Because of the first-come-first-served reason, Xiaozhi and his party could only retreat to one side and wait for Zhang Qing and the others to finish the game before going on.

Xiaoxia glanced at Xiaolan who was the first to enter the stage, and asked in a low voice, "Is that girl from the same place as you!?"

"Ah!? Ah, yes, she is also the trainer of Zhenxin Town." Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then replied, and then lowered his voice as if thinking of something, "By the way, if she sells you some products , must refuse, I was cheated out of pocket money several times."

Xiao Gang: ""


To be cheated once is an accident, twice is a short memory, and more than three times is an idiot. Sure enough, Wen is very smart.

Xiaoxia raised her forehead: "That's not what I want to ask, I mean, is it really okay for Xiaolan to use Kamigui!? The opposite is Yongjila......"

"However, the trainers from Xiaozhi all have Pokémon from the Yusan family. Dr. Oki is too kind!"

Xiao Gang also nodded, "And that Cammy Turtle seems to be trained well. This girl should be very strong as a trainer, but why did you choose Cammy Turtle to play DE!?"

"What are you talking about? Can't Cammy Turtle play!? Damn it, Xiaolan is taking another step forward. My Jenny hasn't evolved yet." Xiaozhi looked at the two people beside him in confusion He is more concerned about the fact that Xiaolan's Squirtle has evolved.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked at each other, and then sighed in unison, have you really learned about the common sense of Pokémon battles!? For example, the attributes are incompatible. "

Compared with the three people on Xiaozhi's side who complained about Xiaozhi, Zhang Qing's side was much more serious. 887

Touzi looked at Xiaolan's Cammy Turtle and nodded, "It's really well trained, this kid might really be able to make a name for himself in the Kanto Regional League Competition."

"However, if you want to defeat Yong Jila of the super power department, it is not so easy."

Although attribute restraint is very important, a trainer's energy and preferences will limit their choice of Pokémon. It is impossible to specifically subdue a certain Pokémon in order to deal with opponents of a certain attribute. In fact, such trainers often go not far.

In fact, the seniors have already told you how to become an excellent trainer in their daily life. It can be seen that no matter the gym master, the king or the champion, they often have a single attribute, or have something in common.

In the Pokémon battle, although the restraint of attributes is very important, don't forget that in the wild, wild Pokémon often strive to survive. If you admit defeat because of the opponent's attribute restraint, you will not be able to survive at all.

Naturally, the same is true for Pokémon of the top trainers. The restraint of attributes still exists, but there is absolutely no way to become an insurmountable gap.

However, Xiaolan is a bit too young, and it is true that she just went on a trip, and Touzi doesn't think she can talk with those top trainers.

Mei also thinks the same, but she also wants to see the strength of the excellent trainers from the Kanto area. In any case, a trainer who can be trusted by his family to travel at the age of ten must have something special.

It is enough to explain the problem that the Pokémon in the hand has one of the Yusanjia.

Zhang Qing looked thoughtfully at the Kami Turtle who was full of fighting spirit, and showed (cadj) an imperceptible smile.

"Funny kid..."

"It evolved on the spot, but don't be afraid, little turtle! Come on! Defeat it!" Xiaolan cheered up her Kami turtle loudly.

But at this moment, there was a cunning flash in the depths of her eyes, and no one noticed it.


Kami Turtle nodded, staring at the khaki-colored big fox with a beard holding a spoon in his eyes for profit, full of energy.

Naz, who was holding the little girl, had red eyes, and then Yongkira's beast pointed at Kami Turtle.

"Mind power." Nazi said lightly.

However, the invisible force was dodged by Kamigui early, Xiaolan patted her chest and said, "It's really dangerous! Little turtle, use the water gun!"

Seeing that Kami Turtle, who dodged Yong Kira's mind attack, seemed to be gathering strength in his mouth [Naz silently ordered Yong Kira to wait and continue to use mind power to reflect the opponent's water gun control to the throw.

The result was a mouthful of spit.

Just when she and Yong Jila were in a daze, the kami turtle suddenly disappeared, and then turned into a big net to wrap Yong Jila's head.

"What happened, why did Kami Turtle suddenly disappear!?" Xiaozhi yelled.

Mei and Touko rubbed their brows, "I didn't expect this kid to let Diversity play..."

To be honest, although the name of Ditto sounds very powerful, in fact, it can't learn other skills except transformation, and although its race value is 288, its six race values ​​are all 48, how to say , A Pokémon that has no merits at all.

When the Dittomon was first discovered, people expected that it could transform into other Pokémon and gain the ability to transform into a Pokémon. The result is that it looks the same, but it is still a Ditto in essence. Strange, because they do not have and cannot learn other skills, they were quickly abandoned by people and defined as not having training value.

However, it is very popular in some places. For example, magicians will use Ditto to perform body disappearing magic, which is really amazing for children.

Nazi was also taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, her eyes glowed red, and the big net that Yong Jila couldn't break free was instantly pulled out.

"I admit defeat." Xiaolan sighed, "Isn't it so easy!?"

No way, if she has a Pokémon with the attribute of restraining superpowers, she won't play this kind of trick, although it is a bit difficult for Xiaoqiao to defeat her opponent.

Na Zi felt that her fist was hardened, and after being fooled, she had no choice but to let her go.

The speed of admitting defeat was too fast.

After Xiaolan returned the Variety Monster to take back the elf ball, Zhang Qing commented, "A very good tactic, although a little immature, but the advantage is that it takes advantage of the opponent's psychology. It is a pity that the trainer I met was a super Those who can."

Yes, if it wasn't for Nazi being a superpower user, or the best among superpower users, I'm afraid Xiaolan might have won this battle by surprise. It can be seen in the eyes, but in fact, most gym trainers are like this, otherwise there is no need to release water. If you really use your full strength to fight, I am afraid that the challenger must have the strength of a heavenly king.

In fact, Nazi's Yongjila has just evolved from Casey and knows that the level will not be too high.

In some respects, Nazi is very cooperative with the alliance's work.

Next, Mei and Toko took out the Tanabata blue bird with dual attributes of dragon and flying, and the fire spirit with ghost and fire attributes respectively, and they won the victory relatively easily.

When they can effectively restrain the opponent's attributes, of course they will not increase the difficulty for themselves. If Mei and Touzi are like Xiaozhi, they may have to go to the elf center to check their brains.

But even if they win, Mei and Touko are very impressed, because Nazi is very powerful, when commanding, most of the time without words, Yong Kira understands her intentions, this kind of heart-to-heart feeling makes Mei and Touko feel Just like when facing Zhang Qing.

Sure enough, this is the esper trainer!?

When it was Zhang Qing's turn to play, he said to Nazi, "Change the Pokémon, Yong Kira is already very tired."

It seemed that after losing two games in a row, the little girl in Nazi's arms seemed a little unhappy, but Nazi still took Yong Jila back into the poke ball.

Mei and Touko are too difficult to deal with, and they are very experienced. Unless she shamelessly launches an attack with Yong Jila with superpowers, otherwise she will not be able to catch these two slippery loaches.

Nazi sent Hudi this time, and it was the evolution of Yongjila. The level is definitely not low, but there is no way to do it. She never thought that she would lose, and even lost two games in a row, which almost exhausted Yongki. Nazi, who has so much physical strength, can only use her main force at this moment.

However, when she saw that Zhang Qing sent Doudouge, she almost couldn't help breaking the defense.


Although Nazi still had no expression on her face, even if she just uttered a word at this moment, people could still hear the taste of gnashing of teeth.

Mei and Touzi have black lines, no wonder that shameless Rikakuza chose to follow Zhang Qing, both guys have the same bad taste.

As soon as Doudouge came out, he posed on the ground in a golden rooster independent posture, and looked contemptuously at Hu Di on the opposite side.

It made Nazi and Hu Di very annoyed.

"Pigeon is a petite bird Pokémon. It looks intelligent and energetic. Its feathers and skin are grayish brown, and its wings have partly striped striped feathers. It lives in the Hezhong area."

Xiaozhi took out the Pokédex again, and asked in surprise, "Is it another Pokémon from another region!?"

Xiaolan crossed her arms and said, "Didn't I introduce it to you before, Sister Mei and the others traveled from the Hezhong area, didn't you guys listen at all!?"

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head, "Ah, that..."

"I really admire you. This is very useful information. If we meet each other in the competition, we will be opponents." Xiaolan is a little convinced by Xiaozhi. I don't know how he obtained it from other gyms. coat of arms.

After complaining about Xiaozhi, Xiaolan turned her attention back to the battlefield. She also wanted to see how brother Zhang Qing won with that pigeon that didn't look strong.

But after staring at it for a long time, Xiaolan couldn't hide her gaze, "Sure enough, Bird Pokémon are really scary..."

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to complain, "You really haven't changed at all...".

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