Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

722 Datang: Demons Appear, Journey To The West Appears!

The so-called labor camps are places where prisoners are specially given labor reform. After all, apart from those condemned prisoners, the rest can’t be raised by the state for nothing!?

As for the "stubborn stone" in Su Yuchai's mouth, they are those stubborn bald donkeys who refuse to return to the vulgar and become normal people. Let them see who can survive who!?

Anyway, in the labor camp, if you don’t work, you have nothing to eat, and it’s useless for anyone to come.

After all these fat-headed and big-eared monks have been searched, it is best to work obediently, but they are still unwilling to return to vulgarity, so let them become long-term labor reform prisoners, otherwise they may be a disaster again , Hiding in the deep mountains and old forests as a monk.

To tell the truth, the Daqing Dynasty was young, and the people generally didn’t have enough to eat or wear, and they were skinny. However, these monks were all fat and big-eared. Who would believe you if you said they just ate vegetarian food and recited Buddha’s name!? Could it be that their fat body was edema!?

Not to mention that the monks in these temples still have private land, and they have become the largest land owners outside of the landlords. No officials will collect food from these monks.

In other words, these bald donkeys are a bunch of moths. The country’s tax revenue has been reduced. In the end, it is the people who suffer. However, the worse the environment is, the happier these monks are, because they are the ones who are fat. They read a few words Amitabha, those people who are suffering from the hardships of life will give them the little money and food in their hands, and they will also recite their blessings and curse the corruption of the imperial court.

Although there are indeed many faults in the feudal dynasty, it would be too much to say that all of them were not due to the officials and emperors above. It is a matter of seeing, and does not require any great insight.

It is really stupid to think too stupid of those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Only those monks don't care if the country turns from good to bad in the end. If it is good, they will continue the previous business. If it is bad, they will close the gate and live their own life.

If it is said that the religious theocracy of the West will conflict with the monarchy of the country, then this Buddhism will suck blood silently, directly to the death of the dynasty, and then change the host to continue sucking blood

Therefore, regardless of whether Zhang Qing, the empress, was out of selfishness or for the sake of the country, most of the officials who had seen the wealth seized from these monks' temples and the numerous crimes investigated with their own eyes agreed with "destroying Buddha".

God is pitiful, this group of monks is still related to human trafficking, and some girls from the Goulan Club were sold by them. This is the mercy of Buddhism!?

Not to mention those Buddha statues made of gold. I thought it was just gold-plated or painted with gold paint, but I didn’t expect it to be real gold. How many people’s jaws were shocked at that time. They live so hard, these bald donkeys who persuade them to live a life of hardship to claim wealth, are living the life of a local emperor!

It can be said that the people of Dalan now dislike the so-called monks more than the Empress, and the world has been miserable for a long time.

"It's gone!?" Zhang Qing frowned, "Dig a tunnel!? They have this prop!?"

You must know that the inside is made of reinforced concrete. Those monks can't dig dog holes with their bare hands to get out!? To be honest, although Da Lan is a martial artist, the school also teaches students martial arts as a subject, but at present, even soldiers can do it. If you don't reach this point, after all, this world is not a world of high martial arts, and the most you can do to practice ancient martial arts is to reach the level of a third-rate or second-rate martial artist in the world of martial arts.

Don’t even think about the first-class martial artist’s internal strength and external power. Those monks have no experience in martial arts, no medicine, and they are also old. You say you can become a master in a short time!? This joke is not funny at all.

Why go early if you have this ability!?

Su Yuchai shook her head, "The bowls and chopsticks we give are all wooden products, digging concrete floors, maybe the best soldiers in the army can do it, but those people..."

Su Yuchai felt that Zhang Qing was thinking too much. The masters in the military were all cultivated by them with a lot of effort. How could these guys who are forced to work every day have such abilities!?

"And no tunnel was found. They seemed to disappear overnight. We asked the people in the cell next door, and they all said that they didn't hear any abnormal noise last night.

Su Yuchai didn't think those people would lie either. After all, seeing inmates fleeing without taking them with them, everyone would feel resentment. How could they help them hide it!? It's really this kind of Madonna mentality, and I won't fall into prison anywhere. What happened in the labor camp.

Zhang Qing looked at Su Yuchai: "A supernatural event!?"

Su Yuchai nodded, "Yes, now I have people block the news, otherwise it will have a negative impact on our country's prestige.

The front foot said that ghosts and gods are all feudal superstitions, which are false. They made everyone believe in science, but now there are supernatural events. Isn’t this a slap in the face!? It will make the order that Dalan has managed to maintain now flawed, and it will make people feel unstable .

"No, let the public know that the blockade is useless, but it cannot be announced by our officials. Well, gossip, the more magical it is, the better."

Zhang Qing feels that this does not prevent her from taking advantage of it. It is a patch for the mistakes she made before. Of course, the problem Su Yuchai mentioned does exist, but Zhang Qing feels that Dalan is now at a time when it is strong and the people are united. Instead, it is the last thing to worry about , No one wants to go back to the days when they finally got better and couldn't eat enough or wear warm clothes.

If it is ten or twenty years later, most of the "sighted people" who are too full at that time may cause turmoil in the country. After all, blind obedience is human nature. A kind of natural profit.

When people get used to the goodness of the country, people will gradually forget to be grateful. This is inevitable, and when life is better, people will naturally want better things. This is understandable. So once provoked and misled by others, it will often be out of control like a ignited powder keg.

It can be said that the advantages of not leaving the problem to erupt at that time will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Su Yuchai was a little puzzled, but she nodded, "I'll explain it later, but how do we deal with this matter!? Don't we investigate it!?"

"Temporarily set up a supernatural research department, and then ask people to bring some potentially useful instruments to investigate on the spot over there. I believe many people should be interested in this."

As he said that, Zhang Qing glanced at Su Yuchai. This talented woman seemed to be very interested in this, and she should be the kind of person who is very curious and full of inquiring mind about the supernatural.

Noticing Zhang Qing's gaze, Su Yuchai blushed, and said shyly, "Okay, I will give orders."

She is interested in this kind of stories, but it's a pity that because of Dalan's attack on this aspect, the anecdotes and stories on the market did not make her feel a little sorry.

After Su Yuchai left, Zhang Qing rubbed the center of his eyebrows, "First take away the alien spaceship, and now take away the bald donkey, what does this world consciousness want to do!?"

Zhang Qing always felt that the other party seemed to be involved in a very outrageous thing.

On the other side, the sleeping monks opened their eyes and found themselves in the deep mountains and old forests. They were stunned for a moment. If they were not wearing the black and white striped prison uniforms, they would have thought they were dreaming.

"We were saved by the Buddha!?"

"Amitabha, Buddha, you should take those villains away!"

Regarding Dalan's ups and downs, these bald donkeys are obviously full of malice, and they are living a fairy life in the temple, but not only the temple is closed, their property is confiscated, but they are also thrown into the labor camp to suffer day and night. Tortured, after a period of time, people have lost several times, almost catching up with those skinny untouchables back then.

They are the guides for those who have survived the misery in the world to go to the Paradise of Paradise, how could they be the same as those untouchables!?

But I think so, but these people still know that Dalan's soldiers are strong and strong, and it is definitely not that they, monks, can resist together, let alone 323. In fact, they don't believe in the Buddha and Bodhisattva in their mouths, um, they No one knows that it is fake, otherwise they will definitely be the first to die.

"Get out of here, before those Da Lan foolish people come here, an elderly man reminded.

"But where can we go!?" Some people also had difficulties. After all, Dalan's land area is too large. It is said that it has annexed several small neighboring countries and became the country with the largest land area in history. Otherwise, it would not be able to become empire.

They were afraid that they would finally leave Da Lan and come to other countries, but this country would be wiped out by Da Lan, and then they would be arrested and returned.

"What are you guys doing!?"

Just as these monks were muttering and arguing, a rough voice sounded from a distance. The monks trembled at first, thinking that the officers and soldiers of Dalan had arrived, but when they turned around, they saw a lumberjack dressed in rags.

The opposite side stared at them suspiciously and kept looking at them.

"Why are you dressed like this!?" The more the woodcutter looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. These guys were dressed too improperly. How could anyone wear short-sleeved shorts to reveal a large piece of white skin? Even big men couldn't do it in ancient times. .

Not to mention that these guys still have cropped hair, which is even more weird.

It couldn't be that the mountain elves came out in human form to hunt for prey! Even though the sun was shining high now, the woodcutter broke out in a cold sweat.

It seems that there have been many rumors of monsters recently, although most of them are female goblins, but since there are female goblins, it is not surprising that there are male goblins.

However, before the woodcutter could think of a way to escape, he found that these wild monsters fled in another direction.

[The author has something to say: I am getting more and more uncomfortable. It seems that I need to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. 】

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