Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

685 The Crowd Searched For Him Thousands Of Times!

The right half of Liyue is called "eating tiger rock", and the market is prosperous and bustling.

Zhang Qing brewed a pot of scented tea, sat in the "Dongfeng Hall", and listened to the indistinct sound of iron striking in the blacksmith's shop not far away, while spreading out "Shenxiao Broken Halberd Records" and started to read casually

Looking at the soul-stirring, grievances and hatred between the words, Zhang Qing sighed.

It's not that Chang Jiuye's writing is not good, it's just that after so many years, the author of Liyue still can't do without the word "Xia", just like the rock-like emperor.

~ It seems that it has not changed through the ages.

Compared with the "colors" seen in the short life of the previous life, Liyue's side is too monotonous, so monotonous that Zhang Qing just read the beginning and guessed the ending almost.

Of course, this is also related to her being a fairy. After all, in the time and time, there are not a thousand but a hundred similar words. No matter how beautiful the rhetoric is, it is essentially just that the character has changed his name.

She really wanted to see Liyue's people innovate, but unfortunately...there was innovation, but when it suddenly rose to the sea of ​​stars, Star Wars was a bit too much.

Sometimes Zhang Qing wondered whether to put a sack on Xingqiu and bring him back for an autopsy to see if he was an alien!? Or maybe it was a time traveler inside!?

Otherwise who could have come up with such an outrageous story!?

Zhang Qing can even imagine that thousands of years later, if the people of Liyue in the era of human rule discovered the "Shen Qiu Picking up the Sword Record" thousands of years ago, would they feel astonished?

It is not impossible to enter the sea of ​​stars with some weird black technology of Tivat in the future, as long as the law of heaven does not stop it.

Just when Zhang Qing was dreaming, at the Adventurers Association next to the blacksmith shop outside, several adventurers who were submitting tasks to receive rewards noticed that the Dongfeng Hall had opened, and they couldn't help being stunned, and then showed happy expressions.

Seeing that he hadn't got the reward for warming up just now, he gritted his teeth and thought that instead of having a big meal, it's better to go to Dongfeng Hall to gamble on luck. Treasures like treasures.

Catherine couldn't help shaking her head when she saw the figures of these adventurers running away in a hurry.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before we can see people crying and laughing again, and someone who ran on the street was taken away by the Qianyan army.

"Eastern wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night. It blows more and falls, and the stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. The sound of phoenix flutes moves, the light of jade pot turns, and fish and dragons dance all night.

Moth snow willow golden strands, laughter filled with dark fragrance. I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place. "

After entering Dongfeng Hall, the first thing that catches your eyes is a calligraphy and painting. It is said that this calligraphy and painting is not only painted by everyone, but even the poems in it are unique. I heard that many wealthy businessmen and writers have come to ask if they They were willing to part with each other, but they were all rejected by the mysterious shopkeeper.

Although the owner of the shop wears a strange horn-shaped headdress all day long and plays the role of "immortal", she doesn't seem to be short of money. Some people want to imitate her and open a "blind box" shop, but unfortunately they can't be as generous as the other party All-encompassing and merchandise, and ultimately ended in bankruptcy.

Some people have calculated that although most people offer small items that are not very valuable, from time to time someone offers some items that are of high value or even immeasurable, just like the magical secrets that an adventurer said before. Said, I heard that someone had developed it, and took it back to establish a sect, and now it has become the martial arts of a certain sect.

For some ordinary people without the eyes of God, learning martial arts is the only way out. As for the advancement of science and technology, I am afraid that even the King of Rock has to consider whether to allow it. After all, ordinary technology is no problem, but there will always be people who reach out Most of the countries that are destroyed by the laws of heaven in the allowed places are due to touching forces that are not allowed to be touched.

After all, people's hearts, when there are shortcuts in front of them, few people will stick to the original path.

As far as the world of Honkai III is concerned, can Honkai be dangerous!? Of course it is dangerous, but shortly after it was discovered, some people, no, it should be most people choose to develop and utilize it

This is actually the beginning of all the tragedies at the beginning, otherwise the collapse will always be just those natural and man-made disasters, and no one will connect them together.

In fact, the so-called "martial arts cheats" were only created by Zhang Qing in his spare time. It was just an experiment. After all, the entire Tivat is full of elemental power. Living in such a big environment, there is no reason why ordinary people here Like ordinary people in the modern world, in fact, the people in Tivat have very strong physical fitness, and even top athletes may not be able to match them.

It's just that if you want to use the power of elements, it seems that you can only use the external organ "God's Eye", which is too difficult for ordinary people to mobilize.

In the end, Zhang Qing still returned everything to "Qi", nourished the body with elements, and cultivated more "Qi". Because of the mixed elements, the "Qi" cultivated was also mixed together, so the effect was very good. Wei, unless the user of "Qi" wakes up and walks out of his own "Tao", otherwise the upper limit will also be locked.

However, people who are often able to walk out of their own "Tao" are those who have a strong desire in their hearts, which means that at that time he is the owner of the God's Eye.

It can be said that Zhang Qing's "experiment" was successful, but it also failed.

In the end, she mostly only put some punching, kicking and sword skills in it, which can be regarded as external skills, to give Liyue's adventurers more chances of survival.

Of course, in the blind box, there are also some fundamentals of organ learning that she got from Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun, as well as recipes, wine making tutorials, a brief explanation of the way of doing business, etc., which can be regarded as benefits for ordinary people in Liyue. , A chance to change fate with krypton gold.

However, because Zhang Qing opens a store entirely based on his mood, sometimes he may not open the door once a year, and sometimes he may even open the door twice a month, so no one will wait outside the store all the time, it really depends on luck.

It is naturally a happy event to meet.

As for those who make trouble, look at the seven eyes of God hanging from the waist of the mysterious shopkeeper girl before talking!

You said that a person can only have one God's Eye, who told you that!? Do you think you are the Emperor of the Rock!? There may be people who have more than one God's Eye, but they just hide it from others Otherwise, why would the owners of the God's Eye put the God's Eye in such a conspicuous position, aren't they afraid of being stolen!?

However, it is a pity that Zhang Qing's God's Eyes are all fake. She made the glass ball herself. It's not that she has never thought about having God's Eyes. Unfortunately, it seems that she is a person who has no strong desires, and is even a little helpless. Want nothing.

As for why those God's Eye holders put the God's Eye in a prominent position, one is to tell others that they are not easy to bully. The second is that dogs don't need the eyes of God, you can steal them if you want, but because it is said that the eyes of gods are issued by gods, so far no one has been so brave.

0 looking for flowers......

"Choose whatever you want, come and check out after you've made your choice. Seeing a group of people rushing into the store in a mess, Zhang Qing said without raising his head.

She is not afraid that someone will take the opportunity to do some sneaky things, anyway, a group of Qianyan soldiers will come up after calling outside, who dares to do anything in Liyue Port!?

And you left the store without paying the bill, do you think the alarm mechanism at the door is fake!?

At this time, Zhang Qing had already put down her novels and began to tinker with other things. During these long years, she started as a doctor and learned from Shennong to taste hundreds of herbs. It was in those ancient times that she saved many people from injuries and illnesses. Death, but maybe it's not enough talent, or maybe it's not the kind of person who is too keen on one thing.

After she gave the knowledge to others, she turned her head to study other things.

I have learned so many things for so many years, but it seems that there is no aspect that I can be proud of.

The title has also changed from "Pharmacist" at the beginning to "True Monarch of Baixiao Rumeng". After all, no one, even immortals, has more majors than her. With his knowledge and expertise, Zhang Qing seems to have vaguely walked out of a "all living beings" way".

When she was helping everyone in Liyue, wasn't she helping herself to move on!?

Soon the news of the opening of the Dongfeng Hall spread. Apart from some adventurers who were doing missions in relatively distant places, many ordinary people also took out their pocket money to test their "luck" today. The scene has made many shop owners in the surrounding area envious.

It's a pity that I can't learn it!

It's purely a prodigal business, I don't know if it was the daughter of that ancient family who ran out to prodigal for fun, how could people like myself imitate this kind of prodigal, he would definitely break his leg immediately.

But these bosses looked at each other, and after seeing that all the customers in their shops had run away, they simply ran to Taobao.

Maybe if you get lucky, you won't need to open a store at that time, and you can retire directly.

It is said that Miss Ningguang became the richest woman in Liyue when she wrote a copy of "Classics of Shangzhi" here. Unfortunately, until now, no one has been able to read the book that the businessman regards as a treasure.

Outside the crowd, a girl with plum-blossom pupils, black nail polish on her slender fingers, a black robe reaching her waist, wearing shorts, socks and black shoes, with red knots on her legs, and a girl with double ponytails behind her with the eyes of God, is He crossed his arms and looked at the bustling Dongfeng Hall with a pensive expression.

"Master, do you want to join in the fun too!?"

A man who was also wearing the overalls of Xiangshengtang asked when he saw this.

Hu Tao shook her head, "No, I'm thinking about how to start the business. If you say I will talk to the boss about cooperation later, will she agree!?"

Old Mengren was dumbfounded, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Or... maybe, yes..."

"I don't know the hall master, how do you... probably cooperate!?"

Lao Meng secretly wiped off his sweat, he was afraid that sooner or later he would be beaten to death with a sack when he went out, the hall master himself might not be afraid, but he was afraid!!!

"Hmph, my hall master naturally has a clever plan."

"Daqiuqiu is sick, Erqiuqiu look... let's go! Let's go in too.".

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