On July 26, XX, the weather is unknown and it should be very hot.

As a serious person, I didn't intend to keep a diary, but now I really want to record my mood at the moment.

I don't know if it was another accidental surprise of fate, someone knocked on the door early in the morning, disturbing the sleep.

Of course, some people do this occasionally. After all, as the [God of Misfortune], there will be so-called "surprises" in life every moment.

Well, I have to explain that I am not a secondary illness, but I am indeed a god in this life, and probably no one proudly claims that he is a god that brings bad luck when he is secondary, right!?

The door is open!

The person standing outside is not a drunkard, nor is it a cat or dog, and of course it is not any other gods or their family members! It is a bit surprising.

What's more, it's a bit unbelievable, even as a god, I'm sure I was shocked after I opened the door and saw the other party clearly.

Because it was a man wearing an old suit, which would never appear in this western fantasy world.

For a split second I thought I had time-traveled again.

Before I could finish my shock, the down-and-out man who claimed to be a businessman took off his hat and thanked me, as if I had helped him some time, even if I explained that I had never seen him before.

As a gift, the other party gave me a girl behind him with scars on her face and body, as a thank you gift for saving my life.

(In fact, I think that if he really met me, then the misfortune is probably because of me.)

According to the introduction of the other party, this girl is his commodity, a slave. Originally, the other party was a slave of a nobleman, but for some reason, he sold the girl again. After changing hands several times, it finally fell into his hands , but because of the flaws in the girl's appearance, no one is willing to buy it. After all (the other party said) it seems that everyone is not easy, and they don't have much money left.

As a small businessman, it seems that there is only one "item" that is more "valuable" at present.

Well, these are actually nothing. The reason why I, who has been a human for more than 20 years, and a god who is hundreds of millions of years old, shocked me is because the plot is so familiar

It is exactly the same as the beginning of a little butter that I downloaded and played with curiosity when I was a human being in my previous life, except that I am not a doctor.

Of course, what is even more shocking is that this is the labyrinth city of Orario, how did the other party get here!? Seeing the other party send the thank you gift, turn around and disappear into the white mist, and can never be found again, maybe this can be counted The last unsolved case.

Now how should I treat this girl as a "thank you gift"!?

After writing this, the boy with short white hair put down his pen and sighed.

The only good news is that this is not the modern world of the previous life. For a girl who appeared out of nowhere without an ID card, no one would call the police and think that she was a trafficker.

But the bad news is that the abused appearance of this girl named "Hill~" Wei seems to make her bad reputation even worse.

But in fact, it doesn't matter, no one would be willing to join his family, after all, as the god of misfortune, if you get too close, it is likely to bring misfortune.

Zhang Qing closed the diary with only one page, put it in the drawer, got up and went to see Sylvie's current condition, if I remember correctly, she will get sick on the first day in the game plot.

Opening the door of the next room, I saw the other party sitting in the corner with his feet crossed. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he flinched, and then looked at Zhang Qing with anxiety.

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you here, and you can use everything in this room, you can sit on the chair, and sleep on the bed.'

Because there is no game option, Zhang Qing didn't know if he was right. After he finished speaking, he looked at Sylvie and found that the other party lowered his head and did not speak. He couldn't help feeling a little headache.

Maybe other women should come, but as a god, he has not yet created his own family, and no one is willing to be his "children", and he can't find other women at all.

Well, as a "broom star", he didn't have many friends when he was in the heaven, so there is no such thing as a familiar goddess.

So at this moment, I can only bite the bullet and appease the other party.

Sylvie cautiously glanced at Zhang Qing who was wearing a smile, but she didn't dare to meet the other's eyes. She bit her lower lip and still responded to Zhang Qing with silence.

Zhang Qing sighed, "Just stay here obediently, I'll be back soon after I go out."

After exhorting, Zhang Qing left the other party's room, intending to go out to the Tianqing Pharmacy to buy some useful medicines, and at the same time, to buy some ingredients to cook a pot of porridge

Sylvie's current health is very poor. If there is a lot of fish and meat, it may be no different from suicide.

And he is currently unable to use divine power to heal the other party. No, as the god of misfortune, even if he can use divine power, he doesn't seem to be good at healing.

Zhang Qing, who closed the door of the room again, didn't see Sylvie's mouth slightly open, as if she wanted to say something to him. When the door was closed, Sylvie's dull eyes seemed to be It also dimmed a bit.

As a single god who hates ghosts and gods, after a long time, he has become less good at getting along with people. If it weren't for the short twenty years of being a human being in his previous life, he would have been even more pitiful Some.

Walking on the streets of the labyrinth city Olali, Zhang Qing will never be afraid of the crowded roads, because anyone who knows him or God will take the initiative to make way for him. Looking at it from another angle, Zhang Qing sometimes feels that he is very awesome Yes, it is no different from the king.

Looking up at the bright sky, Zhang Qing became thoughtful. Before, it was clear that the outside was full of white mist, but now it seems that this is not the case. Could it be caused by a sudden space-time disorder!?

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the reason for seeing people who do not belong to this world.

After walking for about 20 minutes, Zhang Qing arrived at Tianqing Pharmacy run by Mihe Familiars. As for Lingwei's pharmacy run by Dean Kate Familiars, they would not do Zhang Qing's business at all.

She walked in skillfully, and inside the counter was a sleepy dog ​​girl with brown hair. Hearing the sound of footsteps, she suddenly pulled herself together and looked up.

After discovering that it was Zhang Qing, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Welcome, Lord Lord Zhang Qing, do you need anything!? Or the healing potion as usual!?"

Zhang Qing, as a frequent visitor and a major customer of this pharmacy, will naturally receive a warm reception. After all, who would have trouble with money!? As for Zhang Qing being the god of misfortune, who would? care!?

"Hmm...prepare me some medicine for scars, colds and other illnesses."

"Do you want them all!?" Nazha Elise seemed very excited.

Zhang Qing nodded, "Basically give me some of what you have in the shop."

"No problem, please sit down, I'll be ready soon." Nazha couldn't wait to prepare the medicine Zhang Qing needed, this time it will definitely be easy for a while.

Sure enough, God Zhang Qing is the best god besides his own God Mihe.

Zhang Qing didn't sit down, he counted the coins on his body, put what he needed to pay on the counter, and then said to the busy little dog Nazha, I'll go to the market first to buy some things, Nazha After you tie it up, I will come to pick it up later, and I will put the money on the counter, so you can collect it.

"Ah!? Okay." Nazha turned around while filling the medicine.

Zhang Qing smiled, "You should click first."

Nazha shook her head, "No need, I believe in Zhang Qing Lord God!"

Zhang Qing was very helpful when he heard the words, he waved his hand, "Then I'll leave now."

However, just as Zhang Qing walked out of the store, he bumped into someone head-on. He was not injured, but a certain blue ribbon fell to the ground and rubbed his ass. His ass screamed for pain.

Zhang Qing recovered, sighed, and habitually took out a bottle of healing potion and handed it over.

"Come on! Drink a bottle and the pain will be gone!"

He's used to it, and every time someone goes out, someone gets hurt.

Hestia rubbed her ass, looked up at the red potion handed to her, raised her eyes and continued to look up, and sure enough it was Zhang Qing again, she puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, "Why!? Another You, did you do it on purpose!?"

"No! I think you did it on purpose." Zhang Qing replied with spread hands.

"How is it possible!?" Hestia patted her buttocks and stood up, her eyes wide open.

Zhang Qing didn't bother to argue (Zhao Qian's) whose fault it was with this loli goddess who walked without looking ahead. He took back the potion in his hand and asked, "Are you looking for Mihe!? He doesn't seem to be here.

Hestia was taken aback when she heard the words, frowned, and muttered, "Is it a good deal..."

"By the way, you obviously don't have your own family, why do you look like you don't need money!?" Hestia asked the question she had always had.

Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Although I am the god of misfortune, it doesn't mean that I will be very unlucky. In fact, I can be considered very lucky, and there is some money I picked up on the road."

"Damn it! It turned out to be like this!" Hestia was immediately very upset, and even a little envious.

"What's the matter, you are very short of money now!?" Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Hestia who was muttering something. If I remember correctly, she has been living a lazy life of squatting at home since she went down to the realm. , Jun lives under the care of his friend Hephaestus, the goddess of forging.

There should be no shortage of money!? After all, Hephaestus Familia has a big family.

Hestia coughed and explained, "I suddenly felt that what I did before was very wrong, so I wanted to support myself. That's right, that's the way it is. I definitely didn't get kicked out by Hephaestus."

Zhang Qing:

It turned out that I finally couldn't bear to kick this friend-gnawing monster out of the house! .

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