Hualan City is a coastal city in the northern part of the Kanto region. The north of the city is adjacent to the estuary of the river, the south is Jinhuang City, and the west is Yuejian Mountain. It is a beautiful city with gurgling water and blooming flowers.

At the same time, as one of the only two cities in the Kanto area that is connected by roads on all sides, Hualan City is also very prosperous, and many famous company stores are also here.

"Uh~~~ah! Let's go to the elf center and take a good bath first. After walking for so many days, I really want to lie in the warm water and have a good soak."

Mei stretched her waist, said with a full figure, and at the same time, her turbulent heart was also very eye-catching.

Gritting her teeth, Touzi glanced at Mei, then looked back at her A4 paper, and couldn't help but sighed, she had already bought many products that were said to be very useful, and she even insisted on drinking Momoo milk, why didn't it work all the time! ?Obviously my mother is not so pitiful!

At the moment, Touko has the same troubles as Misaka Mikoto in Academy City, doubting whether she was born of her biological mother or caused by her biological father's too strong genes!?

Meiyi didn't notice Touzi's shameful and angry eyes. After stretching her body, she looked back at Zhang Qing and the others with a smile and said, "By the way, the movie we starred in in Pokémon Hollywood in friendship seems to be finally going to be staged." , why don't we wait to watch Part 1 or 2, it's my first time playing a leading actress!"

In fact, in reality, it will not be like in the game, after the filming is finished, it will be screened on the same day, and Zhang Qing and the others have to participate in the competition, so after leaving the Hezhong area, they have not been able to see the movie they participated in. .

Counting the days, it is indeed the 20th time that the director uncle said it will be released.

Touzi's nature is not so big. Although she is also one of the heroines, she doesn't have the idea of ​​becoming an entertainer, but she doesn't object, "Well, it's okay to watch."

Zhang Qing rubbed his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, he played the role of the big villain at the time. He was defeated by two masked heroines, and then fled. He continued to gather strength to make a comeback, and was defeated again.

The story begins with two girls who dream of becoming the strongest trainers. They meet on the road, and they meet and go together as friends at first sight. Then they accidentally discover a villain hiding in the dark doing bad things that endanger the world. The two have a "sense of justice" The young girl turned into a masked heroine, stopping the actions of this criminal organization time and time again.

Then this organization was finally eliminated, but as a super evil organization, how can it be eliminated so easily? The two girls did not expect that what they defeated was just a double. The real big boss had already brought important information and most of the funds. Run away.

But no matter how cunning the evil ones are, it's useless. Fate made the two righteous girls discover the evil tail again. They followed the clues and found each other again. This time they were going to die.

Then, after an unprecedented fierce battle, the evil big boss was "beat up" and the curtain came to an end.

When the director asked him to play the villain, he refused, but the other party gave too much.

Looking back now, it seems that he certainly did a very wrong thing. If he had known that he would get rid of the plasma team so quickly and get so much wealth, he would never have bent down for a mere five buckets of rice.

It's good that this movie is not famous, but if it becomes famous, I'm afraid I will have a lot of trouble in the future, especially if he is still the enemy of the two beautiful girls.

Well, plus Mei and Touzi were the champions and runners-up of last season's competition in the Hezhong region, one can imagine what Zhang Qing will face.

Sure enough, the money is not so easy to get.

But Mei soon put away her smile, because she found that the atmosphere in Hualan City was not right, especially when the three of them entered the city, many people looked at them suspiciously, as if looking at a Lurking criminals in general.

Thinking of the things she mentioned when she met Miss Junsha before, Yai frowned, "Isn't it resolved yet!?"

"How can it be so fast? Miss Junsha said it before, and there is no clue at all." Touzi looked at the strange Hualan City with her hands on her hips, and her mood was a little dignified.

"However, ordinary citizens are also affected, and I'm afraid Miss Jun Sha has reservations about what she said before.

Mei nodded, "That's true. If it happened to some trainers, most people wouldn't be so alarmed."

After Zhang Qing glanced at the passers-by, he said to the two women, "Let's go to the elf center first. If you want to know something, just ask the local Miss Joy. Now even if we ask passers-by, the other party will not Will tell us the truth."

Zhang Qing also murmured in his heart. It stands to reason that Xiaozhi, the god of plague, came to Hualan City a long time ago, and what should have happened has ended long ago. Everything should return to normal. After all, the Rockets have no reason to continue The trouble here, those three idiots have already made a big fuss, and now the Rockets can't keep a low profile if they want to keep a low profile.

I have to say that Kojiro and the other three Rockets team have been unlucky for eight lifetimes. Sometimes Zhang Qing wonders if Kojiro and the others are undercover sent by the alliance to the Rockets team, because they are in the Rockets team. In the face, but also messed up a lot of Rockets plot.

But after thinking about it, this is not an animation. With so many male and female pig feet coexisting, there is no air wall so that these protagonists can only stay in their own territory

It's not too strange that things happen outside the plot.

It can only be said that in the real world, there are too many uncontrollable factors.

But when it comes to doing things in the Kanto area, it must be right to place the object of suspicion on the Rockets in the first place. Although Zhang Qing can't remember the plot clearly, but if the Rockets are mentioned, the existence of "Super Dream" has to be remembered.

Zhang Qing was thinking, is Team Rocket already planning to create Mewtwo at this time!? Otherwise, they wouldn't have collected so many excellent and powerful Pokémon.

It is indeed very possible that when choosing the genes of Pokémon, Pokémon with excellent aptitude and powerful abilities are undoubtedly better. After all, only the "Meow Dream" created by combining these powerful Pokémon can guarantee better quality. Qualifications and greater strength.

However, this kind of thing, not to mention just Zhang Qing's guess, even if he confirmed that it was what the Rockets said, without definite evidence, he couldn't tell Miss Junsha.

I have to say that the alliance in the Kanto region has been rotten. Unlike other regions, the Rockets can even enter the alliance. Presumably this is why Miss Junsha can't catch clues. Who would have thought that his boss or colleagues would be very Could be an enemy!?

The three of them did not delay enough, and quickly found the elf center in Hualan City.

Unlike the quiet and peaceful imagination, Miss Joy here also has a sad expression at the moment.

Under the inquiry of Zhang Qing and the three, Ms. Joy told them that because of the theft of the top trainer Pokémon, Hualan City is currently under a complete blockade, making it very difficult to enter and exit, which has also caused a lot of inconvenience to the lives of local residents.

To make matters worse, commercial exchanges are restricted, and some medicines such as the Elf Center are also in short supply.

What's worse is that because the murderer can't be found, there are many bad rumors that the murderer is among them. Now everyone is suspicious, suspicious of neighbors, suspicious of friends, and even more suspicious of outsiders .

Over time, this distrust is likely to evolve into a bigger problem.

But it doesn’t matter if there is no blockade. Those trainers are all well-known powerhouses, and they are still very famous in the Kanto area. When they unite, Hualan City doesn’t want to pay attention to it.

Not to mention, if these high-level powerful Pokémon are lost, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the Kanto area. You must know that there is a competitive relationship between various regions. If there is a period of emptiness in the Kanto region, many people may have to step down and cause turmoil.

In the end, Ms. Joy also reminded Zhang Qing and the three of them not to go out during this time, otherwise they might get into a lot of trouble.

As an outsider, or from a competitive Hezhong area, sometimes maliciousness only needs a little bit of suspicion to appear.

Touzi and the others didn't expect the matter to be so serious. 047 "No wonder that Miss Jun Sha is so exhausted.

"Excuse me, has there been a problem of Pokémon being stolen in the Fairy Center?" Zhang Qing asked.

Miss Joy shook her head, "This is the only good news right now. After all, we are also on duty at night, and we need a key card to enter the room. However, not all trainers come to stay with us. You also know that there are Sometimes it's inconvenient!"

After speaking, Miss Joy blinked at Zhang Qing, as if hinting at something.

Zhang Qing was a little confused, but Mei and Touzi blushed a little.

After the three of Zhang Qing left, another person walked into the elf center. It was a beautiful girl with Ji-style long hair.

Are there so many outsiders today!?

Miss Joy was a little surprised, but she still received the other party.

When entering the identity information of the other party, I was a little surprised, "You are Miss Nazi!? The owner of the Golden Gym!?"

Nazi nodded, Joey compared the photos in the database, and found that it was indeed her, which was even more surprising, "Is there any important thing for you to come to Hualan City!?

Na Zi shook her head, Tian Men was relieved. "

"Well, if possible, can you please help Hualan City investigate the theft of Pokémon here, otherwise you may have to stay here for a long time, and the checkpoint procedures in Hualan City are very troublesome now. And it’s not easy to let go.”

Nazi frowned. In fact, she had heard it a long time ago, but she never thought that the other party would ask her.

I wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, if I met Zhang Qing and the others at this time, there would be an excuse, but I finally nodded and agreed.

Originally, as the owner of the gymnasium, he is actually a member of the alliance, and he is a civil servant. It is reasonable to help the alliance. However, he usually only manages the one-acre three-point land where his gymnasium is located, and rarely manages it across regions.

However, how about the Hualan Gym in Hualan City, I am afraid that anyone who is not ignorant of things outside the window knows a thing or two.

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