"Who's that guy!? RJ. Lupine!?"

"It should be this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Hermione and Qing Zhang always go to Nine and Three-quarters Station very early. They will find a comfortable box when there are few people, put the suitcases away, and open the window. A stranger outside, wearing a tattered wizard's robe, which was patched in several places, walked on the train, and the other person looked sick and had no strength at all.

The other party looked very young, but his light brown hair was already a little gray, and he looked older than Professor McGonagall.

Hermione's eyesight was good, and she noticed the name printed on the corner of the suitcase on the tattered box the other was carrying, although the letters on it showed signs of peeling off.

Hearing Qing Zhang's answer, Hermione's face was a little weird, and she said badly: "Oh my god, is there a new professor every year!? Can't the school think of a way!?"

"Won't it be another Quirrell or Lockhart!?"

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Who knew!? You have to know that the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is a super high-risk profession. Our first two professors have encountered misfortunes, so don't have too much confidence in the professor who applied for this position." Expectations, Hermione." "Eight Ten"

Hermione sighed, "I think this is a waste of time, we might as well learn more by ourselves."

It was better in the first grade. Even though Professor Quirrell was stuttering and speaking in a confusing manner, and still smelled of garlic, he managed to teach some knowledge from the books. After the second grade, well... Hermione only I remember that the novel was good to read.

There are also all kinds of maddening and dumbfounding things that Lockhart made. Fortunately, Hermione and Harry are not close to each other, otherwise I don’t know if they will become victims.

So for this Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Hermione can only pray that the other party is a little more reliable, not too good, but at least she won't feel that class is a painful thing.

"Luna is here." Qing Zhang noticed that Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood was talking to Luna reluctantly outside, and he seemed to be crying a lot. Thought his daughter Luna was getting married.

Luna listened to her father's nagging and exhortations in a somewhat dull manner, and wiped away tears for the other party thoughtfully, without any sign of impatience.

Finally, he seemed to notice the gazes of Qing and Zhang. Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood also stood up and smiled and nodded to the two of them. Then Luna got on the train with the suitcase and went to Qing Zhang goes in a box.

Like Hermione, Luna doesn't have many friends in her college, or it can be said that most of them can only be classmates.

"Mr. Lovegood does this every year at this time." Hermione helped Luna, who was not tall, put her suitcase up, and joked.

Luna: "Thank you."

Luna was silent for a while, then turned to Qing Zhang and said, "I want to bring Lulu, but it seems that it is not within the scope of permission, but with Lulu at home to accompany Dad, Dad should not feel lonely."

The "Lulu" in Luna's mouth is the slime that Qing Zhang gave to the other party during the summer vacation. After all, Pokemon Qing Zhang can't change, so he can only retreat.

But luckily the school didn't agree with Luna to let her bring the slime to school, otherwise God knows that the not picky eater "Kim won't eat all Ravencrow's books!?

As for the fact that Mr. Lovegood will not be lonely, Qing Zhang agrees. After all, slime reproduction does not require the combination of male and female individuals. Maybe after returning from vacation, there will be a lot of slimes in Luna’s house. Mr. Lovegood was afraid that there would be no time for loneliness in taking care of these little ones.

After a while, Hannah and the others also came over to greet the three of them one by one, but they didn't choose to come in together. Justin and the others even winked at the green pepper and gave a thumbs up.

Qing Zhang gave a big roll of his eyes to this, these brats are really precocious.

Just as the train was about to leave, there was a loud siren.

The guards came along the train and closed the doors one by one. Hermione and the others sat by the window and noticed a red-haired man outside pulling Harry and talking with a serious face. The fat woman was yelling at Harry and the others, "Arthur, do it!"

Only then did the red-haired man let Harry go, and Harry hurried to the nearest door.

The locomotive spouted steam and started slowly.

Hermione looked away and said to the two people in the car, "That person should be Ron's father, I remember seeing him before, but he pulled Harry to say something!? He looks very serious."

Hermione also has the curiosity or gossip of a young girl at this age. Of course, she usually doesn't show it, but now she is surrounded by close friends, and she no longer maintains the model of a school bully.

Before Qing opened her mouth, Luna abnormally stopped keeping silent, and she said, "They all have a lot of troublesome elves on their heads.

Qing Zhang has always thought that Luna should be a girl who can see other people's emotions, commonly known as genius disease, of course it doesn't prevent her from having some kind of spiritual vision, even Qing Zhang can't see what the other party said. The same goes for Fantastic Beasts.

"Probably because Sirius Black has never been arrested. You know, Harry and the others have new adventures every year." Qing Zhang joked.

Hermione didn't think it was funny, because every year Harry and their exciting adventures meant points were deducted, and there were points deducted. I felt that Gryffindor might never have a chance with the House Cup. At least Hermione has been studying at Hogwarts for these years , I am afraid that her college will never get the first place.

The little witch's good mood in the new semester fell to the bottom in an instant.

In fact, it’s about the same without Harry and Ron. Unless the students from the other three colleges choose to be bad, or Gryffindor, who is almost all mischievous and mischievous, it’s really difficult to take the first place, because they can always be detained. No need for Snape to make a move.

"Let's talk about something in the sun, let's have a better time." Hermione gritted her teeth.

She always felt that Qingjiao did it on purpose, just to see her sullen.

But at this moment, there was movement in Hermione's suitcase above, and Hermione said, "It's Crookshanks, what's wrong with it!?"

Because Crookshanks had been sleeping all the time, Hermione put it in the suitcase, leaving a gap for ventilation, but Crookshanks, who had always been lazy, was making a fuss at this moment, which made Hermione a little at a loss.

But she still took Crookshanks out of it, and comforted the kitten who didn't know what happened.

Qing Zhang noticed that it was Ron and the others passing by the box they were in at this time. Perhaps Crookshanks could smell the peculiar smell on Banban's body. There is no difference between ordinary animals, but for some sensitive animals or magical animals, Peter Pettigrew may be very special in their eyes..0

As far as Hermione's Crookshanks is concerned, these big-faced and ugly cats are obviously too lazy to talk to other mice, and they are not even interested at all. Ugly and weird, let's be sympathetic to each other!?

Qing Zhang has checked that this cat is definitely not an Animagus, so it is not mutual attraction between stand-in messengers, it is simply because it thinks it is very interesting for a person to become a mouse.

The confusing behavior of human beings often arouses the curiosity of kittens.

After Harry and his party, who were looking for an empty compartment, left, Crookshanks stopped moving, and it returned to a lazy look, flicking its tail, which made Hermione very helpless.

"You have to be a quiet little girl..."

Qing Zhang wanted to say that the cat was not a girl.

After that, the three of them stopped chatting, and all took out their books and read them quietly.

The Hogwarts Express was heading north, and the scenery outside the window became more and more desolate. As the high-altitude clouds thickened, the sky also darkened. People ran past the doorway between them. Crookshanks was already lying on the empty seat and yawning, but his eyes kept looking towards the rear of the car, as if he was thinking about a certain "little toy".

At one o'clock, a fat witch pushing a food cart passed by in the corridor outside, and the three of them could hear the creaking sound of the small cart, but the owner obviously didn't intend to buy any small sores.

In fact, the snacks in the wizarding world are only interesting to people who meet them for the first time. In fact, the taste is the same. They don’t become luminous or drugged because they come from the wizarding world. It’s not as good as in the Muggle world. The snacks have a variety of flavors.

It's just a novelty, after all, these snacks in the wizarding world can "move", literally, such as chocolate frogs.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, it began to rain, and the 2.6 rolling hills outside the window became blurred. Hermione and the others quickly closed the windows, but did not let the rain fall into the compartment.

"Oh, what a terrible weather, hope it won't last too long."

Although except for the first year, these old students will take the Thestral carriage to enter Hogwarts from another road, but it does not mean that when it rains, it is better than the first year students, you must know that there is even a musty smell in those carriages , Hermione can be said to have a deep memory.

As can be expected, the wagon roof also leaks.

Moreover, after getting off the train, you don't get on the carriage right away, and you have to walk for a while in the rain, which makes the experience even worse.

Qing Zhang took out three folding umbrellas, "I think you need this.

"Thank you, I didn't expect to bring this." Hermione was not polite, and took it happily.

Luna accepted it too.

"Although as a wizard, you can cast spells to prevent yourself from being soaked by rain, but it is also possible to use a little tool." Casting magic requires the consumption of mana, mental power, and even physical strength. As a spellcaster, it is reasonable not to use limited things Wasted on unnecessary things.

Although Hogwarts is very safe, it is also very dangerous, especially every year with Harry Potter. .

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