In early October, the minds of most of the four Hogwarts houses were preoccupied by another matter.

That is, the Quidditch team will select new players or alternate players from the second graders. After all, the sixth graders will be promoted to the seventh grade this year, which is the last grade, and the previous seventh graders have already graduated. The departure of some core members of the Quidditch team will cause a major reshuffle of the Quidditch team.

Of course, they have been working hard for the exam in their senior years. If they don't like Quidditch too much, they should not continue to participate in this kind of time, unless they plan to become Quidditch players and join a team after graduation.

However, these have nothing to do with Qing Zhang and Hermione. Qing Zhang refused the invitation of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as always. After all, he would be too bullying if he went up. Can catch the Snitch!?

Of course, part of the reason is that the Quidditch team training will take up a lot of his time, which is undoubtedly very painful, especially when Qing Zhang himself is not very interested in this sport.

As for Hermione, oh, everyone knows that she is from Miss Chocobo, she is already gratifying to be able to fly, don't make it difficult for her to play Quidditch.

The weather is getting colder, the rain is increasing, and the nights are getting darker.

Under such circumstances, the daily training of the Quidditch teams of the four academies has become very difficult. Qing Zhang has seen these people braving the wind and rain, sitting there for various trainings, getting muddy and wet all over their bodies. , and often went to Madam Pomfrey's to get medicine for typhoid fever, which has been talked about for a long time.

So, there is nothing wrong with not participating.

Time passed in an orderly manner, and the days gradually calmed down. If the dementors outside were not still there, many people, including Harry Potter, would have almost forgotten about Sirius Black.

However, sometimes if you don't look for something, it doesn't mean that things won't come to 77 to find you.

On this day, everyone gathered in front of the bulletin board and chattered non-stop, basically happy, because at the end of October, before Halloween, they will go to Hogsmeade for the first time for the weekend

Hogsmeade is the only village in England that is full of wizards and no Muggles. It is a very unique, beautiful little village full of specialized thatched-roof cottages and shops. Every holiday, the trees in the village are covered with enchanted candles. The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located next to the great lake that originates from this village; the Hogwarts Express train also has its terminus in the village, and students start their new school year there. Along the shore of the lake there is a path leading directly from the station to Hogwarts Castle.

Of course, the reason why the students are looking forward to it is not because of other things, but because there are many kinds of shops in Hogsmeade Village, or if it can be regarded as a resort village, it is easier to understand.

For the little wizards who can only stay at Hogwarts College, it is obviously a great thing to be able to go outside for a while, which will give them somewhere to spend their pocket money, instead of having to spend their pocket money every time. When the big holiday comes, go to Diagon Alley.

However, just like this when everyone was happily talking about the upcoming weekend trip, Hermione hugged her Crookshanks pancake-faced cat, and approached Qing Zhang in a bad mood. As for Hufflepuff here No one cared about Qi's common room.

Hufflepuff, like Ravenclaw, welcomes people from other colleges to visit, as long as they are not here to cause trouble, they are welcome, but generally there are very few people from other colleges. They need to answer questions that test their wisdom in person. They welcome any wise wizard, and Hufflepuff is here because the outside world agrees that this is a concentration camp for mediocre wizards, so students from the other three colleges will not come here at all. .

That is to say, the beginning of Qing Zhang's class has changed a lot of people's views. After all, if you insist on saying that Qing Zhang is mediocre, then you are trash that is not even mediocre. Not to mention, he is also good friends with Hermione of Gryffindor and Luna of Ravenclaw, and it is a frequent thing to visit.

After coming and going, Hermione and the others also made many friends on the Hufflepuff side, so for Hermione's sudden arrival, the little badgers kindly brought tea and snacks, and then sat down and waited for melons.

Well, the big melon from Gryffindor College.

Badgers who are more sensitive to gossip than ordinary people, I believe Hermione will be able to bring them enough to pass the time. Although Hermione's nose is about to crooked at the moment, it's not good to say that , but for eating melons and having fun, the little badgers will not give up easily.

"I can't believe that someone would be so vexatious," Hermione yelled as soon as she came up, quite annoyed at who she was talking about.

"Poor Crookshanks, you have suffered such a great injustice..." She gently stroked the head of the persimmon-faced big cat, as if comforting a child who was treated unfairly in kindergarten.

"Meow~~~" Crookshanks squinted his eyes, enjoying himself very much, and didn't see that he had been wronged at all.

Qing Zhang stopped stroking his big white cat and asked, "What happened!? Hermione."

He knew that if he didn't take the initiative to ask, Hermione would keep complaining like this forever.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, "Who else!? Ron Weasley, that guy is like a mad dog, you know!? I was reading a book in the Gryffindor common room with Crookshanks in my arms ,He suddenly ran over angrily, asked me to throw Crookshanks away, and called Crookshanks a damned beast, for no reason."

Hannah blinked and asked, "Do you know why, Hermione!?"

After Hermione took a sip of the sweet milk tea, she realized that it was sweet, but she didn't say much. After swallowing the tea in her mouth, she put down the teacup. She said, "I didn't know it at first, but later The other party took out the mouse hidden in his pocket, (cacf) also said that it was because I raised cats here that his mouse, Ban Ban, shivered all day and dared not move, and now he lost a lot of weight, looking happy It looks dead.

"My God, his mouse is sick, and he blamed me for keeping a cat. You judge, whose fault is this!? I have taken good care of Crookshanks, because Qing Zhang told me before school started En's pet is a mouse, so I never let Crookshanks run around, so that Crookshanks can't walk around at will, it's fine now, it's still my fault."

Hannah and Susan glanced at each other, and felt that Ron was a bit unreasonable, and Hermione almost tied the rope to Crookshanks.

Even Justin and Ernie are a little speechless. I feel that Ron has been under too much mental stress recently, and his mind is a little unclear. Otherwise, how could he do such a thing!? Say such nonsensical words!?

"So, you came here!? But we can't help you, can't we beat Ron to vent our anger!?" Qing‧Zhang was a little helpless, he didn't expect this to happen, he Neville's toads were fine, but Ron's rats were delicate.

"No, I'm just in a bad mood and I just want to talk to you." After all, there are too many Ron's brothers and sisters in Gryffindor, and they must be on Ron's side. Hermione felt very uncomfortable staying there. Uncomfortable, even though she had done nothing wrong.

And to make matters worse, her bedmate, Miss Lavender Brown, was also Ron's crush, which made Hermione not want to go back to her dorm too much.

Qing Zhang stroked his chin, and said after a while, "Hermione, have you ever thought that Ron's mouse, Scabbers, is actually something special?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Does being ugly and ugly count!?"

Hannah, Susan and the others burst out laughing, because not only was Ron's mouse missing a finger, but the hair on his body was also bald, which was really ugly.

Ernie said, "He should have bought Rat Tonic for his rats. It's a potion that makes rats healthier. It's sold in pet stores."

Ernie, who was born in the magic world, obviously knows this aspect very well, although he has only kept owls all the time.

Qing Zhang was helpless, none of these little wizards found anything amiss, and they really were too vigilant.

"Not this one, you know Hermione, a normal mouse or a garden mouse can only live up to about three years, remember, it's the maximum, not the minimum, and Ron's mouse, I remember he said it was from It has been inherited from his brothers for more than ten years, do you know what this means!?"

"Damn it, it's dying of old age," said Hermione curtly.

Hannah and the others heard something, and the other seniors who listened to the gossip also frowned.

"Hermione, calm down, Qing Zhang is right, this is not right, even in the wizarding world, it is very difficult to extend the life of an ordinary animal, not to mention that the Weasley family is not Wealthy, they have too many kids."

Susan Burns, who was born in pure blood and has an aunt named Amelia Burns who is the head of the Department of Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, said with a serious face, she obviously noticed something wrong in this matter .

Hermione was intimidated by everyone's looks, and stammered, " there any problem with this!? Even if the mouse outlives the average mouse, it is actually possible!?"

"No, if it takes a year or two, of course it's fine. The problem is that it has tripled, maybe more, and this problem is very serious." Qing Zhang shook his head and said to the puzzled Hermione.

"Yes, this can no longer be explained by mutation, and it has not become stronger or has any strange abilities. It is just an ordinary mouse, even if it has been in the magic world for a long time, it is impossible to become a magical animal. .” Susan said solemnly.

Hermione was at a loss. She just came here to complain and seek comfort. Why did she feel that things suddenly became a bit complicated!? She looked at Crookshanks in her arms, and was a little suspicious of life.

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