Sending a fairy ritual is not as simple as asking for a fairy ritual, and it is even more complicated and troublesome. Probably the respect of the dead is much heavier than that of the living.

Let’s just talk about the items you need. If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely not be able to collect them all in a short period of time. What’s more, if you wait for a while longer, after the old generation can’t move, I’m afraid it’s the balm or the kite. The craftsmanship will be lost, and it is impossible to continue 【Send Xiandianyi】.

However, as long as Zhong Li, the host of the gift ceremony, is still there, that day probably won't happen.

Yes, as the guest minister of the Past Life Hall, in fact, he has presided over all the ceremonies of sending immortals up to now, but no one knows it, or very few people know it, and most people who know it don't know his truth at all. Identity ~.

Because Bai Shu, the owner of the pharmacy "Bubulu", was not around, they had to agree to help Qi Qi go hunting for the "Beast of Half Immortal" Coconut Sheep if they wanted to get the "Eternal Life Fragrance".

It's a pity that after a lot of work, after repairing the terminal machine and driving away those troublesome treasure robbers, Ying [Pimeng and Zhongli couldn't find the coconut sheep among the seventy-seven people nearby.

"Zhongli, don't you really know!?" Pimeng and Ying searched the area again, and could only look at Zhongli for help.

During this period of getting along, the two of them know that this guy has a lot of [upper class knowledge] in his mind, and he can even be said to be erudite, even knowing the principle of the final machine.

Of course, I never take Mora with me when I go out.

Zhong Li sighed, "Sorry, I really can't help you with this, I've never heard of a coconut sheep. Besides, if it's a [half-immortal beast], it shouldn't be difficult to detect it with the help of an immortal's tricks." Yes, but according to the search results of the final plane, there seems to be nothing worth noting in the vicinity except for some common wild animals."

"I just didn't expect that there is something Mr. Zhongli doesn't understand." Paimon sighed, and Shan nodded in agreement.

Zhong Li smiled slightly when he heard the words, "Based on general rationality, there is no omniscient and omnipotent person in the world, even the one who is superior."

Paimeng didn't know who Zhongli was talking about, and she didn't care about it now. She looked at Ying who was full of distress and asked, "What should I do!? If we don't hunt the coconut sheep, we won't be able to reach the 77 deal, damn it Ah, doesn’t anyone know what a coconut sheep is!? Since it’s a semi-immortal beast, it should always be recorded in some books!”

Ying was also very helpless, feeling that she had returned home empty-handed after a busy day, and was in a bad mood, but after hearing Paimeng's bitter words at the end, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Paimon, do you think that guy will know!? Didn't she say that there is no place she can't go in the whole Liyue!? That should be considered another kind of knowledge!"

Paimon was taken aback for a moment, and then said in disbelief, "Traveler, can you believe what that guy said!?"

Ying gritted her teeth, "But she doesn't seem to have lied, she just got tricked."

Zhong Li: "...

Zhong Li opened his mouth and wanted to reach out to stop the two of them, but he couldn't say anything in his mouth. It is impossible to deny others without evidence. He thinks that others must not know!?

According to the character setting, he probably didn't know Zhang Qing.

However, Zhong Li felt that looking for that guy would definitely not be a good thing, and the so-called "not lying" was just not knowing how to lie.

I always feel that if this continues, Ying and Paimon may become some weird guys in the future, maybe because they are too deeply influenced by that old friend, they will also become a bitch, and then... Well, the victims are other countries and gods, forget it.

After Ying and Paimeng murmured and discussed for a while, they finally decided to ask Zhang Qing to inquire about it. As long as they pay attention not to be tricked at that time, there should be no problem.

Paimon thought for a while and suddenly asked a very crucial question, "By the way, Zhang Qing said to hide in another place, where should we find her now!?"

After thinking about it, Ying said, "As far as her characteristics are concerned, any passer-by should be able to know it!"

After all, with white hair and purple eyes, inhuman horns, and seven God's Eyes hanging on his body, such a recognizable guy, I believe it is still very attractive.

Paimon nodded in agreement, "That's right. By the way, Mr. Zhongli, do you want to go together!? This time we're looking for our 'old friend'."

Paimon accentuated on the point of "old friend".

Seeing the two secretly looking at the expressions on his face, Zhong Li sighed and nodded.

Originally, because of Grandma Ping's words, these two little guys had doubts about his identity. If they refused to see Zhang Qing now, they might think that Zhang Qing might also be a fairy.

If he really exposed the other party's identity because of his own reasons, I'm afraid that Zhang Qing may "retaliate" because of this in the future.

Ying and Paimeng looked away, pretending that they hadn't done anything just now.

It's no wonder they doubted Zhang Qing. After all, the guy who can make so many immortals hate him so much, and who is still alive and well, can't be an ordinary person no matter how he looks at it.

To be honest, if there were not such a major suspect as the fool, and Liyue Qixing as a somewhat suspicious object, Ying and Paimeng felt that if Zhang Qing was placed in the position of the murderer, it seemed that there would be no sense of disobedience.

"Let's go then, let's go back to Liyue Port!"

A group of three people returned to Liyue Port very quickly, and learned to be smart this time. They started asking passers-by from the vicinity of Chunxiang Kiln, not to mention that no one had actually seen each other before.

"Yo, Zhongli, you are back, how is everything going!?"

Hu Tao, who was laughing and chatting with Zhang Qing at the entrance of Xiangsheng Hall, noticed Zhong Li walking over, and asked with a smile.

I also looked at Ying and Paimeng curiously. Is this your new friend? How are you? How about a 20% discount, isn’t it exciting!?”

"How can someone make someone consider holding a funeral for the first time they meet!?" Paimon groaned, then turned his head to look at Zhang Qing who was squinting at Zhongli, and shouted.

"Zhang Qing, we are here to find you."

Hu Tao was stunned for a moment, "Ah, so you guys know each other!? I want to introduce you! Zhong Li is our big customer, he is the one who held the funeral for the person with the same surname as you, I told you before of."

Zhong Li rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I know."

"The reaction is too indifferent." Hu Tao looked at Zhongli strangely, and always felt that Zhongli was acting weird today, so he wouldn't be evil!?

On the other side, seeing Ying and Paimeng walking towards him, Zhang Qing also withdrew his threatening gaze from Zhongli, put on a smiling face, and said, "What's the matter!? What can I do for you!? Explain in advance, balm or something , I won't do it!"

"We have already asked Sister Yinger to do that. We came to you this time because we need your help...Damn it, aren't we friends!? Can't it be free!?" Pai As soon as Meng explained his purpose, he saw Zhang Qing rubbing his thumb and index finger, motioning for the two to give money, and immediately became angry.

Ying also gritted her teeth, fortunately there is still money left from the guy [Master] before, otherwise she would really be penniless.

0 looking for flowers......

"It's okay to give money, but you have to really be able to help us."

Zhang Qing smiled and said, "Of course, but if you need me to pick the stars and the moon, then I can't do it."

"We are just here to inquire about a piece of news. As long as we prove the authenticity of the news, we will definitely pay you. You don't need to pick the moon." Ying said angrily. Is she that boring!?

"News... For this, it can only be limited to the territory of Liyue." Zhang Qing glanced at Zhongli, saw his expressionless face, and probably had a guess, but did not set any more restrictions.

Otherwise, at another time, Zhang Qing really doesn’t want to agree. After all, who knows if Ying will ask some dangerous questions, such as about Canria!? About Sky Island!?

Ying nodded, "Don't worry, it's from the territory of Liyue. Do you know the coconut sheep!? A half-immortal beast..."

Ying and Paimeng slowly revealed the content of the transaction with Qiqi, and at the same time, they also talked about what happened to them near Tianheng Mountain.

Hu Tao's eyes lit up, assuming office!?"

"Master, if you go, the other party will definitely run away, and don't you still have a job!?" Zhong Li coughed, reminding Hu Tao not to harm other little zombies anymore.

"What are you talking about, Qiqi and I are very good friends." Hu Tao pretended to be confused and said.

Zhongli: "Let's just treat it like that!"

Not knowing about the two "father and daughter" over there, Zhang Qing immediately showed a "kind" smile when he heard that Ying and the others were looking for Ye Yang, "Ya Yang [I know it!"

"Oh, so you don't know... Wait, you know!?" Paimon exclaimed.

Ying also became excited, "Really really really really!?"

"Hmm, if you talk about what a coconut sheep is and where is it!? No one in Liyue knows about it except me." Zhang Qing said triumphantly, patting his chest.

Seeing Zhongli also looked over, Zhang Qing explained: "Ahem, because that's my name, yes! I usually call her Wang Xiaomei."

Zhong Li: "...

Zhongli suddenly found out why Gan Yu hadn't visited Zhang Qing for so many years, such an elder, don't mind!

Zhongli really didn't know what coconut sheep was! But Zhongli had heard Zhang Qing shouting at Gan Yu many times about Wang Xiaomei's words, so he still knew who he was referring to.

"Wang Xiaomei!? A person!?" Ying asked with a frown.

At this time, Paimon also showed a somewhat difficult expression, and said with a bitter face, "What should we do!? We are going to kill people, and we can't do it at all. In the end, it is still a waste of work."

Zhang Qing held up an index finger and shook his head, "You don't have to be disappointed, I know what that little zombie in the hut wants, what she wants is the milk of the coconut goat, it's not for you to kill each other, you don't want to kill each other at all. It was a misunderstanding."


"Of course! I won't lie!" Zhang Qing said with a grin.

"Your appearance is not convincing at all, but there is no other way, now we can only choose to believe it, what do you think, Ying!?" Paimon looked at Ying while complaining, and let the other party make up his mind.

Ying asked directly, "Then where is the other party now!?"

Zhang Qing pointed in the direction of Yujing Terrace, "You can go to Yuehai Pavilion to find her, she is usually there. "At that time, you can just say that you are looking for Xiaomei."

The corner of Zhongli's mouth twitched, and Hu Tao seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help showing a strange expression, but he didn't express his thoughts, as if he also wanted to see Le Zigong.

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