"What the hell is that!?"

"Are you OK!?"

There is an ominous purple-black mist in the depths of Yuejian Mountain. There seems to be something wriggling in the black mist. No, it should be said to be expanding and getting bigger. Junsha’s hand holding the telescope can’t help shaking, feeling a sense of discomfort , want to gag.

It is an irregular creature made up of lumps of flesh. It is almost the size of a small hill at the moment. What's worse, it is still getting bigger. of liquid.

So far away, I guess I can't hear the sound over there, but when Junsha saw the corroded trees and sandy eyes, he felt that he could hallucinate the sound of "Zizizi"

Withdrawing her eyes from the lookout mirror, Miss Junsha originally wanted to ask Nazi next to her for her opinion, but she saw that the eldest lady was covering her head with a very painful look.

"No...it's okay...uh..."

Nazi tried her best to stand still, and explained to the worried Miss Junsha with a pale face, "That thing is releasing various invisible energies wantonly, irregular and chaotic, I'm just more sensitive. …”

Originally, the magnetic field in the ghostly place of Yuejian Mountain was very chaotic, and now the various energies in the monster's body are still venting and exploding desperately. In the eyes of many people, it is like a pool of dirty water, black and colorful.

But Nazi didn't lie, she was indeed hurt because she was too sensitive.

Who makes the senses of superpowers surpass ordinary people, especially they have a sixth sense or a seventh and eighth sense than normal people, the more they see and hear, the closer they are to the abyss and cross the barrier Invisible borders.

Just like the world where girls can see, normal people can't see those ghosts, and they can actually live normally, but once they see them, and those ghosts know that you can see them, then it is equal to two worlds that are not connected. When the opponent's eyes collide, they will connect, and then the ghost will naturally hurt you.

Sometimes seeing and hearing too much is not a good thing.

"You are already like this, Juzi Tianwang...wouldn't be a problem too!?" Miss Junsha, who still came over to support Nazi, couldn't help looking inside with some worry.

At this moment, Chrysanthemum could not be seen at all.

Under the full moon, everything looked so weird.

Na Zi shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't reached the level of a Heavenly King, and I can't easily judge what a Heavenly King is...

However, the strength of the Pokémon of the Heavenly King trainer is definitely comparable to that of some mythical beasts without authority. If they can fight side by side, it is very likely that after reaching the Heavenly King level, some kind of changes have taken place in human beings themselves. Otherwise, after the so-called command combat reaches that level, human beings cannot keep up and have no effect.

Heavenly king level powerhouses are so rare, there must be a threshold unknown to the world, which is why most people have been lingering outside the door and can't get in. Could it be that those people have been cultivating for decades, and Pokémon is not strong Is it!? Is their trainer level not enough!? No, there is a qualitative difference between a king-level trainer and an ordinary trainer. At this level, it is almost the same as saying that they are humanoid Pokémon.

In fact, Chrysanthemum had already come to the vicinity of the monster at this time, and the violent and chaotic aura seemed to be blocked by something around her. In the air, part of the mountain base was broken by the appearance of a huge monster.

"It's quick to escape..."

Chrysanthemum was not in a good mood. She didn't expect that she would appear on the stage, but she was still escaped by these mice. If it weren't for the chaotic magnetic field in Yuejian Mountain, those guys would be unable to escape if they wanted to, but the place itself is disordered. Now There is also a monster that makes the disordered magnetic field even more chaotic.

Chrysanthemum could only resolutely give up and continue searching.

The only good news is that the stolen Pokémon were not taken away with the group of people, but now they are all in a coma, and some are sluggish, like an overdrawn client. The kind who didn't close their eyes for three days and nights.

But this news is not good for Chrysanthemum, because it is not her job to retrieve these Pokémon intact, her task is to catch the traitor in the alliance system and bring them back, but she did not expect that she would be sure of it Things still failed, which made her old face a little unbearable.

Except for the bastard who lost to Dr. Oki in the competition when he was young, there has never been a single thing that has made Juzi so ashamed over the years.

"Pathetic monster without reason, huh!"

"Geng Gui! Shadow Ball!"

After talking to herself, Juzi turned around and left on crutches, without even looking at the seemingly powerful disgusting monster.

Misunderstood blunt......

A dark purple Pokémon with a round shape suddenly appeared with a piercing laugh, and a dark ball was formed with both hands, pushing the dark energy ball over in the same way that Monkey King released Kamehae Qigong .

At the moment of leaving the body, a huge roar sounded, and the shadow ball detonated instantly. When it appeared, it had completely punched the monster out of a big hole, and it fell directly on the mountain behind, sending out a second attack. bang.

The monster seemed to be stunned for a moment, and before it could continue roaring words with unknown meaning, it quickly flattened like a balloon leaking air, leaving behind a foul-smelling liquid all over the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Chrysanthemum's figure reappeared with Junsha and the others, throwing down a bunch of elf balls.

After doing this, her figure faded again, and then disappeared, as if she had never appeared before.

Jun Sha stared blankly at this scene, feeling as if he had seen a ghost.

Nazi pushed her, "Don't be dazed, pick it up quickly, you don't want to rest, I still want to!"


At the same time, in a direction away from Yuejian Mountain, a group of people were running desperately.

After suddenly hearing a sound like a toothpick piercing a balloon in the distance, several people couldn't help but turned their heads and looked in the direction of the back. Seeing that the failed product was defeated in this way, they couldn't help showing shocked expressions on their faces.

The former mayor, the S-class criminal who is about to be wanted now, his face was a little melancholy, he murmured, "Is this the Heavenly King class? What is wrong with me? Why can't I take that step!?"

How could such a mere shadow ball have such terrifying power!? He couldn't figure it out. He felt that the master-level trainers were all normal. Trainers were not a species at all.

"Let's go, don't be dumbfounded, that old lady might catch up!" After sighing, seeing other people still standing dumbfounded, the former mayor of Hualan City couldn't help being very dissatisfied.

It's all the fault of these scumbags, otherwise he can definitely continue to hide in the alliance and shine for the organization, just because these idiots came here without warning, he is now a fugitive, and I am afraid that he will not be able to do so in the future. It's so embarrassing to show your true colors.

If he hadn't been well prepared and a little lucky, he might have been crushed by a future queen of superpowers and a veteran king of heaven, and thrown into a prison for life imprisonment after being ravaged.

It must be a lie to say in my heart that I have no grievances at all. Although he managed to escape from the old woman Chrysanthemum by relying on the failed products made by these gangsters, I want him to thank him for this, dream!


"Stuttering can become a member of the Rockets, hmph! After I go back, I will definitely report it to the BOSS. It's time to rectify the internal situation.

The former mayor of Hualan City was scolding and admonishing the team member who spoke poorly, while looking up, his legs couldn't help but tremble.

The meteorite with the meteor tail seemed to be getting closer and closer to them.

Some night owl citizens far away in Hualan City looked at the beautiful meteors across the sky and the familiar falling direction, and sighed, "A meteorite fell from the sky again in that ghostly place, it's really curious... ..."

Junsha and the others, who were evacuating, heard a loud noise from Yuejian Mountain behind them again, and couldn't help but look back, scratching the back of their heads, a little confused.

However, some people still speculated, (Okay Zhao) "You guys say, will there be another meteorite? Let's go quickly, otherwise it will be bad if we come back later."

The others nodded upon hearing the words, speeded up the work at hand, packed up quickly, and left quickly.

And at this time, on a flat square somewhere on the top of the mountain, a group of pink figures looked angrily at the mess below, and there was an unpleasant smell that lingered for a long time.

I don't need to translate to understand that these little cuties must be greeting humans with the most beautiful words at this moment.

And Zhang Qing, who was sleeping peacefully, once again felt that there was a person beside him suddenly, and a familiar fragrance was wafting in the air.

Can't help feeling a little helpless.

Are you being entangled!?

Fat Ding, who was sleeping next to Zhang Qing's pillow, was squeezed out, bounced a few times on the ground, and landed in a corner of the room, but the little guy who was already asleep didn't seem to wake up, so he muttered two times. sound, and then continued to sleep soundly.

With such a defenseless appearance, Zhang Qing doubts how it has survived until now. Although most humans do not know how to eat Pokémon, wild Pokémon are not like this. Fat and fat Ding, maybe it is very attractive to some carnivorous Pokémon.

Zhang Qing has made up his mind, the next step is to train this little guy well, even if he cries and pretends to be pitiful, it's useless.

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