Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

646 It's Time To Give Someone Away Again! ? Brother Baiwu, You Are A Kidnapper!

"From today, Sylvie, you are an adventurer, but don't worry, the most important thing for you now is to take care of your body first.

After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Hestia said to Sylvie beside her.

Although she doesn't want Sylvie to engage in dangerous adventurer activities, she also understands that it is absolutely irresponsible to blindly protect her, unless Sylvie is the only member of Hestia Familia from the beginning. , otherwise she was the first to join, but if she was still an ordinary person, Sylvie would definitely be dissatisfied by other members in the future.

Because as the first child, she herself has received more favor from the Lord God, which is both a honor and a burden.

Even if you can't become the first person, become the head of the group, but you must not be the tail of the crane.

At the same time joining the family, it also means entering Olalie, a big stage where all kinds of family compete together. Being too weak is the original sin. How many family members are disbanded every year, and how many gods have to be sent back to the heavens. caused by weakness.

If he didn't set up his own family, probably others wouldn't bother to talk to Hestia, but once he established his own family, it meant that Hestia was already a competitor.

So Hestia had to be ruthless, this was what she had to do to Sylvie.

Sylvie nodded, "Yes."

She does what Hestia says, and she doesn't think Hestia will harm herself.

Zhang Qing took the two girls to browse in Olalie, on the one hand, to let the newcomer Sylvie get familiar with the place, and on the other hand, to help Hestia see if there is any business opportunity, Hess, who is now poor and white The Tia family needs a stable source of funds very much.

Regardless of whether her family will become bigger and stronger in the future, it must be so. After all, not everyone is suitable to be a strong adventurer. Some people are born to be life players, not to mention that Hestia is not a fighter the gods.

Now the two of them are still living in Zhang Qing's house for free, so they must find a job to support themselves.

In fact, Hestia wanted to work for others, but Zhang Qing rejected this idea, because not to mention that she would lose her position, even if Hestia didn't mind, how much salary can she get as a handyman!? Barely supporting her Just yourself, and this is not a long-term solution.

In Zhang Qing's view, instead of working for others and making ordinary people uncomfortable, it is better to open a shop and be the boss. When the family grows stronger, it can be regarded as the family's own industry, which can provide some members of the family who are not suitable for combat power. There are also places where you can shine.

"You can open a Mala Tang here..." Zhang Qing finally said, looking at a closed shop on North Street.

As far as Hestia's current cooking skills are concerned, this kind of cooking with no technical content is the most suitable.

The most important thing is to control the heat and the soup base. Zhang Qing can provide the soup base. Hestia is absolutely good at the heat.

Hestia looked at the size and environment of the store, and was quite satisfied, but she was a little curious about the Mala Tang in Zhang Qing's mouth, "What is that!?"

Zhang Qing didn't explain too much here, he said, "Let's talk about it when we go back..."

As long as there are too many people here, maybe they will be heard by someone, and then they will become despicable copycats.

Another reason is that if people know that this is a store opened by Zhang Qing, even if he is just an investor, no customers will dare to come to the store.

In fact, opening Malatang is not as good as opening a hot pot restaurant, but considering that although there are Orientals in this world, such as the god of the Sakura Kingdom, Jian Yulei and his family, but the background is still a Western fantasy environment, most of them are handicapped, maybe To open a hot pot restaurant, Hestia and the others have to operate it in the end, otherwise these guys won't eat it, and then something goes wrong when they eat it, causing trouble.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Qing felt that Malatang would be easier.

Hestia, who understood this, naturally had no objection.

In this way, a new restaurant named "Blue Ribbon Malatang" opened on O'Larry North Street. Because of its high quality, low price and first-class taste, it was quickly accepted by many adventurers. The good thing is that the boss seems to have a misunderstanding about mild spicy, spicy and spicy or super spicy.

Because the business was very good, Hestia had to recruit people so that she and Sylvie would not be busy all day long and had no time to rest. Later, when more people were recruited, she didn't even need to do it herself.

In fact, it’s not that no one has considered copying it, but there are many ingredients such as tofu and dried tofu provided in Hestia’s store, which are simply not available outside, let alone the hot pot soup base that can be taken out alone. Yes, if you want to learn, you need to have a recipe, but Hestia didn't even tell the staff, and it's even more impossible to get it, unless you kidnap a god, which is impossible at all.

In this way, while Hestia and Sylvie were busy with their business, they were preparing for their first adventure into the dungeon.

On the equipment side, Hephaestus was surprised to learn that Hestia had actually created her own family, and also provided a set of good equipment for free as congratulations and praise.

After half a month of recuperation, Sylvie's body gradually began to become fleshy, and her breath improved a lot, so gradually there were other employees in the store, and after she was no longer needed to be too busy, she Then I started to learn boxing from Zhang Qingwenli, the "God of War".

As a god of war, Zhang Qing is naturally proficient in all kinds of weapons, knives, guns and sticks. After all, it is not in vain to live a hundred million years. Of course, the traditional martial arts of the Xia Kingdom are also the same.

An inch is long and an inch is strong. In Zhang Qing's opinion, even if you don't choose a spear, a sword is also good.

The result was beyond the expectations of the two gods Zhang Qing and Hestia. Sylvie seemed to prefer to use fists, and chose not the most lethal Bajiquan and other boxing techniques, but instead focused on subduing the opponent as soon as possible, so as to This minimizes the damage of the parties involved in Wing Chun.

Zhang Qing's expression was weird about this, not because he looked down on Wing Chun himself, but because he linked Wing Chun and Sylvie, which made him feel that something was very weird, as if he had read such a fanart in his previous life, that's it of.

In this way, for the next half a month, Sylvie basically learned boxing from Zhang Qing. Considering that the opponents were those monsters in the dungeon, Zhang Qing even taught Sylvie how to fight against inhuman opponents. Deal with it, after all, the enemies of Wing Chun in the previous life would only be human beings, but in this world there are only human beings, if they copied it, they would all die miserably.

In addition, Sylvie chose melee combat, so the pace is actually the most important thing. How to swim, how to escape the encirclement, these all need training. , that's all.

In fact, if there are companions, it is the most ideal. There is mutual support, and there is also a guarantee in terms of safety. As long as you don’t go down too deep and encounter too many monsters, you don’t have to worry about dying. This is very important for the early stage. For novice adventurers, it is the best..0

However, even after working hard for a month, Hestia has not recruited new family members. Those newcomers who come to Orario will basically only consider those relatively famous big and medium families. Even if there are those who want to join the small family, It wouldn't be a family with one member like Hestia, not to mention that Sylvie is still thin and small, and she looks like a vase at first glance.

On this day, the three of them still got up early. After simple morning exercises, they sat around the dining table and ate the breakfast made by Hestia. Because Sylvie planned to enter the dungeon for the first time today, so Hestia Ya has never heard of it, and has been chanting some precautions.

Sylvie didn't dislike Hestia's talkativeness, on the contrary, she really liked the feeling of being cared about, and listened tirelessly to the other party's nagging.

Zhang Qing curled the corner of his mouth unnaturally. He was not in a good mood. In fact, since Hestia and Sylvie arrived, he has been in a good mood. He must have been alone for too long, and he was able to be with others, even if it was just for a chat , his mood will be very good.

Who says gods can't feel lonely!?


Suddenly the door outside was knocked from outside.

Hestia couldn't help but stopped urging, and muttered in surprise, who could it be so early!? Could it be that guy Hephaestus!?"

Sylvie also tilted her head, a little curious.

Zhang Qing frowned, he didn't have any friends, could it be that he was really looking for Hestia!?

At this moment, Zhang Qing once again noticed that the outside of the window had become hazy and filled with white mist, and he couldn't help being taken aback, this scene was a bit familiar.

Then he secretly looked at Sylvie who didn't realize it, did that down-and-out businessman come again!?

While Zhang Qing was thinking about things [Hestia had already run over to open the door.

Zhang Qing and Sylvie who followed behind also saw two little girls standing outside, they were twins, the girl with pink hair was supported by the girl with blue hair, blood was still flowing from her head, she looked very weak look.

When the blue-haired little girl saw the door was opened, she cried and begged, "Please, please save sister 2.5, we are willing to do anything, please!"

The corner of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, is it really the character who went to the wrong set again!?

Hestia didn't seem to see the strange white mist outside, she helped up the blue-haired little girl who was about to kneel down, then hugged the pink-haired little girl, and pulled the crying blue-haired little girl towards go inside.

"Come in first, Sylvie will bring the wound medicine.

"Hmm." Hearing that, Sylvie also trotted to her room, because she was the only one who needed these medicines before, so they were naturally placed in her room, and now she needs to go back to her room to get them.

Hearing that there was medicine, the blue-haired little girl looked relieved, knowing that her sister was saved, she quickly said, "Thank you, thank you..."

"No need to do this, it's just a little effort, and we haven't cured your sister yet, say thank you, let's talk about it later!"

"By the way, how did you make it like this!?"

Hestia saw that the two little girls had wounds on their bodies and their clothes were cut by many sharp things, she couldn't help frowning, and thought: Who in Olalie is so cruel to hurt two such little girls? child!?

After making up your mind, go to the Adventurer's Guild to report, this kind of scum must be punished. .

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