Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

282 Hermione: Please, Qing Zhang A Meng!

Professor Lupine's practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class was very successful and entertaining, especially when the Boggart was transformed into Professor Snape in his grandma's dress under Neville's funny spell, and nobody Unhappy, even Neville felt a sense of revenge.

It has to be said that Snape's popularity in the school is a bit too low, and none of the little wizards present felt that this kind of joke about the teacher was too much.

The students also went up to experience one by one, and there was no initial resistance.

Some people are afraid of female ghosts, spiders, or simply their elders.

When it came to Hermione, she turned into Professor McGonagall with a disappointed expression, which made many students twitch their mouths, and when it came to Qing Zhang, Boggart directly turned into a man wearing a pointed wizard hat A beautiful girl with silver gray hair.

This made everyone feel very incomprehensible, and it seemed that the other party was also a wizard [but everyone searched all the people in their memory and didn't find out who the girl was.

"Funny, funny." Before the Boggart-turned Irena could do anything, Qing Zhang directly recited the incantation taught by Professor Lupine before, imagining the scene of stepping on grapes in her mind, Miss Irena, who was dressed in a witch's costume, suddenly turned into a grape-stomping girl in a red dress with a murderous look on her face.

This appearance made Qing Zhang heave a sigh of relief, as expected Irena is normal if she still looks like this.

The students, however, were so frightened that they kept backing away, feeling that the girl's danger index had risen sharply, and she would be gnawed away by the other party Avada at any time.

In fact, during those years in the mental hospital, Irena was the source of Qing Zhang's nightmares every night. After all, there were not many other memory fragments, but Irena's memory of chasing and killing herself in another world with a fierce face was much more It's scary, just imagine who dreams of being hunted down by a grinning girl at night, and he won't sleep peacefully.

Because the memory is fragmented, even the appearance of Irena in the dream is a bit distorted and abstract, which looks even more terrifying and frightening. The current appearance is perfected after contacting the self in another world, otherwise at the beginning When it appeared, it was no longer the face of a beautiful girl, but something indescribable.

Yes, Miss Irena who has the appearance of an ancient god.

(Irena from the Witch's Journey world suddenly sneezed, she controlled herself not to fall off the broom in a daze, and muttered: "Is the weather getting colder!?

The students were very curious about this Miss Witch, but Qing Zhang just smiled and said that it was a sister he met by chance when he was a child. As for whether she is a wizard or not, I don’t know

Seeing that they couldn't ask any gossip, the students could only give up temporarily, but Hermione kept staring at Qing Zhang, not knowing what she was thinking, and her mood turned down.

But there is someone who is in a worse mood than her, and that is Harry Potter, because Harry found that everyone in the class went to the past, but he didn't go to the end of the get out of class, and Professor Lupine didn't seem to want him to face Borg Special, let it turn into the fear in your heart.

"Neville, come forward and kill him`||!" Professor Lupine finally shouted to Neville, who was watching from behind the crowd. By this time the boggart had turned into a cockroach and landed on the floor.

Crack! Snape is back. This time Neville charged forward with confidence.

"Funny funny!" he yelled, and Neville let out a resounding laugh at the sight of Snape in his lace dress. Then the Boggart suddenly exploded, turned into countless strands of fine smoke, and disappeared.

"Excellent!" said Professor Lupine loudly, and the class applauded enthusiastically. "Excellent, Neville. The students are doing well too. Let me see... five points for Gryffindor, Hedge." Five points for Patch, too, for everyone overpowering the Boggart - oh, right! Ten points for Neville, because he overpowered the Boggart twice."

"Professor, I didn't do anything." Harry looked at Lupine wonderingly, trying to remind him that he hadn't participated in the practical activities and it was over.

"No, you stood in front of Neville before class, you were very brave, and you put your life on the line for your friends, so you have a share of the honor, Harry. Well, it's time. Everyone is doing well, this class Very successful class, homework, Qing read the chapter on Boggarts, and then summarize in simple words... Monday is called, that's all, everyone can leave class."

The students chatted excitedly and left the staff lounge. But Harry felt depressed. Professor Lupine deliberately didn't let him deal with the Boggart, and would rather let Neville go up twice. Why!? Could it be because he saw himself fainting on the train and thought he didn't What ability!? Did he think he would faint again!?

However, the other students didn't seem to notice anything.

Everyone is more concerned about Qing Zhang's gossip, they always feel that the silver-haired beautiful girl must have some serious relationship with Qing Zhang, they can't compare to Harry, they like eating melons more, and they are still like Qing Zhang God's big melon is even more delicious.

For this, Qing Zhang was very helpless. To be honest, his relationship with Irena really had nothing to do with him. It was his own business. What did Qingjiao have to do with him!? He didn’t even talk to Irena, Dreams don't count.

Fortunately, Hogwarts has a lot of melons every day. After Qing Zhang couldn't get further talk, it gradually faded away, and the attention of the people who eat melons also shifted to other things.

In no time, Defense Against the Dark Arts was most everyone's favorite subject, except for Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherin cronies who were still speaking ill of Professor Lupine.

"Look what his robes have become!?" Malfoy said deliberately so that everyone could hear him as Professor Lupine passed by. "He's dressed like our old elf."

There was a house elf named Dobby in the Malfoy family, but it disappeared at the end of last term because Dobby betrayed their family for Harry. So, Draco Malfoy is making a pun at the moment, targeting Lupine more because he has a good relationship with Harry.

However, no one except them cared that Professor Lupine's robes were patched and badly frayed. His next few classes were as lively and interesting as the first class, making everyone completely come out of Lockhart's shadow.

After learning the Boggart, everyone learned about the red hat, which is an ugly little thing like a goblin. It seems that most magical creatures in this world are very ugly. They would lurk in places where blood had been shed, in castle dungeons, in the tunnels of abandoned battlegrounds, waiting to bludgeon the lost.

After the red hat, everyone moved on to the kaba, a reptile that lives in water and looks like a scaly monkey with webbed hands, ready to strangle any unsuspecting person wading through their ponds. , Some places also call them water monkeys or "water ghosts", but this is how they are called on the Muggle side.

However, as happy as everyone was in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, how bad it was when it came to Potions class. Snape was in a particularly bad mood these days, and everyone knew why. News of the Boggart taking his form and Neville dressing it up in his grandmother's clothes quickly spread like wildfire through the school.

Snape didn't seem to think it was fun at all. From then on, whenever he heard Professor Lupine's name mentioned, his eyes glared viciously, and now he was even more determined to find fault with Neville.

However, in addition to these, there is another thing that, with the divination class this semester, the prediction of Harry Potter's death has become more and more serious. I don't know if it was a joke or I really believed it. Anyway, many people They were secretly betting on when Harry would die.

Some people even went to Qing Zhang specifically to ask him to divination for Harry again. It seems that it was precisely because Qing Zhang praised Professor Trelawney last time that everyone believed in what Professor Trelawney told Harry. The death notice, as for the big dog that brought disaster in the divination, many people guessed that it was raised by Hagrid, and persuaded Harry not to go to Hagrid's hut during this time.

Even Professor McGonagall said that, which made Harry very annoyed, even though Professor McGonagall had comforted them before that Professor Trelawney was a crazy liar, and said that every year there would be a ( Got it) A student was predicted by her to die, but they didn't die when they graduated.

By the way, I heard that Quirrell used to be one of them, uh... Hermione shuddered suddenly, she didn't believe it, and looked at Harry with some pity, because Hermione remembered the first grade The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Quirrell is indeed dead.

This made her disdain for Professor Trelawney, and even disbelieve her, very entangled.

The protection of magical animals class is listed as one of the most unpopular classes. It's not that Hagrid took everyone to contact some super dangerous magical animals, such as his good friend acromantula. But after the exciting first class, the class became particularly boring.

Hagrid seemed to have lost heart. Now, everyone is just learning lesson after lesson how to take care of Flobber caterpillars, which must be the most boring animals in the world. Even the good student Hermione couldn't accept it, and felt that she could even dream about these nasty bugs in her dreams.

To be honest, Hermione was a little worried that they only learned how to take care of Flobber caterpillars this semester, and wondered if they would think that there was only such a magical animal as Flobber caterpillars in the whole world, and it shouldn't be too bad.

In this regard, Hermione felt that she had to do something, but she found Qing Zhang A Meng. .

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