Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

723 A Fairy Tale May Not Really Be A Fairy Tale!

Diagon Alley.

Qing Zhang is already a third-year Hogwarts reserve student. At the age of 13, he is no longer as thin as before, but he has not become fat, but he has grown a little taller, and he seems to have lost a lot of weight.

For this reason, Qing Zhang's mother, Mary Lee, was very worried, and it took a lot of effort to make Qing Zhang eat more and gain weight, and Qing Zhang was deeply troubled by this.

Nima feels that Nima has lost weight, which is the most helpless thing.

They always seem to think that the food at Hogwarts is very poor. After all, this is an English school, and they definitely won’t serve Chinese food, even if they have crafts, it’s not a matter of course that their son can’t get used to it!?

If Hogwarts hadn't been a school of magic, Mary would have wanted to sign up to be a chef at Hogwarts, even though her skills were only average.

Qing Zhang stepped on the cobbled long street of Diagon Alley, and went to the Florin Cold Drink Shop to order two glasses of Wonderful Round Juice, a drink that seems to change its taste with its ever-changing color. Quite a welcome look.

Qing Zhang found a seat and sat down, then cast a spell on the two glasses of juice on the table to keep them warm, then picked up the new issue of "Daily Prophet" and read it.

"Blake is still on the run"

As soon as it came up, there was a huge title banner, as if afraid that others would not see it.

The Ministry of Magic confirmed today that Sirius Black is still at large, presumably from Azkaban.

"We are doing everything we can to bring Black back to justice," Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge said this morning, "and I implore the wizarding community to remain calm.

Some members of the International Confederation of Wizards accused Fudge of informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis.

"Honestly, as you know, there's nothing I can do about it," said Fudge angrily, "Black is a desperado, and anyone who touches him, whether a wizard or a Muggle, is in danger." I ask the Prime Minister to assure that he will never reveal Black's real identity to anyone. Let's be honest - even if he revealed it, who would believe R120

Muggles are told that Black carries a gun (a metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), and the wizarding world knows that Black killed thirteen people with a spell twelve years ago, so they worry about such a large Carnage will 353 appear again.

After reading the content, Qing Zhang moved his eyes to the big photo beside him. Sirius' gloomy and deep like a pool of stagnant water, his eyes that made him feel cold while staring at him, coupled with his haggard face , I have to say that these people really know how to find photos.

Even Qing Zhang felt that Sirius Black was a perverted murderer, a Death Eater who did all kinds of evil.

Perhaps the English wizards don't have any sayings that come from their hearts, but in fact, a person's appearance determines the quality of many people's first impression of him.

"Sorry, have you been waiting so long!?"

At this moment, a little witch with long, thick brown hair sat down on the seat opposite Qing Zhang and said apologetically.

Qing Zhang looked away from the newspaper, and pushed one of the cold juices on the table over, "No, I also just arrived in the city.

Hermione smiled and held the cup with both hands and took a sip of the delicious and sweet juice. The various flavors in it were mixed together and distinctly separated, making people never get tired of eating it.

"By the way, how was your vacation in France!?" Qing Zhang asked.

This summer vacation, Hermione's family went to France for vacation. Although Hermione invited Qing Zhang to go with her, Qing Zhang declined because she leaked some things about Pokémon before, which seemed to arouse Luna's concern. Because of the interest of a primary school girl, Qing Zhang promised her to tell her more about this during the summer vacation, and by the way, go to the wild to look for Pokémon.

To be honest, Qing Zhang is also a little dumbfounded, after all, if there are Pokémon in this world, it would be incredible.

But I can't tell the little girl that what I said is all fictional, it may make the little girl cry. Qing Zhang doesn't want to do it for the time being, so he has no choice but to get a slime out, and he can't cope with it for the time being.

I hope slime won't be in trouble in this world!

Hermione moved her lips away from the straw, blinked her eyes, then pinned the hair that fell in front of her to her ear and said, "I haven't been with Mom and Dad for a long time, it's very pleasant, I almost forgot that I was still a child What about wizards, you know we can't use magic outside.

"By the way, I just heard from Hannah that Harry lives in the Broken Ax now."

Qing Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that there was indeed such a thing. To be honest, he was a little fuzzy about the plot of Harry Potter now. In the magical world of Guanglu in it, naturally, I don't pay much attention to a protagonist who is a bit difficult to substitute.

"I'm afraid something happened again, otherwise the Muggle relatives of Harry's family wouldn't let him leave, and they were so generous that Harry chose to sever ties with the wizarding world forever.

"By the way, and this, I heard that Sirius Black is a Death Eater." Finally, Qing Zhang pointed out the report in the newspaper to Hermione, "He escaped from Azkaban, even There was also a report about him being wanted in the Muggle world, and it seemed that people in the wizarding world also believed that Sirius Black would go to the Muggle world to seek revenge on Harry.

"This is really bad." Hermione took the newspaper and read it. Although she also subscribed to the "Daily Prophet", she hadn't had time to read today's copy, and she had been on vacation in France some time ago, so she didn't know There was another incident reported in the Muggle news here in England.

After reading it word for word, Hermione put the newspaper on the table, "So Harry is more suitable to live in the wizarding world and be protected now than in the Muggle world!?"

She didn't understand. The whole school knew that Harry's Muggle relatives were not good to Harry. Harry didn't even want to go home on vacation, but Dumbledore persuaded him to go back every time. Hermione had heard about Harry. I complained to Ron many times in the common room, and I couldn't understand that Dumbledore knew that he and Aunt Petunia's family were unhappy, and asked him to go back. He should belong to the wizarding world.

Many people speculate that perhaps the kinship magic imposed on Harry can only protect him from harm by living with his blood relatives. After all, everyone knows that there are still many Death Eaters in the wizarding world who are at large, and they have not been imprisoned in Az. Caban, like the Malfoys.

Now I feel that it is safer for Harry to live in the wizarding world, and Hermione can't figure out what these adults are thinking!?

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Who knows, they probably have their own considerations.

"Maybe, but I think it's better for Harry to move out. Since we don't get along well, there's no need to be together. The safest place in the wizarding world is Hogwarts. What better place than Dumbledore's side?" Be safe, then what kind of kinship magic can't be more reliable than the greatest white wizard!?" Although Harry and Ron's attitude towards Hermione was sad, the kind little witch didn't want the two classmates to suffer because of this. Unlucky.

Of course, if a little bad luck happened, she would also secretly laugh out loud.

Qing Zhang watched the wizards coming and going in Diagon Alley, (cafd) said in a calm tone, "Maybe it's because of the wizard's arrogance."

"Huh!?" Hermione looked at Qing Zhang in puzzlement.

Qing Zhang smiled and explained, "It can be seen from wizards calling ordinary people Muggles, and Hermione, you may not know that in fact, Harry's current relatives have nothing to do with Harry's own. If the parents or anyone in the magic world gets a single pound, their family is equivalent to raising an extra child for no reason, and it is mandatory. If they don't agree, they will be threatened by the wand.

Hermione: "...

Hermione didn't know what to say. She never thought it would be like this. After all, as Harry's classmate, she could easily put herself in the same position as Harry. Naturally, she thought that Harry was a Muggle relative. It is vicious and unreasonable.

But after Jingqing Zhang explained it this way, Hermione also understood why Harry's Muggle relatives were so unfriendly to Harry.

Hermione even thought of the time when she met her classmates from the Muggle school before, it seemed that she also had a sense of superiority in her heart at that time. After all, as a transcendent, she has mastered magical magic and knows the unknown things in this world. The truth, instead of fighting to the death for some worldly fame and fortune like they did.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that these classmates used to squeeze her out. After all, as a primary school bully, Hermione will be jealous and hated by mediocre people everywhere.

It's just that Hermione's advantage in the magic world has been wiped out, and she can only start from the starting line. In addition, the magic world is not fair. There is no public library here for common people to obtain knowledge, so common geniuses like Hermione , In fact, she also lost at the starting line, which equated to weakening Hermione's aura and making her as ordinary as possible.

This is why it is easier for Hermione to have friends in the wizarding world.

"How could they do this!?" In the end, Hermione could only say such a sentence, which was used to express her anger.

Qing Zhang Zhanshou: "That's why I say arrogant. After all, a high-ranking wizard only needs to wave the wand in his hand to make ordinary people obey. Why should they pay a family of Muggles to let them live with the savior?" It’s a great blessing.”

As he said that, Qing Zhang glanced at a big black dog passing by not far away, and shook his head in his heart: impulsive, reckless, irritable, doing things without thinking, super self-conscious, worthy of Gryffindor

After withdrawing his gaze, Qing Zhang looked at Hermione, "Hermione, let's have some snacks!"

"?????" Hermione looked at Qing Zhang strangely, wondering what happened to him suddenly!?

The chat ended after the two drank all the juice in the glass. The two actually went to Madam Malkin's robe shop to buy a new wizard robe. After all, boys and girls at this age grow very fast, even after a summer vacation At that time, the previous school uniform did not fit well.

Then there is the pharmacy. Not all the ingredients needed for the potion class are provided by the school. If a poor student with extremely poor talent, but also very persistent in becoming a master of potions, Hogwarts may close down soon.

On the way, the two saw a lot of people gathered in front of the Quidditch shop. It seemed that a new type of broomstick was on the market. Well, almost everyone in the wizarding world is a Quidditch fan.

In fact, as long as you don't fly around on a broomstick with your eggs in your hands, this activity is quite interesting and beautiful.

Of course, there is an exception for a certain Miss Chocobo, who can't fly or can't fly, and even lacks interest in Quidditch. This is probably the first setback she encountered in a real sense as a top student. Anyone with a talent on a broom is better than her.

Because of the addition of two new courses, Protection of Magical Beasts and Divination, the two need to purchase more books this year.

When the two came to Lihen Bookstore, they were taken aback. The store usually displayed bronzing magic books as thick as paving slabs, but now behind the glass was a large iron cage, in which about a hundred volumes of "Monsters" were kept.

The Book of Monsters.

The books were all tangled together, fighting each other furiously, as if in a fierce wrestling match, and broken pieces of paper were flying everywhere.

Hermione stood at the door with an ugly face, took out the book list from her pocket, and saw that those vicious books inside were the textbooks for her Protection of Magical Animals class this semester, and her heart ached.

It was a sinking.

She can imagine the embarrassment and terrible picture of herself every time she opens the book, and she doesn't want to take this kind of book home, she is afraid that if she is not careful, the other party will break free and hurt

Killed Mr and Mrs Granger.

"They seem very... restless!"

Qing Zhang agrees very much, he knows very well that the Protection of Magical Beasts class is now in charge of Hagrid, Hagrid is worthy of being from Gryffindor College, brave is really brave, I am afraid it is Dumbledore

Lido has received a lot of complaint letters during this period, I hope he can still laugh. .

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