Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

726 The Domineering Little Snake Gets Angered By The Lion!

The train continued to gallop north, and the rain became heavier, turning the windows a watery gray and gradually darkening. Finally, the lights in the aisle and on the luggage rack came on all at once. The train rattled, the raindrops slapped, and the wind howled outside the window, giving people a very depressing feeling.

"It's really unlucky." Hermione looked out of the window, and the visibility was obviously almost the same as at night, and her mood became worse and worse.

"Eat something to cushion your stomach, it will make you feel better." Qing Zhang suggested.

There is still a short distance to the terminal, and even after arriving at the Hogwarts banquet, it is not so fast to enter the dining stage. It has to wait until the end of this year's freshman sorting. Obviously, for the tired and hungry little wizards, this A period of time is bound to be tormented.

Hermione glanced at Qing Zhang, saw the can of cookies he took out, and complained, "Did you prepare too much!?"

Even Luna couldn't help but look at Qing Zhang more, obviously agreeing with Hermione's opinion very much.

The green pepper kid smiled and said, "There will always be a time when you need it, isn't it just right now!?"

Because it was too dark and the lights in the train were not too bright, Hermione was not in the mood to continue reading. While eating cookies, she said, "I hope Gryffindor can come to some quiet little ones today." Lions, I don't ask them to fight for points, but at least they don't give back."

"Yes." Qing Zhang comforted.

However, Hermione was not comforted, she took a sip of water, rolled her eyes and said, "Basically, that kind of students have entered Hufflepuff.

20 However, before the three of them could say anything more, the speed of the train below was getting slower and slower, and the sound of the wheels gradually disappeared. The sound of wind and rain hit the windows more loudly than before.

Finally, the train finally stopped with a thud, and at the same time there was a ping-pong-pong sound from the train, as if a large amount of luggage had fallen from the rack. Then, before everyone could make a move, all the lights were extinguished, and everyone was completely plunged into darkness.

"Qing Zhang." Hermione was calling Qing Zhang's name in the dark, and she could hear that she was a little nervous.

Qing Zhang grabbed Luna who was sitting beside her, and held Hermione's hand, "It's okay, I'm here."

"What happened!? You probably haven't arrived at the station yet!?" Perhaps because Qing Zhang held her little hand, Hermione no longer felt uneasy, and instead had time to care about what happened now.

In the darkness, the four eyes of two cats, Crookshanks and Dabai, were glowing green, but they were very quiet.

There are vague figures walking around outside the car window, everything looks so weird.

Hermione tightly hugged one of Qing Zhang's arms, and her whole body stuck in. There were various noisy voices from other little wizards outside, and Hermione couldn't tell if there were screams or screams inside. .

This reminded her of the scenes in the horror movies she had seen before.

The scent of the two little witches surrounded the tip of their noses, making them feel like they were in a garden in the dark. Qing Zhang sighed, took out his wand, and said in a low voice, "Flashing fluorescent light (lighting spell)

Suddenly the cabin became bright again.

The faces of the two little witches were flushed, and Qing Zhang said, "Girls, don't forget that you are a wizard."

Hermione rolled Qing Zhang's eyes, and also took out her wand.

Luna looked in the direction of the door. Under the magic light, she could see some tall and strange figures passing through outside, and they finally heard the undulating screams.

It was a cloaked figure, so tall and huge that it almost touched the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden under the hood, and the hands under the cloak were gray and white, gleaming eerily, and seemed to be covered with slime and spots, like something that rots in the water after death..

The other party did not stop, but moved all the way towards the rear of the car, but even so, when he passed by, everyone still felt the biting chill sweeping over.

While feeling the cold, the fear in my heart was also aroused.

"What's that!?" Hermione asked with chattering teeth. She still tried her best to maintain her composure, but her body was shaking all the time, and her gaze was still in the direction of the door, even though the thing had already left.

Luna hid behind Qing Zhang and grabbed Qing Zhang's magic robe without saying a word, and her face turned pale.

Qing Zhang said calmly, "Dementors, they are the guards of Azkaban, and because of them, no one in Azkaban has been able to escape from prison, except Sirius Black."

As soon as Qing Zhang finished speaking, the voices of Ginny, Ron, Neville and others came from the rear of the car, as if they were calling Harry's name, and then a silver light flashed past, photographed The ghosts were expelled from the train, and at the same time the lights on the train were turned on again, accompanied by a slight tremor of the floor.

Qing Zhang knew that this was Lupin's Patronus Charm. Otherwise, it would not be easy to let these dementors go away obediently. It is not a divine spell, but other spells that can kill.

And the train started again at this time, and slowly accelerated.

"I feel that things won't end so easily." Hermione said after picking up the luggage that had fallen on the floor and sitting back on her seat angrily.

There is really no need to be so exciting every year, she just likes to spend the campus time quietly and happily.

Next, the conductor and Professor Lu Ping comforted the little wizards in the carriages, and even the prefects of the colleges got busy. The freshmen were terrified, and they might leave a lot of psychological shadows on them. This is something that drinking hot cocoa can't eradicate.

More than ten minutes later, the train stopped at Hogsmeade Station, everyone got off the train one after another, and the scene was chaotic. The owl was hooting, the cat was hooting, and Neville's pet toad was croaking under his hat. The cold air on the small platform was overwhelming, and the bone-chilling rain poured down.

"Freshman, this way!" A familiar voice shouted.

The gigantic figure of Hagrid appeared on the other side of the platform, beckoning the panicked first years to cross the lake in the traditional way.

At the same time, Hagrid cast concerned glances at Harry and the others, and shouted, "Are you all okay!?"

Because Harry's face was so pale that even the big-hearted Hagrid felt that Harry seemed to be sick at the moment, otherwise he wouldn't be supported by Ron and Neville. Harry is a very lively child on weekdays , or Gryffindor's Seeker, his body has always been great.

Qing Zhang and the others gathered together with other friends, chirping and talking about what happened in the car before, and followed the team to the other side of the platform.

There is a rough muddy path over there, especially when it is raining heavily at this moment, it is even more difficult to walk. Hermione and Luna almost walked close to Qing Zhang. In the end, the three of them shared an umbrella and gave the rest to other friends .

After walking for a while, they found at least a hundred carriages waiting for them. Except for a few people, most of the students did not see the horses pulling the carts, and Nima was gone. But as an old student, I'm almost used to it, and being able to see it doesn't mean it's a good thing.

There was a mild musty and straw smell in the carriage as usual, but fortunately there was no water leakage as Hermione guessed, which made them feel much better.

The carriage drove up to two imposing wrought-iron gates flanked by stone pillars topped by winged boars. But compared to these, what makes the little wizards in the car gasp is that there are actually two hooded dementors standing guard on both sides of the door.

Many little wizards in the lower grades flinched and even closed their eyes. For example, Draco's lips trembled and he shouted to tell his father or something. The senior seniors took out their magic wands and watched those dementors vigilantly, preventing them from doing any more aggressive actions.

You must know that the dementor on the train was a bit unruly.

Fortunately, things didn't go in a bad direction. The carriage passed through the gate in the middle, and then accelerated on the long uphill driveway leading to the castle. Many turrets and towers were getting closer and closer to the crowd. closer.

Finally, the carriage staggered to a stop, and Qing Zhang pulled the two little girls' 750 little men out of the carriage.

At this time, a long-drawn gloating voice came from the ear, attracting everyone's attention.

"You fainted, Potter!? Was it true what Longbottom said? Did you faint!?"

Draco Malfoy elbowed those in front of him, blocking Harry's path on the stone steps leading to the castle, his face beaming, his gray eyes gleaming malevolently.

"Get out of the way, Malfoy." Ron gritted his teeth and looked at Malfoy resentfully.

"Did you faint too, Weasley!?" Malfoy said loudly. "Did that horrible old dementor scare you too, Weasley!?"

"Is there any trouble!?" A gentle voice sounded, and Professor Lupine just got out of the next carriage and came over sleepy.

Malfoy glared at Professor Lupine condescendingly, seeing both the patches on his robes and the tattered trunk. He said, "Oh, there's no -- er -- teach Nan

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, and after he finished speaking, he smirked at Crabbe and Goyle's two servants, and led them up the stone steps and into the castle.

Hermione poked Qing Zhang's arm, and said in a low voice, "Now I suspect that Malfoy really likes Harry, do you think there is such a possibility.

Originally, Hermione thought it was just a joke and didn't take it seriously when she heard what the seniors of Lakvenlaw said. Now that she was soaked in the heavy rain, Malfoy still insisted on running in front of Harry to show off his presence. He also used aggressive methods to cheer Harry up.

After Draco Malfoy said a few words, not only Ron blushed, but also Harry's scary white face turned red.

Qing Zhang didn't answer Hermione's question, because he saw a lot of Rackvenlaw girls covering their faces and looking at the back of Draco leaving. Such nonsense.

"Let's go!" Qing Zhang pulled Hermione and the others up the stone steps to the castle. .

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