Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

68 The Witch Doesn't Want To Travel!

Moban Zhang Qing looked at this witch lady speechlessly, and didn't know what to say to him. Is it possible for any kind of weird self to appear!?

"You think I'm thinking about it!?" Miss Witch, oh, no! Mr. Zhang Qing, who is actually a male magician, couldn't help but sigh when he saw the strange eyes of other people looking at him.

"I didn't know it would become like this. I just wanted to create a magic that can reverse the image of an object. I didn't expect this kind of accident to happen. Now as long as I use magic, I will turn into a girl... ……”

This Zhang Qing is not from "Harry Potter", but from "The Witch's Journey". Although the whole animation revolves around the heroine Irena telling her travel stories, it can also be seen that it is not true Only women can use magic, but basically only women can become witches.

The later the stage, the less men can match women, it seems that women are more suitable in magic.

Of course, this is not absolute, there are always one or two exceptions.

It is obvious that Zhang Qing is one or two qualified candidates, but it is a pity that he made a big death. Irena also created the magic of turning objects into people. , want to reverse everything.

The result is good, the first victim is myself, now as soon as I use magic, I will turn into a girl, don't be too fucked up.

I have the desire to die, although I am still a man if I don’t use magic, but in a world with magic, can I really not use it!?

What's even more frightening is that his deeds have become a joke, and the whole world knows it, and it makes one want to die just thinking about it.

In the end, he was obviously not a witch, but he got the title of a witch, "The Witch of Lamentation", but this is not recognized, and there is no badge that symbolizes the status of a witch. After all, he is just a self-taught magician, and he has only attended a magic school. , After graduation, I was completely self-study after graduation, and I didn't go to the assessment.

It's not that he doesn't want to take the test, but that he is too famous, he doesn't want to be surrounded by people, and it's too bad to turn into a girl when he uses magic.

"But you were in the form of a girl when you came in..." Hokage Zhang Qing discovered Huadian.

"Aren't I being hunted down!?" Witch Zhang Qing glared at Hokage Zhang Qing. He didn't know that the time was exactly when Irena was just graduating, and the hostess didn't know him yet.

I really treated Zhang Qing as a witch, how dare Zhang Qing tell the woman that he is actually a man!? Isn’t this telling others that he is a pervert!?

But I didn't expect that this guy seemed to intend to stay and spend the night in his temporary hut, and he didn't seem to intend to continue to rush to the next town or country.

Didn’t this cause some welfare accidents!?

God knows how relieved he was when he watched the other party dress up and leave after dawn. Finally, he has not been found. I slept in the bed all night, afraid that I would want to kill someone.

So seeing the other party flying away on the broom, Zhang Qing planned to put away the hut and escape from this place of right and wrong. He didn't believe that Irena would never find out. When she accidentally heard something or remembered something, Fearing that he would have to make trouble for himself, Zhang Qing was naturally ready to run away.

But he changed places, but unexpectedly, he still met this evil star. Yes, when he met Irena again, there was no joy on the other party's face after meeting again, but it was more like seeing a murdered father. Enemy in general.

Doesn't this mean that Zhang Qing has gone on a journey of escape? God knows why a traveling witch keeps chasing after him in this hermit house.

Let's all forget it together and act as if nothing happened in the first place, isn't it good!?

This time, Zhang Qing didn't hide for long, and ran into Irena again. Zhang Qing didn't even know how the other party's travel itinerary was determined, so how could he always run into each other!?

Eldest sister, I didn't take the initiative at the beginning, in fact, I didn't do anything, did I!?

I clearly said that you can sleep in bed alone, but you are the one who dragged me by force.

And I didn't let you stay overnight, I pointed out the direction of the nearest town, you must speed up, you should be able to go there before dark "It's not my fault!?

He only wants to study magic, and it is best to find magic that can transform himself back to his original state. .

Sirin cast a glance at this guy, "It's not that you have your own little thoughts, otherwise if you strongly refuse, will others stay!.々?"

Witch Zhang Qing coughed, "Didn't you see the heroine, I'm a little curious..."

"By the way, now that I have your abilities, I finally don't have to use magic whenever I have trouble, and I can finally maintain a male appearance, thank God!"

God knows how many troubles there will be after becoming a woman, and even after a long time, there will be some problems with his gender recognition, but he can't use it. To be honest, if he is an ordinary person from the beginning until now, he can still accept it. But after having seen magic before and becoming interested in studying magic, he suddenly let himself go back to being an ordinary person, to be honest

Difficult to accept.

Not to mention that the level of science and technology in that world still wants to be backward, that is, the level of Europe in the Middle Ages. Even because of the existence of magic, it is impossible to sprout science. This makes Zhang Qing return to the world of ordinary people. people!?

How could such a backward environment be comfortable? This is why he chose to learn magic at the beginning. Although he knew that it was difficult for men to achieve success, and there were no examples to support it, and some only had legends and stories, he still resolutely decided to put everything into it. It's magic.

It may be the heart that is not willing to be ordinary!

Sometimes the witch Zhang Qing also regrets it. Shouldn't he be so worried about finding a witch teacher, so there won't be so many problems!? I thought that being able to become a female magic power would increase a lot, and It is easier to use magic, but the price is a bit high, it is simply social death.

Didn't they all leave their hometowns and their homeland!? I didn't expect that even the people here knew their own affairs, so the witch Zhang Qing could only find a place where no one was living in seclusion and live a life of researching esoteric methods.

As for finding the protagonist of this world, to be honest, Zhang Qing has no such idea at all. You must know that the protagonist of "The Witch's Journey" is a traveler. For someone like Zhang Qing who was an otaku in his previous life, traveling It's really troublesome, so even if he deliberately went to know Irena, it's useless, he can't really travel with him!?

Once or twice is fine, if you keep traveling, he can't bear it!

And is it true that traveling is free of money!?

Besides, how can he get to know each other!? Not to mention that he can’t remember when the plot starts, even if he remembers, there is no reason to know each other!? Besides, you are a man, if you come here on purpose, a fool will suspect that you have what an attempt.

With so much thought and energy, why not study magic? There is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Is it impossible to do any magic you want!?

Of course the witch Zhang Qing admits that Irena is indeed beautiful, but there are so many beautiful people in this world, there is really no need to stare at each other alone, as if there is only one woman in the whole world.

Mo Yi Zhang Qing is a little happy, because the magic in the witch Zhang Qing's world is very interesting, and it is different from the poisonous magic in the moon world. It is harmless, and it is really magic, not magic. It is because of the mystery that magic has changed from law to art. Born in the age of the end of the law, it is very difficult to learn from the law, so it is so difficult for magicians to appear.

The magic power of the same moon world is poisonous, and it will cause so many tragedies. Is it not because of this reason? To make it perish, you must first make it crazy. Obviously, if you continue to use this poisonous magic power, I am afraid Magic, mystery, etc. will disappear in the long river of history one day. In fact, it can be seen from the decline of the Age of Gods to the end of the law.

Mystery is also a problem, which is why there can only be one engraved heir (what?). Once a certain kind of magic is widely known in the Xingyue world, it is likely to lose its power, and the less it is used People say that knowing is better.

So magicians are selfish, even relatives will be on guard.

Sakura and Aoi are the best examples.

The same is true for why some magician families suddenly die out, because the fewer people who know, the better.

As for why Moyi Zhang Qing taught sunflower magic, it was because his family had a lot of inheritance, and there was no lack of it. In terms of foundation, he had never lost to anyone. It's called magic, but the essence is the same.

Now that he is the head of the family, he naturally has the power to deal with these inheritances. He has the final say on how to use them and who to use them for.

Who dares to talk too much!?

Now that there is an additional magic system, Zhang Qing of Mo Yi has a reference object and more knowledge. Naturally, how could he be unhappy, and the way forward is already in sight.

The same is true for Witch Zhang Qing. What they exchange is not only ability, but also knowledge. What is the most precious, of course, is knowledge, and it is knowledge from other worlds. It simply opens the door to a new world. generally.

It would be even better if there are more worlds of me in the future..."

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