Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

67 Anticlimactic! ? Still Hit The Big Luck! ?

[Ding dong——! Congratulations to Xia Guo’s contestants for completely clearing one of the top ten horrors in Huaguo, "The Horror Playground After Zero", and completing the hidden achievement "Lord of Paradise!"】

[Ding Dong rewards 100,000 points, Xia Guo increases luck value by 100,000, and unlocks the points mall at the same time. 】

[Ding dong———! Congratulations to Xia Guo for winning the main task "truth", the key clue words "ghost", "red moon" and "legend", please continue to work hard!]

"Oh, that's all right!?" Huang Yuan stood in the wilderness a little bit, and beside them was the van they took when they came here. At this time, they could already see the lights of the city outside.

It seems that it is really possible to leave.

Luo Tianyi patted his chest and said, "I'm already a rich man with a private playground! If I say I can leave, I can leave! You're right!"

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to pretend to be a brat to test the strength of these ghosts, and see if he could kill them by the way, but he didn't expect to have such a harvest, Luo Tianyi was also a little surprised.

After obtaining the ownership of the playground, Luo Tianyi realized that he had taken advantage of a loophole by mistake. He changed from a tourist to a staff member of the playground, and then directly became an administrator and owner.

The original employees became tourists and were sacrificed.

Now she has indeed become the "master of the paradise", and all the rules of the playground can be determined by her.

As for the people who are sent in, it is up to her to decide what price to pay. Before, it was soul and life, so those 20 ghost employees died. Now, Luo Tianyi hasn't figured out what she needs. Her soul, life and flesh, she is not a perverted demon, and those things are useless at all.

As for money, that kind of thing, does she still need to run such a magical playground to earn money!? With this skill, can't she open a normal playground!?

Of course, the essence of this playground is not deprivation, but trading. As for why it looks like buying and selling by force, it can only be said that ordinary people go in and can't get out at all. Do you want to play these rides according to the words of those ghosts? , There is no way, because you can't leave without clearing all the items.

Those ghosts didn't hide or lie at all, because in their view, it was impossible for anyone to pass the level, but they didn't expect that there would be so many coincidences this time. If it was really a playground of the original size, I'm afraid Luo Tianyi and the others will really be in trouble.

When unable to leave, you have to deal with these weird people with malicious intentions. I am afraid that in the end, you may read the Tao and pay the price for the so-called "ticket" unknowingly.

To be honest, Luo Tianyi didn't expect that his accident at the beginning would actually create the victory conditions later. The charter woman curled her lips, "All the key words of the clues have been announced, there is no secret at all, this system..."

People all over the world know about the trouble, is this still their reward!?

Le Zhengling sighed, "Actually, it doesn't matter if the system says it or not, anyway, it can be seen in the live broadcast room.

"Go back and find a place to rest, it's been a busy day, and I'm a little tired..."

Le Zhengling couldn't help yawning as she said that, she is still an ordinary person, she just has some more abilities, and she can only set fireballs, and she doesn't have enough energy to continue to endure.

Huang Yuan looked at the time, "It's almost dawn, well, even though there won't be any sun on this day..."

"Don't sigh, Uncle Huang Yuan, hurry up and get in the car! We girls have to get enough sleep, or we will become like you!" At this moment, Luo Tianyi held Le Zhengling's hand, He had already boarded the car, and when he saw Huang Yuan standing stupidly outside, he couldn't help but urge him.

Didn’t you see that my family’s Aya is like this!? Have a good eye!

Seeing that Feng Baobao and the charter woman had already boarded the car, Feng Baobao had already started the car, the headlights were on, and the engine was roaring to work.

Huang Yuan scratched his head, "You guys, you really have no mood, at a time like this, you should look into the distance and appreciate the peaceful scene after the war.

"Heh!" Luo Tianyi and the others all replied one word to each other, letting him experience it for himself.

Really think this is a movie, do you want to give you a close-up shot after the war!?

"Do you still want to get in the car!?"

" we come, here we go! Really..." Seeing that the girls were really going to close the car door and leave, Huang Yuan couldn't help walking over quickly

This time it's really not dangerous, but it feels a bit anticlimactic, but Huang Yuan thought about it again, and realized that there is no danger at all. If it wasn't a coincidence, maybe he would have to be planted here this time, which is comparable to what Monster battles are always dangerous.

I'm afraid that if they follow the normal situation, no matter how strong they are, they have to follow the rules of the game to play here, unless you can break the rules, otherwise you will still fall into a dead end.

It can also be seen from this that the horror of the top ten horrors at the national level, I am afraid that the other nine will not be simple things.

And this red moon......

Looking at the red moon hanging high in the sky outside, Huang Yuan couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Now it has been confirmed that the so-called "truth" is related to the red moon, although Huang Yuan has never been very familiar with this "truth" mission, just like the beholder who was last discovered in the last secret realm, what is it? Huang Yuan didn't know what to express.

Do you want to tell them that the great desert was born from the existence of the beholder, or do you want to tell them that those monsters exist because of the beholder city!? Or perhaps it is to analyze why humans disappeared!?

It is said that they have found the truth, but even those who have completed the mission don't know what the truth is!?

I really don’t understand, what is this system trying to do!? What is the purpose!? Simply playing with them humans!?

The charter woman's ears caught a lot of movement, and she reminded, "Be careful!"

She has not forgotten the reminder sent by Xia Guo's officials before. You must know that each country can only send messages of no more than 300 words to its own players every week. It's okay to use it casually.

Before that, Xia Guo officials specially sent a message to remind them, maybe it wasn't just to ask them not to lose their vigilance, it seemed to remind them that players from other countries might attack them.

If it's just pistols and other modern weapons or cold weapons brought into the secret realm, the charter woman is not afraid, but God knows what people from other countries have obtained in the secret realm, as can be seen from Le Zhengling, in this secret realm, The gap between ordinary people and these martial arts masters who have cultivated for many years is still getting smaller and smaller.

If you get some weird enough abilities, you might even see it if you are stronger than the opponent, so the charter woman will not be arrogant and think that she is invincible. Players from other countries are nothing to worry about. If you have this mentality, She died a long time ago, and she was able to live until now because she was cautious enough.

Feng Baobao nodded lightly, expressing his understanding.

Huang Yuan sighed, this is human beings, and this is the current situation of Blue Star, just like what he said before, as long as the Blue Stars cannot be unified one day, such cannibalism will not be rare, let alone now The cruelty of the Rift is not enough to unite humanity.

Of course, although Huang Yuan hopes for reunification, he also has selfish intentions. What he hopes most is that his own country will dominate.

So what kind of cooperation, alliance or something, just listen to it, if you really believe it, I'm afraid you'll be a fool.

Thinking about it this way, Huang Yuan has also activated his domineering aura, can you disturb the rest of the girls......

At this time, Zhang Qing's foggy space also welcomed new visitors.

Zhang Qing from Mojin and other worlds gathered around one after another, "Oh! Is it a girl again!?"

The black-haired girl dressed as a witch looked at these people with some vigilance. For some reason, she held a short stick in her hand at 897. Her fingers were thick and thin, about 20 centimeters long.

"Could it be the world of Harry Potter!?" Ke Xue Zhang Qing exclaimed.

Other Zhang Qing also nodded, because this familiar magic wand was too familiar.

However, the girl dressed as a black witch looked at these people suspiciously, as if wondering why these inexplicable guys knew about Harry Potter, could it be that they were other traversers!?

The girl became more vigilant.

At this time, Xilin also floated over, but this time she didn't come close. After all, Luo Tianyi's sneak attack last time made her vigilant. Who knows if there will be another more perverted self!?

"Hiss!" The girl dressed as a witch was completely dumbfounded. Isn't this familiar image the Queen!?

"Human! Who gave you the courage to look me in the face!?"

"Hey!?" The girl looked at the Herrscher of the Sky as if looking down on an ant. This familiar voice couldn't be wrong. Could it be...

"I've timed again.........!?"

"Oh! Very good, you dare to ignore me, go to hell, human!" Saying this, several sub-kon spears appeared behind Sirin, and her golden eyes were coldly staring at the flustered Miss Witch.


"What are you waiting for, go to hell!"


"So, you guys are really too much, do you play with yourself like this!? Is it so interesting!?" A few minutes later, Miss Witch, who finally learned the truth, couldn't help but look at these selves who had reincarnated into other worlds.

Especially Xilin, the majestic Herrscher of the Sky would actually play this with herself.

"Hmph!" Feeling the mournful gaze of a newcomer, Sirin couldn't help crossing her arms and snorting coldly.

She is just giving these newcomers a bad start and letting them learn to respect her, the Herrscher of the Sky. She is not a puffer fish! Nor is it a paramecium!.

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