Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

71 Zhang Qing: My Hand Can Move By Itself! Damn It!

"A mere gray witch, if you want to catch up with me, it's still a hundred years too early..."

Looking at the country of honesty that was getting farther and farther behind, Zhang Qing straddled the broom and laughed complacently. Now, Irena must be very disappointed and angry that she couldn't find her!

But what's the use of getting angry!? Zhang Qing is the man you, Irena, will never be able to catch.


Thinking of this, Zhang Qing suddenly slapped his head. When he mentioned men, he remembered that he had used magic again. He already had superpowers and the ability of a Herrscher, so why did he still have to fly on a broom? Ah, how long does this female form have to last!?

Just as Zhang Qing from Moyi said and conjectured, Zhang Qing in the world of Witch's Journey has long been used to using the magic of this world, and the habit has been deeply rooted in his bones. When something happened, he would subconsciously use the magic of this world immediately.

Zhang Qing from Witch's Journey World, who realized this, couldn't be happy for a moment.

This day has not been posted!

Why did I want to create that kind of magic in the first place!?


Zhang Qing couldn't help sighing "two five seven". I really don't know why I had to create that kind of magic back then. Zhang Qing always felt that he seemed to have forgotten the reason, and if he lost a memory in this world, it might not be a good thing. Moreover, he offered the sacrifice on his own initiative, Zhang Qing didn't know whether he should look for the answer.

Maybe it’s just as good!?

Sometimes it is rare to be confused, life is easier......

After convincing himself, Zhang Qing intends to use some of his own super powers in the forbidden world, so that he can run orders in a shorter time.

What Zhang Qing didn't know was that his figure flying in the sky was seen by others, especially the way he sighed, and soon after, the Kingdom of Honesty disappeared, and he could no longer only tell the truth, but also heard that the king He was also beaten.

Therefore, the record of "The Witch of Lamentation" has added another stroke.

Let Zhang Qing, who found out after a long time, want to scold his mother, what's the matter with him!? He didn't do anything, okay? What's wrong with him sighing? There are so many people sighing in this world every day, why can't he do it!?

If it wasn't for the fact that no one could find out who was breaking the news, Zhang Qing would have wanted to hunt down and kill this person, wouldn't it be a pain in the ass!?

At this time, Zhang Qing, who knew nothing about it, was still amazed at the speed of the super power and the flying broom. He was afraid that at this speed, he could go back and forth several times a day.

"Maybe I can pick up some express delivery!"

These are the ones that pay more, because time is tight and the journey is long, generally few magicians will pick them up, no matter how high the reward is.

But it's different now, Zhang Qing thinks he can do it, but there is only one problem, that is, he is just a mage, if he wants to take this kind of task, people will not believe him, he must have the guarantee from the Magician Association. OK.

This goes back to the original question.

If Zhang Qing wants to join, he must at least be a trainee witch. This is unrealistic, because it would be very unethical.

What is mere money compared to moral integrity!?

Doesn't the wild magician sound better than the witch!?

After handing over the task completion sheet to the client, Zhang Qing received a considerable amount of reward in an instant. After all, he transported so many goods at one time, and the reward would definitely not be small. Otherwise, let these people transport them in a horse-drawn carriage. Or by water, you have to spend more freight.

After Zhang Qing collected the reward, he said to the other party that if there are tasks in the future, he can contact him, and gave the other party a one-time magic item, which he can sense when lit with fire.

As long as Zhang Qing's identity as a "lamenting witch" is not exposed, she should still be able to get a few deals.

After saying goodbye to these people, Zhang Qing flew towards his stronghold, which was in a forest.

Turning around, Zhang Qing landed on an open field after realizing that no one was following him. Then he snapped his fingers, and a wooden house appeared in an instant.

This is when Zhang Qing cast the concealment magic before. Since being seen by Irena that time, Zhang Qing usually hides his house, otherwise what will he do next time he meets a witch who comes to stay overnight!? He doesn't want to One more witch chasing after him.

However, Zhang Qing didn't know that even if he didn't provoke the other party, he would still have trouble finding him. A charcoal witch named Shaye patted her chest and promised that once she met Zhang Qing, she would bring her back to Yi Lena dealt with it.

After entering the house, the moment Zhang Qing closed the door, Zhang Qing snapped his fingers again, and the wooden house disappeared once again.

After taking some tea leaves and putting them into the teapot, Zhang Qing waved his magic wand to pour water into the teapot, then tapped the teapot lightly, and the water inside began to heat up automatically.

Before the tea was ready, Zhang Qing waved his magic wand again, and the laptop flew over with the power of the table.

Opened the research notes inside, looked at it, and found nothing missing, then turned to a blank page and wrote some thoughts in it. This time, the gains from the misty space gave Zhang Qing a lot of new ideas and ideas. train of thought.

However, the way to lift the curse has not been found, which is probably related to the memory he lost, but his intuition tells Zhang Qing that it is best not to find that memory back, so he has been trying to find ways to bypass that memory.

Zhang Qing is very clear about what kind of person he is. If he will sacrifice a certain memory, then it can only mean that he abandoned it after careful consideration and determination. If he finds it back for contact with the curse, then he will definitely Will give up again, this is simply putting the cart before the horse.

Although he forgot, Zhang Qing could still feel that sad emotion, which was very shallow and deeply hidden, but the traces still remained.

Since the self at that time not only discarded the memory, but also erased all the traces of the reality about that period of the past, it is enough to explain everything, there is no need to look for it because it is not the answer.

At least not the answer I wanted.

After finishing writing, Zhang Qing saw that the tea over there had been brewed, so he couldn't help but hold the magic wand and wanted to cast a spell to let the teapot pour the tea into the cup, but Zhang Qing was stunned soon, and looked at the teapot in his hand. With the magic wand stuck, he couldn't help but put his head in his hands.

"What stupid things have I been doing, ahhhh......"

Zhang Qing found out that he used magic subconsciously again, what a crime! Now, when will he be able to turn back into a man!?

Could it be that I am so useless that I have to use magic to do things that can be done by raising my hand!?

If it wasn't for this, how could he meet Irena while maintaining a female appearance at that time? If he appeared as a man, it would be impossible for Irena to have the idea of ​​staying overnight, and she wouldn't be unafraid Send benefits..0

So it's all thanks to this damn, convenience magic.

However, it is a pity that Zhang Qing in the world of Witch's Journey is really good at nothing except magic. As a time traveler, he doesn't remember much modern useful knowledge, let alone this world, soap has already existed, and Shower gel has appeared, not to mention glass, so if you don't learn magic, as an ordinary person, you probably don't have the slightest advantage at all. Just because you know this, Zhang Qing set his sights on it from the beginning Learn magic.

Over time, it also changed to the common problem of most magicians in this world, and it is difficult to leave magic in daily life.

It's like a modern person who suddenly loses his mobile phone. Once he can't see the mobile phone by his side, he will feel uncomfortable.

After venting, Zhang Qing put down his magic wand, got up and lifted the teapot, poured a cup of tea, blew on it, and took a sip, "That's right, I have to forget that I am a magician, I am an ordinary person now... ..."

After speaking, Zhang Qing looked at the exquisite interior of his cabin and listened to the chirping of birds and insects outside, Zhang Qing couldn't help sighing, "Am I a person with a mountain villa!?"

"Sure enough, this is life..."

As he spoke, he picked up the magic wand and waved it, causing a book in the bookshelf to fly over. Looking at the big characters "Nicole's Adventure" on it, Zhang Qing couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Except maybe a few people, no one knows that this is the real adaptation!?

Especially a gray-haired witch, maybe she still doesn’t know that this is her mother’s book!? I don’t know what kind of expression she will have when she realizes the truth in the future!?

But it's a pity that Zhang Qing probably won't be able to see it, after all, he and Irena are not familiar with each other, and the relationship is still a bit fraught.

Don't mention that girl, if you can try not to meet her, it's better not to meet her at 5.5, otherwise it will be another troublesome moving trip, he doesn't want to move again in a short time, at least when there is no way to receive the task here just work.

After taking another sip of tea, Zhang Qing was stunned again, did he use magic again just now!?

Looking at the magic wand just put down, Zhang Wei couldn't help but fell silent.

Irena, who didn't know that Zhang Qing was nestling in her doghouse, was struggling with her own instincts. After solving the problem with the King of the Honest Kingdom, she realized that she wanted to trouble Zhang Qing.

In the end, after asking the guards guarding the city gate, I found out that the guy left at noon.

"Damn it, really let him escape, this guy..."

Looking at the sky now, Irena could only give up, it was already night, and she had to go back to rest, and she didn't know where that guy went.

But Irena swears that if she meets her next time, she will definitely make her look good!

After teasing her so many times, how could she let her go lightly!?

Although she, Irena, is a generous, noble, kind, and caring person, but she is also a person who will do what she says. She said that she will teach the other party a lesson, and she will definitely do it. .

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