Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

279 Hermione: The Moment I Saw The Eagle's Head, I Knew That Malfoy's Disaster Was Coming!

Soon, Qing Zhang's divination was verified.

First of all, in the divination class in the morning, Hermione was really shocked, because she found that it was true what Qing Zhang said, she and some classmates such as Ron Weasley, who were scumbags

They are all ignorant, and have no idea what Professor Trelawney is teaching.

Even Hermione felt that she was not as good as Ron, because at least the other party could think of something from the ridiculous tea trace, but she felt very uncomfortable seeing the tea trace or the tea trace.

Not to mention that every exaggerated movement of Professor Trelawney disgusted Hermione, and she felt that the other party was a liar or a lunatic. In short, she didn't look like a professor.

Her own failure, coupled with the psychological gap, made Hermione's complexion not very good.

In the end, perhaps because her disgust was too obvious, Professor Trelawney also noticed her, and bluntly said the sentence that Qing Zhang predicted before

"Forgive me for saying this, dear, but I see a very small aura around you, with little perception of the future.

Professor Trelawney gave a death sentence to Hermione's future in divination, thinking that it would be a waste of time for Hermione to continue to bite the bullet and study.

Hermione was not too angry, perhaps because of Qing Zhang's psychological construction in class, or because Hermione herself felt that she would not come again, she felt a lot more relaxed unexpectedly, although it was still because she would If there are shortcomings, it's just to feel frustrated.

However, Qing Zhang's divination did not end here, because Professor Trelawney also predicted Harry Potter's death in the divination class, which made many people who heard Qing Zhang's nonsense in the morning during lunch After the divination and prophecy, the little wizards who were skeptical shouted in disbelief.

As long as Draco Malfoy is also fulfilled, then Qing Zhang will undoubtedly be a master of divination. For this, the little wizards are looking forward to it very much. As for reminding Draco Malfoy, well, everyone and others The relationship between them is not good, anyway, there is no life safety, and there is no need to remind.

And maybe they were reminded with good intentions in the past, but they still can't fall, and they are ridiculed, so that they can stop meddling in their own business and do their own thing.

After lunch, Harry was happy to be outside the castle. This was the first class in their lives on the protection of magical animals, and he swept away the irritability and gloom after the divination class in the morning.

The rain had stopped, the sky was a refreshing light gray color, and the green grass under my feet was wet and elastic to step on.

But this kind of good mood disappeared after he arrived at Hagrid's hut by the edge of the Forbidden Forest, because they had to attend this class with the Slytherin students. For the first time, Harry wondered if someone had arranged it on purpose, and he hated this person.

Malfoy was talking to Crabbe and Goyle with gusto, making them both grin and giggle, and everyone knew what joke he was talking about, because the other had been saying the same thing since the first day of school, and this obsession made them laugh. People are confused.

He seems to love Harry Potter too deeply.

Hagrid stood at the door of the hut and waited for the students. He was wearing his moleskin overcoat, and Fang the Hound stood at his feet, looking impatient to go.

"Come on, come on, hurry up!" he yelled as the students approached, "I have something good to show you today! This class is wonderful! Is everyone here!? Well, follow me bring it on!"

Hermione frowned, and wanted to say something. Like the other hesitant students, she thought that Hagrid was going to lead them into the Forbidden Forest, and she felt panicked and speechless. Because of Hermione's observation

Hagrid would definitely do such a thing, especially when the other party was overwhelmed with excitement.

In fact, as a good student, Hermione has never entered the Forbidden Forest, but the legend of the Forbidden Forest has never stopped, especially the rumor that there was an acromander in it.

Acromantula are thought to have been bred by wizards, possibly to guard their homes or treasures. Other monsters, often created by magic, serve this purpose as well. Although acromanders have intelligence close to that of humans, they cannot be domesticated and are therefore highly dangerous to wizards and Muggles alike.

Like the fire dragon, it is listed in the highest level of danger in "Where and Where to Find Fantastic Beasts" written by magical zoologist Newt Scamander, which is a 5X-level creature.

In fact, this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that there are obviously more than one dangerous creature like the acromantula in the Forbidden Forest, so Hermione has never agreed with the students in her college who show off their adventures in the Forbidden Forest. complacent.

It's a pity that unless she makes a small report to Professor McGonagall, she can't stop these energetic and adventurous little lions at all.

Just when Hermione was wondering whether to warn Hagrid aloud not to do it. Fortunately, Hagrid just walked around the edge of the woods. After about five minutes, they found that they had come to the outside of a small paddock, and there was nothing inside.

"Everyone gather around this fence!" Hagrid yelled. "That's right - make sure you can see. Well, first you need to open your books...  …"

"How to open it!?" Draco Malfoy's slightly sarcastic voice interrupted Hagrid's words. He raised his head and looked at the tall and burly Hagrid, as if he had reversed the height difference. He was the one. people looking down.

"Uh!?" Hagrid didn't know why, so how to open the book still needs to be taught!? It doesn't matter if you have a hand!?

"I said how do we open the textbooks!?" Malfoy asked again. He took out his "Monster Book of Monsters" which was bound with string.

Other students also took out their textbooks. Some, like Harry, bundled the books tightly, and others stuffed them into narrow, tight bags, or clamped them with big clips. Among them, Hermione is the most eye-catching, because she is walking the dog while holding the leash, no, she is walking the book.

She was always holding a thick and big wooden stick in her hand. Whenever the ghost book showed signs of awakening, she would go down with the stick in the head with ease, and saw the little wizards beside her unconsciously take half a step back.

"This is probably the book she least regrets in her life." Ron whispered maliciously to Harry.

Harry nodded, because Harry had seen that Hermione was very careful every time she read a book, for fear of breaking it, or dropping some food scraps to make it dirty, dragging it like this, and using a wooden stick Knocking is really very strange.

The corners of Hagrid's mouth twitched, he looked at these students with some disappointment, especially the little wizards among them who watched Hermione's behavior eagerly, "You -- none of you can open the textbook correctly?" !?"

Obviously he didn't agree with Hermione's approach.

The students from both colleges shook their heads and answered Hagrid's boring question, "Professor is not written in the book!"

"Touch them." Hagrid was a little disappointed, but he still cheered up and showed these little wizards a demonstration.

In the meantime, he took Harry's textbook and tore off the magic tape and string that was bound on it. The textbook opened his mouth to bite, Hagrid stroked down the spine of the book with his thick index finger, the textbook trembled, and lay quietly on his palm.

0 Seeking flowers……………

"Oh, what fools we all are!" sneered Malfoy, should have touched them! Why didn't we guess that!"

Hermione hated Malfoy's pretentiousness very much, but I have to say that this time the other party was right, Hagrid shouldn't be using such a dangerous book, even as a third grader, but obviously everyone It's not Hagrid, who can't be as calm and confident as he is, and respond accurately. Take Neville as an example. Hermione thinks that Neville will definitely make a mistake and get hurt.

Because Neville always screwed up a lot of things.

"I . . . I think they're pretty funny," Hagrid said to Harry uneasily, as if trying to win Harry's approval.

"That's right, it's so much fun!" Malfoy raised his hands and shouted without waiting for Harry to say anything, "It's so much fun, the textbooks for us want to tear our hands off!

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry said softly. Hagrid looked downcast, and Harry wished Hagrid a successful first lesson.

"Okay then," said Hagrid, seemingly bewildered, "then...then you've got your textbooks, what's needed is Fantastic Beasts. Yeah, I'm going to bring them right now. Wait a minute..."

Saying that Hagrid left them, walked into the Forbidden Forest and disappeared.

"My God, the school is doomed," Malfoy exclaimed. "That idiot is teaching, and my dad is going to have a heart attack, huh."

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry said again.

"Be careful, Potter, there's a dementor behind you, oh, it's coming, hahaha..." Malfoy laughed even louder.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" Miss Lavender Brown suddenly pointed to the opposite side of the paddock and screamed, drawing the students' attention away from Malfoy and Harry's falling in love and killing each other.

The actual value animal came trotting towards them, we have never seen such a strange animal. They have the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of an eagle. Their sharp beaks are the color of steel, and their large, bright eyes are orange. The claws on their forelegs are about ten feet long, making them formidable to look at.

Around each monster's neck was a thick leather collar, fastened by a long chain. All the chains were in Hagrid's big hands now, and he followed the monsters slowly into the paddock.

"Come on, over there!" he roared, dangling his chain, urging the monsters toward the fence where the little wizards stood. Hagrid approached and tied the monsters to the fence. The students all backed away a little, a little afraid.

"The Hippogriff!" Hagrid shouted happily, waving at everyone, "How pretty, isn't it!?"

When Hermione heard the word "hawk head", she felt as if her brain had been hit by a bolt of lightning. She stared blankly at the big falcon-like heads of these monsters, then looked at them and pinched her nose in distaste and backed away. Malfoy seemed to see a star shining above the opponent's head.

That is the light of the dead star.

Is that guy Qing Zhang really so accurate in divination!? Hermione murmured to herself.

Obviously, Hagrid doesn't know about Hermione's mental activities, and neither do the Gryffindor or Slytherin students.

How many children. .

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