Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

682 The Ordinary And Strange Hualan City!

In fact, the danger and weirdness of Yuejian Mountain far exceeded Zhang Qing's imagination.

In the beginning, it was indeed because of Pippi's Moon Festival Dance that attracted meteorites from outside the sky, but over time, the magnetic field inside Yuejian Mountain has undergone irreversible changes. The magnetic field inside is actually very chaotic. Once inside, it will immediately fail.

Of course, this is not the main reason for the disappearance of some travelers and adventurers. In fact, in the records of the alliance, there are even people who claim to be from different ages. The alliance was also very interested in the mystery here, and launched investigations and Research.

As for why I couldn't give up in the end, it was actually the same as the rumors outside, this place was too weird, as if a big invisible monster opened its mouth, waiting for humans to come to the door, and I don't know when the people will disappear.

A moment ago, I was chatting and laughing with others, but it turned out that I went to make it easier, and the person never came back.

Sleeping shoulder to shoulder in a tent, the people around me somehow disappeared, leaving an empty sleeping bag.

In addition, there will be meteorites falling every once in a while, even if the local alliance is full of curiosity about it, it can only temporarily ignore it and turn a blind eye to it.

This is also the reason why Miss Junsha has never searched here. Who would have thought that someone would be so brave and run into it. Do you think you are a beast!?

Of course Yuejian Mountain is weird and weird, but it’s not true that it’s always dangerous there, otherwise there wouldn’t be so much information in it, for example, the Moon Stone wouldn’t be known to anyone.

However, betting on whether you are the Emperor of Europe, I am afraid that few people in this world dare to do so, except for ignorant children, adults know that they are not good enough, and it is useless to ask the blessings of all gods.

(Mystery voice: It’s Qiqi again, I already know she’s a zombie, but what I want is Master Carver!)

Although I was a little worried about Junsha and the others, but thinking that they had Nazi, a humanoid Pokémon who could compete with Mewtwo in terms of superpowers, and the existence of a heavenly king, they obediently returned to the elf center, took a bath and rested.

And Zhang Qing and the others don't think that Junsha and the others, who have lived in the local area for so long, will not be aware of the danger of Yuejian Mountain. Since they still go, they must be prepared

Not to mention that the Rockets dare to stay there, I am afraid that there is a way to make themselves safe to a certain extent. With the help of the Rockets' black technology, they can return safely. As for the matter of not being able to win the Rockets!? No need to think about it, unless the Rockets produce a Mewtwo right now, otherwise with the existence of a king and Nazi, it is impossible to lose.

Even if it is Chaomeng, it may not dare to say that it can defeat a king-level trainer by itself, otherwise it will not be controlled by Sakagi, and finally escape in the chaos.

As for meddling!? I haven’t seen Junsha and didn’t call them!? As an outsider from other regions, meddling in other people’s housework, no matter whether you are helping or not, is not a good thing in itself, just like what happened in your own country It is too embarrassing to send someone from other countries to help solve the trouble, and the region does not afford this person.

"Now that the Hualan badge is in hand, after the matter here is resolved, we have to embark on the journey again, where will we choose for the next battle!?" Zhang Qing saw that the girls had all washed their bodies, and came with a wet body After arriving at the dining hall, he asked.

The three Hualan sisters were very sad when they heard the words, but they didn't force them to stay.

Touzi came back with the dinner plate and sat down, and said, "Whatever, it's the same wherever you go. In fact, I really want to fight with the strong people in the Kanto area. Unfortunately, it's a long time before the Quartz Tournament begins. ..…………”

Now they have five badges in their hands: Hualan Badge, Golden Badge, Fighting Badge, Yuhong Badge, and Withered Leaf Badge. They are progressing faster than most trainers in the local area. Maybe others only need it at this time. Two or three badges.

As far as the progress is concerned, Touzi feels that he and others don't need to be impatient, and it doesn't matter even if they slow down later. After all, the conditions for participating in the competition, in addition to the number of Pokémon in hand, are required to have at least eight Pokémon. badges.

As for why they are progressing so fast!? It’s not that they are walking fast, but that they are players who have already participated in a regional competition, unlike most people who are really new.

Of course, in the competition, there must not be only those Mengxin who participated for the first time. Most of the time, Mengxin is accompanied by runners. Many contestants are the favorites of the previous or last championship, but because of one or another The reason finally failed, and now after a year or two, I am going to climb again.

Now because of this, I think that trainers from other regions like Mei and Touzi, even trainers who have participated in a competition, are allowed to participate, otherwise there will be no fairness at all

"If you are not in a hurry, I suggest that you go to Ziyuan Town through the abandoned mine tunnel on the other side of Hualan City. From there, you can go to Light Red City, and then to Honglian Town. There is a hunting zone on the way, and there are many A Pokémon that cannot be seen outside." Calamus gave a suggestion.

"Although this will take a long time, but in the end, the venue of the Quartz Competition is the closest, saving you from wasting time running back and forth at the end."

Mudan reminded, "However, if you go there, you'd better prepare some flashlights, some water and some food. Although there were mines in the rocky mountain tunnel, most of the European-style tunnels were formed naturally." The terrain inside the underground tunnel is very complicated, but you can find the way out by following the footprints left by other trainers."

"Xiaoxia tried to go there for training before, but she was bullied miserably. Water-type Pokémon would be restrained to death there."

At the end of her speech, Peony couldn't help laughing out loud, obviously she was deeply impressed by her youngest sister's scandal.

"However, it is actually so popular with trainers because there are many treasures there, such as star sand and star fragments, as well as water stones, thunder stones and fire stones, but they are relatively rare, and it depends on luck. "

Sakura also showed a nostalgic smile, but she also said something, "In addition to the tunnel, you will find the roof of the unmanned power plant, but don't go there, I heard that there are a lot of dangers gathered there electric-type Pokémon."

"Unmanned power plant!?" Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows.

Sakura was a little surprised that Zhang Qing would be interested in this, but said, "Well, there is indeed a power plant there, which has been abandoned for many years, and it has existed since I was born. As for why it was abandoned, I don't know. I know, but because the mechanical and electrical facilities can still operate automatically, it seems that it is easy to attract some electric-type Pokémon, especially Thunderbolt Ball or Naughty Thunderball, so it is very dangerous there."

"For this reason, an elf center was specially established nearby, so that injured people and elves can receive immediate treatment."

Zhang Qing nodded and expressed his thanks.

Although he cared about that ghostly place, he was just wondering if there would be a miscellaneous bird there like in the game. very chic.

For example, a phoenix with a coded name, if we only look at the picture, we will probably regard it as a turkey.

Likongzao had to be thankful that it wasn't a bird, otherwise it would have been disabled.

With a spoon in her mouth, Mei thought for a while, and said, "That's okay, I chose to go to Hualan City when I was in Jinhuang City, but now I have no regrets if I go to Ziyuan Town."

"Don't worry, we didn't leave Hualan City so soon. It's hard to stay in the human city. We still want to take it with us for a while. Camping in the wild is not easy.

Seeing the reluctance of the three of Sakura and the others, Chuyi said with a smile.

Although the three sisters seem to be playing Zhang Qing's idea, Mei will not really hate them because of this, after all, who makes the man she likes excellent! It's really distressing.

Mei, who is quite confident about her body and appearance, 050 doesn't think she will lose to others, unless Zhang Qing is really blind.

As for Touzi, hehe, drink Moomoo milk for a few more years!

Just when Zhang Qing's side was warm and harmonious, the battle of Yue Jianshan was already heating up.

Ms. Junsha never expected that the Rockets could create so many cloned Pokémon in such a short period of time, and they are more powerful than the same Pokémon in general. Take the water arrow turtle as an example. The power of the water cannon sprayed Too powerful, and X is not afraid of death.

If they hadn't got Nazi and Juzi Tianwang around now, I'm afraid they really couldn't deal with such an army.

"Dead!?" Chrysanthemum frowned at the cloned Pokémon that had suddenly lost their vitality. She didn't kill the Pokémon. All died naturally.

It surprised her very much.

But she can't care about it now, because she feels a strong and chaotic aura, and she and her Pokémon can't help but look into the depths, "It seems that something terrible has come out there, Be careful, I may not be able to protect you.

After hearing the words of Juzi, the heavenly king, the Junshas looked at each other, but nodded obediently.

On the other hand, Nazi frowned. Under her superpower induction, there was indeed a monster with chaotic thinking. It was so powerful that Nazi's soul was giving an early warning.

After being silent for a long time, Na Zi said to Jun Sha, "You all back up and stay away from here, otherwise..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but Nazi felt that Junsha should understand what she meant.

After the admonition, Nazi looked at Chrysanthemum again, she didn't rush to help, because Yue Jianshan made her feel very bad here, it made Nazi feel very uncomfortable, which seriously affected her normal performance, maybe Going over hastily will be a disservice to help.

Junsha sighed, "You've said that, I understand.".

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