After leaving the Lihen Bookstore, Qing Zhang helped Hermione carry a bag of books, and Hermione had to carry the remaining two bulging bags.

Qing Zhang looked helplessly at the little witch beside him, "Hermione, did you buy a little too much, and you even bought books related to Muggle studies.

Hermione didn't think it was a big deal, "I just thought it would be interesting to study them from the perspective of wizards. What you said before made me think that I should understand the relationship between wizards and Muggles from many aspects."

Said Hermione waved her wand, "Wingardim Leviosa~!"

Immediately, the two bags of books floated up, and then Hermione looked at Qing Zhang and asked if she needed to send him a shot. The little witch seemed to have been patient with casting spells outside the school for a long time, so she just had the opportunity and wanted to send a few more shots.

"Thank you very much." Qing Zhang was not polite, and raised the bag, indicating that Hermione could cast spells.

After all this was done, Hermione looked at the monster book tied up with a rope and dragged away behind her, and asked with a headache, "But how to solve this!?"

At this moment, the two books are obviously quiet at all, they seem to want to kill each other, and they are baring their teeth.

Qing Zhang turned two strands of hair into wooden sticks with Transfiguration, handed one to Hermione, and said: "Look! Before you look, knock them out like this.

As he said that, the wooden stick in his hand fell fiercely on the monster book, and the monster book with claws and claws suddenly fell silent.

Hermione looked at Qing Zhang's monster book lying on the dead body, and then looked at her stunned monster book, gritted her teeth, and rounded her arms to hit a stick, but Hermione's strength seemed A little small, after the monster screamed strangely, it didn't faint, but rushed towards Hermione fiercely.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then without thinking about it, she made up for the second blow. This time, she used her breastfeeding strength and knocked the opponent to the ground on the spot. There was a muffled sound, and the whole monster book fell limply.

After Hermione wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, she said, "If it's so troublesome every time, I think my arms will be thicker after coming this school year."

The little witches are very dissatisfied with this, because it will make them gain muscle and become unbeautiful.

"By the way, I still have ten Galleons left." After putting away the stick, she opened her wallet and said, "September is my birthday, and my parents gave me some money for Buy yourself an early birthday present."

Qing Zhang reacted quickly and continued, "I will remember to prepare a birthday present for you."

I forgot last time, but Hermione was angry with him for a long time, thinking that she clearly remembered Qing Zhang’s birthday, but Qing Zhang forgot hers instead, Hermione was quite annoyed, thinking that Qing Zhang didn’t regard her as the best friend.

Hermione snorted coldly, but her complexion improved a lot, and she was very satisfied with Qing Zhang's answer.

"So what birthday present are you going to prepare for yourself!?" Qing Zhang changed the subject.

Hermione thought for a while and said, "How about an owl, it's not convenient to always rent an owl service. Didn't you say before that you also want to buy a magic pet!? Let's take a look together, there is a magic pet over there." Animal store."

"Okay, but I might want a kitten." Qing Zhang thought for a while and said, he also planned to buy it at first, but considering that after entering the new environment, he didn't know that his bedmates would What kind of people are afraid that their pets will become the fuse of quarrels, so they simply didn't buy them.

In fact, Qingjiao has seen a lot of things in the same dormitory in her previous life. Even because a cup crossed the line, the two of them could fight, not to mention a living pet that can run, jump and bark.

But Qing Zhang felt at ease now, not to mention that Hufflepuff students are honest people, even if something unpleasant happened, the other party would be the first to apologize, so there is no need to worry too much.

As for owls, they are found in schools, and are generally rarely used.

The inside of the Fantastic Beasts store is very small, and the walls are densely covered with cages, and there is an unpleasant smell in the air, and the sound is noisy, because the guys in the cages are all squeaking, chirping and screaming , or make a hissing sound.

The witch behind the counter was telling a wizard how to take care of the two-tailed salamander, and the two could only wait aside, looking at the cages carefully.

There sat two huge purple toads gobbling up dead blowflies until their saliva dripped. A frighteningly large tortoise sat by the window, its shell shining like a jewel on its back. Poisonous orange snails squirmed slowly on the walls of the glass tank. A chubby white rabbit changed into a satin top hat with a snap, and changed back with a snap, and it kept changing like this.

There are also cats of every color, a cage of noisy ravens, and a basket of funny fluffballs the color of custards buzzing. There was also a big cage on the counter, in which the sleek black mice were playing a kind of jumping game supported by their long, bald tails.

Qing Zhang was fascinated by it, thinking about whether to buy a few female mice, give them to Ron anonymously, and feed these female mice some computer accessories, presumably Ron's mouse named Banban would be very happy.

"What are you thinking!?" Hermione looked at Qing Zhang suspiciously, wondering why this good friend suddenly looked at those black mice so engrossed, and the expression on his face was weird, very Gryffindor That smile on the faces of the bad boys at the multi-academy who were about to do something bad.

Before Qingjiao could answer, the clerk was the same witch who told the guests how to take care of the two-tailed salamander. After seeing off the previous guest, she looked at the two and said with a smile, "These are long-tailed salamanders." Black rats, very clever magical creatures, and easy to keep and care for."

"No! I want to see owls." Hermione shook her head in the face of the enthusiastic witch. She is not interested in mice, and she doesn't want to be thought that she has the same hobby as Ron, and she doesn't want to be seen as someone who likes Ron. Lavender Brown misunderstood.

Qing Zhang also shook his head, "Forget it, I don't plan to buy this."

He finally gave up on that idea. After all, if it goes too far, maybe Peter Pettigrew will directly transform back into a human body. At that time, the Gryffindor students staying in the tower will be the first to face danger, although others have always despised him. Peter Pettigrew thought he was James Potter's little follower.

However, in fact Peter Pettigrew, as an adult wizard, is better than ordinary adult wizards, but as a firefly in front of Haoyue, he is overshadowed, making most people ignore his excellence.

To be honest, apart from being too timid, Peter Pettigrew is a bit like Ron, but Peter Pettigrew is surrounded by his friends, and Ron's brothers are his brothers, making them look very inconspicuous.

0 looking for flowers‥

"Oh, that's a pity." After comforting the black mice who seemed a bit lost, the witch took them to see the owls.

The witch who was introduced with dry lips suddenly realized that the little witch beside her hadn't responded for a long time. When she turned her head, she found that she had been staring at a big ginger cat on the highest cage.

That guy's system says it is a little tiger, and people believe it. This big ginger cat has fluffy and soft fur, which is very similar to Hermione's hair, but its feet are obviously a bit sloppy, with a gloomy expression, and a weird persimmon face, just like it once bumped into Like a brick wall.

It can be said that no one has been willing to take this guy away and bring him home, not without reason.

"What's it called!?" Hermione asked, her eyes never leaving the big ginger cat, and she seemed to really like him very much.

The witch was a little surprised, but she still answered Hermione's question, "It's called Crookshanks, miss, you really have a vision, it's the best cat here."

Qing Zhang has black hair, don't you blush when you say this!?

Hermione nodded, "I think it's the best, too."

As if hearing Hermione's praise, the big cat turned a persimmon face, looked at Hermione, flicked its tail, and imitated the little cat's milky voice of "meow~", which made Hermione even more excited .

The clerk Miss Witch's mouth twitched. She didn't remember Crookshanks screaming like this. If she didn't know that the ugly cat couldn't charm magic, she would have to take the little witch to check her body. She is in business, but she still has to be honest. If she is suspected of using illegal means to get customers to buy magical animals in the store, she may not be able to continue the business at all.

Crookshanks gave Miss Witch a contemptuous look, when will I be able to sell myself to live a good life with a shit-shoveling officer!? Trash, I have to do it myself.

In the end, both of them bought a cat. Hermione was naturally the ugly cat named Crookshanks. For Qing Zhang, it was a cat with long white hair and a little fat. ".

Compared with owls and other magical animals, cats are more suitable for Muggle-born wizards like them. After all, they still have to go back to the Muggle world during the holidays. Some pets that are too special will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles. They don't want to imagine Harry was warned by the Ministry of Magic that way.

Just like the rabbit that can turn itself into a satin hat, Qingjiao actually likes it very much, but he has to give up in the end, otherwise just dealing with the neighbor's memory is enough to make the Ministry of Magic dissatisfied with him.

"Hermione, when you go back to school, remember to watch Crookshanks. You know that Ron keeps mice all the time, and cats like to catch mice. I'm afraid you will have a quarrel."

Hermione nodded upon hearing this, "You're right, I'll keep an eye on it."

After speaking, he put his face on Crookshanks' big cat's head and rubbed it, "Hey~! Crookshanks, let's ignore those stinky rats, okay!?"

I don't know if I listened to it or didn't lose it.

Qing Zhang felt that it would be better to throw Banban out earlier, otherwise one day it would suddenly explode, and I'm afraid it would not be so pleasant. .

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