Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

644 Hestia: Hephaestus Stretches Her Face, I'll Hit!

"Is it okay to leave it to you!?"

After returning home with Hestia, standing in front of Sylvie's room, Zhang Qing looked at the loli god who was exuding an unreliable aura with some uneasiness. For a moment, he felt that he had chosen her to help, Is it the wrong nerve!?

Hestia stood up fiercely, and said confidently, "Leave it to me, I am still very confident in affinity!"

"But it's okay, after I help you, you will let me live here for free until I create my own family, and I can't lie."

Zhang Qing sighed, "Don't worry, I never broke my promise!"

"Come on! These are new clothes, you can take her to take a bath and change them later, I'll cook some porridge first, do you want it!?"

As he spoke, Zhang Qing handed over several sets of new clothes.

Hestia looked at it after taking it, "Is the size correct!?"

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "Do I have such a big shrimp!? Don't worry, it's absolutely right! Don't try it, that kid is different from you."

Hestia put her hips on her hips, "That's right, my figure has always been praised.

"As for the porridge, prepare me one too. I'm a little hungry too. "Can't that guy Hephaestus let me finish my last meal and drive me out!?" She complained about her ruthless hair flat.

"She was a slave before, and her life was very bad. You should try to pay attention later." Zhang Qing explained again with some worries.

If the only goddess he knew so far was Hestia, he wouldn't want to entrust her with such a difficult task, after all, Hestia is not very smart.

You said Nazha!? Don't be kidding, she is the head of the Mihe family. It's okay to chat as a guest in the shop, but if you kidnap her and take her home, it will cause misunderstanding.

Not to mention that Nazha herself has 213 knots, asking her to comfort others and guide others, isn't it embarrassing for her!?

At that time, it is very likely to become a tragedy.

"Got it, got it, you've said it many times, really, why didn't you see that you are such a mother-in-law before!?" Hestia rolled her eyes and said impatiently.

Then ignored Zhang Qing, pushed the door open and walked in.

After seeing the girl in the room, Hestia was startled even though she was mentally prepared.

She couldn't help feeling a little bit of pity and anger in her heart, she didn't understand what kind of person could be so cruel to such a girl, the scar on the other's face was definitely not caused at one time.

And the other party is very thin, I am afraid that he has not eaten at all.

Looking at the other party, Hestia suddenly realized that what she had done before was indeed wrong. It was not wrong for Hephaestus to drive her out and let her support herself.

Hestia stepped forward and hugged the bewildered Sylvie, and said softly, "Don't worry, child, you are very safe now, no one will hurt you, I apologize in the name of Hestia you promise!"

Sylvie looked suspiciously at the sudden appearance of this cute girl who seemed no older than her except for a certain part, and was suddenly hugged by the other party. She was stunned for a moment, but she didn't resist too much.

Because every time she resisted before, she would be beaten and punished, and she has learned to bear everything silently.

It's just that Sylvie suddenly felt very warm at this moment, and she seemed a little nostalgic for such an embrace.

"Come on! Go take a bath first, I'll give you medicine later, your wounds will heal soon.


After handing Sylvie to Hestia, Zhang Qing went to work on his own affairs. Because of his reputation, he has always cooked by himself, so he still has some cooking skills. He is very good at some simple home-cooked dishes .

After cutting the meat into thin shreds and putting it into the pot, he let it slowly stew in it. It's better to stew it until it's tender, otherwise Sylvie's stomach might not be able to accept it.

Not long after, the tempting food aroma wafted from the kitchen.

"Den den den—!"

Just as Zhang Qing was cleaning the bowls and chopsticks, there was the sound of rapid footsteps outside, followed by Hestia's cheerful voice.

"Zhang Qing! I want to talk to you about something about Sylvie..."

She gasped as she stopped.

Zhang Qing turned around and saw that this guy was still wearing a white towel, but Sylvie, who was dragged by her, changed into new clothes, didn't you change clothes!?"

"I'll talk about this kind of thing later, I want to ask you, do you plan to include Sylvie in your family!? If you don't have this plan, what do you think of me!?" Hestia is now focused on Sylvie As for Wei's affairs, as for her own, she didn't care at all.

Zhang Qing was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Sylvie, seeing her blushing face, suddenly wanted to know what Hestia had done to her before, but now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

"This, of course, is decided by Sylvie herself, but Hestia, are you sure Sylvie is okay!?"

Hestia looked at Zhang Qing puzzled, "Of course it's okay, I like this child very much, and I really want to take care of her."

"I know I was really lazy before, but now I have made up my mind to find a job.

Zhang Qing shook his head, "What I want to ask is not this, but... Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway."

Thinking of this world, as long as you successfully join the family of a certain main god and get the favor of the god, you can be reborn. With the plug-in to become stronger, then Sylvie's problem is no longer a problem.

"Did you hear that!? Sylvie, you can decide for yourself, that...are you willing to be my 'child'!?" After getting Zhang Qing's consent, Hestia was happy at first, and then looked at it with some hesitation. To Sylvie who has been silent.

I was worried that the other party would refuse, after all, she really had nothing now, even the place to live was provided by Zhang Qing.

Sylvie looked at Zhang Qing, and then at Hestia. Although she still didn't quite understand what kind of family, what kind of favor, and why they called themselves gods, they looked similar to ordinary people.


Thinking of the time when Hestia hugged her before, Sylvie finally nodded and said in a low voice, "Mmm..."

"Yeah! That's great, I finally have my own family members, I want to tell Hephaestus, let her look down on me!"

"Wait, where do you want to go!?" Zhang Qing grabbed the idiot and motioned her to look at her current attire. If she went out like this, it might cause big news.

..." Sticking out her little tongue, Hestia also calmed down, and found that she really couldn't go out in this state, so she could only temporarily give up the slap in the face.

Zhang Qing sighed. In fact, it's not that he never thought of taking Sylvie into his family, but when he thought that he was the God of Misfortune, Zhang Qing was really afraid that something would happen to Sylvie when she went to the dungeon in the future.

After all, this is a passive skill, and he cannot control it.

This is also good, although Hestia is a bit unreliable, but she is not a bad god, and it is better to give Sylvie to the other party to take care of.

Hephaestus, who drove Hestia out on the other side, was also talking about Hestia at the moment.

Of course, Hephaestus was also a little worried about her friend, but she still held back her plan to find him. After all, if she didn't force her a little harder, that lazy guy who would become a godless guy after going to the lower realms, I'm afraid It's that you will never take the first step in this life.

"Oh, don't blame me Hestia, it's all for your own good"

As for the safety of Hestia, there is no need to worry at all.

May I ask who in the labyrinth city Orario dares to hurt the gods!? The gods just forbid the use of the power of gods, but it doesn't mean they can't actively use it. When life is in danger, it should be considered a special case.

But after such a long time, Hestia didn't come back crying, which surprised Hephaestus. Before that, Hephaestus even thought that Hestia would cry because of hunger. The one who ran back had miscalculated.

Hestia seemed surprisingly spineless.

"Let's have a look tomorrow, hope it gets better..."

Hephaestus finally made a decision.


After applying ointment to Sylvie's whole body, Hestia sneezed suddenly and muttered, "Could it be that I caught a cold, but shouldn't it!?"

As a god, where is it so easy to fall ill!?

No, or that shouldn't be the case at all.

"That guy Hephaestus must be talking about me behind my back, huh! After I take Sylvie to the 'Guild' to register tomorrow, I will let her know that Hestia can do it as long as I want to do it." , let her underestimate God!!!"

After Sylvie got dressed, Hestia said, "You should get used to it today, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything, and we will register with the guild tomorrow, then you will be my official Hestia." A member of the Sti Familia."

Sylvie nodded obediently, seeing Hestia so happy, she was also very happy.

"Yes, Lord God."

"Ahhh, you're so cute, I tell you Sylvie, you're amazing, you even have a skill [Wild Willows and Flowers], which proves that you are a very good child, but you can't tell other people about this, you know! ?”

Hestia hugged Sylvie and said excitedly.

Sylvie's face was flushed, and it seemed that there was no longer only death in her eyes, but now there was light gradually.

If this is a dream, I really hope I never wake up.

In the next room, Zhang Qing felt a little helpless when he heard the noise next door, "This guy can't be a lily!?"

[The author has something to say: Insomnia, I didn’t sleep on the third day, alas...why are you so energetic, obviously I didn’t drink coffee!].

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