"I said Hestia, are you thinking too much?"

The red-haired and red-eyed goddess Hephaestus put down her wine glass and looked helplessly at Hestia who had been complaining to herself.

"Are you so unconfident about your own charm!? And do you think that the goddess will fall in love with Zhang Qing just like you!?"

Hephaestus, who came to Zhang Qing's house early for the banquet, suddenly regretted that she had come so early. After hearing the inexplicable, funny and speechless words, what she wanted to do most now was to stuff the wine glass into this loli God's little mouth, let her shut up.

"Why not!?"

After drinking a lot of wine, Hestia, who was already a little drunk, pouted and looked at Zhang Qing, who was surrounded by Demeter and several goddesses talking and laughing. She was very annoyed for no reason. I should have known Don't invite the goddesses to help you.

The one-eyed Hephaestus, who was wearing a blindfold, also looked at the past, but what she saw was different from what Hestia saw, and she vomited, "I think he is very troubled now, if you don't rescue him Is it really possible!?"

"What's bothering you, you're clearly surrounded by a bunch of beauties!" Hestia called out, pounding on the table with her small fist.

A small plate of peanuts on the table spilled all over the table.


One of the hosts of the banquet got drunk before the banquet started, and now he is still drunk, is it really okay!?

And where did she say something wrong, just the gossiping smiles of Dimiter and the others, they were asking some weird and difficult questions, if it wasn't for being the master of these 20 miles, she couldn't leave the venue, I'm afraid At this moment, Zhang Qing really wanted to stay away from these eight wives.

But this guy Hestia was eating some inexplicable flying vinegar and drank a little delirious, Hephaestus suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Zhang Qing.

Although her purpose of coming here at the beginning was to persuade Hestia not to fall in love with a person or a god so easily, especially Hestia, who is famous in the heavens and squats at home, can be described as an emotional idiot, maybe it is true. are easily deceived.

So Hephaestus came here under the guise of helping Hestia see Zhang Qing clearly and let Hestia get out of the scam.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why a person or god suddenly fell in love with a guy with a bad reputation.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, Hephaestus' position changed. Instead, Hephaestus felt that she was liked by an unreliable goddess like Hestia. Hestia must not be counted on.

As for what Hestia said about Artemis falling in love with Zhang Qing, that was simply a joke.

There are many 404 goddesses in heaven, it is impossible to have only three, just like Loki, who is a woman in this work, and also likes women, so you say she has a man, it is definitely impossible, so she is a 404 goddess There is absolutely no need to doubt it.

However, the reason why Hestia, Artemis and Yaya are called the three major 404 goddesses is entirely because they are not only very high in status and strength in the heavens, but also because they have rejected the male gods who wooed them His status is also very high, which is why he is so famous.

Among them, Artemis is recognized as a clean freak, hates men, and thinks that all men in the world are dirty goddesses, which almost every god knows. So Hephae Swan felt that Hestia's worry was completely overthinking.

As for Athena, the other party is very ambitious and will never be willing to become a male vassal.

However, Hestia is not only a child, but also has a mind like a child, so she is not interested in sex between men and women. Unexpectedly, she has begun to like others now, Hephaestus sighed inwardly, I'm afraid it won't be long before the three major 404 goddesses will become two.

Of course, the premise is that no one refuses.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something bad." At this time, the drunken Hestia suddenly raised her head and stared suspiciously at Hephaestus' face.

Hephaestus pushed away the stupid loli's stupid face, and said, "Mihe is here, why don't you go and say hello!?"

"Mihe....!? It's so late!? Hey, the squinting eyes next to him look familiar..." Hestia raised her eyes to look in the direction of the courtyard gate and frowned wine burp.

"Tsk! This is how you drink, you are really rude, little man."

"Xiaofei! Long time no see."

It was Loki who came out from behind Mihe. She first mocked the drunken Hestia, and then went to say hello to Hephaestus.

"It's you, the washboard god, I remember I didn't invite you, right?" Hestia seemed to be a little more sober, staring at Loki with an unfriendly expression, and at the same time looking at Shanshan from the questioning self On the late Mihe.

Mihe smiled wryly, "I wasted a little time preparing the gift, and I met Loki on the way..."

Loki directly pulled a chair and sat down, looked at the troubled Zhang Qing over there, and said, "Is this the guy who made an alliance with the dwarf!? It doesn't look good!

"I want you to take care of it!" Hestia said with a small face.

Hephaestus was a little curious, "The Loki family should be on an expedition right now, but you're in the mood to join in the fun, are you just curious!?"

Loki sighed, "Oh, I'm also very lonely when my Ai Si is gone..."

"When they come back, I have to trouble you again, Xiao Fei."

Hephaestus didn't care about Loki's words, "I'm open for business, so there's no trouble, as long as you don't come to rub my wallet like this idiot."

As he spoke, he glared at Hestia. This guy had already made money, but he was still trying to make money with her and took away three sets of low-level equipment. It's not a thing.

It is really a friend to use careful planning and budgeting on friends.

Loki was not offended by Hephaestus' businesslike attitude, she nodded, "Of course, my family is not as poor as someone."

"I think your figure is poorer." Hestia rolled his eyes at Loki, and then said, "Tell me, what can you do with me, you guys will go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and you will definitely not miss it Came here for no reason."

"Tell me in advance that if you play a prank or do some conspiracy, I will make you look good!"

In fact, the banquet hadn't even started yet, and Hestia had only drank low-alcohol fruit wine before, so she wasn't completely drunk at all, and just took the opportunity to complain to Hephaestus.

So at this moment, she is still relatively sober.

Loki glanced at Hestia unexpectedly, I didn't expect you to be so smart, little dwarf!"

"Nonsense! I've always been smart." Hestia rolled her eyes when she heard this.

Rocky shrugged, "Actually, it's nothing. I want to book a night in your store. On the day my family returns, I heard that you have a hot pot that is not open to the public. That's the one that day. I want to try it too. taste."

As the goddess of the stove and family, Hestia can be said to be the "God of Cooking" or "God of Cookery", although it is not rumored that she is good at this aspect before.

But since Hestia opened a Malatang shop, many people or gods have slightly changed their impression of her. It is not an exaggeration to say that the dishes made by Hestia are "God's cuisine", although Because there is no way to use the divine power, the name does not match the reality, but it is indeed extremely delicious, otherwise it would not be so popular.

At that time, even many gods or people thought that the Hestia family planned to take the commercial route, and all members were chefs.

"That's it!?" Hestia didn't expect that Loki came to her just for this. Although he was a little upset with the other party, Hestia didn't have trouble with the money. As long as it is simply buying high-quality equipment plus daily maintenance and repairs, It's a lot of expenses, not to mention the supplies of medicines and props.

In the future, Sylvie will definitely not be the only one in the Hestia family, and because of the alliance, the number of people will have to be doubled several times, and naturally they will need more money. How can you become stronger without krypton gold!?

So Hestia didn't intend to push the business outside.

"Yes! That's it." Rocky has fallen in love with this kind of food since he ate Malatang once, and of course he wants his "family" to taste it.

But she also doesn't like being disturbed, especially when she's with "family" whom she hasn't seen in a long time.

"I see, you can go." Hestia nodded and saw off the guests directly.

The corner of Rocky's mouth twitched, "Hey 033! I'm a customer after all, and I'm also a big customer. Are you going too far!?"

"Then please leave." Hestia nodded again, and then said.


"The more you are like this, the less I will leave.


"Is there something on my face, please!?"

After leaving the dungeon and standing under the Tower of Babylon, Lilyluka Erde couldn't help but touch her face, because Ram had been staring at her with a serious face.

Sylvie shook her head, "No, Ram is just not very talkative, she doesn't mean anything malicious to you."

"Really!?" Lily breathed a sigh of relief, and then bowed to the three, "Thank you very much for saving me, but I have nothing on me now, so I'm very sorry.

"No, it's nothing, we're just doing it smoothly." Sylvie said as she helped the other party up.

"It's just a convenience for you, but it's a life-saving grace for me. Anyway, I will repay you in the future." Lily smiled bitterly.


"Sister Sylvie is very late, let's go back quickly, otherwise Lord God and the others will be worried.

Just when Sylvie was about to say something, Ram tugged at her sleeve to remind her.

Seeing this, Lily immediately reacted, "I'm sorry for wasting your time, I'm leaving now."

After Lily walked away, Rem asked, "Sister, I feel that you have a problem with Miss Lily, why!?"

Ram glanced at Sylvie, who was still looking at the direction where Lily was going away, and said, "She has impure thoughts, and her eyes fell on our valuables many times. I was just more vigilant, but Sister Sylvie , There is something wrong with you, I don't think you are the kind who will not be wary of people you meet for the first time!"

Sylvie sighed, "I just feel like I saw myself in the past, that kind of desperate look...Forget it, let's go."

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