"Damn it, I've only been away from here for a few years, why is there no church anymore!!!"

Tired and hungry, two girls wrapped in white robes were leaning against a big tree trunk. Among them, the girl with orange double ponytails was gnashing her teeth and looking at the resplendent Xia Guofeng Temple over there.

At any rate, she lived in Juwang Town before, and because of her parents, she has always lived in the church here, so Wisteria Ilya was chosen for this mission because she has this advantage exist.

However, not to mention that so many years have passed, the familiar town in my memory has become a little strange.

Take the previous "home" as an example, it is gone, this is unbearable.

Looking at it from a distance, although it feels a little strange, maybe the local believers have repaired it and painted it with red paint. Although the pure white is more in line with the teachings, I don’t understand why the believers here want to do this. But at least it also expressed faith, and the two women were still comforted in their hearts.

It was much better than the abandoned church in my imagination. They could stay in for free without cleaning. This made the two who had no money to rent a house or live in a hotel feel relieved.

As for the problem of eating, we can discuss it after we put down our luggage.

However, they never expected that when they went up the mountain, what they saw was not a church at all, but a temple with "Yan Wang Di Jun Temple" written in Xia Guo characters.

It's just not too bad!

On one side is the grief and indignation of being homeless, and on the other side is the strong protest of the stomach: if there is no more food in the stomach, the excess fat will be digested, which is the warning of the previous two groups.

"Stop yelling, now you have to find a way to fill your stomach, and if you do that, you won't be able to take back the holy sword.

"... That's true. Then, are you going to threaten the infidels to get them money!? If they are infidels, the Lord should and will forgive us.

Wisteria Ilya looked at the resplendent temple over there viciously, almost biting her silver teeth. It was her former "home", full of memories, but now they are all gone, it's too hateful.

.......To raid the temple!? Or to rob the money box!? Better not to do it. Let's do street acrobatics with swords now. This is a popular entertainment that works in any country!" Although Xenovia was a little moved by Wisteria Illya's words, after thinking about it, she gave up on the idea of ​​public revenge

The main reason is that they have missions to deal with now, and extra problems and diplomatic issues with other sects may be caused, and the consequences may be unimaginable.

The main reason is that now she is so hungry that she feels that the two of them may not be able to beat others.

Take a look at this temple, the majestic aura of the gods cannot be faked, it must not be a liar, and the two of them came here, and there is absolutely no way to get anything good.

Wisteria Ilya also calmed down, she nodded and said, "This proposal is very good! If you use the holy sword to cut fruit, it should be very interesting."

"Well, it's just that we don't have any fruit. We can't help it. Why don't we cut off the picture of the bar!"

"No! This is absolutely not possible!"

The two started arguing again.

Perhaps hearing the movement outside, the door of the Emperor Temple was pulled open from the inside. A blond-haired girl poked her head out to look out, and saw a blue-haired girl chasing an orange pair of ponytails hugging her. The girl in the painting chased and slashed with a sword, and couldn't help but be taken aback.

The edge that shone in the sun was definitely a real sword.

Asia, who didn't understand what was going on outside, swallowed back the question in her mouth.

But even if she didn't speak, the two people fighting over there had already noticed her, and they were looking at each other at the moment, the scene was quite weird.

And inside, Mo Li was looking up at the god statue in the main hall. The stone statue was exactly the same as the one in the main teleportation point in the game, which made Mo Li gnash his teeth, "That damned bastard, he said that he is not a time traveler, he really lied to me !"

And it's too funny, what do you want to do with such a god statue on other people's land!?


"Wait! Could this be a teleportation point!?" Mo Li, who suddenly thought of something, began to grope around the stone statue of the Rock King Dijun, wanting to see if it had any special abilities.

(Zhong Li from a certain original demon world suddenly felt itchy on his body, and couldn't help but look up at the sky: According to common sense, one should take a bath frequently in summer.)

"What are you doing!?" Caravana, who was holding a broom, looked at Mo Li, who was crawling on top of the huge statue, and his hands were up and down, and his expression became strange.

She has seen a lot of blasphemers, but this is the first time she has seen such a daring guy. Although she doesn't know which god is the so-called "Emperor of the Rock" that the master put here, but the breath of the god can't do it. False, the proof must be real.

Now someone actually stretched out a salty pig's hand to him, and even Caravana, a fallen angel, couldn't stand it anymore.

In ancient times, King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty recited silver poems in the Nuwa Temple, and now there is a statue of the emperor in his hands in the Moli Emperor Temple.


Brilliant fart!

Isn't this guy afraid of being punished by God when he goes out later!?

Mo Li was awakened, and then turned to look at Caravana, seeing that the other person looked at him with shock and admiration, and then looked back at his position and the salty pig's hand that he had placed somewhere in the statue of the emperor, Mo Li was silent.

...Well, I said that things are not as you imagined, do you believe me!?"

Miss Caravana shook her head, "I don't believe it!"

She pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of her nose and said, "Miss Mo Li, I think you can bring a lightning rod with you when you go out later, blasphemy will definitely be punished by God, this is not a joke, I I think you should be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, we will take Miss Asia (cadj) away later."

Mo Li wanted to cry, "I told you it's not what you think, and the emperor's lightning rod is useless, it's the sky star, no matter how far you are away from it, it's useless."

"You still have the mood to say this. I think what you should do now is to kneel in front of the god statue to repent and ask for forgiveness." I also know that there are punishments for blasphemy, but I am still arguing with her here, and my heart is too big.

No wonder the master often said that the head of the other party had been kicked by a donkey.

"Shouldn't be necessary..." Zhongli is a god from another world, so he shouldn't be able to give her a shot of Yanmucang in the air, and Zhongli should also retire, right?

Caravana said indifferently, "You can try it, I'm just reminding you, it's not up to me to believe it or not, the order I got is to protect Miss Asia!

It was Mo Li who knelt down. She lowered her head and knelt in front of the statue of the Emperor Yan, crying bitterly and explaining that she had no intention of doing so.

Seeing that the other party didn't continue to kill, Caravana left, because Asia had been out of her sight for a while, and she needed to check it out.

On the other side, Rias and the others finally found Yuuto Ohba.

In fact, as long as Kiba Yuto does not leave Kuoh Town, with Rias' ability, it is only a matter of time before she finds her. After all, this is her and Kurana's territory in name, so there are many things that can be done.

When Rias led someone to find Kiba Yuto, he was sitting on a swing in the park with his head down and his face full of gloom.

Even Lias and the others didn't notice immediately when they approached, as if they were trapped in their own world.

Although she was a little angry at the other party's disappearance, Rias and the others were relieved when they found Kiba Yuto. At least the other party did not have any accidents, and the clothes on her body were just a little messy.

"Senior Kiba, senior trapped, wake up..."

Under Rias's signal, Tacheng Baiyin stepped forward and shoved, and called the other party's name.

Kiba Yuto finally came to his senses, looked up at Rias and the others, "President Rias......"

However, he only called out softly, and then continued to remain silent.

Rias crossed her arms and said coldly, "Come back with us, I want to hear why you did this!"

Rejecting the master's contact is undoubtedly tantamount to saying that she has betrayed. If the master is not her, Kiba Yuuto is now a wanted criminal (rogue demon) "Of course Rias is very angry.

"Yes, no matter what happened, go back with the president first, as long as you apologize well and explain clearly, President Rias will forgive you." Kiryu Lanhua also persuaded.

If she didn't see that the atmosphere was not suitable, she would actually have wanted to make fun of it, after all Kiba Yuto looked like a lost boy no matter how he looked at it now.

But Kiba Yuto shook his head, he stood up and said to Rias, "I can't go back now."

Not to mention other people, even Rias couldn't bear to be cold at this moment, she looked at such a strange Kiba Yuuto with a shocked face, and even forgot to speak for a while.

Kiba Yuto seemed to have made some kind of decision, he bent down and bowed, "Thank you very much, President Rias, for giving me a second life and for taking care of me all the time. Although I don't know what to do, but I have to leave everyone now, sorry, and goodbye...."

After finishing speaking, Kiba Yuto ignored everyone's obstruction, turned and left directly.

Lias looked at the other person's back and clenched her hands into fists, with her nails stuck in her flesh. After a long time, she said to everyone, "Let's go back first!"

"But..." the kitten said in embarrassment.

However, Akeno Himejima put his hands on her shoulders, shook his head at her, and signaled her not to continue persuading her. .

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