Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

70 The Bad Fate Of The Honest Country!

"I'm not...not........I'm beautiful-!"

When Zhang Qing from Witch's Journey returned to reality, he was rubbing his eyes and yawning. He woke up from the public bench in the square, and suddenly heard Youdao's very familiar voice saying cheeky words, and he couldn't help being stunned. .

Suddenly there is a bad premonition.

Sure enough, not far from the gate of the Kingdom of Honesty, there is a gray-haired girl dressed as a witch standing there holding a mirror. This country is very quiet, and no one talks casually at all, because just like in it, the people in this country are not at all ~Ben can't lie.

Zhang Qing, the house magician, came here precisely because he took on a delivery mission. In this world, there is no means of transportation that is more convenient than a magician who can fly in the sky, and like Zhang Qing This kind of magician who also has the ability to carry and measure goods is even more popular.

In short, as long as his identity is not exposed, Zhang Qing can always find a job, and when he has enough money, he will stay in his kennel, do research, and come out to find a job to earn money before the money runs out. He has become Zhang Qing A set of parties for personal life.

Isn't it, after handing over the goods, I'm a little tired and lie down for a while!?

I didn't expect to meet that girl at this time, evil fate!

Zhang Qing lowered his body in an instant, letting the back of the chair block his view. He didn't want to be discovered by that girl at all. It was hard for him to find a place where no one knew him. If his identity was exposed, he might be in this area For a long time, there was no need to think that someone would entrust themselves.

God damn "Witch of Lamentation", look, after he came to this country, did any bad things happen in this country!?

You said people here don't talk, it's very quiet!?

What does this have to do with him, didn’t it already exist!? That stupid witch and the idiot king made it up by themselves, what does it have to do with him!?

After listening to the movement for a while, Zhang Qing found that the girl would always leave, so Zhang Qing poked his head out to look. Sure enough, Irena had already left, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then it's time for me to leave too!"

He still has to take a few orders, otherwise he might not be able to last long with this little reward.

In the final analysis, it is also because the job agency is only a magician. If he has an officially recognized witch job agency, he may be able to receive some more lucrative tasks, and there is no need to pick up these wild small businesses.

But he really doesn't want to become a trainee witch, he feels that his integrity is broken, it's all because the men in this world don't live up to expectations, why can't they be more promising!? When will male magicians stand up!? Shaking cold.jpg.

Touching the task handover confirmation document in the backpack, Zhang Qing planned to leave this place of right and wrong before the girl found out.

Every time we meet each other, it doesn't end well, so he is unlucky, okay? Zhang Qing really wants to suggest that the Association of Magicians transfer the nickname "Witch of Lamentation" to Irena, because he is obviously more unlucky, isn't he!?

At first, Zhang Qing was able to get rid of the opponent by virtue of her superb broom riding skills, but Irena's progress was too fast, and she was almost overtaken several times. Some of the skills created by Zhang Qing herself, the opponent also did not know in the process of chasing Unknowingly learned.

What an awesome talent!

After checking that the items on his body were not missing, Zhang Qing planned to leave in the direction of the gate. With the superimposed values ​​of other worlds, Zhang Qing is now very energetic. Run some more business.

However, when he came to the gate and was about to call the guards to open it, Zhang Qing turned his head and looked back, and then met a gray-haired witch holding a piece of khaki bread in her hand.

Both of them froze for a moment.

Then Zhang Qing immediately knocked on the door with his hands, telling the guards to open the door quickly.

Irena took a hard bite of the hard and stale bread, and showed a ferocious smile while chewing.

The consciousness in the eyes is probably "I found you, let's see how you escape this time!?" or something like that.


"Fuck! Can't afford it!?"

Seeing that the guards moved so slowly, Zhang Qing was so anxious that he wanted to ignore the regulations and ride a broom into the air. If there was no air ban, the magician must pass through the city gate, otherwise he would be warned and punished. Zhang Qing wanted to ran away.

Looking back again, it turned out that the little girl Irena had already pulled out her magic wand and pointed it at her side.

Judging by the color of the magic light, it might be a wind magic with relatively strong power. Zhang Qing couldn't help but cursed secretly, turned around and ran towards the alley.

Not to mention, it's different if you hang up. In terms of physique, a hundred magicians combined can't outrun him. Now he is a man like wind.

I E, I EEEE........

"Don't even try to run—!"

Irena was also taken aback, when did this guy run so fast, this is not magic at all!?

But this time she won't just let this guy go, this bastard who deceived the heart of a pure and beautiful girl, thinking that he was deceived after becoming a witch, and he looks stupid without knowing anything It is the dark history of her genius witch Irena.

And this guy has played tricks on herself several times. In order to chase each other, she rode a broom into a tree, fell into a pond, etc. In short, in order to have better flying skills on a broom, God knows how long she has worked hard for it , paid how much.

And all this is thanks to this pervert.

If I don't teach the other party a lesson, Irena really can't get rid of the hatred in her heart, no, one meal is not enough, and I have suffered a lot!

Canceling the wind magic that has not yet been issued, Irena just summoned a broom and rode to catch up. Although she can't fly in and out without permission, it is still possible to fly inside.

However, before Irena got on the broom, a girl wearing glasses stood in front of her, and took out a notebook with writing on it and stretched it out in front of Irena.

"Excuse me, are you a witch from the Magic Coordinating (Magician) Association!?"

It says so, because all people who can use magic, regardless of gender, will be collectively classified as magicians, so the Magic Coordination Association, also known as the Magician Association, is a relatively mysterious organization in the eyes of ordinary people. As long as it is related to magic Anything, they will add a kick.

For those who belong to the association, the brooches are all in the shape of a moon, so if you want to know whether the other party is from this organization, it is actually relatively simple, and generally no one will think of counterfeiting, because it is meaningless.

This identity does not bring you any benefits, and once you are discovered, you will probably be hunted down. As for criminals, normal people don't want to know how they will be dealt with after being arrested.

But judging from the world where witches exist, it is impossible to just lock you up like this.

After glancing at the above content, Irena rushed to chase after Zhang Qing, and didn't want to have a deep communication with this inexplicable girl. She simply shook her head and replied, "I'm not, sorry, I have something important to do now Goodbye......"

After finishing speaking, with a sound of "咻——!", he galloped away on a broom.

However, it is a pity that, perhaps because of the short delay just now, Irena found herself searching around, but did not find any trace of Zhang Qing.

"Did this guy run away again!?"

Irena was a little reconciled, but helplessly, this pervert was too good at running away. It was like spending all her skill points on running away. She was obviously a magician, but in the past three years, she had met countless times and didn't want to catch her as a witch. other side.

This time it was even more extreme, this guy was able to escape simply by running with both feet.

This isn't magic at all!?

Suddenly Irena found that there was a bit of excitement over there, and she looked closer, only to find that someone was fighting, and the two of them had never heard of it.

"It's rare to hear someone talking, is it actually a fight!?" Irena complained.

"Of course, because I can only tell the truth, no matter what happens, it will only turn out like this." A man next to me explained after hearing Irena's rant.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Irena and added, "Miss Witch, are you stupid!?"

It seems that Irena doesn't even understand this point, and she thinks that Irena's brain is not very good.

Irena heard this, and couldn't help but glared at this person, staring at him, but that person didn't care, and while watching the two fighting over there with relish, she smiled and said, "Look, it's easy to get angry like this." Contradictory, it's all the fault of that idiot king!"

"Oh! By the way!" As he spoke, the man made a movement of zipping the zipper around his mouth with his hand, indicating that he could not say more.

Irena raised her eyebrows, it really is a very strange country, is it all because of the need to be honest!?

"Okay! Let's call it a day!"

At this moment, a witch with short black hair who descended from the sky on a broom fell to the ground while shouting loudly.

At the same time, he waved the magic wand in his hand without saying a word, and cast magic on the two people who were still fighting on their own, making them both stop their movements like stone statues, motionless and start bandits.

"Really, fighting here in broad daylight, and why didn't anyone stop them......"

History is always similar. The black short-haired witch girl talking to herself suddenly met Irena's eyes, and the serious expression on her face that taught others turned into an excited and subtle expression in an instant.

And inexplicably blushed.

"I...Miss Irena——!"

After confirming that she had not misread the person, the short black-haired Witch Miss opened her hands and rushed towards Irena. Because of her excessive excitement and excitement, the magic that was cast on the two people who were fighting just now was instantly lost. With the support of the master, the collapse dissipated, and the two who were stiff could move again.

The faces of the two people who didn't react were hit hard by each other, and they fell to the ground one after another.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Saya said when she saw this scene, but there was an excited smile on her face.

He clasped Irena's hand tightly with both hands.

"I didn't expect to see you here, it must be fate, um, I'm so lucky!"

"In this case, we can only get married!"

Irena was not used to the other party's overly affectionate and enthusiastic behavior, she slightly pushed the other party's body away from her and said, "Let's not talk about this, it's been a long time, Miss Saya..."

"Seeing how energetic you are now, I'm finally relieved."

Irena did not expect to meet Saya again in this country, and it has been several months since she left the country of magicians.

As a traveler, or one of the special traveling witches, the world is so big, and it is not easy to meet again within a short period of time.

Except for Zhang Qing of course, Irena even suspected that the other party appeared in front of her on purpose to provoke her.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to meet each other so many times! Towel?.

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