Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

653 Hestia: Artemis, I'm Really Glad You're Back, Really! Cry!

"Wait! Hestia, why do you suddenly want to buy clothes!?"

"Isn't it normal for girls to want to buy clothes!? I'm a girl too!"

"No...I mean....."

"Don't say anything, just follow me."

On a shopping street close to a high-end residential area near Olali North Street, "Ten barefoot and petite girls are pulling a hairless boy with a hairless face through the crowd.

"Ah, bloody stinky bird!"

From time to time, someone on the road would go crazy because the wicked bird in the sky defecated on the ground, and this sound could be heard almost every short period of time.

"Gulu Gulu—!"

Suddenly a bright red apple rolled on the ground, and then an unlucky young man was chatting and laughing with his girlfriend one moment, stepped on it the next moment, and then fell down, hitting a bald and muscular man.

In the end, a conflict occurred, and the young man was injured and wronged. The world achievement was achieved.

Zhang Qing pulled the hood, comforted in his heart, "It shouldn't be my business... right..."

Hestia simply ignored everything that happened on the road, she held Zhang Qing's hand tightly, fearing that he would run away, she said without looking back, "I suddenly feel that it's not bad to change my image... ...By the way! What type of girl do you boys like!?"

Hestia was very nervous, but tried to put on a calm look on her face.

Zhang Qing scratched his head with one free hand, "Well, there are all kinds of things..."

The memory of being a human male is very long ago, but Zhang Qing still remembers that when boys talked about girls at that time, they always had a mean face, and they kept saying: loli, sister-in-law, black silk, long legs , white silk, Cao thief's love, twins, quintuplets, short hair, long hair, twin ponytails, black long straight, cat ears, dog tail, big pineapple.

Too many to count.

"It shouldn't matter as long as it grows tolerable..." Zhang Qing finally came to such a conclusion after thinking for a long time.

Hestia suddenly asked, "Then...then can I be patient!?"

Zhang Qing:

"What, what's the matter!? Answer quickly!? Don't stop talking suddenly!!!!!"

"No, I just want to see if you just have a fever, you're fine." Zhang Qing put his hand on Hestia's forehead, and took a few breaths after finding that it wasn't hot.

"I'm a god! How could it be so easy to get a fever!? Even if you can't use divine power now!" Hestia puffed up her cheeks and stared at Zhang Qing.

"Who made you ask such a strange question suddenly!?" Zhang Qing felt innocently stared at.

Hestia: "What's so strange!?"

Zhang Qing: "Look, you are a goddess, that is the incarnation of beauty, even if you are not a beauty god "but any goddess looks the same!? So you can see for yourself whether the question you ask is strange!"

If you have hot eyes, who would worship you, love you and believe in you!?

And the story of the pig-headed goddess, I am afraid that no one will listen to it!? Unless it is a story about a terrifying evil god wreaking havoc on the earth and being hunted down by humans, well, a goddess with bad looks

Generally villains.

Hestia wanted to vomit blood.

What is going on in this guy's head? Is this the time to show off his common sense!? Do you need to explain this kind of thing!?

Wouldn't it be okay to just answer "Hestia, you are the best in the world"!?


Why do I fall in love with such an idiot!?

"Why didn't you speak suddenly, wait, don't walk so fast, be careful not to fall!"

"Shut up!"

More than ten minutes later, the two came to a magnificent high-end clothing store, but before Zhang Qing could struggle, he was dragged directly into the women's clothing store.

Seeing this, the waitress didn't stop her. After all, it's not uncommon for couples to come together.

"How about this one!?" After Xie rejected the recommendation from the clerk, Hestia took Zhang Qing to the dress area, took a blue and white lace dress and made gestures on her body

Zhang Qing: "Not bad."

Hestia put down the skirt in her hand, then picked up another one that was more avant-garde, and asked, "What about this one!?"

"Not bad." Zhang Qing commented.

…………" Hestia stared at Zhang Qing, and suddenly felt her fist harden.

"So what about this one!?" Hestia put down her skirt, came to the other side, pointed to a very revealing dress hanging on it, which seemed to be similar to a swimsuit, and asked with a blank expression.

Zhang Qing glanced at it, then looked at Hestia and shook his head, "This...isn't suitable for walking outside!?"

"Then why do you keep staring at it!?" Hestia asked with a dark face.

"Ahem.....I just looked at it with a critical eye. Really, what kind of designer can design this kind of clothes!? It's too much, this is Olalie , How could an adventurer dress so coolly to fight against monsters!?" Zhang Qing looked away in embarrassment, criticizing the designer whom he had never met with confidence.

This kind of talent is exactly the same as the guy who came up with the idea of ​​making clothes out of three stickers.

The waitress at the side explained with a non-polite smile, "Sir, where is the underwear area, so the clothes there are not for wearing out, don't worry."

Zhang Qing:

At times like this, you don't need to explain, really.

Hestia gave Zhang Qing a blank look, but she was not too angry. She picked out a piece of underwear, and then asked the shop assistant, "Can I try it on here!?"

The clerk nodded, stretched her finger to the direction of her left hand, and said, "There is a fitting room over there."

Hestia was very satisfied, and then pulled Zhang Qing over there, "Help me have a look!"

Zhang Qing blinked, wondering why he suddenly changed from buying clothes to buying underwear, but he didn't ask too much, as long as Hestia was suddenly full of aura at this moment, like a queen.

In fact, Hestia's palms were already sweating at the moment, and she was also very nervous, after all, it was the first time she showed her figure to a man, she was both shy and afraid." There was also some anticipation.

Although everyone has been calling her "Lori God", but as the "Goddess of Holy Fire", some aspects of Hestia are superior to all the goddesses.

Hestia has always been very clear about her own advantages.

Of course the disadvantages are the same, after all, she is as short as a little girl.

Sex pair can't leave, you know!?"

After Hestia gave a warning, she walked into one of the fitting rooms and closed the curtain.

Zhang Qing sat on the waiting bench outside, and after Hestia completely disappeared from his field of vision, he immediately felt very uncomfortable, mainly because of the gazes of those women in the store, which made Zhang Qing, a man, very stressed.

Zhang Qing is not even sure if these women are staring at him!?

Maybe just an occasional swipe.

Just when Zhang Qing was anxious and embarrassed, suddenly with a sound of "唰—————!", the curtain of the fitting room was pulled open.

'Letsa, look at this...'


A beautiful girl with intelligent blue hair was wearing a set of white underwear, her hands were shyly crossed over her chest, and her face was a little blushing.

However, when her eyes collided with the eyes of a certain male god, and they met each other, her face turned even redder.

It's murderous——!

"It's you pig again!" Artemis said murderously, pointing at Zhang Qing, who had an innocent look of astonishment, with his bow and arrow.

Zhang Qing raised his hands, "Misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding!"

"How do you know that I came back to Olali today, and I've followed you here? As I said, I can't like you, not any man!" Artemis didn't intend to listen to Zhang Qing's sophistry at all. up.

Zhang Qing is helpless, why is he like this crazy woman again!? Pu Xin also has a level, when did he say he likes you!?

Obviously the last time I saw the other party sprained her foot and gave her the wound medicine, what kind of flirting is this!?

Isn't his reputation as a medicine boy not well-known in the whole of Euler!?

"You are not my opponent, let's put it this way, if I really have thoughts about you, you can't resist at all..."

"Sure enough! What are you going to do to me!" Artemis interrupted Zhang Qing, and said with a disturbed and angry face.

After all, the two fought against each other last time, even though Artemis has powerful fighting skills, he can defeat monsters without relying on the power or power of the gods (Nuo Zhao), and his strength is even stronger than that of the members of the family.

But when facing this male god, he was easily subdued.

No matter how proud Artemis is, he understands that he is not the opponent of this male god, and that the opponent's fighting skills and strength are superior to his own." And the opponent's easy-going attitude also hit Artemis hard.

You must know that when she was in the heaven, many male battle gods were not her opponents, and she has always been proud of it.

Powerful and awe-inspiring, pure and flawless, is synonymous with her.

But all of this was tainted by the male god in front of him.

In fact, I came back this time not only to let the children of my family have a good rest and relax, but also to visit Hestia, who I haven’t seen for a long time, just to find Zhang Qing and get back the place. She is not weak in Artemis In human lungs!

Even if you want to lose, you can't lose to such a dirty and unclean man.

For this reason, Artemis, who has not studied how to fight for many years, spends almost every free time trying to figure out how to make his fighting skills stronger.

The lost glory must be brought back with her own hands, this is the pride of her Artemis.

"Why did I hear Artemis' voice!?" A head poked out from another fitting room with a puzzled face.

It was Hestia who had been in for a while, but the look on her face at this moment was very exciting. .

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