen angels take the initiative, but that means that those forces are only affiliated, and they are all weak guys. It doesn't make sense to use it as cannon fodder."

Generally speaking, fallen angels are a group of tired guys. They are arrogant and don't know how to cooperate with others, but they don't look down on those who are weaker than themselves. At the same time, they will avoid guys who are much stronger than themselves, lest they be caught Seize and become a slave.

To say that these guys have backbone, it seems that there are not many. Say they don't have it, it seems to be so hard that it makes people itch.

Fearing that time will flow backwards, the three daughters of Linali know that Zhang Qing can make them stronger, so they may choose to avoid them and forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

A fallen angel without a collar is not a good fallen angel.

Such a bunch of bad-tempered and tough-tempered guys, no wonder they became street rats that people hate and hate. There is really no one more villain than them, even the devil who has always been regarded as evil by the world is ashamed.

Maybe during the process of falling into the sky, something went wrong with his brain.

Seraphro shook her head, and asked Zhang Qing, "The fallen angels must have lurked a lot of people coming in. At this time, is it really okay for Little Asia and the others not to stay at home!?"

That is a Holy Mother who is able to stick to the "goodness" in her heart despite the brainwashing education of the church, and heals the demons who believe that they are doing all kinds of evil under the propaganda of the church. Even with the protection of Caravana, one of the three fallen angel maids, it is very possible Read it.

Because her weakness is too obvious, kindness is a very good character, but being too kind will be used by people with a heart. After all, doing kindness is also a kind of poison, it will satisfy a person's heart and make him forget himself.

In other words, doing good deeds is actually the same as doing bad deeds, it is just a kind of self-satisfaction.

It's just that bad people will protect themselves, and good people are often in danger.

As for these fallen angel maids, the three views are not so normal in the first place. The only thing that is commendable is their combat effectiveness. It is okay to be big, but it is a bit difficult for them to distinguish right from wrong and persuade Asia.

Zhang Qing didn't feel nervous at all. He took a sip of tea slowly, and then said lightly, "Don't worry, Mo Li is with me. Although she is sometimes a little reckless and impulsive, she can be trusted when it comes to right and wrong."

Not to mention that she has been a human being in two lifetimes, and she has made some progress. For example, the other party has been in the special department for so many years, and has experienced a lot of darkness. If she is foolishly deceived by others, she will not live until now. In the eyes of many caring people, she is a delicious piece of fat.

As for why Zhang Qing was tricked into turning around, I can only say that Jiang is still old and hot, or that he scares himself and breaks his defenses, so when facing Zhang Qing, he is completely at a disadvantage and can't even fight back. To sum it up: I just scared myself to death.

"Also, the Chiryuutei guy is also on them, although he can't recognize the master, he can barely use it.

Zhang Qing thought about it and added something.

The corner of Seraflu's mouth twitched, "Really, it's a god-killing tool, but you all looked very disgusted, and I've heard that dragon cry secretly at night more than once.

"You want it!?" Zhang Qing asked back.

After a long silence, Serafulu changed the subject and said, "By the way, I heard that the latest episode of "Magic Girl BALILI" is broadcast today, let's watch it now!"

(Sekiryuutei: So why am I suddenly rejected!?)

On the other side, two girls in white robes appeared on the streets of Juwang Town.

"Oh, please give the lost lamb the favor~~~~!"

"Please give mercy to us who are mourning on behalf of Heavenly Father~~~~~!"

They suddenly clasped their hands together and clenched their fists in front of their chests to pray, which attracted many passers-by to stop and watch.

They seemed to be quite troubled at the moment, but none of them came forward to ask if they needed help.

"What's going on here!? Is this the reality of Sakura Country, one of the developed countries in the East!? That's why I hate this kind of country that has no sense of faith."

Don't say that about Xenovia. We, who have run out of travel expenses, would not even be able to eat without the mercy of the heathen! Ah, we can’t even afford a single piece of bread now!”

"Hmph, whose fault do you think it's all! It's all because you, an idiot, were tricked into buying such a strange painting, and we are what we are now."

Xenovia pointed to the strange painting on the opponent's back that looked like a saint.

The abstraction is like a painting made by a child's graffiti, which is simply eye-catching. I don't know why this idiot can be easily coaxed into buying it despite her repeated resistance.

"What are you talking about!? This painting was drawn with a sacred painting method! The relevant personnel at the exhibition also said so!" The girl with an orange double ponytail under the hood took off the back of her back The painting, the road holding the baby.

And Xenovia, who has short refined blue hair and a strange bunch of green hair on her forehead, covered her face with one hand, pointed to the painting in the other's arms, and asked, "So, can you tell me, the painting Who is that pictured in the picture? I can't imagine which saint this is!?"

The squinting eyes and crooked mouth, like a strange guy built from many building blocks, Xenovia felt that this was simply blasphemy.

Aside from the painting style, the clothes of the above foreign style people are quite poor. Although there is a halo on the head, the baby angel in the background is flying in the sky with a trumpet.

No matter how you look at it, there is a strong sense of incongruity and violation.

"...(Did Zhao). Probably, Mr. Peter!?"

"Are you kidding!? St. Peter can't be like this!"

"No, that's it! I can understand!"

Seeing that the other party was still obsessed with obsession, Xenovia immediately felt very tired, "Ah, why is such a guy my partner... Lord, is this also part of the trial!?"

Wisteria Ilya with orange double ponytails saw her partner suddenly crouching on the ground with her head in her arms, and hurriedly said, "Wait, don't hold your head! Speaking of which, now is not the time to be depressed!

"Who do you think did it!?" Xenovia glared.

"That's why I said that Protestants are heretics! They are different from the values ​​of our Catholic Church! Give me more respect for saints!"

"What, suddenly losing your temper! How strange is the Catholic Church bound by ancient rules!"

"What did you say, heathen!"

"What a god, heretic!"

Finally, the two started their daily quarrel......


However, after their stomachs protested again, the two of them were not in the mood to continue arguing about such boring things as who is the heretic.

They covered their stomachs with their hands, and said weakly, "Let's debate about that kind of thing later..."


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