Passing through the crowded hall, Sylvie came to an underground entrance, looking at the depth and end of the stairs that even the light couldn't reach, she couldn't help clenching her fists.

"Don't be afraid, in order to continue living with Lord Hestia and the others, Sylvie, you must not be afraid!"

She cheered herself up from the bottom of her heart.

However, before that, she was just an ordinary girl, and she was not even regarded as a "slave" by human beings. She never felt that she was a strong person, a genius, or a valuable person. There is also a trace of bewilderment.

Because happiness came too suddenly, it felt very unreal.

"Come on! Be careful!" Just as Sylvie was standing in front of the cave, struggling mentally, Hestia, who was supposed to take care of the two poor little girls at home, did not know why she appeared in a different place. In the distance, Zheng looked at Sylvie worriedly.

Sylvie turned her head and saw Hestia's hesitation, which seemed to make her "give up", she couldn't help showing a smile, and she said in a voice that only she could hear: "Maybe turn around and give up now!" If so, Lord Shangshen can also find thousands of reasons for me, but it is precisely because you are so gentle, so this time let Sylvie me be willful-00g..."

"I want to be a human!"

Saying that, Sylvie jumped in directly, and then moved forward to the depths.

Hestia pursed her lips tightly. At the moment when Sylvie's figure disappeared, she could no longer maintain the "calmness" that was already a little bit tense. Probably every "mother" looked at her "child" first. When I left my embrace for the first time and went to a farther place, I must have felt this way in my 20s.

Both proud, but can not help but worry about fear.

After standing in place for a long time, Hestia didn't wait here in the end. She turned around and headed back home. It wasn't that she didn't want to greet Sylvie who had returned immediately, but that as the main god, if she did this, Others would laugh at Sylvie, she didn't want to be a burden to Sylvie if she couldn't help.

"I've always been proud of you, my child..."

Sylvie didn't look back, she walked straight down the stairs, the stairs were not in a straight line, after a turn, she came to the first floor smoothly.

In fact, the floors inside the dungeon are not really completely dark.

In this underground labyrinth, there are occasional existences such as torches on the walls, and there are also some luminous moss or stones. Of course, there must be places where the light cannot reach.

It can be said that adventures in the dungeon, for a lone traveler, almost every moment is a kind of mental burden.

No support, no supplies, and no real safe resting points.

This is also the reason why many older adventurers tell newcomers that they must go together. No matter how powerful you are, you may be killed by shallow low-level monsters when you are exhausted, so do what you can. Can not be forgotten.

According to intelligence, monsters will not only roam the floors, but will also suddenly emerge from the walls, so walking close to the walls is a taboo.

After Sylvie looked around for a while, she chose a direction to move forward according to the guide about the 1st to 3rd floors provided by the Adventurer's Guild for free. She didn't walk fast.

While trying to make myself adapt to the environment and atmosphere here as soon as possible, I bear the cranky thoughts brought about by loneliness and divergent thinking, and be alert to the danger that may appear at any time.

She did not draw the dagger strapped to her thigh, for her small fists were her weapons.

Slowly, Sylvie heard the sound of "sough" coming from the front, a bit like the sound of the soles of feet walking directly on the side of the stone road, which is usually not noticed by people, but in this relatively claustrophobic environment, Any sound will be infinitely amplified, even the sound of your own heartbeat.

Sylvie fixed her eyes and approached carefully.

[When fighting, don't hesitate, any consideration other than defeating the enemy in front of you is superfluous, and of course you can't be attracted by the enemy in front of you, because you can never be sure, your enemy is only one person in front of you! 】

Thinking back to the teacher Zhang Qing's teachings in her mind, Sylvie instantly gave up her fear and too many considerations.

【Fast punch! Don't regret it after you strike! If the first blow doesn't work, then use it as a foreshadowing for the second blow!】

The moment a dark green short figure appeared in the perspective, without waiting for the little green figure to react, Sylvie stepped forward and punched the opponent's arm holding the weapon, causing the opponent to lose the ability to attack instantly. Ability, and then a hook with the right foot, making the opponent lose his balance.

The moment the little green monster fell down, its eyes were full of bewilderment and confusion, and then it saw a human elbow, which fell directly from the sky and hammered on its chest.

Immediately, his eyes widened, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and he lost his breath.


Sylvie did a backflip, stood up again, looked away from the dead goblin, and then looked at the other two little green-skinned goblins who had finally reacted.

He hooked his fingers.

[One step, one punch, one punch, one must concentrate on one's mind]

"It's so slow, it's much slower than the master's movement!" Sylvie turned sideways to avoid it slightly, and then turned her arm into a long whip and lashed at the long pillar stabbed with a spear.

The sudden huge shock paralyzed the goblin's hands.

[Rely on the elbow to take the midline standard and memorize it to get the truth]

Her arm wrapped around the long pole in an instant, and she took it off. Sylvie turned around and spun with the spear, and instantly wiped out the two goblins. He threw the spear high, caught it with his left hand, and played a gun flower in mid-air.

【Bridge hands fight hard but soft】

Stab, pick, smash!

Sylvie, who was holding a spear in her hand, instantly used the base of the long-handled weapon on the two goblins who were crawling up in a daze.

She is becoming more and more proficient, more and more handy, and the force she uses is getting smaller and smaller, but the lethality is getting bigger and bigger, and the gun is like a dragon.

The two goblins have now become her sparring partners, used by her to verify what she has learned during this time.

Zhang Qing, the teacher, is too strong. When facing the opponent, Sylvie is like a child. Her intentions are seen through, her attacks are suppressed, and there is no fun in fighting.

At the same time, it also prevented Sylvie from feeling that she was getting stronger.

However, at this moment, she realized that she was indeed no longer that slave girl who could only be bullied by others. She could use her fists to protect herself, protect the person she wanted to protect, and create a happy future.

[Pulling the horse and plowing the hand is also heavy]

Sylvie, whose eyes were shining, threw away the low-quality spear in her hand after swinging a goblin away again. She clenched her fist, punched it in sight, and followed the thrown spear away. On the goblin's arm, there was a crisp fracture sound.

Sylvie made a zigzagging movement, then used one foot as a support, drew a circle behind the other goblin, grabbed the opponent's hands with both hands, then raised her knees, and directly pressed against the opponent's spine , There was another crisp bone cracking sound.

But Sylvie didn't let go immediately, she took the opponent and rotated again, then pushed the opponent lightly, and sent the opponent to the other Xiblin who got up again.

Looking at the two goblins rolling together, she folded her hands around her waist and showed a smile.

On the other side, Zhang Qing looked at the two sleeping little girls and sighed.

This is already the second time that a character that shouldn't appear in this world has appeared. Zhang Qing is very confused about this, and he doesn't understand why.

But now is not the time to think about these things, he set his eyes on the pink-haired little loli among them, if he guessed correctly, the other party should be called "Ram" and the other one with blue hair is called Mu.

Although they have been smeared with medicine.

But obviously some traumas are not a big problem, even if it is mental fatigue, a good night's sleep is fine, but the condition of this pink-haired girl who is likely to be "Ram" is not very good.

Her vitality is still passing away, as if there is a gap at the bottom of the bucket, as long as the gap is not blocked for one day, the water in it will run out in 150-days.

Now Zhang Qing can only use magic stones to replenish the opponent's mana to barely prevent the opponent from losing their vitality along with the loss of magic power, but this is not a solution after all.

It's not that Zhang Qing can't do anything about it, after all, as a god, there's no reason why he can't even deal with a little ghost girl's physical problems.

The problem is that after reaching the lower realm, all the gods expressly prohibit the use of divine power, just like magicians are not allowed to use magic, Zhang Qing is also a bit Muggle.

Pulling a chair over, Zhang Qing simply sat on the edge of the bed, keeping an eye on the situation of the two little girls, and dealing with it immediately if there was a problem.

"Are you okay!?" Hestia finally came back at this time, she walked over lightly and asked in a low voice.

Zhang Qing shook his head, and also lowered his voice, "It's not optimistic. The girl's condition can only be barely maintained, and there is a risk of death at any time."

Hestia frowned, "Is there no way!?"

Zhang Qing nodded, then shook his head again, "Yes!"

"One is to find someone or prepare a lot of magic stones as energy to keep her alive." That is to say, find a power bank, even if the other party is leaking electricity all the time, at least it will not shut down due to power failure.

"The second is [God's Grace]. You should be clear that after becoming a member of a certain god's family, the essence of life has actually been upgraded. A drop of divine blood from the gods opens and renews the state, not to mention that there is no panacea in the world that can compare with the favor and blessing of the gods.

"The only problem is, after all, not everyone is happy with their wishes. Becoming a member of the family comes at a price. Maybe it's freedom, maybe it's responsibility, or maybe it's their fte..."

In fact, there are adventurers on Olalie who have not joined any family members. As mentioned above, some people value freedom more.

A dog that pulls is no different.

Family!? It also depends on personal opinion!.

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