Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

686 Xiangling: I Don't Know How Liyue Is Doing Now! ?

"One thousand moras, it's all the same, just put the money down."

Zhang Qing knocked on the counter and said without looking up, she is just a ruthless money collection machine at the moment, as for those ghosts crying and howling outside the door, it is none of her business.

It's only a thousand moras, which is the money for two mora meats, which is about the same as two hamburgers in your previous life. Don't you think it's all good things!?

Of course, it is only for some people to say that it is garbage. If it falls into the hands of people who know the goods, it will naturally turn waste into treasure. When the immortals gather, they are afraid that they will be laughed at to death.

Of course, some people cry, some people laugh, there are always some European kings, dead seals are popular, and they often share joy with you when you are sad.

However, the joys and sorrows of people are different.

"Hiss! This sword is at least a high-quality (three-star) sword. With this, our future adventures will be much easier!" A young adventurer is beaming with joy, while his sad companion is thinking about the future.

The levels of weapons are normal (one star), excellent (two stars), boutique (three stars), epic (four stars) and legendary (five stars). But it has been handed down.

Ordinary people can only buy high-quality goods in blacksmith shops, that is, two-star. When it comes to three-star high-quality goods, they are usually forged by masters with painstaking efforts. The price is very expensive, and not everyone can afford them. It is already made by the limit of mortal ability, and the quantity is even rarer. Once it appears, it will be bought soon, and then collected as a family heirloom.

As for the five-star legendary weapon, it can almost be said to be a divine weapon, and a mortal may not be able to see it in a lifetime, let alone own it.

On the contrary, Xiangshengtang, a place that has survived from that era, has a five-star goma stick. Unfortunately, few people know about it. After all, weapons can't speak, telling others that they are five-star weapons, and the goma stick is in the Others have nothing special in their hands either.

"This is a sculpture of an emperor, it's so delicate, hiss——! Could this material be..."

There are also people who offer priceless treasures, for example, if you sell it to a certain emperor, it is not an exaggeration to get rich overnight, not to mention that the material itself is a gem.

After the man exclaimed in alarm, he regretted it, and when he saw the wolf-like eyes around him, he shivered even more, and hurried to the Qianyan army.

When passing by Sanwanbugang, it seems to be able to hear a helpless sigh.

"We are not guests, we are here to discuss cooperation."

Hearing the familiar voice of Paramecium, Zhang Qing almost blurted out "We don't have Mei's sister juice", but fortunately she still remembers that she is not living in the third world of collapse.

Stop the words that are about to blurt in your throat.

Looking up, it really was the guy Hutao.

Because there is no need to go to Shengtang, Hu Tao doesn't know Zhang Qing, even if Zhang Qing can be regarded as Zhongli's friend.

"Cooperation!?" Zhang Qing looked at this weird girl with a strange face, vaguely guessing the other party's plan, but she is a blind box shop, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a welfare lottery shop, even if Zhang Qing has some Modern people's joyful thinking, I don't want to understand, how can I cooperate with Xiangshengtang!?

Buying a blind box and getting a coffin will not work!?

"Hmm, it's cooperation. I came up with a great idea. Are you interested in hearing it!?" Walnut said as he pulled a chair aside and sat down.

Lao Meng, who was following her, showed a very helpless expression, as if he wanted to stop her, but in the end he let it go.

Zhang Qing put away the things in his hands, intending to listen carefully to what the other party could say.

As for the Tivat version of the mobile phone, well, Zhang Qing has not succeeded in so many years, it is too difficult, mainly because ordinary people do not have the ability to manipulate the power of elements, and they cannot use it at all

Obviously there are many very interesting ores in this world.

As for radio signal electronic products!? That kind of thing can’t be used in Tivat. The thunder element in the air has too much influence. As far as Dao’s wife is concerned, don’t even think about using electrical appliances in the thousands of miles where the thunder general is. , I'm afraid it will burn out in a while.

And sending a satellite into the sky, I am afraid that Tianli will be the first to shoot it down, is this a provocation!?

However, there will be resonance between some ores in this world, and they can even retain the influence sound. It seems that there are many magical things about being affected by the power of elements and leylines, but it is not a simple matter to use them.

Zhang Qing directly poured a cup of tea and pushed it over, the meaning was very obvious, that is, "you can talk".

It seems that because Zhang Qing didn't chase people away like the others in the first place, Hu Tao's mood became better and better.

"It's like this, I think you can put some coupons for our past life learning business in the blind box..."

Hu Tao happily talked about his genius-like idea, and Zhang Qing nodded from time to time, wondering whether if some unlucky ghost really drove out of the Xiangshengtang to buy one get two free coupons, would he not be able to cry.

Zhong Li, who was listening to books and drinking tea in Hong Kong, had no intention of listening at the moment, and heaved a long sigh.

He never wanted these two to get together because these two guys are too good at making trouble, especially Zhang Qing is a fun person, although she will not do things that endanger others, but it does not mean that she is not happy to see others Scratching his ears and cheeks in pain.

Coupled with the whimsical ideas of Hall Master Walnut, I'm afraid...

"Forget it...they are also people who have a sense of proportion..." Zhong Li didn't try to stop it in the end, and it seemed that he was starting to mess up. "two

Just like Liyue is much bigger than in the game, the journey from Liyue to Mond will naturally not be like in the game, it takes less than half a game to arrive, and it takes half a day to go back and forth between the two countries, what kind of concept is that!? Unless They are two adjacent small villages, otherwise how could there be such a small country!?

Hearing the news of the dragon disaster from merchants and tourists who came from Mond, Xiangling walked for more than a month to arrive at Mond, and when she arrived, what kind of crazy dragon

All the black threads were solved by a certain honorary knight.

Fortunately, Xiang Ling said that she wanted to cut dragon meat for cooking. In fact, she was just interested in Mond's ingredients and cooking. At this point, it is understandable for her to travel and gain experience.

In a sense, her father and master had nothing left to teach her.

If you want to go further, you need to broaden your horizons, or use other stones to attack jade..0

Stop and go along the way to collect a variety of ingredients unique to the Mond area, such as mufeng mushrooms, hook fruit, and non-edible cecilia flowers and windmills.

But you can try to make unique scented tea. Xiangling has collected some and plans to try it when she goes back. Maybe Zhang Qing will like it.

Then she met the honorary knight, and her spare ration Paimon, who flew around and yelled, but couldn't beat a wild boar.

It seems that because I hunted the wild boar here without authorization during this period, the people of Qingquan Town went to the Adventurers Association to issue a mission, and the honorary knight happened to accept this mission, and Minjian took care of himself.

Xiangling was also a little embarrassed. She didn't know that what she had done had caused trouble to the people in Qingquan Town, so she followed Ying to apologize to the people in Qingquan Town.

Then it suddenly turned into a cooking confrontation with Brock, who is good at meat dishes in Qingquan Town.

I won’t describe the process too much. Afterwards, in order to thank the travelers and Paimon who helped her a lot, Xiangling promised that when they came to Liyue in the future, they would prepare a table of sumptuous meals for them in the Manmin Hall.

For this, Paimeng's eyes lit up. After eating the dishes made by Xiangling, she understood the talent of this young chef, and she immediately began to drool.

Ying, on the other hand, looked helplessly at Paimon who was already thinking about the future, "He's gone, you can wipe your drool now."

But Liyue!?

The gods there should know about my brother. According to Wendy, Liyue's rock king Dijun is the oldest god, and one of the seven gods that hasn't been replaced so far.

Moreover, Liyue, as the largest port in all of Tivat, should be more informed about the news.

However, considering that Mond is too busy for the Knights now, and Lian Qin, the acting captain, is about to get sick, Ying suppressed her urgency and planned to stay in Mond for a while, anyway, she is also an honorary knight , It is impossible to take advantage and run away.

Paimon wiped his mouth, and flew into the air with his hips akimbo, "I will write down this grudge!"

Ying couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, "You don't look like 5.0 at all!"

"Who said that, I think I have learned the essence."

"Okay, let's see what quests are left next!? Because you eat too much Paimon, my wallet is empty now. Let's not talk about going to Liyue for the time being. I don't want to continue to survive in the wild."

Thinking of the first days, Ying felt unbearable to look back on, that savage's life, and never wanted to come back again, God knows how embarrassed she was when she entered Mond City, and she was afraid that she would smell bad on her body.

At that time, I didn’t say I didn’t change clothes, and it was not convenient to take a shower in the wild. As long as it was unsafe, I could basically just wipe my body, not to mention fighting. Slime slime and Qiuqiu’s blood made my body extremely messy. .

Xiangling, who had left Ying and Paimeng, embarked on the road back to Liyue.

She has learned a lot from the cooking confrontation with Miss Bullock, and she needs to go back and settle for a period of time to turn the experience during this period into useful experience.

"This dandelion wine, maybe you can try it..."

While thinking about how to use the various ingredients obtained by Mond to make wine, while walking on the forest path with rice crackers, she seemed to be shining in the sun. .

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