Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

278 Green Pepper's Divination Prophecy!

"Welcome!" Dumbledore smiled and looked at the people below. The glasses on the bridge of his nose were shining because of the candlelight, but everyone could still see the calmness and strong confidence in his eyes at the moment.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts! I have a few things to tell you all, and one of them is very important, so I thought it best to get it out of your head before you enjoy your delicious meal and get confused. say clearly.…………"

Dumbledore cleared his throat, and continued: "Our school has welcomed several dementors from Azkaban. They are sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties. I think you all know this, because they are very important to you. The Hogwarts Express has been searched."

He paused, but everyone seemed to feel the old man's dissatisfaction with this matter, and the rest of the professors were all expressionless.

"They're stationed at every entrance to the school, and I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school while they're there. Dementors won't be fooled by any tricks, gimmicks, or disguises, well, including the invisibility cloak."

When talking about the "Invisibility Cloak", Harry felt that Dumbledore seemed to look at him, but Harry didn't take it seriously, he was even thinking, why everyone thought he was going to die Get out!? Obviously he doesn't want to have any contact with those monsters, oh, dementors.

However, Dumbledore didn't think about the rebellious boy's thoughts at this moment. He continued: "The nature of dementors will not understand excuses and begging for mercy. Therefore, I remind everyone here, don't let them have a reason to hurt you. I hope The Prefects and our newly-elected Head Boys and Girls can make sure that no student comes into conflict with a Dementor.

Percy Weasley puffed out his chest at this time, making the chairman's badge on his chest more conspicuous, and he looked around with vigor, like a big rooster.

It was only then that Hermione noticed that Percy had become the president of the Boys' Union, but although Percy was a bit stinky, compared to the other three Weasleys like the twins and Ron, Hermione felt that Percy was more fond of him. It is to do things seriously and not to trouble others.

"Let's change to a more pleasant topic." Dumbledore looked at the nervous faces of the young wizards, and suddenly laughed, as if everything before was not what he said

"I am delighted to welcome two new teachers to our squad this term."

"First, Professor Lupine, who readily agreed to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

There were several indifferent and sparse applause in the auditorium. Only the students in the same compartment as Professor Lu Ping on the train clapped their hands more vigorously. After all, the other teachers were all wearing their best robes, and Professor Lupine looked even more ragged and out of place sitting next to them, and even Hagrid, a stupid big man, was more glamorous than him.

It's like a beggar walked into a banquet hall and stood with the gentlemen and ladies.

Ron and Harry noticed that Snape, that annoying greasy bat, was looking at Professor Lupine with hatred and hostility, which had only appeared when he was looking at Harry before.

In this regard, Ron and Harry guessed that it must be because the poor and innocent Professor Lupine robbed Snape of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position that Snape had been thinking about, and the whole college knew that Snape had always wanted to get the entire position.

"As for our second new teacher... before I go again I regret to inform you that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher Professor Keitel Byrne retired at the end of last term (cabd) in order to have more Lots of time to enjoy her old arms and legs."

"Now, however, I am pleased to announce that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to accept the teaching position in addition to his duties as gamekeeper."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the audience was silent for a moment, and then there was warm applause led by Gryffindor. Well, the applause at the Gryffindor table was particularly warm.

Hermione was stunned the whole time, and she only now noticed that Hagrid was sitting at the faculty desk. Oh, of course, he used to be the hunter guard, and he actually sat here too, but usually he was on the farthest side, and Same as Filch.

Hermione wanted to do something now, something that she thought was very rude.

She wanted to rush up to the stage and grab Dumbledore's beard and ask, "Old man, are you serious!?"

"I just said why, I used that kind of biting book as a teaching material..." Hermione sputtered in a super speechless voice.

She could almost foresee how the upcoming Care of Magical Creatures class would be such a disaster, and it was likely to repeat the scene of Lockhart in the second year. It's a pity that the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class is not an elective class. Even if Hermione doesn't want to take it, she still has to go.

"Okay, there are so many important things, let's have a banquet!" Dumbledore finally said loudly.

The next morning, when Qing Zhang and Hermione walked into the auditorium for breakfast, they saw Draco Malfoy at a glance. But when Harry and Ron appeared, they got louder and louder.

He would even deliberately pretend to faint suddenly when Harry and the others passed by, causing everyone to laugh.

"It's really boring." Hermione raised her eyes and glanced at the daily confrontation over there. She really didn't understand why Draco was so keen on doing this kind of thing. Could it be that he was really like what the Ravenclaw seniors said, Do you just want to get Harry's attention!? Just like some little boys will deliberately pull the pigtails of the girls they like!?

To be honest, Hermione couldn't get the cuteness between the two boys.

Oh, and with Ron, there are three.

However, Hermione obviously didn't intend to join the group either. After she finished complaining, she took out her new class schedule and looked at it [Others were also taken aback by the full class above.

Hannah stammered, " this a little too much!?"

Almost all the courses that can be taken in the third grade are listed above, and the scumbags not only shed tears but also feel dizzy when they see it.

Justin patted Qing Zhang on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Dude, now I believe you are a Hufflepuff, really, compared to Hermione, you are really an ordinary person

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Of course, did you know that the first day!? I thought it was obvious that I was an ordinary person."

Susan Justin and the others rolled their eyes at this, please be a little self-aware!

Qing Zhang didn't care that these little animals were full of complaints, he pointed to the Divination class on Hermione's schedule and said, "Hermione, if you don't plan to give up other classes, I suggest you give up this class Elective, it's not for you!"

Hermione frowned, but she wasn't angry, because Qing Zhang wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, "Why!?"

"Professor Sybill Trelawney is the type you can't handle, and the divination class she is in charge of is not the type you think. There won't even be books to teach you too much. After all, there are many kinds of divination. But Professor Trelawney is good at the more emotional ones. For people who are more inclined to focus on rationality, you will feel very hard and headache in her class, and you even think that every word she says is a joke. Mysterious, false, and deceitful."

"Is that an exaggeration, man!?" Justin and Ernie looked at each other.

The others also looked at Qing Zhang with half-understanding and half-believing eyes.

Qing Zhang took out a generation of salt and handed it in front of Hermione, "You can grab a handful of salt and put it on the table. I will demonstrate a divination and you will know."

After some hesitation, Hermione grabbed a handful obediently, and placed it on the table casually.

Qing Zhang smiled and pointed to the salt on the table and asked, "Did you see anything!?"

"Small hill!?"


Everyone chattered about their opinions, but Hermione kept frowning and didn't say anything.

Qing Zhang shook his head and said, "The future is unknown, but before the chosen node appears, everything is doomed. According to the saying in my hometown, the fate of a person will be related to things that are closely related to her." , The rest of the world has been telling us some information, but he can't directly give accurate language or words, and when we interpret, we can only guess as much as we can because we can't fully understand the other party's answer."

Seeing that everyone still looked ignorant, only Luna seemed to have bright eyes, Qing Zhang shook her head with a smile, "I'll tell you now, later you will be told by Professor Trelawney in the divination class You are not suitable, and she will say to you, "Please forgive me, honey, I see a small aura around you, and I don't have much perception of the future."

Seeing everyone was shocked, Qing Zhang pouted at Draco Malfoy, who hadn't left yet, and motioned for everyone to look, "There's Malfoy over there, he's passing Ravenclaw's dining table right now, I saw that his seal was blackened, and I could foresee that he would be injured and even bleed because of things related to eagles in the near future."

"And there's Harry Potter over there, who is predicted to die because of that stupid hair standing on his head."

"Okay, I've told you the result of the divination. You can deduce it from the result to see if there is any correspondence between these salts and Malfoy!? If you can't find it or figure it out, it means you I don't have any talent in divination, so I don't need to waste time. As for how I came to this answer, I'm sorry, there is too much knowledge to supplement in this area, and even if it is a native of my hometown, it may not be all. It is too profound to be able to master it, and it goes against common sense and some things we know, if you learn it hard, you will only mess up your mind."

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