Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

673 Miss Nazi Who Steals Jade And Fragrance!

The night is deep, the moon is in the sky, and the stars are shining.

The evening wind blows the cheeks of those who are still working hard, feeling cool and refreshing.

In the police station, Miss Junsha was sorting through the case records and other documents, trying to find clues. She rubbed her dry eyes and yawned. its off.

However, when the person came to the window and looked outside, he sighed.

In the quiet Hualan City, it was only at night that the tranquility of the past was restored.

Feng Speed ​​Dog, who was lying on the ground and closed his eyes, seemed to be awakened by this soft sigh, opened his eyes, and looked at Miss Junsha, with a little doubt.

Miss Junsha smiled at him, "Sorry, I woke you up."


The cool breeze continued to move forward, and it made the trees on the side of the road play together, "sizzling" and "sizzling", and I don't know who it is accompanying.

Miss Joy, who was doing the final inspection work in the elf center, heard the "music" outside, couldn't help turning her head to look, and sighed, "It's windy...

When she returned to her work position, she was doing her work quietly while noticing someone coming at this time from time to time.

After all, as a 24-hour "hospital", her work is quite heavy.

Of course, the Miss Joy at this moment is not the one in the daytime. She is younger. After all, such a big elf center is open 24 hours a day, so it is impossible to rely on only one person to support it. The Misses would be helping older Miss Joy at elf centers everywhere.

Of course night shift is also one of their jobs.

"Thank you, Lucky Egg."

Lucky (lucky)!"

At this time, a pink egg-shaped cutie came over with a tray on it, and there was a cup of steaming tea on it. The young Miss Joy picked up the teacup with a slight smile, and touched the pink and soft little head of Lucky Egg as a gift. grateful.

The room provided by the Elf Center for the trainers to rest has a good sound insulation effect, but the quality of sleep has not been affected by the strong wind outside in the middle of the night. Most of the trainers have already fallen asleep by this time.

The black-willed green caterpillar suddenly opened its eyes, glanced at the figure that suddenly appeared in the room, but quickly closed its eyelids again.

And the boy lying on the bed also felt that there was suddenly another person in the room, but he didn't open his eyes, and observed the other person silently.

"It turned out to be Nazi!?"

"Did she really join the Rockets as some people on the Internet said in her previous life!?"

Zhang Qing is puzzled. In fact, in her previous life, there has always been controversy on the Internet about whether Nazi in the animation plot is already a member of the Rockets like in the game, or whether she is a member of the cadre level. Some people say that she is definitely a member of the Rockets. The style is too similar. Some people said it was absolutely impossible, it was not mentioned in the plot, and they even rescued Xiaozhi from Xiaojiro Miaomiao and the others.

In short, many people are very interested in the story of this beautiful girl's popular character, in various senses.

Zhang Qing didn't act immediately, catching thieves and taking stolen goods is only right and proper. It would be the most stupid of a person to scare the snake before committing a crime. Moreover, even if the thief is a superpower like Nazi, Zhang Qing doesn't think the other party can get away with it. The old six-slit empty seat took away his Pokémon under his nose.

Zhang Qing was waiting patiently.

However, Na Zi didn't look at those Pokémon. She floated to the bed without touching her feet, and just stared at Zhang Qing quietly. Zhang Qing couldn't help but wonder if she was found pretending to be asleep. up.

Suddenly Zhang Qing felt a soft body beside her. The other person hugged her and lay on her side, her head was carefully resting on her arm, and the breath of her breath hit her forehead. Crunchy.


Zhang Qing had a question mark on his forehead, and for a moment he didn't understand what this girl with a serious mental illness was doing. In the middle of the night, she suddenly ran into the room of the boy she had just met, and slept next to each other!?

Nazi stared at Zhang Qing's not-so-handsome side face without blinking, her heart was beating fast, and she murmured in her heart, "Sure enough, I like it, just like my mother said.

When you are close to the person you like, your heart will beat very fast. "

3K: "...

If he opens his eyes now, won't he be embarrassed!?

What the hell is this guy trying to do!? Why is he staring at me all the time!?

Li Kongzuo shook his head, as a trainer, he is good at everything, but there are a lot of rotten peach blossoms.

Forget it, don't care about him, anyway, with the strength of that monster, even if he is killed by a hatchet in the future, there is probably no knife that can cut off his head.

At the same time, Mei and Touzi, who were sleeping in the rooms on the left and right of Zhang Qing, had a nightmare at the same time. They gritted their teeth and cursed something, and danced and kicked the quilt away. Just covering my trainer with a quilt is exhausting.

Na Zi left just before dawn. Just like when she appeared, she also left quietly by instant teleportation. The door of the elf center that needs a key card to open is really really important for a superpower like her. It's almost the same as nothing, in short, it can't be stopped at all.

However, Zhang Qing also couldn't fall asleep. He spent the whole night thinking about what Naz was doing!? Why did she do that!? What's the point of doing that!? These three ultimate human thinking questions.

Even though Nazi left, he was still thinking.

To be honest, when I fought because of the shadow of my childhood in my previous life, I defeated him mercilessly. Zhang Qing didn't think that if I did this, the other party would have a good impression of him. After all, not everyone is an M.

"Could it be a different kind of ghost press!?"

"Let yourself sleep restlessly every night, and your arms are sore in the morning, take revenge on yourself!?"

The more Zhang Qing thought about it, the more he felt that this was the most likely answer, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said with a smile, "This is too childish, but this kind of revenge is quite cute

It was eight o'clock in the morning. At this time, people have already woken up one after another. Of course, these people are relatively sleepy people. Some hardworking people have already gotten up before dawn.

Mei and Touko yawned and came to the cafeteria of the Elf Center with a somewhat humble expression. After ordering a relatively light breakfast, they rubbed their sleepy and aching heads.

Zhang Qing looked at the two women with some doubts, and didn't understand why they were like this. Could it be that they were thieves last night!?

"Maybe I've caught a cold." The two women spoke nasally.

Zhang Qing nodded, "I'll ask Miss Joy for some cold medicine later."

The evening wind has indeed dropped the temperature severely, and it seems that there will be a storm here in two or three days.

"Well, we won't go to the Hualan gymnasium today, why don't you go first, Ah Qing, anyway, Hualan city may have to be locked down for a long time." The lure said listlessly

Mei also nodded, "I feel my head is heavy now, I'm afraid I won't be able to command the battle at all, I need to rest well today."

Originally, I wanted to go to the cinema with Zhang Qing to watch a movie on a date after going to Hualan Gymnasium, but now it seems that I have to change the day.

Thinking of this, Mei's mood became even more depressed.

After finally becoming the heroine of the screen, she was able to show her most beautiful side to the boy she liked, but it turned out that she couldn't realize it immediately, which was too uncomfortable.

Zhang Qing shook his head, no, I'll accompany you guys, just go to the challenge gym another day, I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

"Wuuuu, Ah Qing, you are the best." Mei hugged Zhang Qing emotionally.

Seeing this, even if Touzi was really depressed, he was not to be outdone and hugged the other side.

At this time, many single trainers who were eating breakfast in the dining hall suddenly felt full, and several male trainers even had red eyes, "I'm so envious, why, that guy is not as handsome as himself ,Why.…."

Two beautiful girls, what an enviable and jealous thing!

"Okay, okay, let go quickly, everyone is watching, you should finish eating quickly, and then get a good night's sleep after taking the medicine, otherwise minor illnesses and serious illnesses will cause trouble

Zhang Qing looked at the two girls helplessly. Sometimes these two guys are like children who haven't grown up.


At this moment, Fat Ding, who was eating the sweet fruit, suddenly shouted happily at Zhang Qing.

Zhang Qing showed a gentle smile and said, "Okay, okay, I'll trouble you to sing for them later."

Fat Ding suddenly became happier, and seemed to be in a very good mood for being able to play a role.

Yai and (Liao Nuo's) Touzi also smiled, and said to Fat Ding, "I'll trouble you little Fat Ding later, we really need to get a good night's sleep, please!"

"Bolly, Bolly!"

Just when Zhang Qing was very warm, Nazi, who "steals jade and fragrance", came to the police station at the moment, and found Miss Junsha who was in a complicated local law and order. To be precise, Miss Junsha, and Joey Similarly, on Miss Junsha's side, the older Junsha also led some younger Junshas to work together.

The old brings the new, which is the reason why these two families have been able to prosper for a long time.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know that in such a large urban area, it is impossible to rely on only one Joey and Junsha to be worry-free, and it is impossible for the two families to be a single lineage in each generation. There are so many members, it is impossible for everyone to have an elf center, that is too extravagant.

Similarly, in reality, there will not be only one doctor and nurse in the hospital, and the situation in the Pokémon world is naturally the same.

The elderly Miss Junsha was very excited when she saw Nazi, "Joy over there told me yesterday that you would come to help us, I thought it was a joke, it's really great, if you help us, I will definitely There is something to be gained.”

Who is Nazi, but the future queen of superpowers recognized by the alliance, clues that ordinary people can't find, this superpower must be able to find out, Miss Junsha is naturally very happy. .

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