Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

707 Listen To The Wind! Wind From Mond!

After placing the eternal life incense at the ceremony place, Ying and Paimeng followed Zhongli to Sanbugang, although it wasn't a high-end place, it was a rare treat for Zhongli, and of course the two of them would not refuse.

But before ordering, the two of them asked Zhongli many times if he had really brought the money before they dared to sit down. After half a day, the two of them could be said to have seen what it means to be an old man who goes out without money.

While waiting for the food to be served, Paimeng still felt very sorry, "Obviously we ran around, risked our lives and went through many difficulties before finally giving Qi Qi the milk of the coconut goat, but at this time, the man with the milk hanging around his neck Baishu's boss Baishu is back..."

"Hmph, I really doubt where he hid from the beginning."

"It's a big loss! Although [Young Master] was the one who gave the money in the end, we gave away the milk of the coconut goat for nothing. That is the milk of the legendary half-immortal beast, and it is definitely more than three million moras."

Ying looked around and was relieved when she saw that Gan Yu didn't appear, "Pimeng, keep your voice down! If Wang Xiaomei hears about it, we will be killed."

Zhongli: "......

Have you two been assimilated so badly by that guy!?

Soon the dishes ordered by the three of them were served on the table. At this time, Tian Tiezui on the stage happened to talk about the [Tianquan Star] Ningguang among the Liyue Seven Stars, and drew the attention of Yingying and Paimeng. Attracted by the delicious food.

"If all the guests are willing to listen, I will continue to talk about Master Ningguang's 【Jade Pavilion】."

20 "Everyone knows that above our port, there is the Immortal Mansion on the Clouds and the Palace of Haze. What is the meaning of hands and eyes reaching the sky!? You see, this is called hands and eyes reaching the sky [this is the real estate owned by Mr. Longguang] .”

"When the sky is bright and clear that day, you look down from the deck outside the palace gate—good guy! That's the scenery of the sky and the earth for most of Liyue..."

"Okay!" The guests at other tables cheered. Some of them were already drinking red and their eyes were blurred, but when Tian Tiezui wanted to talk about that Ningguang, they still cheered and sat down to listen quietly. .

Seeing that Ying and Paimeng were all focused on Tian Tiezui's storytelling at this time, Zhongli had a smile in his eyes, he didn't know if he was making fun of Ying and Paimeng's current appearance, or that Tian Tiezui He even talked about Tianquan Ningguang at this moment, or he was just in a good mood.

"The people in Liyue are talking about her, [Fools] hate her, and it seems that [Immortal Ancestor Fashe] is also her, and we have seen her once in [Please Xiandianyi]... I don’t know what kind of person she is What kind of person!?"

After Tian Tiezui stepped down, the crowd finally returned to drinking and drinking. Paimeng was also very interested in Ningguang, who was said to have mastered most of the wealth with her hands and eyes. Of course, she just wanted to gain benefits.

However, before the three of them could continue chatting, Gan Yu's familiar voice sounded above their heads, instantly making Ying and Paimeng's bodies stiffen.

"Finally found you!"

"Wang...Wang Xiaomei!" Ying and Paimeng exclaimed at the same time.

What to do!? He must have heard what we said before and came to kill us!

Could it be that [Young Master] kept saying the Liyue proverb "A wall has ears"!? Who betrayed them!?

Zhongli, who was stared at by the two together, had a black line on his forehead, and sure enough, he did not stop the two guys from continuing to contact Zhang Qing. Perhaps after Liyue's trip, it would be like white paper being stained with Zhang Qing's color. It turned into some kind of crumbly dog ​​thing.

"As far as common sense is concerned, I have never left your sight from beginning to end."

However, Gan Yu resisted and took out a bow and arrow to the two guys to "go hand in hand" and squeezed out a very forced smile, "You two, can you tell me who the 'Wang Xiaomei' you are talking about!?"

"What to do!? She looks very angry!" Paimon hid behind Ying, and whispered in Ying's ear.

Ying swallowed her saliva, tried to squeeze out a smile, and said: " heard it wrong! We just said that you are beautiful, yes, you are beautiful, hehe...

The corners of Gan Yu's eyes twitched, and she always felt that when Ying said this, she looked very similar to someone in her memory.

"Really!?" Gan Yu took a deep look at Ying and Paimeng, as if warning them, then took a deep breath, and said in a calm and serious tone, "This time I am here as Liyue Seven Stars." The messenger, to be precise, is the identity of Miss Ningguang's temporary special messenger, here to invite you to meet at the Qunyu Pavilion, and this is the invitation letter she asked me to bring.

Speaking of which, Gan Yu will throw a letter over, and it will land on the clean empty seat on the dining table.

"Ningguang's original words are: I want to see her, bring her here! In Qunyu Pavilion, I will accompany her...cutting the complicated undercurrents."

After Ying and Pai Meng left the table, Zhong Li did not leave, so there was only one person left drinking sake, it didn't seem awkward and awkward, even from a distance, it seemed like the person in the painting.

Suddenly a white-haired girl in Tsing Yi sat on the seat where Ying was sitting just now, and asked the waiter to bring up a new pair of bowls and chopsticks, while looking into the restaurant, Tian Tiezui was receiving the reward from someone.

"That girl Ningguang has fallen, her reaction is not too slow, I now even suspect that the mistake in the ceremony of inviting Xiandian was done on purpose by her, what do you think!?"

Zhong Li put down his wine glass, his eyes moved away from the wine on top, and fell on the face of the delicate girl sitting opposite, "If I remember correctly, I probably didn't invite you.

"Don't be like this! You are Mr. Zhong. You are the richest in the entire Tivat. Don't be stingy with the money for a meal. I'm just afraid that you won't be able to eat the rest alone. You are not the kind who will Isn’t it a waste to pack it back and save it for the next meal!” Zhang Qing said with a playful smile, but his hands were not polite at all, he picked up a piece of roast suckling pork with chopsticks, and put it into his mouth.

After chewing, he took a sip of the wine, sipped his mouth, and complained, "Xiao Liuyun and the others are too much, they are still looking for me, so I didn't have a good meal today, obviously I Nothing has been done to them lately...”

Zhongli: "Do you want me to remind you, what have you done!?"

"Hmm....Eat quickly, or it won't taste good when it gets cold. Really, the three of you actually ordered such a large table of dishes. Mr. Zhong, you are rich!?" Zhang Qing obviously Didn't want to talk about that issue.

"Well, someone has been sending me money recently. Zhong Li also followed the other party's intention to change the subject.

"Hehe, it's that guy, he's a bit stupid, he was played around by you, and he thought he was very smart! I guess he wanted to silence all the insiders afterwards! It's a pity that he doesn't have the strength, hehe..." Thinking of something interesting, Zhang Qing couldn't help showing a malicious smile.

Zhong Li shook his head, "I didn't play tricks on him from the beginning to the end, we just used each other.

"He didn't ask, I didn't tell. It's as simple as that."

"Okay, you can save your stomach for a while, the person looking for you has arrived."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Li picked up the wine glass again, put it to his mouth and sipped it lightly.

And in front of the dining table, Ningguang's three confidant secretaries also came over, bowed to the two of them, and said, "Master Zhang Qing, "Ningguang Wooden Man invites you to the Qunyu Pavilion for ten gatherings!"

Zhang Qing put down his chopsticks helplessly, "I'm a common man, but I have nothing to talk about with Tian Quan."

"You're joking. You and Master Ningguang are the ones who run Tianqing Bank together. You are Master Ningguang's best partner. In Liyue, few people have this honor." Bai Shi said with a smile.

"No, no, no... that's just because I happened to appear at that time. If time goes back, I'm afraid that such a good thing won't happen to me at all." This white-haired little girl will become the celestial light that almost covers the sky in Liyue.

She just because she knows to invest a little bit in the future.

Zhang Qing didn't think he could really wrestle with Ningguang in business, which is why [she completely left the bank to Ningguang to take care of.

"However, time cannot be restarted. Even if you can, I believe that if you change someone, you will not be able to get the friendship of Lord Ningguang." This time it was Baiwen's turn to speak.

For things like chance, if you miss it, you miss it. How could anyone know that someone can go back to the past? If Ningguang, one of the seven stars of Liyue, has no means at all, who would believe it!?

In the industry, a partner and the sole speaker are two different things.

"Okay, let me go with you, just now I need to find a place to hide from some people. Zhongli, please don't tell other people about my whereabouts, otherwise, hehe...

"Please!" X3

Zhong Li couldn't help but watch Zhang Qing follow Bai Wen, Bai Shi and Bai Xiao as the three secretaries left. At this moment, the table where he was sitting was deserted again, "Ah... really never grew up... . . . "

"Although Diehua has changed his mind, he has not changed his mind. Try the golden cup, and the old tunes can be heard again, just like the sound of drunken people in the past."

"Do whatever you want, while I'm still here..."

The voice behind was already inaudible, only the breeze blew past, rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, and blew away the smell of fireworks.

When the wind stopped, the figure of the handsome young man who was still drinking alone just now seemed to be blown away by the breeze, and at some point, he had left the small bag that Song left on the table.

When he appeared again, he was already on Dihuazhou.

That gust of wind completely muddied the pool of water in Liyue Harbor.

Zhongli, who was standing under the tree with his hands behind his back, couldn't help but look in the direction where Mond was, "After a while, let's go to that house to visit an old friend."

At this moment, it seems that there is a piano playing. .

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