Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

69 Zhang Qing: I Usually Don't Rely On Others, You Know!

"Tonight, Luo Tianyi didn't come!?"

Seeing that the witch Zhang Qing had exchanged with the other Zhang Qings, the divine sculpture Zhang Qing could not help but glance around, only to find that there was one Pippi missing!

Hokage Zhang Qing shrugged, "It's normal, the world on her side, no, the secret space she entered obviously won't allow her to freely control her time

Although the process of entering the foggy space only takes a moment, there is still a limitation. We must really fall asleep, not simply close our eyes and say 'enter'. "

If it is really possible to come in at any time, doesn't that mean that the thinking time can be extended infinitely when fighting with others!? It really is the accelerated world!?

It is not impossible to use some means to fall asleep, but it is actually very dangerous to enter this state during a real battle or something urgent. It is like a sudden distraction during a battle. Although the time is short, but Most of the world is not an ordinary world. A short period of absent minded, unrecovered, confused and other states is actually fatal.

In fact, all Zhang Qing will find a place as safe as possible for himself before entering the foggy space. This is also based on this, especially when leaving the foggy space and returning to reality, the process of returning a large amount of information to the real body is fatal Yes, in reality there will definitely be a period of rigidity, or distraction.

Zhang Qing who can come in anytime and anywhere like Xilin is, after all, one of the few, because in reality it is really impossible to have so many personal spaces and time, and it is absolutely safe.

"Then it seems that I want to exchange with her next time." The sculpture Zhang Qing said to the witch Zhang Qing.

Every 710 Zhang Qing can only provide the power that belongs to his own world, such as Luo Tianyi's Spirit of Sound, Slime Summoning, etc., and the God Sculpture Zhang Qing has also been exchanged, but But it can't be exchanged to other Zhang Qing for the second time. If the newcomer Zhang Qing wants to own it, he still has to get in touch with Luo Tianyi.

Witch Zhang Qing shook her head, "It doesn't matter, there are so many worlds is enough, and my world is not too dangerous, although every witch is a collection of troubles and ego, many things are their own However, the world as a whole is relatively peaceful and warm...."

In the world of the Witch's Journey, anyone who knows magic, regardless of gender, can become a magician in general, but because of adaptability, men generally can only stay at the initial stage—the magician stage, which is the stage where they can use some simple magic , further trainee witches, and final stage witches are very rare.

Also because of the rarity, there is no special title prepared for men, so if you want to advance, after the assessment, you will only get the title of a trainee witch, not a trainee magician. There is no such thing in that world. statement.

So even though Zhang Qing, the witch, has reached the stage of a witch in terms of magic and magic power, she has never been tested because she feels quite ashamed. Do you have to introduce yourself when you meet someone?

"I am XXX, an apprentice witch!"!?

That's pretty fucked up.

This first step feels like you have lost all integrity, and the next step is even more difficult. You have to find a witch who is willing to take you as an apprentice, and after the other party's teaching and assessment, you will become a new witch.

Hehe, witches are very rare, and even if you meet them, would they be willing to accept you as an apprentice!? Why!? Not to mention that every witch must have a weird personality. When the time comes, you might not be able to become a teacher. Come over and get teased, it's not unheard of.

And people prefer to be called female disciples!

But it's just an extra witch status recognized by the Magician Association. In fact, it doesn't add anything because of it. At least they won't give you subsidies or the like. It means that you have become an officially recognized doctor. He is an average student, and it is easier to find a job. He is just a highly educated person recognized by the government.

As a magician whose superficial identity is still maintained at the level of a sorcerer, although the witch Zhang Qing can not receive many jobs, she will not starve to death, and his magic level has also reached the level of a witch, so in general As far as he is concerned, he is already relatively rich, thinking that he can do more by himself.

The only thing that is not so good is that she is inexplicably called the "Witch of Lamentation". Tears killing relatives and friends, etc., in short, it is a bloody and sad story.

As time goes by, those unfortunate people will blame him for the fault, and she just happened to pass by, or she was entrusted with a mission to deliver a courier, and this has nothing to do with him at all, which is very wronged Yeah, that's why he said he was very famous, not just because of a magical accident that turned into a woman when he used magic.

Didn’t he just pass by and see the process and ending of the tragedy, and he sighed!? As a famous melon-eating crowd, is there something wrong!? Does he have to clap his hands and laugh!? Then he will be beaten to death .

And it is precisely because of the title of "Witch of Lamentation" that is not officially recognized, those who agree with Zhang Qing, the witch, are probably a little bit abnormal, because this means that Zhang Qing, the witch, is a cursed People, if you don’t worry that something unfortunate will happen to you, just accept him as an apprentice! I hope he can be a teacher as soon as possible, otherwise he may have to sigh at your funeral.

So, although it’s not very good, Zhang Qing in Witch’s Journey World is doing pretty well (caci) on the whole, except that he always meets that gray witch in unexpected places!

I don’t know where the girl got so much resentment. It’s been three years. Is it necessary to scream and kill me every time I see you!? I didn’t do anything!?

I don't understand!

But now I am no longer my previous self, and now I am already open, and I no longer need to change to a place where no one knows me after completing a single task, and I can also accept tasks as a male magician I'm happy to cry.jpg.

How many years, since that damn magic accident, he had to become a female to take over tasks and hand over tasks for so many years, just to prevent people from finding out that he was the lamenting witch, which deeply hurt his weak heart.

Well now, he is no longer who he used to be.

Mo Yi Zhang Qing was so happy to see the other party, but he didn't say anything to pour cold water on him, but he was not optimistic about the other party. After all, the habit of pulling out his wand whenever he had something to do was probably deep in his bones. The power of fit, of course, is the power system of the world after reincarnation. It is very difficult for the witch Zhang Qing to give up this, and it is not necessary, so I have to continue to become a girl, but I don’t know when the other party will be able to solve this problem .

But Mo Yi Zhang Qing was relieved, because they didn't exchange the negative status after the curse-level magic accident, otherwise they would not dare to use the magic they got from the other side, it's too foolish "Who It's okay to change sex!?

No matter how easy those magics are, I don’t want to!

"By the way, what do you think about the fact that Tianyi said that your spiritual network has an effect on ghosts and ghosts!?" After ignoring the witch Zhang Qing, the magician Zhang Qing turned his attention to Bilan who was quietly working on the other side. Zhang Qing asked.

Bilan Zhang Qing shook his head, "I'm not very clear about this, but we are here to fight against the monsters born of resentment, so it is likely to have a miraculous effect on negative energy. Ghosts and monsters have not been said to be Yin in their previous lives. Is it!? That’s why there’s the theory of the underworld, so it’s understandable that it has effects on these yin-type life forms. I want to do experiments, but I’m powerless.”

"Isn't this what you mages are better at!?"

Bilan Zhang Qing added after seeing Moyi Zhang Qing's thoughtful look.

Although everyone is Zhang Qing, the general environment and experience of the second life are different, resulting in the situation of specialized skills, not because they come from the same source, they have to become exactly the same person, they are now more It is like myself in a parallel world, because one choice leads to another life, which shapes a different person.

He I, I, Ego!

This must be clearly distinguished. Don’t think that you are all yourself. They should all be good at certain aspects. Maybe there is a disabled person who can’t run away.

"It's also..." Moyi Zhang Qing also felt funny when he heard the other party say this. It is indeed the case. You can't think that the other party must give the answer just because this power comes from the other party! One sells knives, how do you know why someone can block bullets with this knife!?

"It seems that I still have to study on my side..." Although the Pokémon world, the self in the Suqing world, and the self in the Naruto world all have spirit bodies, but when it comes to research, it is better to be a magician like him. What he is good at, I am a talent in research in the world of Witch's Journey, but it is a pity that in that world, I don't even know if there are spirit bodies.

"Do well, I'm optimistic about you!" Bilan Zhang Qing pulled the navy admiral's hat on his head, and patted Moyi Zhang Qing with a smile.

"You, just sit back and enjoy the rewards!" Helpless, everyone is like this, if it's not for me, I won't do it!

"What are you talking about!? We don't rely on others, we all rely on our own efforts!"

"......Alas, that's right! We all work hard on our own!".

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