"So fast."

Nazi looked at Doudouge flying in mid-air with an ugly expression. The opponent's flying height was not even higher than Hu Di's height. It was obviously provocative, but neither Nazi nor Hu Di could do anything about it.

Being a superpower is undoubtedly very powerful, and even stood at the end of most trainers' lives from the very beginning. After all, it is too difficult for trainers to achieve a tacit understanding with their own Pokémon. Basically, there are only top-level training Only masters can master this skill.

But as a superpower, Nazi was able to communicate with Pokémon without barriers from the very beginning, which is something that all trainers dream of.

Even because she is a powerful superpower herself, she can give her own superpower Pokémon a superpower bonus, which undoubtedly makes her Pokémon stronger

However, people with superpowers also have weaknesses, that is their bodies, aside from superpowers, Nazi's physical body is not much different from ordinary people, and because she has used superpowers for many years to represent normal physical activities, her physique is still A bit poor.

With the naked eye unable to keep up with Doudouge's speed, she is at a loss like a little girl at the moment. This is something she has never encountered in so many years, and even superpowers can't handle it. There were countless ripples in the dead silent heart.

Zhang Qing pulled the brim of his hat, looked at Hudi who was in a hurry, and shook his head, probably the other party had never faced such an opponent.

Speed ​​is instant power.


Hu Di suddenly let out a cry of pain, and pulled the distracted Tu back to reality.

Na Zi showed puzzlement on her face, because she found that there were more and more wounds on Hu Di's body. Although they were not deep, they were better than the number - numerous.

"Air cut!? No, it's simply because of the wind pressure caused by the speed." Touzi quickly figured out what was going on.

To be honest, the pigeons that have never shown their natural beauty, did not expect to have such strength. Sure enough, Zhang Qing's training is not useless. I really don't know how fast the pigeons are, but The current speed is astonishing.

The eyes can't see at all, only the sound of breaking wind can be heard.

However, Zhang Qing frowned, and couldn't help but sighed, "It's the limit, Doudouge's body can't support this speed at all, the time is only three minutes, if it exceeds it, the body will be permanently damaged."

He's considering whether to evolve Dougie!?

For this kind of thing, you only need to pick off the invariant stone, and the Doudou pigeon itself has reached the evolutionary requirements, but when it becomes a big bird, it will not be so small and exquisite.

Doudouge also put away the joy, it also felt the pain in its body, it couldn't help slowing down, landed on Hu Di's head, and hit the opponent with [Steel Wing] with its wings, knocking him out.

Then Doudouge returned to her trainer's shoulder, panting a little.

But he still rubbed Zhang Qing out to touch his hand.

It can be seen that Doudouge is tired and in pain at the moment, but he is still in a very good mood. You must know that in the last competition in the Hezhong area, it was abused very badly. Fight back.

This time, he finally proved that he was not a waste pigeon, and it didn't waste its hard training these days.

"It's amazing!" Xiaozhi and the others looked at Doudouge dumbfounded.

"I've decided, I also have to tame a Doudouge!" Xiaozhi said.

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes, "It's not Doudouge who is amazing, but his trainer, you idiot."

"Defeated..." Nazi put down her hands, and the little girl she was holding was also floating beside her. The big and the young looked at Doudouge who was screaming happily, There was also that taciturn and cold boy, and suddenly there was an emotion in his heart that he had never felt before.

Maybe this is the so-called "unreconciled"!?

She didn't like this feeling, the feeling of losing was so annoying.

After getting the badge of the Golden Gym, Zhang Qing and the others did not continue to stay, because they still had a gym to challenge.

On the way, Mei looked at Xiao Lan who left with them, and asked in surprise, "Aren't you waiting for your friend!?"

"No, after watching Sister Mei and your battles, I think I should hurry up and train, but I will challenge the Golden Gym in the future. Xiao Lan said with a smile.

She has indeed learned a lot from the three of them, as if she has seen her own way forward, this is the most precious thing.

As for Na Zi, of course she is also very powerful, but it is a pity that the other party is a pure super power user, Xiaolan can't learn anything useful from the other party, except for the experience of fighting super power users, she has almost nothing.

"That's it, then go for it!"

"Haha, I will"

Just when the four of them walked out of the golden gymnasium talking and laughing, the strange uncle appeared again, but he didn't come over, but looked at the figures of the four from a distance.

"She came out safe and sound. Could it be that Nazi finally stopped closing her heart!?"

He seemed a little excited.

He couldn't wait to teleport into the golden gymnasium, intending to give his daughter a loving hug, but it didn't take long for him to return to the distance again, bringing three people and a yellow electric mouse.

Xiaoxia, who fell from the sky to the ground, rubbed her butt, stood up, and said to Xiaozhi, "You idiot, why do you want to provoke the other party!?"

"Damn it, I almost died in that doll kingdom! Huh..."

"How could I provoke the other party!? I just think Doudouge's pose is very handsome when he comes out." Xiaozhi couldn't bear the injustice and turned back.

Pikachu also nodded, "Pika, Pika!"

Said very handsomely.

Xiao Gang also got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and said, "It's incredible that Nazi's superpower can actually shrink people into a model town."

"You don't have a ghost-type Pokémon, you dare to challenge Nazi, you are really brave." The uncle rubbed the waist that was sprained by Xiaozhi's body and taught him a lesson.

Even though I had already told them in advance, in the end, I went up without any preparation. Sure enough, all these newcomer trainers were so unreliable.

On the other side, after the three of Xiaozhi were rescued by the uncle, Na Zi did not catch up. She hugged the little girl who was exactly like her when she was a child, and sat on the chair dully, quietly looking at the empty model town, In a certain model house with the roof lifted, her mother who had turned into a rag doll was sitting motionless on the sofa.


The little girl in her arms suddenly looked up at Nazi who was holding her, her figure gradually faded, and then disappeared directly.

Na Zi's dead eyes suddenly became more radiant. She stood up and came to the window. This time, she didn't use her super power to float, but walked with her legs. She was a bit unaccustomed to it, but she still persisted.

Coming to the window, Nazi looked outside.

The sense of frustration and unwillingness in her heart made her feel very strange, but she wanted to do something, but she didn't know what to do!?

"Nazzy..." Mother Nazi, who suddenly turned back into a human, looked at her hands in surprise, then looked at her daughter standing by the window with a silent expression, and called out softly.

Nazi gave a "hmm" and asked, "Mom, can you teach me, I'm feeling very uncomfortable now"

Surprised, then pleasantly surprised.

This was the first time in so many years that Nazi called her mother.

The woman's hands trembled, but she still walked over and hugged her daughter, "Of course, I will teach you, my baby. w



In fact, after she regretted it, if she and Nazi's father hadn't only been happy because of Nazi's supernatural talent and found out that there was a problem in Nazi's heart earlier, things would never have turned into what it is now.

She is an unqualified mother.

However, after listening to Nazi's complex emotions that she couldn't explain clearly, Nazi's mother became numb, "sour, blushing, heart speeding up!?".

What the hell, does my daughter have someone she likes!? When, what happened!?

"Is this liking!?" Nazi was also stunned, and then thought about it.

Do you really like this feeling!?

"No, no, maybe I made a mistake." Nazi's mother panicked, her cabbage hadn't been around her enough, why did she just give it away for nothing!?

"No, Mom, you are right, I must like the other party." Na Zi nodded affirmatively.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. If she fell in love with someone, she couldn't help but think about him. When she thought of him, her heart would beat faster and her face would turn red, as if there was a flame in her heart.

Then give the opponent a small punch in the chest, because of "love".

"..." What should I do!? The child's father, I seem to have said something wrong.

Half a month later, when the Rockets came to the Golden Gym and planned to invite Nazi to join the Rockets, they found that the Golden Gym had been closed for a while, and it seemed that Nazi, the owner of the gym, had left.

As for where it went, no one seems to know.

After receiving the report, Boss Sakagi couldn't help stroking the cat. After a long time, he said, "Then temporarily cancel the work of recruiting Nazi, and let's all devote ourselves to Chaomeng's experiment. You can come back. Don't arouse the suspicion of the league."

"By the way, BOSS! Ma Zhishi said they found three potential trainers, but I don't know..."

"Well, for the time being, it's not appropriate to make extravagant incidents now."


[The author has something to say: I have caught a cold again, I am really speechless and have a headache! Door].

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