Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 671 Vicious Events And The Gaze From Behind!

"Wait! You three wait!"


On the way to Hualan City, the three of Zhang Qing were strolling along the forest path. By the way, they traded energy cubes and big needle bees for some honey, talking and laughing.

Suddenly someone shouted from behind.

The three looked back and saw that it was Miss Junsha who was riding the motorcycle.

Here is a little common sense to add, these policewomen who basically look exactly the same are called Junsha, not their real name is Junsha, Junsha is more like a code name, and its nature is similar to "police", so they are called Miss Junsha, actually On the surface, it is equivalent to being called "Miss Policewoman".

In the same way Joey is equal to a nurse.

At this time, Miss Junsha's face was very serious. She drove the motorcycle and stopped beside the three of them, and asked, "Are you trainers heading to Hualan City!?"

The three of Zhang Qing nodded, and handed over the three of them's elf illustration book in cooperation.

Miss Junsha frowned slightly when she checked, but she quickly let go, "It turned out to be a foreign trainer...... Well, no problem."

"Can I ask what happened!? Miss Junsha, you seem to be very cautious about outsiders." Touzi asked after taking the elf illustration book that Miss Junsha handed back to "407".

Checking pedestrians on the road is no small matter no matter how you look at it.

Ms. Junsha glanced at Touzi and Mei, and after thinking for a while, she felt that the two were the champion and runner-up of the Hezhong regional competition, and they should not be related to this vicious incident, but replied:

"Actually, I'm not targeting people from other regions, even people from other cities, I will also check it out, you better be careful, as long as the Pokémon that has evolved to the final stage will be stolen recently, What's worse is that we have no clue yet, and even the victims don't know when their Pokémon disappeared."

"If you also have that kind of powerful Pokémon, you have to keep it carefully."

The three of them couldn't help frowning upon hearing this. The Pokémon in the final evolution stage are undoubtedly the main Pokémon carefully cultivated by the trainer, and at this stage, they are very powerful regardless of their level and strength.

Not only does it mean that the Pokémon is powerful, but also that its trainers are also top-notch or close to the first step.

Such a trainer can still have a Poké Ball stolen without anyone noticing!?

It’s not that everyone is mentally retarded. They obviously have the final evolution form of Charmander, but their own trainer level is not enough to enslave the other party. This kind of situation usually only occurs when the bear takes the Pokémon of the elders in the family. Sometimes, but the little mentally retarded is the real Pokémon that he owns.

Have to say, it sucks as a trainer.

For normal trainers, their level is always equal to that of their own Pokémon, and most of the imbalances that will occur are due to the fact that Pokémon can no longer keep up with the growth progress of the trainer and have to withdraw from the main team.

It is conceivable that the trainer of Pokémon with the final form is not a simple person anyway, how could he make the mistake of a new trainer, and he has no vigilance at all.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Qing asked, "Excuse me, does this happen only in Hualan City!?"

Ms. Junsha was taken aback, then slapped her forehead, "Oh no, I actually forgot about this, if this kind of incident happens, I should be the first to get in touch with other cities to take action together

I'm so busy..."

The three of them saw the serious dark circles on Miss Junsha's face and the obvious fatigue, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic. They were afraid that such a vicious thing had happened, and Hualan City must be in a state of panic now, and what was worse was that there was no There are no useful clues, and I am afraid that Ms. Junsha in Hualan City is also under great pressure during this time.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go back now and get in touch with my sisters in other cities, goodbye, if you find anything, please come and let me know!

As he said that, the other party drove away on a motorcycle.

"Is it really all right!? She looks like a tired driver..." Mei asked worriedly looking at the distant figure of the other party.

Touzi spread her hands, "I can't persuade her, I'm afraid she won't listen to our persuasion with her appearance, when we arrive in Hualan City, let's ask Miss Joy there to show her.


"This kind of thing happened unexpectedly. It seems that we must pay attention to it. It is best to release one or two Pokémon to watch the night while sleeping, even in the city."

Speaking of the final evolved Pokémon, all three of them are indispensable. After all, if you want to get a good ranking in the competition, the further you go, the stronger the opponent will be. At that time, the original form of Pokémon Pokémon, except for some special Pokémon, simply cannot support a battle of this intensity.

So generally after reaching the top eight, the following matches are basically battles between the final evolved Pokémon.

In fact, Pikachu can also be said to be the final evolution type. After all, without the Thunder Stone, it cannot evolve into Raichu at all.

So Dr. Oki, who handed over such a dangerous Pokémon to Xiaozhi from the very beginning, has to say that he is a little nervous, isn't he afraid that the retarded boy will be electrocuted to death by Pikachu soon after he goes out!?

Just because the trainer level of the cute new trainer is very low, the initial elves are generally in childhood, of course, it is best to have evolved in the first stage, otherwise if it is really a baby, then the trainer has to take care of it The other party was too upset, so the advantage of the Yusanjia came out, because they have multiple stages of evolution "unlike Pichu, which is directly transformed into Pikachu.

That is to say, Pokémon that have evolved more times are actually more suitable for new trainers as the initial Pokémon.

Charmanders to fire dinosaurs and then to fire-breathing dragons are actually similar to human beings from young children to teenagers to young adults.

As for Pikachu, it goes directly from infancy to the end. It grows too fast, and ordinary trainers can't stand it, and there is a risk of being backlashed. Unless you take care of it from birth, otherwise the change of mentality, Pokémon may not Will still admit that he can't keep up with his trainer.

Having said so much, I also want to point out that, in terms of general rationality, a trainer with that kind of Pokémon is by no means an ordinary person, but it is conceivable that even such a mature and powerful trainer has been murdered. How big is the problem!?

"It's good to be careful." Zhang Qing nodded to show that what Touzi said made a lot of sense.

Mei sighed and said, "I thought that after arriving in the city, I would be able to feel comfortable and relax!"

Touzi: "Okay, okay, there will be opportunities in the future, but when you relax, finally release all the Pokémon and stay in the poke ball, and they will be restricted from the outside world... 0°

In fact, Touzi felt that there was no need for them to worry too much. After all, they all had divine beasts on them. Whoever dared to do anything might break ground at the age of Tai Sui and die.

But Touzi thinks that this situation is also very suitable for them to exercise. After all, who can predict that the divine beast will always be willing to stay by his side and others!? If you want the elf ball to restrain a divine beast, I am afraid that you are thinking too much, even if the master ball It can't be done either.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, and there are divine beasts behind it, it would be too wasteful not to use it to increase experience.

During the journey with Zhang Qing, Touzi realized one thing - life is full of trials.

"Of course I understand this, it's just that I'm a little tired." Mei was even helpless, if she could, she would have no objection to releasing all her Pokémon

After all, this is more conducive to cultivating feelings.

However, this idea is unrealistic. It’s okay in the wild. After arriving in a human town, doing so will cause trouble to others, especially if the trainer’s Pokémon number is not only one or two, but also some Pokémon are relatively large in size.

This is especially true for some Pokémon that look very dangerous, such as thunderbolts or poisonous gas. If you dare to release them, you are likely to be arrested by Miss Junsha who rushed over immediately.

This is also the reason why some well-known trainers rarely appear in the eyes of outsiders with their main Pokémon. Generally, in densely populated cities, these Pokémon will stay in the Pokémon.

Seeing that the two women didn't take this matter to heart, Zhang Qing was very satisfied, but Zhang Qing quickly withdrew his gaze from Mei and the others. He looked behind, wondering if it was his own illusion.

Since Golden City, he has always felt that he was being watched by several pairs of eyes. When he looked for it, he found that it was some wild Pokémon, or some passers-by looked at it by accident.

After doing it several times, even Zhang Qing wondered if he was oversensitive, and had delusional persecution disorder 1.2.

It's not that he doesn't have a wide range of perception abilities. Whether it's the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator or others, with the efforts of so many people in the world, such shortcomings will definitely not appear, and even if they do, they will be temporary.

But in daily life, no matter which world's Zhang Qing will seal most of the power, after all, sometimes being too powerful is a disaster for the world. Take the divine sense as an example, even if Zhang Qing can maintain him forever. This is not worthy of prying into other people's privacy

Even if there is no morality, it is not a good thing for other people to always shroud one's own will. Over time, it will unknowingly have a certain impact on their minds, such as awe or directly becoming a slave at your disposal, not to mention To say that in the Pokémon world, some Pokémon can still perceive it is tantamount to provoking them.

It is conceivable that if Zhang Qing does not exercise self-control, how much trouble he will have in his daily life, unless he wants to become the enemy of the world, the devil, otherwise if he wants to live a good life and be a fun person, it is best to let his own The strength should not be too outrageous.

Otherwise, maybe it will really be thrown out of this world by the will of the world. .

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