Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

706 Gan Yu: Anyone Who Calls Me Wang Xiaomei Will Die!

Yuehai Pavilion is a secretarial organization affiliated to Seven Stars, serving Seven Stars, and also a meeting place for Liyue Seven Stars, where many important decisions of Liyue are made.

Among all the institutions in Liyue, Yuehai Pavilion has a very high status, it can even be said to be the highest institution besides Seven Stars.

Naturally, even if they knew that Yuehai Pavilion was on Yujing Terrace, ordinary people could not go there. After all, they were directly responsible to Seven Stars, or even only to Seven Stars. I'm looking for Yuehai Pavilion.

If Liyue Seven Stars is the cabinet of King Yan, then your Yuehai Pavilion is the cabinet of Seven Stars.

However, Yuehai Pavilion is more special, because Qixing can get in touch with all affairs, no matter how big or small. In Yuehai Pavilion, the General Affairs Department will first hand over the matter to Qixing, and Qixing will then hand over the matter to Yuehai Pavilion. It can be said that Yuehai Ting's secretary is completely an assistant, helping to share the work, and has no selection right.

"Well, we are here to find a person named Wang Xiaomei..."

Because sending off the fairy ceremony was originally approved by Qixing, Ying and the others were not stopped, but the guard at the gate of Yonghai Pavilion frowned and asked the companion standing guard on the other side, "Is there anyone here called Wang Xiaomei!? "

Another "987" guard shook his head, "I don't know, but I've never heard of it, why don't you go in and ask!?"

It was Ying and Paimeng who were watching one of the guards go inside.

Paimon muttered, "What's going on, they seem to have never heard of it, Zhang Qing won't fool us, will he!?"

Ying frowned slightly, "I don't know, but what she said so confidently is a lie."

Paimon pursed his lips, "If she is lying to us this time, we must make her look good when we go back this time!"

At this time, at the highest point of Yuehai Pavilion, in the general secretary's room, Gan Yu was exhaustingly coordinating government affairs, business affairs, civil affairs and other administrative intelligence data, summarizing them into clear reports and documents, and handing them over to Qixing to assist her in decision-making and deliberation.

Of course, the reason why she is so exhausted at the moment is because of a lot of accumulated work, and also because of the conflict between Zhenjun Liuyun and Fengfeng, they and Qixing, and the confusion of God's sudden death, Gan Yu seems to have lost her direction all of a sudden. .

While she was trying to focus on her work and forget her troubles, she suddenly heard something strange outside, as if something had happened, she could not help but find a secretary and asked, "Did something happen outside!?"

Soon the secretary came back from the outside and said to Gan Yu, "Two people came outside and said they came here to find a person named Wang Xiaomei, but we don't have anyone with that name here at all... …Master Gannan, what’s the matter with you?”

Was that killing intent just now!?

The lady secretary was a little frightened. She had been here for so long, and she had never seen Gan Yu get angry. Now she was suddenly murderous, which really shocked her.

Gan Yu was awakened, and after regaining her senses, she suppressed the riot in her heart and tried her best to maintain her previous calm, "I'm fine."

"By the way, have the people outside left? I remembered that we did have such a person here before, but they left a long time ago. I'll go and tell them.

Looking at the back of Gan Yu leaving in a hurry, Miss Secretary was full of confusion, and murmured, have we ever had such a person here before!?"

And Paimeng and Ying, who were waiting outside impatiently and flustered, suddenly shuddered, feeling a bad premonition.

But before they figured out what happened, they saw a blue-haired beauty with horns walking out of it.

The other party walked towards them with a "kind and cordial" smile on her face, and everyone who passed her body along the way would say hello and say hello.

"Hey, you are the king..."

As soon as Paimeng saw the goat horns on the opponent's head, he realized that this was the person he was looking for, and immediately wanted to call the opponent's name, but seeing Wang Xiaomei coming to her in the blink of an eye, he stretched out his hand to cover Paimeng's face. mouth, and stared at the two menacingly.

"Wang Xiaomei has already left Yuehai Pavilion, let me take you to find her!?"

Facing each other's murderous eyes, Ying and Paimeng nodded tremblingly, indicating that you can do whatever you say.

After being hijacked by Gan Yu to a place where no one else was around, Gan Yu let go of Paimeng, who was almost suffocated, and asked through gritted teeth, "Can you tell me how you got this name from!?"

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, could they be Zhang Qing's enemies again?

Sudden toothache, how did that guy survive until now!?

At this moment, Ying and Paimeng even suspect that there are also enemies or creditors of that guy in the Liyue Seven Stars.

Sure enough, that dog thing is completely a pit!!!

Faced with Gan Yu's questioning, the two betrayed Zhang Qing without any psychological burden, and also explained why they came to Gan Yu.

After Gan Yu heard this, she almost gritted her silver teeth, "It really is... and the milk of coconut sheep..."

Gan Yu's face turned red, she didn't know whether it was from anger or shame.

However, judging from the murderous aura emanating from the opponent, the former is more likely.

However, besides being angry, Gan Yu was also a little bit desperate at the moment, because she remembered that her master had said before that if one day the rock god changes, the most likely thing is that Baixiao Rumeng Zhenjun will become the new rock god.

Thinking of the death of Emperor Yan now, and Zhang Qing as Liyue's rock god in the future, Gan Yu felt that Liyue should simply be destroyed.

"Cough cough.........that, Miss Wang Xiaomei, that, that grandma, can you....!?"

"No! I don't have that thing at all, and I'm not Wang Xiaomei." Gan Yu glared fiercely, she is a big girl with yellow flowers, how can she have milk!?

Taking a deep breath, Gan Yu calmed down and said, "My name is Gan Yu, and I'm the secretary of Liyue Qixing, and my normal blood is the fairy beast Qilin, not some coconut sheep."



The two exchanged glances.

Ying: What to do!?

Paimon: If not, I feel that if we continue to ask, the other party will kill us. Fangzheng and we didn't pay Zhang Qing, so let's say that the information given by the other party is inaccurate.

Ying: I think Zhang Qing has run away now.



Gan Yu looked at Ying and Paimeng who were eyeing each other, sighed, and took out a coconut and some milk cows and sugar from the space of the Eye of God, "If...the person gave me this before, it should be you The coconut milk I want to find, you can make it yourself..0″

Thinking that Zhang Qing gave herself these things before, it turned out that this was the idea, maybe it was Zhang Qing who taught the little zombie below the coconut milk or something, and Gan Yu felt that she was secretly covering for the other party when she was a child , Borrowing what seems to be a mechanical art work must be a disease of the brain.

Back then, he actually thought that the other party was a good person, and really wanted to go back to his childhood and give himself two slaps to wake him up.

"So, do you know Zhang Qing too!?" The two asked curiously after taking the things Gan Yu handed over.

It seems that there is something big in here.

Gan Yu squeezed his fist, then let go, "No, I don't know.

Speaking of which, Gan Yu turned around and walked back, but muttered in his mouth, "That kind of person is absolutely impossible, impossible..."

Paimon shook his head and said to Ying, "I didn't hear what she was muttering clearly, but she doesn't look too good."

Seeing that there was no way to eat melons, Ying was also a little disappointed, and said: "Go back to Xiangshengtang, and borrow the kitchen there, and then call Shang Zhongli to find Qiqi, I hope it is this, or it will be a waste of time gone."

Paimeng complained, "Since only Zhang Qing knows about Coconut Sheep, why does Qiqi also know about it? I always feel that there is a story here, but Qiqi's memory, I'm afraid I can't ask anything. Well, it's really good Curious!!!"

After putting the things behind her back, Ying put her hands on her hips and said, "That guy might be one of the immortals, hmph!"

Paimon crossed his arms and said, "I guess she was expelled because she did too many bad things. Didn't she say that she is not a fairy!? And she never lies."

Thinking of all the way, all the immortals "see her differently" and hurt them by the way, Paimon doesn't think that guy has done anything good, think about how many times they have been tricked by that guy!? Don't say It's all tears.

When the two of them returned to the Pastoral Hall, they found that that guy Zhang Qing had slipped away a long time ago, and he had no intention of staying to collect payment at all.

Hu Tao looked at the coconut, milk and sugar that the two brought out with great interest, "So this is the 4.3 milk produced by that person, I didn't expect it."

Seeing Hu Tao showing a funny smile, Min and Paimon couldn't understand at this moment that the other party definitely knew who they were looking for.

Paimon said angrily, "So you also know that we are looking for Miss Gan Yu!? Why didn't you tell us, we were almost killed."

Hu Tao spread his hands, "Well, I'm just guessing. How can I talk nonsense about things I'm not sure about? Otherwise, what if there is really someone named Wang Xiaomei in Yuehai Pavilion!? I'm also open for business, so of course I'm kind Make money, otherwise you will offend Yue Haiting, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for Xiangshengtang to continue to operate!"

"But you're laughing, damn it! You're just having fun." Paimon wasn't fooled this time, as long as Walnut's smile was too obvious.

Zhong Li shook his head, put down his teacup and said, "Since we have the item, let's go to that little friend to complete the deal!"

If they don't leave, Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind and the others will kill them later, Zhongli is also helpless.

At this moment, Zhong Li misses the end more and more. If he is still there at this moment, he will definitely be able to control Zhang Qing and prevent her from doing anything wrong. It's a pity...

"I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry wine, but it's a pity that my old friend is not here...".

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